Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

And then he'll immediately start hitting on your character out of nowhere and get punched into a wall or something.
Is it fine if I just leave it and can say that was how she use to be and then copy-and-paste it into my history? T_T
Eh, my personality is all screwed up and really choppy, but... you'll get the gist of it and I'll try to fix it if I feel like it later tonight or tomorrow.
Just thought of a great one shot idea. A girl has been having trouble sleeping, insomnia if you will. So her doctor prescribed a medication that would cause her to fall asleep. She wants to sleep longer so she takes too much and dies fromdrug overdose.
Including @MrLlama and his LaFlounder. That'll be a hoot.

Yes, I just said that.

And Pai. That's sad. BUT, and that's a big BUTT... That could turn out really well. :3
I have Insomnia, it's kind of fun after a few days once you begin to hallucinate. Until they start to attack you, in which case it isn't.
paipai900 said:
@MrLlama Well, I hope it gets better. ^^
:P Meh, it isn't that bad to be honest. Obviously it does suck once you get like a week with no sleep, but... :I

This bio is seriously going to be bad, I just don't feel that connected with this character. I might kill her off if I ever get accepted at some point.
TheInfamousHavoc said:
A week with no sleep? o-o;; How... wuh... *cannot fathom
I don't remember what it is called, but I remember reading about a form of insomnia where the person literally NEVER sleeps for a long period of time, it was either 18 years or 18 months for lower cases and they eventually just die. 
Oh, s***. I just realized why I'm having trouble with this character's CS. If I start to type a large amount of text that is generally un-related to anything, sorry.
@MrLlama Go to sleep...

And of all nights, a night like tonight has to be the night you send me that picture of Jack the Killer. ;-; 

TheInfamousHavoc said:
Oh my. But that's not the case for you, right? ;-;
No, I just occasionally go a week or two without sleep, though it is normally only three days.
Now I have to close my eyes everytime I scroll down on this page so I don't have to see him.

I think I'll just stay at the bottom of this page so I won't have to scroll up... yeah, that sounds nice.
I can already tell there is a 90% chance I'm going to begin writing long, descriptive crap that is unrelated to anything just because of that picture on top of what is already happening... ;-;

Maybe I instantly do have time to do my CS!

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