Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

Cressy said:
((Not sure who Prae lit on fire, the stailer with me or Lucy? So im just gonna post something short, Im on mobile sorry if it sucks guys))

Jonasu Ahn (Arc) Zixin, Nevenarius Ruins, about to leave

Jonasu stays silent as he observes the scene, he had been able to defeat the Stailer chasing him, jumping from roof to roof until he landed a hit. He didn't have time to thank the elf woman who helped him. Or at least the strange animal who did. He looked at her and the guards that seemed to follow her. She had a sad frown glued on her face as she ordered them to pick up the other's bodies, he turned his attention to a man who was on his knees, one of the lone survivors. He seemed upset, depressed almost which made Jonasu slightly dissapointed.

"People seem to dwell so much on death..maybe you saved no one but you saved yourself, next time you'll be able to save others." He said to himself

He patted the horse he was leaving on. He had wrapped the cut he got during the fight, it stung but it didn't matter. He looked up to the sky and let the rain fall on his face.

"The Gods have truly forsaken us." he said

He lowered his head as he looked at the Elf Woman who hadn't done much in battle talk to the depressed man. He looked at the stailer's decaying body, a large crack on the side, those things were hard to take down... Took him a while to kill this one, the other one seemed to have dissapeared. He climbed unto his horse and rode off from the depressing scene....

As a few hours passed and he close in to Central Bran he stopped at a rode and looked at a poster...he had a shocked look. He had grown fond of dwarfs and considered them strong allies and friends. He changed course. To the Cantilla Mountains.
bettsyboy said:

Name: August M?rkis

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Race: Human

Class: Knight

Appearance Notes: Height - 6ft 4in, his armor has a brown hood, the fabric is waterproof.

Personality: August is a hot-head, he wants to prove himself to everyone else and especially himself, he wants to prove himself as a warrior and a leader, this means he is the first to run into battle, and the last to leave it, he is the kind of guy who'll grab a torn flag on a javelin, give a rousing speech to demoralized troops and lead the charge back into the enemy ranks.

History: Born into the royal family, a direct descendant of Salis Verdania and the 3rd in line for the royal throne August was bought up with the finest teachers, the finest trainers, the finest food and the finest silk on his bed, but all throughout his childhood, he was told stories by his nanny about the heroes of old, when he was tucked into bed his nanny would tell him tales of Jia of arc and other great heroes, he would sleep imagining himself as one such hero, but when he awoke, he was bought back to the dream-crushing reality, that he's just some spoiled rich boy who is to be protected and coddled all his life.

Upon coming of age at 16, August took his hefty personal allowance and bought an old retired general and master swordsman out of retirement, paying him enough to get the old general's grandchildren gifts for every holiday and pay their way through school, August was taught techniques from all over the land, and his body was molded by extreme exercise to be as fit as he can, but even now, with all his progress in these years, he is still looked down on, and it is only a matter of time until his bravado makes him do something stupid.

Often, he will attempt to council his little brother in matters pertaining to the throne, August never wanted the throne, He surrendered it to his little brother before the matter had ever come up, August wants to see the world and be recognized by the people, he cares nothing for sitting on a throne and making decisions about taxes or any other such matters, he is often at odds with his little brother too, as August tries to bring down smuggling rings and restore legitimacy to the kingdom, his brother is a major patron of these syndicates, the only reason he has not been executed, is because if August was to be killed by his brother, several noble families and masses of people would be in uproar, and no-one wants a civil war.

August M?rkis @bettsyboy

Please add more to his personality an go into detail. Why is he like this? What are his weaknesses? Also, I'm not sure if you made a grammatical error or not. Currently, the personality is one sentence long.

For the history, I don't having him born into the royal family will be acceptable. We already have a King of Bran and was the only royal. It wouldn't be good to have so much royalty roaming the kingdom. People would get angry, scared, and upset that their rulers are out on adventures and nobody is currently guiding them.

As for is skills in combat, make sure to tone them down. There will be a lot of powerful opponents, which the characters will need to train to defeat. If your character is already too skilled, then there is no room for development.

Since there is already a King of Bran, anything about your characters relationship with him will have to be removed. You will have to talk to the person playing the King before you involve the character with anything. The King is traveling, so he wouldn't be sitting on the throne. Basically, the relationship, the coinciding, the smuggling rings, and killing each other will have to be removed.
I'm home~ But not on a computer. ^^ I feel great now that that evil test of doom is over. Still have a few more things to work out but I'll be free! Somewhat. :)
O.K., I was about to ask if you had somehow managed to forget about it. o-o

Wait, does that mean mine was some-what long(er)?! :o *cries tears of joy on the inside*
Meh, I'm just going to enjoy my elementary time before highschool. Then I'll enjoy my highschool time before university, then I'll enjoy my university time until my parents kick me out of their house.

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