Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

*huggles Lil' Aki* So adorable...

*looks at Mister's CS* Time to consult with my servants; Sebastian (@Lucem Tenebris) and Cressandra (@Cressy

[QUOTE="Aki Jr.]I think I need help with the history miss paipai!

Alrighty then! ^^ What do you need help with? Ideas? The technical stuff? Your cousin has a pretty good understanding of the lore so if I can't help you, you can ask him. But, ignore that, what do you need help with? :)
paipai900 said:
*huggles Lil' Aki* So adorable...
*looks at Mister's CS* Time to consult with my servants; Sebastian (@Lucem Tenebris) and Cressandra (@Cressy

Alrighty then! ^^ What do you need help with? Ideas? The technical stuff? Your cousin has a pretty good understanding of the lore so if I can't help you, you can ask him. But, ignore that, what do you need help with? :)
Just ideas. I don't know what to put!

I think all the other characters are older but Julien is young so I'm not sure if he can do all these kinds of stuff.
[QUOTE="Aki Jr.]Just ideas. I don't know what to put!
I think all the other characters are older but Julien is young so I'm not sure if he can do all these kinds of stuff.

Well, usually the younger characters are limited to what they can do but Rai-Chan's character is ten, so there must be a way somehow. You're going to have to find someone to either a) take care of you or b) be a lone wolf. Younger characters do tend to be weaker than the older ones though, so teaming up with another character would be wise. Perhaps your cousin, that'd be cool. xD  

Cressy said:
Woah. Lucy is just about to shower, I just got out of the shower. 
Can I review Mr's app?
Totally, my dear Cressandra. ^^ I'm going to go quickly make myself some noodles.
Oh, and @Aki Jr. there's also the option of being a Contractor, which is when you get a beast that follows you around and protects you. :) That way you don't need to rely on someone else to roleplay. :D
MrLlama said:

MrLlama Great app, I like that your put the little (Ew...Cliche) there, I just sat there and chuckled like a dumbarse BUT LET'S CONTINUE TO REVIEWING


*cue sesame street vampire*

Juan!) Personality is a bit off putting, I can't really get what you're going at, us she the a Rebellious and hot tempered girl or a mellow and swift trickster? I understand personalities are hard but they make your chars strengths and weaknesses socially if they interact with others. You can't really have every emotion unless you're acting it out and you're two-face (Batman Reference)

Too!) Your history needs at LEAST one more paragraph PlOX just add a bit more detail to your char's life, I mean I see younger characters with very long backgrounds so 20 years old I believe is simple, just some more PLOX

Tree!) Just a little addition, 5'11 and 145 is in the range kinda but it makes her VERY skinny, just saying.

After you fix this I will Grant you access to *BLEEP*! (I'm gonna reserve it until he fixed it :3) 

[QUOTE="Aki Jr.]~Snip of Adorbs~

Alright Lil Aki I'm gonna lay down the law here, I'm not trying to be mean I just wanna be fair to everyone.

OH and, Tegami Bachi from Letter Bee. I've used that pic before, never watched the Anime just read the wikia

Name/Gender/Age/Class/Race: All good!

Appearance Notes: Can you add a bit more to this like how much he weighs? or if his hair color really is white? And if so can you explain why someone so young has white hair, just for some more detail. It could just be a medical thing? Or magical?

Personality: It's a bit tricky but try to classify him some more, give examples of like when he's happy or things like that, what makes him mad/ sad, try to make it at least a long paragraph or 2

History: You have to make this longer please, Look at a lot of other people's apps then try to see what your's is missing, maybe add the parents names? Where he was born? How did he find the magic book in a public library. We just want details

Anyways tell me when your edited and ill review, if you need help pm me or Pai :)
TheKaosophile said:
Cressy, if you aren't doing anything, I have the server open at
Okay I'll try and speed through this Final german activity and join.


Accepted! May Lemos the Wise show you the secrets of Salisonia!
Oh my. This is what happens when you don't get alerts for a roleplay... Miss about a hundred and fifty posts. o-o;;

I doubt I'll find any time to read all of them. ><;;

Anywhoozies~! I'm finally done with my profile. *cries from exhaustion

It's on the fourth page of the thread.

Shows exactly how much I've missed. xDD

DIBS ON REVIEWING @TheInfamousHavoc 's Application :D

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Should I go ahead and post in the RP thread or wait? :P

I'm like practically getting the equivalent of a panic-attack and shaking all over just from getting accepted. I have no idea why. <33

She's wonderful! Accepted!~


MrLlama said:
Should I go ahead and post in the RP thread or wait? :P
I'm like practically getting the equivalent of a panic-attack and shaking all over just from getting accepted. I have no idea why. <33
Go ahead and post, Yin wants to interact with someone. :3 

Cressy said:
DIBS ON REVIEWING @TheInfamousHavoc 's Application :D
-Review Spot Reserve-
Oh, sorry, Cressandra. I didn't see that. xD You can still review her application. :3
Aha! Yes! *Happy Dances

Now all I have to do is read the millions of posts I've missed out on...

No worries though, I think I might be able to squeeze in an intro post today. :B

I'm off to reading!

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