Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

Yeah, in a sense we kind of regret ever expanding from that kind of Roleplaying. It's better with more people, but at the same time we can never go back to just roleplaying with only us for too long because it isn't as interesting since you kind of learn how the other person writes.
MrLlama said:
Yeah, in a sense we kind of regret ever expanding from that kind of Roleplaying. It's better with more people, but at the same time we can never go back to just roleplaying with only us for too long because it isn't as interesting since you kind of learn how the other person writes.
How do you "in a sense regret" something?
It's ... It's hard to explain. Go away. xD  
Do you think it would be better to make a thread now and reserve all the posts needed for it or should we just add in the main of it once we are just about done?
MrLlama said:
It's ... It's hard to explain. Go away. xD  
Do you think it would be better to make a thread now and reserve all the posts needed for it or should we just add in the main of it once we are just about done?
Put something in the recruitment section first to actually get some guaranteed support
@TheKaosophile Try to go into more detail with his personality and add things like weaknesses and why he's the way he is. For the history before his birth, I'm not sure if rival clans exist, so I'll be asking Pai to clarify on that. How did his father die? You explained his mother's death, but not his father's. Where did they live and why didn't Lannian go back to a clan? As for Lannian himself, where did he learn his skill with the bow? It'd be pretty hard to learn without somewhere to go off of or the help of a tutor. Also, how did he acquire the weapons he used to hunt? I'm confused on this, since you said he lives in isolation. I also can't say I approve of his ability to tell an animal's mood or behavior.

As for his skills with a bow and knife, I don't approve of him being at an almost master level. Characters will be growing throughout the course of the RP, so have him learn more at a reasonable rate during the RP. Rangers have most prowess with he bow, so his knife skills shouldn't be comparable to his skills with a bow. Also, try and add more detail to his time as a mercenary. He has made a bit of a name for himself, so there had to be something impressive he accomplished. Try and add more to the history as a whole as well. Most of his history seems to be comprised of his personality and his connections.

For Priscea, I don't really approve of her either. His connection with her would make him a contractor and classes are limited to one. I'm fine with his skills in herbalism, but don't make him too good at it. Try and keep his abilities limited to only being able to assist in the healing of minor injuries. Things like minor salves from plants would be an example.
MrLlama said:
So is it more just asking if anyone wants to join, or if they think it's a good idea,,,? o:
If you want people to join it, I would make a post in the Roleplay Recruitment section for guaranteed support and then make a sign up thread. If you want opinions over the idea, I would post in the Roleplay Ideas section.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]If you want people to join it, I would make a post in the Roleplay Recruitment section for guaranteed support and then make a sign up thread. If you want opinions over the idea, I would post in the Roleplay Ideas section.

I'm probably going to wait a little or just post in the Ideas section then because we haven't started writing a description for it, though I could easily do a small one given a little time to do so.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]I wish you luck in your creation.

Thank you. <3 NAO GET TO MY REVIEW, BOI! *whip snaps through the air*

Unless you're saying that and secretly wishing for it to burn into the ground and for my soul to get sacrificed to Lord Satan. O>O 
Holy crap, I love techno, electronica, etc. It makes such good music to write too sometimes. ;o;
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That again. xD

Do you think it would be bad for my friend's character, if she decides to roleplay with her again, to be of a LARGE importance to the story? It kind of goes with our original roleplay and we like the idea, but at the same time I don't know if other people would like it if the roleplay were to kick-off. It doesn't really matter too much during most of the story, and is more related to what we could deem the end of the Roleplay, if it ended at that point.
Right now, I wouldn't approve of that. The character would drag away the main focus of the RP. For an official ruling, I'd need to collaborate with Pai and Cressy, while receiving more information over PMs as well.
Wait, what? My character being the king? She told me it was fine over PM, but O.K. :P  

[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]Right now, I wouldn't approve of that. The character would drag away the main focus of the RP. For an official ruling, I'd need to collaborate with Pai and Cressy, while receiving more information over PMs as well.

Did you think I was talking about this RP when I asked if my friend could be a main-part? xD
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]I did...I have to go read your question again...

OH, NO. I meant our future roleplay. She is too intimidated by the amount most of the people normally post, anyway, and thinks you guys will make fun of her, which is why she won't join this, no matter how much I tell her you won't. .-.
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We would never make fun of someone for what they post. Everybody varies in writing style, length, and diction, so it's unfair to judge someone by a certain standard.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]We would never make fun of someone for what they post. Everybody varies in writing style, length, and diction, so it's unfair to judge someone by a certain standard.

Yeah, that's what I tell her. We never really wrote such giant pieces of text when roleplaying together since we would also use our phones when roleplaying, so we aren't exactly the best when it comes to writing a lot. Well, it depends on the part in the roleplay. There are times we can easily write A LOT and other times just a few sentences. I'll keep trying to get her to join, though. <3 She can be pretty good when it comes to roleplaying, to be honest. e-e
Before I joined this site, I had never done it. I enjoyed writing stories and drawing my own characters, so I thought this would help increase my skills as a writer. It turned out to be really fun after I learned more about it. I still don't feel like my skills are up to par with the rest, but hopefully I can get better.

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