Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

Pai is 12 so probs 7th grade or something

But either way Highschool isn't as bad as people say. It's actually better. For me at least.

ACT mehbeh
Yup, Cressandra got it right. Taking information from my two older siblings, university and highschool are both completely different and Gr. 8 and 9 are a complete breeze. It's good to be the youngest, you have older siblings to test things out before you. *u*
I have two older siblings, too. :D They tell me all school sucks and that middleschool is the only fun year. :I ... They aren't much help.
Good thing both of my siblings are in university and that we barely even talk with one another even though we live under the same roof. Lol xD
High school in a nutshell.

Freshman year: Prepare your anus. You're going to need it

Sophomore year: Work-wise one of the simpler years, but everyone and their mother will start to pester you with questions about where you'll go after you graduate and what you want to do with your life.

Junior year: Hoo boy . . . this year . . . this is when most of the really difficult courses start to pop up. To top that off, this is when the nagging for choosing your life after school starts to becoming absolutely incessant and non-stop -_-

Senior year: Something of a breather, provided you don't succumb to a chronic case of Senioritis (the general disease of not giving a single f*** about school because you're sick of it). By this point, you've probably decided what you want to do with at least your immediate future, and a number of the courses you're taking are likely related to a specialization you enjoy.

Least that's what I dealt with.
Yaaay, I already have it figured out with what I want to do with my life, so maybe that part won't be so bad? :x
I have no idea whatsoever. I remember wanting to be an actress, then a singer, then a veterinarian, after that a nun, for some reason I had this idea of becoming a brain surgeon (this is when I got into the habit of watching medical procedures, etc.), and the most recent one was a teacher then I was finally all like, "Oh f*** it. Let's just go into business." Now I have no idea whatsoever so I'm just going to enjoy my life as a minor.
... I don't know what I'm going to do with my life. :[

But my mom wants me to be a doctor, if that measn anything. >>;;
My parents own a business so I might take up that if none of my siblings or relatives do that. My brother is taking up engineering and business, my sister's going into computer designing I think...idk lol
My older sister suggested that major in marine biology and have making video games my minor, which I like the idea of .3 so I know what I'm doing with my life, yaaaaaayy
Watch me have a mid-life crisis when I wake up one morning and think, "WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE?!" Nah, but I'm definitely not taking accounting. My mother's an accountant and I've seen how much stress it's put on her.... Anyway, that may be from having two university children and a twelve year old under the house. Lol
Like I've wanted to do for the past ... Well pretty much all of my life, I'm going to go for being a vet, even with the close to 12 years of schooling it can take, and the fact I'll probably be in A LOT of debt by the time I'm done with schooling. And it has a higher suicide rate... yay?

Otherwise I want to be a psychologist or psychiatrist, etc. Also happens to be the top/one of the top jobs for suicide... yay again?

And lastly just some other form of doctor, possibly a surgeon since no type of gore or anything related phases me that much anymore. And guess what, another high rate of suicide!

So, I have terrible job choices for the long-term including my current conditions mentally. xD Oh well, lots of money. (Hopefully. ;- ;)
It's actually not all about math, just puts a lot of pressure on you when you're studying. ^^ Haha! I just want a good paying job that I don't hate with proper working conditions.
Well, I'm fourteen. So, uh... I'll just stick with frolicking in the meadows with cute and fluffy animals. :3

Yeah, that sounds about right.

You don't know how excited I am that you're joining my roleplay, Murfy. x3 Here's your first character's review.


Gender: I am not sexist.

Age: A, O, K!

Class: *thumbs up*

Appearance Notes: Everything's fine over here!

Personality: He sounds like a wonderful character! Kind of like my dog. x3 Anyway, could I ask that you add more to his personality? He seems a little shallow to me at the moment. Tell me how he would react to certain situations, how does he get angry? Does he get angry? How about in his low points? Sadist? Masochist? Etc.

History: Question and exploiting time! :D


Only the monarch can knight someone, so the Kailars couldn't have done such an important ceremony.



Where did Khile grow up?

What are a few things that Khile did?

Why was he fascinated by combat?

Who is John Stanford?

Why did Khile lower himself so much to obey a child?

Please add more since there's a lot of holes that need to be filled up in the history. :) Thank you for applying though! ^^

Character number two! ^^

Name: Cool bro.

Gender: I ain't sexist, bro.

Age: Here's my problem with young characters, they won't be allowed to walk around with no adult until later in the roleplay. Good thing Khile's there, right? xD

Class: What kind of elementalist? Choose from any element and feel free to get more descriptive with it. Example: Water-->Ice-->Snow-->Slush. Lol. Remember that he's only eleven so he can't be this insanely good elementalist. ^^

Appearance Notes: How skinny? How light? :3 Height?

Personality: Add more please! Same as Khile, how would he react to certain situations? Etc. Go crazy with it. xD

History: Another question and exploiting time! :D

Please expand on the hybrid part please. Was his father the elf? Mother? Are both his parents human? Etc.

Just add more and you're fine. ^^

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