Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]For the three Elementalists, has fire been taken yet?

That is the only one. If you're creating it, do you want our characters to know each other already, in some way? I'm just asking due to the way @TheInfamousHavoc 's history is set up and that the Fire and Water people invited her to the group, so we would pretty much have to know each other.
I'll mull it over when I actually get some rest. Now that my work load had been lessened, I can finally post with Vyra! The Fire Elementalist will be loosely based off one of the characters I voice.
Maybe YOU can change genders, I have not attempted to roleplay a female character yet, nor do I plan to. O_o I don't know the feminine mind well enough to roleplay, nor would I necessarily want to . . .
Meh, even though it would be fitting to be a gay mermaid (Why did that make me laugh...?) due to real-life circumstances, I'm going with that thing how I think of girl's as being not as good. She'll still be good, in the law kind of way, but not really personality-wise. 

Ixidor92 said:
Maybe YOU can change genders, I have not attempted to roleplay a female character yet, nor do I plan to. O_o I don't know the feminine mind well enough to roleplay, nor would I necessarily want to . . .
Just remember this. Younger female - Good


Speaking of PMSing, that is why I hate my generation of kids. I was walking home and these girls in front of me kept talking about how they had their P-Blood dripping down their leg in class. Seriously...? Seriously...?
I'm probably going to make a girl if I get more time. I've done it before, it's not really hard then again I date girls a lot and hang out with girls a lot. *shrug* the amount of F*cks I give are limited to 1 per week, and that usually goes to adventure time so. I'll probably do it.
And I bet I only make so many female characters just due to the fact I hang out with almost ALL females, like I've always done, and maybe 1 or two guys, so I'm pretty much a girl on the inside. ;'D <3
paipai900 said:
Oh, well then. *cough cough* Don't blame us and just give us chocolate.
That's like hanging steak attached to a pole above a lion with only a lawn chair as protection...
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]You and anybody else who is playing as a female.

Hm... Is you're character female?!

Now thinking about sexuality, I almost want to make my character Asexual or Pansexual...
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]He is a male.

I shall call on the mighty dice to assign my character's sexuality!

Even if heterosexual wins, she is not being heterosexual! D:<
Aaand I get Bisexual! Well, I guess I get the best of both worlds. ;)

Fine, or Pansexual. >-> Still works the same, I just have to like you.
O.K., I was originally going with homosexual, but the dice say bisexual, and Lucem says Pansexual which is basically the same as Bisexual but not really based off of gender. ;u;

I shall roll once more!

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