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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos checked the rooms on the other side of the hall. They were far less wary of being apart than Alex and Nate. He quickly moved through the rooms, swiping something here and there. At the sound of the gunshot, he first dropped and then ran out of his room and towards the sound. Kaleb was likely there. He was. “Why’d you invite the mean gun guys?” He called as he dashed into the room and to the shattered window. He pushed Kaleb out of the way and pulled out a nail bomb that he threw without looking. He grabbed Kaleb’s hand and ran out of the room. “Let’s go, pretty pair. They’ve found us.” He dashed forward grabbed Alex’s other hand.

Nate dropped as soon as he heard the shot and the shattering glass. “How big of a group are we talking?” He asked as he quickly moved them along the hall. “Because the fifteen we ran from earlier felt pretty big and they didn’t have guns trained at us from wherever they are now.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex had dropped the second he heard the gunshots. Alex’s eyes were wide as he heard Nate ask about the size of the group as they moved down the halls. Alex felt Carlos grab his other hand. They were moving fast but Alex felt himself stumble and hiss at the pain that ran up his leg. His injury wasn’t going to bear well if they had to keep running.

Kaleb looked at Carlos when he came in. “I didn’t invite them!” He said as he watched Carlos throw a nail bomb as he pushed Kaleb out of the way. Kaleb ran after Carlos, his attention on Nate. “I’m not sure how big, but they enjoy hunting survivors like game. We’ve dealt with them once already when we came in here.” He said, noticing Alex stumble and hearing the hiss of pain.
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Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Both Nate and Carlos looked to Alex as he struggled running. Both had the same idea. Nate hissed what might have been a question and might have been a plea, “Carlos.” Carlos didn’t think twice. He nodded with a, “Got it.” To move quickly in this awkward position, Nate and Carlos together scooped Alex, moving him into Carlos’ significantly stronger arms. Nate squeezed Alex’s hand and dashed ahead of them and to Kaleb. “We have to find a way out of here. Going downstairs isn’t going to work. What do you think about finding a window or something towards the back of the building? Or the roof? Sometimes roof access can get us places others don’t think about?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex felt the two of them lift him up, setting him in Carlos’ arms once again. He hooked his arm around the man’s neck for stability and looked at Nate when he’d squeezed his hand. Alex hated this, so much. But it was especially necessary right now. “Thank you.” He said quietly. Kaleb looked at Nate, thinking for a moment. “If we can make it to the stairs at the back, we can find a way to the roof. From there we’d be in the open for a few minutes but they don’t usually look that high. Especially if they were focused on us on this floor. That should give us a chance to get to the next building and hopefully lose them for now. Stay away from the windows on that side and pray they don’t have a sniper.” It wasn’t the best plan but it was their best shot.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate hated this. He hated this so much. This is what he was trying to avoid. It was not Kaleb and Carlos’ fault that they were seen. They probably would have been seen eventually. It was good that they had two extra people to get them through, especially for Alex. Nate would not be able to carry Alex up a flight of stairs to get to the roof. He would never be able to move them fast enough. He would not be able to save him from this. But he could work with these people to do that.

“Love, they’re going to notice when we aren’t here pretty soon. We need to convince them that we’re still here when we run.” Carlos ran as fast as he could with Alex in his arms. “We need something to make them think we’re still here.”

“I’ve got it,” Nate interrupted. “Kaleb, can you get them to those stairs. I can make it back to you soon.” He slipped back behind them and disappeared into one of the rooms. He had a plan. A horrible, created in this moment kind of plan, but a plan. It would probably work.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex didn’t like this. It was like Seattle all over again. He hated big groups. He hated being carried like he was incapable of fighting. His eyes widened as he heard Nate say he’d make it back to them. “Nate!” Alex tried to look at his friend. “Be safe.” He said softly. Alex turned himself so he was pressed into Carlos’ chest, head tucked into his chest. A way to ground himself.

Kaleb looked at Carlos when he said that. “You’re right, but what can we do?” He was trying to come up with a plan when he heard Nate. “Okay! Be safe.” Kaleb watched as Nate disappeared. He led them down the hall, making it to the far staircase. Opening the door for Carlos and Alex, shutting it behind them. “All the way up.” Kaleb said, taking the stairs two at a time.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate moved to just outside the window, and looked. That was a whole lot of people. He could do a whole lot, but he did not want to have to hurt them. Granted, they were trying to kill him and his people, but- nope. Okay, that’s fine. He pulled off his pack and grabbed the Molotov that was in waiting. Did he have enough for another one? Yes. Great. He put them together, lit the first, and threw it where it would hopefully only hurt that big truck of their. And probably the person inside if they weren’t fast enough. He moved fast out of the room, avoiding the gun shots, and ran down the hall, the opposite direction to the stairs, then popped into a couple of rooms down and did the same thing. How long was that? Enough to get them to the top? His legs were about to get curious with him. He sprinted down the hall and towards those stairs hoping that at least made it look like they were moving the other direction.

Carlos took those stairs two at a time as well. They needed to move quickly. He did not know what Nate’s plan was, but regardless, he did not want to be here any more time than he had to be. “How are you doing, Handsome?” He asked in a far more caring and calm tone than he had taken up to that point.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex had kept himself pressed into Carlos’ chest. He was scared, angry, upset and frustrated. He didn’t even want to know if Nate was okay. He had to be. Alex lifted his head from where he’d had it buried into the other man’s chest. “I’ve had better days.” He said, trying to make a half hearted joke. He could hear the calm and caring tone which helped sooth his growing anxiety. And then he tucked his head right back where it had been.

Kaleb led the way up, a couple more flights of stairs were left, then they’d be on the back side of the roof and hopefully make to the building beside this one and be able to lose them. Kaleb would open the door for Carlos and Alex when they reached the top. He hoped that Nate would be okay, and make it to them.
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Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

The door was closed to the stairwell. Smart. He pulled it open and closed it behind him before running up the stairs. Move it legs, he had to make it up there quickly before those hunters decided to attempt to get up there and find them. If they lived here, they would know the best ways to move through these buildings. They were fighting on their own turf. So he moved. He moved because he was not dying in this building. He was not leaving his Alex with two people they barely knew. They seemed like they were good people, but he just didn’t know.

Carlos laughed like they weren’t running for their lives. He laughed like they weren’t moving up these stairs far faster than even he really should. He would be fine, especially if Glasses and his medical knowledge made it back to them. He was putting all his faith in this guy he only just met. But from what little he gathered, this guy seemed to care about the other one that Carlos was carrying. He couldn’t tell what kind of relationship that was exactly. They stuck close together, they held each other’s hand, but that was still far tamer than Carlos was with Kaleb. So who was he to judge? The point was that if Glasses liked Handsome that much, he would make it back for him and therefore back to patch him up when this inevitably went bad for him. “But you got to meet such a dashing devil such as myself. How could that ever be topped?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex heard what Carlos said. He laughed, hard. His shoulders shook as he did, head still in the others jacket. He was trusting these men, to get him and Nate through here to safety, these men he’d met all of an hour ago. These men who were taking him further from Nate, but closer to safety. He finally stopped laughing as he lifted his head, tears from both laughing and frustration in his eyes and on his cheeks. “I don’t know if it can be topped.” It could easily with the day he met Nate. But his brain wasn’t exactly firing on all cylinders at the moment.

Kaleb made it to the top of the stairs. He looked down to see if he could see Nate. He heard footsteps heading up the stairs and he paused for a moment. One set of footsteps. Nate. They had a few moments they could spare. Nate would make it up in time so they could run the rooftop together. Kaleb had that much faith in this man they just met.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate pushed his way up those stairs until his legs started to burn and then he pushed a little further. If he stopped now, those hunters were going to find him, and they were going to kill him. They were going to kill him, because he would be too tired not to die. So he kept going. He kept going until he easily saw them just ahead. “Let’s move, friends. I don’t know how much time that bought us but I’m hoping enough.” He bounded up the last stairs, nearly running into Carlos who was laughing but also hunched more than he was earlier. He was definitely waning. If they had to carry Alex much longer, they were going to have to figure out a different way of carrying him.

“Can’t be, because look at this.” He ran through the roof access to the top along with the others. “You’ve got three charming individuals who are taking you for a joyride. Relax and enjoy the wind in your hair. And,” he lowered his voice into a mischievous whisper, “relish being in the arms of someone like me.” He laughed and called to Kaleb, “Get me somewhere safe, please and thank you, my darling!”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb let them out onto the roof. He looked around quick, before he ran to what looked like a hole. But it was a drop that connected it to the hall of the building beside it. “Down here!” He said, waving them toward him. He sat on the edge and jumped, landing softly on the landing of the next building over. “Carlos, hand me Alex” Kaleb said, arms up to grab him.

Alex lifted his head as they made it to the roof. He saw Nate with them and smiled. His attention was drawn to Carlos hearing him not only that he should enjoy the wind in his hair, but he also heard his other comment which made him flush a bright red. He heard Kaleb call them over to him.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos bent down and handed Alex off to Kaleb before ushering Nate down the not hole. He stayed until they were all safely down, watching to make sure no one noticed where they went, and hopped down himself. “Kaleb, can you get us somewhere I can take a breath?” He put his hand on Alex’s shoulder and squeezed. “It’s nothing against you. You’ve done splendidly.”

Nate moved to Kaleb’s side and put out his hands. “I’ve got him if you want to scout ahead for somewhere to go. You’re definitely better at that than us.” This was not a command. This was not even a suggestion. It was a thinly veiled plea for very many reasons. He also looked at Carlos. “When Kaleb finds us a place to stop, I’ll take a look at you. That’s not just exhaustion.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex was handed off to Kaleb who held him in his arms. Alex looked up as Nate made his way down, then Carlos after. He smiled at the shoulder squeeze and nodded at Carlos, even if Alex didn’t do much. His head turned Nate when he came over, hands out. Kaleb set Alex down, who immediately put his arm around Nate’s shoulders for support. “Hey.” He said. “I can walk with your help.” He added.

Kaleb looked ahead of them after he’d handed Alex off to Nate. His brow furrowed when he heard Carlos’ words then at Nate’s comment. Kaleb led the way, tucked against the far wall and moved. “If we can get around this corner, we can find a room to hide in.” Kaleb said, pointing down the hall.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate wrapped an arm around Alex leaned his head against Alex’s as he got him back. For a moment, the other two disappeared, because all that was important was getting him back safe. He smiled and answered, “I know. Because you’re the strongest of us.” He poked at Alex’s arms. “The real muscles for days.” He looked over at Carlos who definitely looked conflicted, so he waved a hand with a smile. “We’ll be there in a moment. Go find a place to rest for us.” As Carlos turned to go, he called out, “and thank you. We really appreciate this.”

Carlos nodded, mildly worried about leaving them to move at the slower pace, but even as much as he was drawn to this mysteriously scarred man, he was thankful for the weight relief. He jogged up to Kaleb and around the corner to scout out the rooms.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex leaned into the comfort. He had Nate back. Nate was safe and here. “Am I? I never knew.” Alex said with a small laugh. “I’m not happy you ran back to distract them by the way, but I understand it had to be done” Alex said, starting to walk forward. They could relax in a safe room, right now they couldn’t stop.

Kaleb had made it around the corner when Carlos caught up. He started searching the far rooms first. The first one wasn’t great but it would do. The second one was better, less ruined. “This room looks promising, no windows and relatively decent shape. Did you find anything better love?” He asked Carlos. Having at least one good room made Kaleb feel better.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos checked several of the rooms, finding one that didn’t look too bad, and moving back to Kaleb. He pushed his arms over Kaleb’s shoulders and wrapped them around her neck. He leaned his head against him and shook it. “Nothing any better than this one. A couple equal to this.” He rubbed his face against Kaleb’s, swayed with them for a moment, then toddled away to sit when then ended up him laying on the floor on his back.

Nate walked slower with him now that they were safer. “I had to get you a chance,” he answered a little quieter. Just for them. “I needed to make sure you had time to get out.” What he did not say was that if he had to, he would rather Alex make it out over the two of them. If he had to choose. And he would. When he thought back on it, he knew that would be how he would choose. “I promise I won’t do that unless it’s necessary.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex nodded even if he didn’t quite agree. “I know why you did it. Doesn’t mean I have to like it.” He said, as they made it to the corner. Kaleb was outside the room they’d chosen so that the two would know where to go. “Now Mr. medic, you get to check my leg when we get in there.” Alex said, he was afraid with the sudden movement that he’d reopened it again, it was definitely painful to walk on.

Kaleb felt Carlos put his arms around his neck, leaning his head in and shaking it before rubbing his face on Kaleb’s. He was so used to this that he found it endearing. He swayed with Carlos for a moment before he headed into the room, sitting before he laid on his back. Kaleb waited until he saw the other two, so they knew what room they were in.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate helped Alex into the room. He eyed Carlos on the ground. “Are you okay?” He was not sure how much he wanted to let go of Alex, especially if his leg had not fared well. But if Carlos needed him more, then maybe he should check on him first. Carlos waved a hand from the floor as he sat up. “Check on him first.”

Nate nodded and led Alex to the middle of the room and patted the floor for Alex to join. “Let me see how it is.” He looked to Carlos as he moved to his side as well, prepared to help where he could. “You’re next, so stick around.” He turned his head as he waited and looked to Kaleb. “How are you? You could join us too.”

Carlos laughed. “Yes, my love, you could join the sensual circle.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex looked at Carlos, seeing him laying on the ground. He hoped it wasn't his fault that he was possibly hurt. The pain in his leg flared as he followed Nate to the middle of the room. Alex slowly, clumsily, made his way into a sitting position. His bad leg straight out and the other a little crooked to the side. He looked at Nate, then over at Carlos who'd come over to his side. He knew this would hurt, he just didn't know how much.

Kaleb shook his head with a grin. "I'm fine. I'd feel more comfortable standing guard while you two get patched up and Nate's doing the patching" Kaleb said with a small laugh. He didn't want to leave the door, even if it was shut and locked. He was used to standing guard back in the Denver QZ so this wasn't any different from what he was used to.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos grinned towards Kaleb and leaned back. “Just imagine how it could be. Sitting here. Being pampered. I bet I could learn how do some of that too.” He laughed again but decided he should actually pay attention now.

Nate moved to Alex’s leg and preface with, “let’s just see how it looks.” When he moved the pant leg out of the way, he knew right away it was not good. The bandages had not kept the blood from wherever he reopened it. “Okay, I’m going to unwrap the bandages, and we’ll see how it is.” But first, he took on of Alex’s hands and squeezed it. “You can do this.”

Carlos took the other hand with a nod to Nate. “You sure do,” he said looking at Alex. “Because if you don’t, I’ll never get to see that monkey business. I would be sorely disappointed. We only just met, you know. Now is the worst time to decide to be unable.”

Nate unwrapped the bandages and worked very hard not to react. He certainly had reopened something. He pulled out his supplies. “Let’s clean it up, see if it’s as bad as it looks. They never are.” He grabbed the rags and alcohol and started to clean.

Carlos, very aware that this was a lot of blood which probably meant a lot of pain, pressed his hand to Alex’s cheek and pushed it towards him. “Hey, handsome. Want to hear about how I met Lovely Bones over there?” He gestured with his head towards Kaleb and took Alex’s other hand that Nate abandoned. “It’s a ringer. Though, it’s also a very long story. And I may have gotten into a lot of trouble. My art was not appreciated in Denver. But Kaleb wasn’t like the rest of those nasty guards. He actually knew when he saw quality art.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex knew he'd reopened something. That sudden movement meant it was literally impossible that he hadn't. Alex appreciated the squeeze from Nate and he felt Carlos take his other hand. He was in the middle between two men who clearly wanted him to know that he had this. Alex chuckled hearing Carlos say that he had to get better so he could show off his monkey stuff. "I'll try my best to heal fast" Alex told him. The moment he saw Nate pull out his supplies, he bit his lip. The moment that alcohol touched his wound to clean it, Alex bit his lip hard but still heard a hiss of pain escape. Then he felt a hand on his cheek and he turned to look at Carlos when he felt the push towards him. Alex could feel the tears swimming in his eyes from the pain but he listened to Carlos, nodding slowly, curious even as he bit his lip again. He appreciated Carlos holding both hands as he listened to the man talk.

Kaleb watched as Carlos did his best to distract Alex from the pain that they knew he was in. That much blood definitely meant a good amount of pain.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos peered over at Nate’s work and decided that it may take another moment. “I may have gotten my hands on some spray paint when I may or may not have made a deal with some less than reputable sources.” He held both of those hands and moved them as he talked to keep the attention. “Well, that’s beside the point. The point is that this wall was horribly boring. It was barren and broken and in dire need of some love. So I fixed it. I made a whole mural for the world to see. It was my best creation. I called it The Design. Sometimes art speaks to me. Inspiration strikes and I know exactly what I’m going to create. Wasn’t it beautiful, Kaleb? It was amazing, and I’m not just saying that being I’m biased towards myself.”

Nate cleaned the wound but the reopening spread it. It wasn’t enough for stitches, though honestly they wouldn’t hurt. As he peered over at Alex who was watching this story but so close to tears, Nate couldn’t do it. He could not cause any additional pain. He pulled out the wraps and did just that. “Do you think perhaps you are saying that because you’re biased?” Nate asked with a smile.

Carlos coughed out a laugh as he looked towards Nate. “Nope, it was perfection. You’d have to be there to know. Right, love? He knows how great it was.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex was interested in the story, even as he felt the tears in his eyes, a couple tracking down his face. He felt Carlos move his hands as he talked. A small smile crossed his face as he listened. He would've loved to see it, or any art if he was being honest. He sucked in a breath at the pain as Nate kept cleaning it, and he sighed out in relief when it was wrapped up. "I thought it was a great story, kept my mind off you down there" He admitted.

Kaleb chuckled hearing Carlos talk about the mural he'd made. "It was beautiful, very perfect. Only a true artist could've made it dear" He said with a smile. "Best mural I'd ever seen" Kaleb added, arms crossed over his chest. "I was the only guard who didn't care that he'd done it either" Kaleb said.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos sent Kaleb a smile before continuing. “Hun, how many murals have you even seen? In that god forsaken QZ, there wasn’t anything even remotely like art. It was a horrible place. So many cranky people. But now my Kaleb. He would never be cranky.” He giggled then lower said, “Well, he probably would if it weren’t for me.”

Nate put away the supplies and readjusted to sit closer to Alex, shoulders touching now. “I’m glad he could help you. Alright, Carlos, you’re next.” He patted the spot beside him, but instead of moving, Carlos draped himself across Alex, careful to avoid the leg.

“Really, I think it’s fine,” he said as he wallowed across their laps. “I really do think I’m just tired. Probably sore. Maybe even exhausted. I know you think there’s more, and you’re right. I see it in your face. It’s the wheeze right? That you hear? Not much you can do about that. I just have to be careful. I can breathe again, so that’s fine. Though, as long as you don’t mind, I might just stay here.” He grinned towards Alex. “The view’s nice.”

Nate rolled his eyes so hard it actually hurt. This is exactly what it felt like to have brothers again, except this time, he had one that was not at all that subtle with the flirting.

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