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Fandom Sword Art Online

Did this just waste your time?

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Taiga rubs her eyes with a yawn she looks up at him before rubbing her arm."It's fine don't worry." She answers with a wave.

She hops out of the bed and opens the menu. She placed on her armor then turned around to face Kojima."So how did you sleep?" She asked smiling.

@Ib All Alone
He looks up and says, "It was good." He straightens up. "Thank you. How about you?" Kojima equips Heosphorus and stretches. He tells her, "I am going to the washroom. I will see you in a bit. He walks down the hall and opens the door to the washroom. Kojima locks the door, not knowing the lock is busted. He realizes it was a waste of time to equip Heosphorus since he just unequips it, along with all his equipment, right away. He cranks the knob to the shower and steps in. It isn't hot, more warm, but it would suffice for him. Except for the lack of a shower curtain or door lock.
Waking up she snatched her swords and walked out of the Inn, Taking in the daylight. She leaned aganist the building and stares off planning her day, and shaking off the rements of sleep. She nodded to people passing by, But other than that she says not one word. @ANyine
Taiga looks around before stretching she then thinks for a second before walking down to the washroom. She knocks on the door before noticing its unlocked."Kojima?..." Taiga freezes in her tracks and looks at him with wide eyes. She slams the door before heading back to the room.

@Ib All Alone
Hana Aaryon Hornset

STATS[] HP|| 100__ :: ST|| 100__ :: SG|| 100__ XP|| 23/100 :: LVL|| 1[fieldset="I just can't forget what happened. No matter how hard I try.&quot]

Hana had given a small nod. "You're right."

¨·… ◇·

Location: Inn [] Floor 2 :: Companion: None

·◇ …·¨​

The next day, she had woken up in an inn. She didn't really remember what had happened, but she was asleep on a bed. Most of her money had been spent, as if she had some. Her head hurt and her eyes were red and fuzzy, hair tangled up behind her head. She stretched out with a yawn, not checking what was going on around her as she kept herself up and brushed her fingers through her hair, trying to at least brush it out. Tears were in her eyes, and Hana was unknowingly shaking. She didn't remember much of her dream, all she remembered was that it was a bad one.

She was still wearing Kita's armor, not having anything else on her except the jacket, but she wouldn't sleep in that. Not when she had to return it anyways.

The only reason Hana kept thinking about how she had to return it was to keep her mind off her father and everything else. She made a little note in the back of her head to return it, no matter what. And with every moment she kept bringing that note back to her mind, washing away the other feelings she had. When her hair was decent enough, Hana stepped from the bed, again, not bothering to look around. She didn't even know if Kita was there or not, but either way she opened the door quietly and stepped out of the room, making her way downstairs from the inn and walking out, having flashed a small smile at the innkeeper as she went.

¨·… ◇·

Location: Town [] Floor 2 :: Companion: None

·◇ …·¨​

Hana didn't do anything but roam around. Eventually, though, she had found a really cheap shop where she bought some clothes, totaling her col down to thirteen. She equipped the outfit, it being a perfect fit. The game had setting where it fit the clothes onto the player, so it was no surprise. It was a cute, brown little Victorian dress, and it even came with a cute hat.

Hana kept up her roaming, eyes bright as she looked from side to side at the different buildings around her. She'd never get used to the scenery in this game, it was a lot better then anything she had seen in the real world- except for the sunset on a cloudy day. Those were her favorite things.
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Kojima pauses turning red as he notices Taiga. "Damn!" He thinks, "I could have sworn I locked that." He finishes his shower quickly and then dries off. He equips all of his equipment including the dagger. He keeps Heosphorus on his back and drops the dagger, silently, in front of Hiro's door. He opens the door to his room looking down, and says quickly, not certain if Taiga is there, "Let's go." He starts to walk down the stairs without another word.
Tal grabbed her sword and twirled it in her hand. She started for the markets. roaming around she sighed. She walked slowly and steadly through the crowd. Her senses where heigh alert for some reason, Then she found out. She ran slam into another girl. SHe flipped before falling and rolled. She glanced at the girl. "Sorry." She said as she stood. -i-t-t-0x-x/" data-mentionid="27031" data-ipshover-target="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27031-x- xD -i-t-t-0x-x/\?do\=hovercard" data-ipshover="">@x xD i T T 0X x
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Hana Aaryon Hornset

STATS[] HP|| 100__ :: ST|| 100__ :: SG|| 100__ XP|| 23/100 :: LVL|| 1
I just can't forget what happened. No matter how hard I try.&quot][IMG]http://orig10.deviantart.net/5ce0/f/2014/328/b/7/ia_render_by_chibikiiro-d87ije2.png[/IMG][/fieldset][/imagefloat] [CENTER] ¨·… ◇· [FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px]Location:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Market Place [] Floor 2[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=14px]::[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Companion:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Thalia Kalta [] [/FONT][/SIZE][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25253-lilyannagaming/ @LilyannaGaming[/URL] ·◇ …·¨[/CENTER] Hana had been humming to herself when she felt an awkward pressure hit at her back. Surprised by the attack, Hana completely fell forward, hitting the ground as a purple "Immortal Object" appeared on the ground. Hana brought a hand up to rub her head, muttering under her breathe as she did so. She turned to look at the woman who had crashed into her, before standing herself up and brushing off the shirt of her dress, again, swearing under her breathe. Hana really was a simple girl, but she found she swore to herself whenever alone or thinking no one could really hear her. She turned to face the woman, Hana's own cheeks brushed with a light pinkish color to express her discomfort. Examining the girl and letting out a soft gasp of admiration, Hana's cheeks puffed a little as she smiled, eyes narrowing and her hair flowing around her tiny frame, making her stand out in the place. "That's alright, sorry about that." Hana said uncertainly, still looking the girl up and down. She had never seen anyone so pretty before, other then Kita. Hana tilted her head a little, smile widening just a bit more. "I'm sorry if I was in your way!" She said energetically, a little bit of an accent being put into her phrase. It was something she got from her father, the accent. He had his own special accent for the things he said, and it was mostly because he was actually from England and so his accent stuck. Hana had the accent every once in a while, and usually hated it when she did have it. She had trained herself to speak without the syllables, but every once in a while they slipped. Sometimes, Hana even cursed in English, truly putting out her ancestry.
Nodding, Tal pulled her swords closer and made sure they wouldnt slide from their sheath. She managed a small smile. "No, It's my fault. My Apologies." SHe said trying to keep up her manners from the real world. She unfurled to full height and looked to the girl. "Where were you heading?" SHe asked out of curiousity. She pushed her glasses up and smiled. -i-t-t-0x-x/" data-mentionid="27031" data-ipshover-target="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27031-x- xD -i-t-t-0x-x/\?do\=hovercard" data-ipshover="">@x xD i T T 0X x
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Jack sighed in his room. He was hadn't been able to apologise for Lila's behaviour. "I'll try again later." He closed his eyes to get some more sleep. He'd need it.
Kita wakes up inside her room. She had slept in pretty late. She gets up takes a shower snd changes into her armor. She sees Hana isnt with her and assumed she went to go get breakfast. She walks out the door and walks down the stairs to get out of the inn.

Hiro walks around town in full armor and his sword on his back. He whistles as he walks. He gets weird looks from people when they see his orange crystal. He wonders when it will wear off. Someone grabs his arm and looks him in the eye. "I suggest you get out of this town. We don't want any of you in here." The man says referring to his crystal. "Very well sir. I will leave as soon as it is convenient." Says Hiro in his naturally calm voice.

Health: 100/100

Stamina: 100/100

XP| 34/200


Taiga was blushing before she heard Kojima she nodded and got up. She followed after him quietly before walking up to him."I apologize for embarressing you that was dumb of me." She said fidgeting with her fingers."Were are we going?"
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"Leveling up." Kojima mutters. "For the Floor 2 Boss." He makes his way out the door. He starts going at a slow pace to the edge of town, walking west of the inn. Kojima was currently level 7, but he has a hunch that since the first floor boss was level 5, that the floor 2 one was gonna be level 10. He isn't sure if that's how it worked, but he wants to be safe anyways. As he walks through town, he pulled out Heosphorus. He hears a shop-keep shout at him, "Hey! That's a nice sword, you need some good armor to go with that!" Kojima looks down at himself, and remembers that Hana has his cloak. It was a little heavy anyways. He shrugged and walked up to the shop. It was more of a stand, with a man standing at a window in the front. He asks Kojima if he is interested in anything, and Kojima remembers he is broke. He turns to Taiga, "Um... can you spot me some col?"
Hana Aaryon Hornset

STATS[] HP|| 100__ :: ST|| 100__ :: SG|| 100__ XP|| 23/100 :: LVL|| 1
Why am I doing this? I'm fine the way I am.&quot][IMG]http://orig10.deviantart.net/5ce0/f/2014/328/b/7/ia_render_by_chibikiiro-d87ije2.png[/IMG][/fieldset][/imagefloat] [CENTER] ¨·… ◇· [FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px]Location:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Market Place [] Floor 2[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=14px]::[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Companion:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Thalia Kalta [] [/FONT][/SIZE][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25253-lilyannagaming/ @LilyannaGaming[/URL] ·◇ …·¨[/CENTER] Hana's eyes suddenly fell on the swords, her eyes wide. This girl had everything that made her even cooler, Hana herself was still with her beginner's sword. She really had to level up, but she couldn't do that without Kita. The thought of messaging Kita not in mind, Hana sighed. She felt lost without her friend. Hana then found herself looking up at the woman, tilting her head once more. "Ah? No where in particular, I was more just window shopping. I don't have enough to buy anything though." Hana said, smiling in embarrassment. "After this I might go back to floor one to level up a little before I come back here, I'm a little to weak to fight any mobs in this level at the current," Hana said, not sure why she was even explaining any of it to the girl. Self-consciously she was telling herself she needed to be a little more social to people so she could survive the game, but with the way Hana was just babbling on and exposing her weaknesses, she'd be dead by a PKer when she left the safe-zones.
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Kita decides that Hana was probably out farming. She decides she would do the same. She equips her hammer and walks out into the fields to find some more enemies.

Hiro walks through the town looking for someone to talk to. He finds a vendor at his shop. "Excuse me, do you know where to find the highest level mobs on this floor?" Asks Hiro with his light french accent. Hiro's father owned a medical business and the main hospital was in France, where Hiro was born. Hiro moved to Japan when he was eight. The man reluctantly shows him directions on a map. "Thank you very much." Says Hiro bowing slightly. He jogs down the streets to the farming spots. He hears a noise and turns around to see what it was. As he is jogging he runs into a small girl knocking her over. He grabs her arm before she hits the ground and pulls her to his chest in a swift motion. "I am so sorry. I wasn't paying attention." Says Hiro.

-i-t-t-0x-x/" data-mentionid="27031" data-ipshover-target="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27031-x- xD -i-t-t-0x-x/\?do\=hovercard" data-ipshover="">@x xD i T T 0X x
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(Poor Hana xD )

Tal nodded slowly as she listened to the girl. "I could help you, If you wanted." She offered. Right as another player ran into Hana. She glared at the new comer who ran into the poor girl. Shaking her head she sighed. She glanced around at the growing crowds and Spotted two more players. SHe glanced at the shop they where at and shook her head.
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Hana Aaryon Hornset

STATS[] HP|| 100__ :: ST|| 100__ :: SG|| 100__ XP|| 23/100 :: LVL|| 1
Why am I doing this? I'm fine the way I am.&quot][IMG]http://orig10.deviantart.net/5ce0/f/2014/328/b/7/ia_render_by_chibikiiro-d87ije2.png[/IMG][/fieldset][/imagefloat] [CENTER] ¨·… ◇· [FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px]Location:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Market Place [] Floor 2[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=14px]::[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Companion:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Thalia Kalta [] [/FONT][/SIZE][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25253-lilyannagaming/ @LilyannaGaming[/URL] - Hiro Wasabi [] @Krillin ·◇ …·¨[/CENTER] Hana had- once again- been ran into. She swore under her breathe once again as she almost fell to the ground- once again- but them her arm was grabbed, and next thing she knew she was pulled into an embrace. Hana, dazed a little, squirmed a little bit in the males arms before pulling away quickly, shooting the male an awkward glare and taking a few steps from him. She had never been that close to a guy before without being assaulted by him, and her small body was quivering vividly before she took a few deep breathes and calmed herself down enough to speak. She looked back at the guy, Her eyes a little more dull then they had before he had come. "Really? Again!" She said, voice raising in disbelief as she threw her arms up, defeated. "What's next, a rhino?" Hana complained, sighing awkwardly and her body giving off another little shake. It would take her a little bit to get over what had happened. Out of the corner of her eye, though, Hana caught an all-to-familiar face in her vision. Upon getting the glance at him she turned to look away and stepped closer to the two people she was conversing with. She didn't want to talk to him again.
"Bonjour friends." Says Hiro sounding french as ever. He doubted they would understand him. "Again I apologize, but I don't understand. Have I ran into you before?" He asks. He watches as both girls glare at him. "So hostile." He says.

Tal sighed. "No, i ran into her." She said to the man. Rolling her eyes at the last comment. She let her hands drop to her sides and listened to hana. "I dont think Rhinos are in the game, But them again i could be wrong." She said smiling a bit. She looked at the boys floting orb and froze. A glare in place.



XP| 34/200

STAMINA| 100/100


COMPANION: Kojima @Ib All Alone

Taiga nodded and opened her menu."How much?" She asked, Taiga had been staring at the shop her eyes browsing through it. Taiga looked down at her one armor, in the middle of it held a tiger emblem . She sighed, Kiji had bought her armor for her. She would keep it no other armor could replace it.

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Hana Aaryon Hornset

STATS[] HP|| 100__ :: ST|| 100__ :: SG|| 100__ XP|| 23/100 :: LVL|| 1
Why am I doing this? I'm fine the way I am.&quot][IMG]http://orig10.deviantart.net/5ce0/f/2014/328/b/7/ia_render_by_chibikiiro-d87ije2.png[/IMG][/fieldset][/imagefloat] [CENTER] ¨·… ◇· [FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px]Location:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Market Place [] Floor 2[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=14px]::[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Companion:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Thalia Kalta [] [/FONT][/SIZE][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25253-lilyannagaming/ @LilyannaGaming[/URL] - Hiro Wasabi [] @Krillin ·◇ …·¨[/CENTER] Hana stared at the man, feeling like she had recognized him from somewhere. She stared him down until it clicked in her head. "Wait, did you happen to be in the alleyway yesterday?" She asked. Hana wasn't completely certain, but that probably was the only time she could have talked to him, for that was the only time she had been talking to anyone but Kita. Hana then looked at the woman from before, giving a playful look. "Awe, bummer." She said, chuckling to herself a moment before looking around again. He had disappeared- her father, anyway- which gave her some relief as she relaxed a little bit. Turning to examine the guy who had ran into her, Hana noticed his crystal. She blinked, having not seen the orange color before- only red. She decided orange wasn't good, and gave a little shake to herself. They were in a safe zone, so she decided to not worry as much. The only way he could hurt her was in a one on one.
"Yes I was. Wait, were you the topless one?" Asks Hiro. He remembered seeing two girls in the alley and this girl had white hair so it must be her. "I'm happy to see that you found some clothes." He says. He traces the girls eyes to his crystal. He sighs. "Two men attacked me last night when I was asking for directions. Unfortunately, I was forced to get rid of both of them. One with my faithful Extremity, and the other with my hands." Says Hiro. When he said extremity he motioned to his massive sword.
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Hana Aaryon Hornset

STATS[] HP|| 100__ :: ST|| 100__ :: SG|| 100__ XP|| 23/100 :: LVL|| 1
Why am I doing this? I'm fine the way I am.&quot][IMG]http://orig10.deviantart.net/5ce0/f/2014/328/b/7/ia_render_by_chibikiiro-d87ije2.png[/IMG][/fieldset][/imagefloat] [CENTER] ¨·… ◇· [FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px]Location:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Market Place [] Floor 2[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=14px]::[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Companion:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Thalia Kalta [] [/FONT][/SIZE][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25253-lilyannagaming/ @LilyannaGaming[/URL] - Hiro Wasabi [] @Krillin ·◇ …·¨[/CENTER] Hana's face turned red as she threw her arms around herself and glared at the guy again. Her eyes had teared up a little as well, her fingers twitching. "I-I wasn't like that on purpose, y'know!" She had yelped, slipping her accent into the sentence before shaking herself and growling at her own words. She straightened herself out soon after, standing up and wiping her tears away. "Orange crystal or not, you can't hurt us while we're in a safe zone." Hana said, looking at the ground. "We'd only have to worry if we were outside of a town or something like that." Hana mumbled, shaking herself after a moment and looking at him. "Anyways, did you want something, or did you really just run into me on accident?" Hana's voice was brought up in a tease, any trace of her accent from before gone by now.
"I don't know. For all I knew you were like that on purpose." Says Hiro grinning. "Don't worry I didn't get any satisfaction seeing you like that." He says. "I don't want to kill you, and yes it was an accident." He says answering her questions. He looks her up and down. "Cute outfit." Says Hiro continuing to look at her apparel.
Hana Aaryon Hornset

STATS[] HP|| 100__ :: ST|| 100__ :: SG|| 100__ XP|| 23/100 :: LVL|| 1
Why am I doing this? I'm fine the way I am.&quot][IMG]http://orig10.deviantart.net/5ce0/f/2014/328/b/7/ia_render_by_chibikiiro-d87ije2.png[/IMG][/fieldset][/imagefloat] [CENTER] ¨·… ◇· [FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px]Location:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Market Place [] Floor 2[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=14px]::[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Companion:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Thalia Kalta [] [/FONT][/SIZE][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25253-lilyannagaming/ @LilyannaGaming[/URL] - Hiro Wasabi [] @Krillin ·◇ …·¨[/CENTER] Hana's face was still red, her eyes watery. "T-this outfit was all I could afford." Hana said, sighing. "Once I get more money I'm going to change it, and hopefully give my friend back her armor then she let me borrow." Hana spoke softly, mostly talking to herself. Hana was trying to think of a way to keep the conversation going, her blue eyes staring at the ground while her fingers twitched still, from the contact before. She turned, smiling again to look at her companions at the moment. "Well, either way." She began, bringing her hands back down to her sides. "I guess I should introduce myself," Bringing on of her hands up to rest the tips of her fingers against her collarbone, Hana spoke in an elegant tone, different from the one from before. "I'm Hana," Hana said, giggling a little to herself before bringing her hands back down to her sides.

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