Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

SOMEONE PLEASE THROW A DICE OF and ODD NUMBER SO WE CAN EVEN IT OUT ;-: also, PLEASE don't ooc one line on the rp thread. Do it here
Nicoooooooo. You can't just drop out 'cause you don't know what to do. We can be clueless together and kick ass. :D Probably the wrong ones. 
How do you roll les die?

Name: Aria Le'Stone

Gender: Female

Age: 10

Race: Elf

Contractor! She has no clue how to summon anything but spiders, though. So after a few times of scaring the crap out of herself, she stopped trying.

Appearance Notes: She stands at 4'4", and weighs about 80lb. She's very petite, but healthy.

Personality: If you looked up the word cute in the dictionary, you'd find a picture of Aria. She's adorable, and loved by all who meet her. She's friendly, and just nice to people...she's very sensitive, and cries a lot. She gets scared of the dumbest things, mostly spiders.

History: Aria was found abandoned at the very edge of Ellegarde, by a stream. A human nobleman, Lord Damion, and his wife, Lady Alida, found her when they were going to Bran to visit some old friends...they're carriage nearly ran over the small baby. Lady Alida jumped out and scooped up the small child in her arms, and she still says that the minute she first held Aria, that she knew that they were destined to take care of her.

You see, Lady Alida had recently had her second miscarriage, and was heartbroken just a few days earlier...she knew it was a sign. A good omen.

The couple didn't hesitate to move to Bran, buying a beautiful mansion to raise their new daughter.

When Aria was five years old, she started showing signs of being...different. Spiders would show up everywhere she went, making her cry almost constantly. Her mother, being the worry-wart she was, did all kinds of research until Aria was deemed a contractor, and that she just had to stop thinking about spiders.

(to be continued when I'm not so lazy)
Hmm. I'll just wait to post since I wont have descent internet (Or spell check) until Tuesday. I'm on my grandmas old computer with dial up. Dx
I am back! @Rai-Chan she's wonderful! Perhaps add a bit more to the personality? Overall, she's perfect. :3 well, there's one conflict because she would be wandering around at such a young age, right? Not many people would allow that IRL lol
@Rai-Chan This Roleplay thrives off the detail put into the characters, like the detail Pai put into this. It would be great of you could add detail to the personality as well as the history. In her current state, Aria is in the Sue category. It'd be impossible to be loved by all that meet her, as everyone receives hatred from somebody. Her crying all the time also makes her seem like she's trying to get sympathy from other characters. Along with Pai's comment about not being able to travel at such a young age, there is also a question if your character will even last. Being ten years old and not being able to do anything will give her a realistic life span of one day with all the fighting going on, unless someone babies her throughout the course of the story.

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