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Fandom Sword Art Online

Did this just waste your time?

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"Don't you dare take another step." Sakura took a step backwards and noticed her back hit the wall. She fixed the grip on her rapier. She looked around it was getting dark, perfect. Sakura's cloak had the power to blend into the dark.

Taiga wasn't offended at all or blushing."Your right we should get a room, anything could be in the dark." Taiga answeres looking around.

@Ib All Alone


HP: 100__

ST: 86__

SG: 97__

LVL: 1__

XP: 23/100__

Kita Shiro @Krillin

LOCATION: Restaurant- Floor 1 :: Town of Beginnings

Hana shook her head after a little bit. Something felt odd, but she couldn't pinpoint what it was. She wasn't sick or anything- was she? She turned around, deciding if she was she could at least be someone she knew, however once she turned around she realized she had no idea where she was. With a shaky sigh, Hana rested a palm on her forehead and damned herself. She hated how stupid she could be, especially in a game like this one. She could actually die here, and that thought bothered her. It was like the real world. No matter what she did, no matter what happened she could die if anyone wanted to kill her. Except for in safe zones, like towns.
Kita sighs when Hana doesn't come back. "Hey take your time. Im gonna be on floor two. Meet me there when you feel better." Texts Kita. She assumed that Hana just needed some space. She pulled out her crystal and teleports to floor two to farm.
Rokoru smiles, taking a step closer to the girl. He doesn't have his sword out, when he wraps his arms around the girl, "Don't pull that sword out! It wouldn't be nice. "

Kojima starts to walk to the small village he was at before. The town had a cheap inn, but it still seemed to be of okay quality. As he does, he checks his surroundings, suspended on the idea that Rokoru was always nearby, or any pker for that matter.

Sakura's eyes widens as he wraps his arms around her. Her hoodie fell off."Pervert don't touch me!" She yells trying to push him away.

"Are you looking for someone Kojima?" Taiga asked following after him. She looked around.

@Ib All Alone


HP: 100__

ST: 81__

SG: 95__

LVL: 1__

XP: 23/100__


LOCATION: Alleyway- Floor 1 :: Town of Beginnings - Floor 2 :: Town

Hana checked her messages, letting out another deep sigh. Sometimes, she felt like she was always just being a bother to people. She slapped herself, vowing that she would not thing another depressing thought. She couldn't do that anymore. She needed to live through this for as long as she could.

She didn't reply as she closed her messages and sat down, giving a few paced breaths before sighing and leaning back on the wall she sat against. No one was really there, probably because they were all on floor two leveling up. Hana herself was
still level one. Hana closed her eyes for a second, taking in the quiet before she felt someone sit next to her. Fluttering open her eyes, Hana turns her head in a flash to stare at the man who had sat next to her , giving a smile at the wall in front of them. "What- who are you?" Hana inquired, scooting away. The man turned his head to look at her and Hana gave a harsh swallow, eyes wide. "Hey, Hana, how are you doing?" He said, voice silky and soft, just how Hana remembered it to be.

In a flurry of confusion and memories, Hana jumped up and whimpered, stepping backwards and shaking her head, as if what she was seeing she didn't believe. He stared at her a moment, his face hurt, before looking at his hands. "
You're wondering how, am I right? I got out of there with a little help, you know. I've got some serious connections." He said, giving her another hard look. "I know you must hate me, but you've got to stop this. At this rate you're going to have a heart attack, Hana." He said, getting up quickly and raising his voice just slightly. "I just want to apologize, I want you to forgive me, Hana. I've changed." Hana, shivering, back away abruptly and shook her head some more, choking on the words she wanted to throw at him. Her eyes were filled with tears. He looked at her, sighing, before he gave a soft smile. "You've got your mother's stubbornness, you know?" He said softly, turning to grab her arm. Hana screamed and tried to back away again, but he was to fast. The cold feeling his hands imprinted on her skin made her shiver once more, her teeth grinding and body shaking.

Come now Hana, you can't stay like this forever." He said, giving her arm a little tug. That was when Hana snapped. She turned, kicking him in the stomach and forcing his grip to loosen. "Forgive you?" She shouted. "You want me to forgive you after what you've done? You've ruined me, dad. There's nothing you can say and nothing you can do that will ever get me to forgive you." with that, Hana had turned and ran off, not wanting to be anywhere near him anymore. She didn't even want to be on the same floor level as him, not even the same game. This place truly was like hell.

With those thoughts in mind, Hana had teleported herself to floor two. She forgot about messaging Kita and just walked around instead, her body shivering. Really, the only comfort she had were the subtle thoughts that she would make it.
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Kita was at the spawn of floor two and saw Hana teleport to it and run off. Kita runs after her and grabs her arm. "Hey whats up?" She asks. She feels Hana's hand shaking. "Oh my god whats wrong?" Asks Kita. She takes her over to a bench and sits her down. "Okay no more secrets. Tell me whatever has you worked up all the time." Says Kita in a strong but kind tone. She needed to know what was wrong before she could help.
Kojima replied, "No it's just... nothing." As he takes one final look, he notices Hana, who just teleported up to floor 2. "Hey, what are you doing on floor-" he also sees the other girl. When did she get here? He must have not noticed her. The one girl, Hana, looks upset. But it looks like the other, Kita, was already trying to help.

Rokoru forces his lips on to the girl's, as her hood falls down. He tightens his grip on her and sniffs her hair. "You are almost as beautiful as the other girl." He giggles. He pushes her to the ground, and holds her down with his foot. He grabs his katana, which is hanging from his waist. He drops down to the ground with her, and holds the blade to her throat as he grips on to her clothes.
From out of seemingly nowhere, an armored hand grabs the back of Rokoru's shirt and roughly pulls him off, holding him in the air. The giant armored form of the Black Knight stares at him, an annoyed aura coming off of him.

"I do not approve of this. Explain yourself."

A notification beeped on his menu, but for now he could ignore it. This man took priority at the moment.

@Ib All Alone
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Sakura looks around, everything was happening so fast. Flipping her hoodie on she then ran towards the alley. She looks around out of stamina, she was breathing hard and deep.

Taiga walks around before smiling. Quests are usually found here at Inns. She had finished the last 3 she had been assigned too a while ago.

@Ib All Alone



HP: 100__

ST: 80__

SG: 95__

LVL: 1__

XP: 23/100__

(s): []Talking to[] Kita Shino :: @Ib All Alone [/font]

LOCATION: Sitting on A Bench [] Floor 2 :: Town

Hana turned when she felt someone grab her hand- thinking it was her father- she raised her hand, ready to slap the person attached to the arm, however, upon seeing Kita she lowered her hand and stared, cheeks a flush of pink for embarrassment upon what she was about to do to her friend.

Hana took a few, choked breathes as she was sat down on the bench with Kita. For a moment, Hana noticed the tall man from before and she looked over at him, remembering the jacket she had borrowed off of him. She itched to return it, but the shakiness of her body wouldn't even let her stand up either way.

She looked at Kita, eyes watery. The things that happened to the poor girl was a lot to take on in one day. "
I-I just saw my father." Hana said, voice cracking. "W-we talked, and I just- he wanted me to forgive him!" Her voice had come up in a wail as she clung onto Kita, her grip tight on the girl's limbs.
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"Forgive him for what?" Asks Kita confused. "So her dad is in this game with her, and he wants her to forgive him. What did he do?" Thinks Kita. She wraps her arms around Hana. "You can tell me Hana. You might have friends in here with you with you but I dont. You are my only friend, and I will be the best friend." Says Kita.


HP: 100__

ST: 80__

SG: 95__

LVL: 1__

XP: 23/100__

(s): []Talking to[] Kita Shino :: @Ib All Alone

LOCATION: Sitting on A Bench [] Floor 2 :: Town

Hana looked up at Kita, giving her a tight hug. "You're my only friend here." Hana mumbled before pulling away and setting her hands in her lap and staring at the ground. "My father- he was- he went to prison for child abuse and sexual assault." Hana said, bringin her hands up to touch as her mouth gently before turning to look back at Kita. "My mom died giving birth to me and so- I guess he was lonely- I don't know but." Hana shivered again, but she had at least calmed down a little bit. She looked around again, honestly looking for the man from before. She really wanted to return the jacket, just a thing she had. Not to mention, who knew how many times they would see each other again in the game? Hana looked at Kita. "Hey, I need to return this jacket, do you happen to know the guy who have it to me?" Hana asked, knowing they had at least talked to each other twice now. Either of them had to at least know what his name was. It made it easier to find people when you knew their name anyways.
"Oh Kojima, I think he went over here." Says Kita. She felt horrible for Hana. She never knew her father would do that. She would have felt the same way around guys if that happened. She grabs Hana's hand and walks towards where she saw Kojima run to. She sees him and points to him so Hana could see.

Hiro walks around floor two looking for a good farming spot. He sees two men talking and decides to go ask them. He taps on ones shoulder. "Do any of you know of a farming spot." The two men reply with a grim smile and grabbing a dagger. "Really, don't you have better things to do?"Asks Hiro. On swings at him and Kojima kicks him back into the wall before impaling him with his Claymore Sword. The other one stabs him in the back before Hiro lifts him up with both arms choking him out. Hiro was very strong and tall. He drops the man and the man explodes into crystals. He tries to pull the dagger out of his back but its in a position he cant reach. He walks towards town his health slowly going down. He finds two girls and one is pointing towards a man. He walks in front of them. "Would one of you mind helping me out?" Asks Hiro. He points to the blade in his back and looks at his fading health bar. He realized that he just murdered two people but it was self defense.
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Kojima hears his name and looks towards the girls. A man with a knife in his back is standing there, and Kojima walks over. He pulls it out in a swift motion, and puts the dagger in his inventory. "Are you all right?" Kojima sees the orange crystal above the man's head. He pushes the man away, and pulls out Heosphorus. "What have you been doing?"

Rokoru smiles, "I was having fun, let me go buzzkill!" He kicks the man, and launches off of him, landing with his katana in hand. Rokoru assesses his skill and decides to chace after the girl. He turns, but it is to dark to see anything. "You idiot! I lost her! Do you want to die instead?" He asks giggling oddly.
"Oh you know killing some people. Just a normal day." Says Hiro "I'm kidding put the blade down. They attacked first. And I attacked better. Oh and I want that dagger back." Says Hiro. He puts draws his sword put not in a battle stance.
Under his helmet, the Black Knight's eyes narrowed. He slowly brought his hand up and drew Seigfried, pointing it at the man. The dark magicks within stirred, giving off a small amount of black mist.

"Reconsider your actions."
"Why should I do that? Because of your wimpy sword!?" Rokoru raises his katana and swings it around, showing it off. He giggles, "Ya wanna fight me?" He narrows his eyes. "I don't think it would be fair. Hell, I will give you an advantage!" He steps towards the man slowly. He goes into the offensive samurai stance. He raises his sword, and makes a medium cut into his own stomach. "Now I am ready!"

Kojima raises an eyebrow. "I find that slightly hard to believe." He looks up ignoring the man as he asks for the dagger. "It's late. I am going to an inn. You girls be careful of this guy. I know you are both strong, but who knows what he is capable of. Goodnight." Kojima turns away and asks Taiga, "You ready to call it a night?"
"Sir can I please have the dagger?'' Asks Hiro kindly.

"Kojima give him the dagger. I don't think he's bad. If he was he would be smart enough to not walk through town with a orange crystal. Just give it to him." Says Kita.

"Thank you Miss?"


Taiga nodded,"Yep." She yawns witha stretch.

"I must ask how much was the room?" She asked looking at Kojima.

@Ib All Alone

"Drop the katana Rokoru. 4 player kills is enough!" She answered from atop a building. She holds "Time Killer" In her hands witha glare.

The Black Knight sighed as he twirled Seigfried and held it against his elbow in a defense stance, shaking his head, the red diamond above it moving with him.

"Very well then. Please, forgive me..."
Rokoru, thanks to his extremely high speed stats, swings behind the man and lunges his sword at the man.

Kojima walks into the town and pays for an inn room, he says to Taiga, "Well, enough to cut my col balance in half." He makes his way up the stairs and holds open the room's door for Taiga. "It's nice to have a friend here." He says, smiling.
Hiro sighs. "And I thought he was going to be a nice guy. Great I lose half my health and what do I get, a jerk that steals my dagger." Says Hiro. He opens his menu and sees that he has an orange crystal. "God damn it." He thinks.

The Black Knight sighed again as his opponent managed to get behind him and slash from behind, but due to his immensely high defense stats, it did practically nothing. He then spun around and gave a large horizontal swipe at him, hoping to end it quickly.

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