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Fandom Sword Art Online

Did this just waste your time?

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HP: 100/100

COMPANION: Seiji Miyamura (@Nai )

LOCATION: 2nd Floor

Kaosu took that his cue to settle-in, for the second time, mockingly opening his menu with a swipe of the finger. He glanced to the bed, where Seiji laid mindlessly, and then back to his menu. It wasn’t the first time they’d slept together, but, it was surely the most intimate night they’d shared, since their interactions today were so.. Real.

With a rather sleepy, or ditzy mind, the boy simply clicked the clear inventory button, which rather than stripping his armor, stripped -all- of his items briefly, and left him to yelp as he dropped down onto the floor and hastily collected his undergarments. After quickly slipping them back on, he peeked his head back over the side of the bed, to see if Seiji had seen. And with a sigh of relief, he crawled back onto the bed, where Seiji slept soundly.

It didn’t take him long, huh?

He was probably exhausted. He -was- the one that did most of the actual killing on quests, and Kaosu had only managed to stay even on EXP because of the party-sharing. He tugged on the blanket, which was held in a deathly-grip by Seiji, whose soundly sleeping had now turned into challenging snoring. “G-give..me..” Kaosu battled, “the blanket!” He tried to tug once more, but, uneventfully tumbled off the bed and back onto the floor.

Kaosu almost regretted opening the door for him, collapsed on his backside and looking up at the ceiling. He was defeated, at trying to pry the blanket free, and instead crawled on top of it. Yet, with the cathedral being as poorly insulated as it was, he sought warmth instead from Seiji, who didn’t seem to mind the boy, or notice, the cuddling up against his frontside. “Good night, Seiji,” Kaosu said to no reply, wasting no time and falling asleep to that dreamless place he longed for. And while it seemed that Seiji was the one who slept heavily, it was apparent that Kaosu was too, considering he never stirred even after Seiji’s arm coiled protectively around his midriff.
The first thing that came to Ryan's attention was the monotonous, pulsating ache in his bag. His eyes flickered open, he groaned. "That's what you get for sleeping against a tree." He muttered to himself. "And now I'm talking to myself......i need friends." He got a sudden shock when he saw his health. It was full! How? He had been half dead before, it regenerated? The shafts of sunlight piercing the canopy above reminded him that he was still lost in a forest. He slowly got onto his feet, supporting himself against the tree.

Suddenly, Ryan broke out into a sprint. His feet pounded against the soft, spongy forest floor. Leaves where whipped up behind him, being scooped up by the disturbed wind. He longed for people again.

health: nominal

Location:second floor forest
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"Do you really trust him? I dont but if you do I wont try to kill him." Says Kita glaring at him.

"Okay cool." Says Hiro. He walks off without another word. He wasnt trying to be friends he was just trying to avoid them fighting. Hiro was kind of a pacifist when it came to pvp fighting in this world. He thought it was a waist of time even if it was a duel. He didnt care if in a duel you cant kill them, it didnt matter.
Kojima turns to the girl as she tells him it might not be Rokoru. Kojima sighs, "I am sorry for jumping to conclusions Rokoru." He transfers his stare to Rokoru. He looks into the mans eyes. He adds with immense reluctance, "Please forgive me."

Rokoru drops his katana. He looks down at Hana, as he wipes the tears from his eye. "See *sniff* Kojima. I told you I was innocent." He looks straight into Kojima's eyes, "You're forgiven." He looks at everybody else, as he picks up his katana. "Now. I guess I will see you *sniff* all around." And without a single giggle, Rokoru leaves.

Kojima turns back to Hana, noticing her arm over her rip. "Oh, sorry. Take this." Kojima unequips his dark wolf cloak, and he offers it to Hana. "And why did you defend him. You know it's him don't you?" Kojima asks, raising his voice, but only very slightly.
"Because she's to nice of a person. She probably couldn't stay mad if she tried. Even if he did try to rape and kill her." Says Kita. She hated that man, but Hana didn't and she wouldn't lose her only friend. She did then think if the enormously tall guy with red hair. He was taller than all the men she had seen. "Who the was that guy. Could it have been him? No because it was definitely the other guy but maybe he was involved." Says Kita refering to the guy named Hiro.

Hiro walks carefree to the inn but stops at a bakery for some bread before he gets there. That group of people was already off his mind.
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(Mind if I join you? @Ib All Alone)

Ryan reached the top top of a grassy hill, having just exited the somewhat sizeable forest. He slouched over, resting his hands on his knees, panting. He ran his fingers through his hair to get it back into position. He raised his head. The rolling apple green hills were like an emerald sea, frozen still. The town stood defiantly a few miles off, the only unnatural feature on the floor. To his left, he saw towering mountains, their peaks hidden behind the clouds, waiting, colluding behind its milky veil. Ryan set off at a march towards the town, ignoring his complaining legs.


HP: 100__

ST: 92__

SG: 98__

LVL: 1__

XP: 23/100__

Kita Shiro @Ib All Alone

Rokoru Akaike @Ib All Alone

LOCATION: Somewhere- Town on floor 1

Hana turned to look back at Rokoru with a weird look caught in her pretty blue eyes. She watched him carefully, her fingers tightening for a moment before she let loose just as he left, turning back to look at the skyscraper-humanoid beside her, detecting a hint of raise in his voice as he questioned her.

Hana despised being interrogated, and felt a strong discomfort at simply being questioned by someone.

She moved her gaze from him to the ground, having already equipped the jacket to herself with a relived motion. She held the sides of the jacket close together to cover her more, the ends of the cloth going down just past her pale-toned knees. She kept her eyes on the ground, throat still raising the stinging sensation to her and feeling none-the-less at least a little dizzy. "
D-don't get mad but, I just felt bad." Hana had mumbled lowering her head in defeat. "He j-just started crying and I-" She cut herself off, moving over to Kita with a quick step in order to avoid whatever happened. "And I was only ninety-five percent certain. I didn't want to blame a fair five percent just because I wanted to blame it on somebody so quickly!" This time, Hana had raised her voice just a bit more in order to show she wasn't exactly happy about the decision she made either, not to mention she felt threatened by the remaining males in the group. The only one she felt like she could trust was Kita. "Besides, it's a little hard to hold a grudge on someone when you're already so used to it..." She said, voice lowering once more and her eyes on the ground, a distant look taking over all the blue.
"It's okay Hana. He won't do anything again. We all know its him, so he should back off." Says Kita unsure. She felt a bit overprotective of Hana and knew it probably annoyed Hana. She would let her do more on her own when she recovered from the events. "But hey did you see that super tall guy at the end of the alley? He was weird. Maybe he was going after you too." Says Kita standing up.


HP: 100__

ST: 91__

SG: 98__

LVL: 1__

XP: 23/100__

Kita Shiro @Ib All Alone

LOCATION: Somewhere- Town on floor 1

Hana looked up at Kita and smiled just slightly. "There were a lot of guys over here, and all of them were taller then me, so." Hana said with a soft chuckle, bringing her tiny hand up to rest her index finger gently at her bottom lip, eyes closed and body moving in a happy sort of manner.

She went back to her position from before all to quickly, eyes looking up at Kita brightly. She had completely forgotten the presence of the other guys there. "
You're like an older sister!" Hana suddenly burst, giving a cute little giggle intwined wiith her statement. She was fine with having someone be protective of her, and she felt that Kita was doing just that. It was a nice little feeling to have someone watching over her, and Hana didn't have any siblings in real life either, so it was nice to feel that experience.
"How do you know i'm older? I'm only seven-teen in the real world. Well eight-teen in a month. You might be older. But I always wanted a sister. I have two older brothers. They aren't very nice. They don't mean to be mean. Its just I can be a bit annoying sometimes. As you can tell." Says Kita smiling. "Oh by the way take this. We aren't that different in height, so this might fit. Sorry if it isn't your type of clothes but its better than nothing. I'll buy you something new tomorrow." Says Kita. She takes the armor she bought before she got her raid armor and sends it to Hana.
Kojima akwardly and quietly says, "Alright, I am gonna go..." He leaves without retrieving his cloak and he teleports to floor 2. He pulls out Heosphorus and slashes an ox in half.


For a while he attacks oxen. Soon his stamina drains and he puts down his dawn-bringer heaving.



HP: 100__

ST: 88__

SG: 97__

LVL: 1__

XP: 23/100__

Kita Shiro @Krillin

LOCATION: Somewhere- Town on floor 1

Hana had only glanced back as the taller man left, looking back at Kita again after. "Well, I'm just six-teen, so." She said, giving a triumphant look.

She received the armor and opened up her menu, since all the men in the crowd had pretty much left and it was just her and Kita, Hana equipped the armor right then and there, the game settings forming it into a perfect fit. Hana smiled, taking another small step forward and hugging Kita tightly, holding the girl in her embrace for a long moment before letting go. "
Thank you." Hana said, flashing a big smile before realizing she still had the jacket. She equipped it back onto her, wanting to at least remember she had it by wearing it. She looked at Kita. "Where to?"
"Well little sis." She says with a grin. "I say we go get some food. If we don't I might starve." Says Kita grabbing her hand and walking out of the alley. She looks back at Hana in the purple outfit. She looks her up and down. "No fair! You wear it better than I do!" Says Kita giggling. She wasn't kidding Hana looked great in it. Kita was still wearing her White Cherry armor from the boss. She walks into a small restaurant and looks at the menu. On the other side of the room there is a tall man with red hair eating some pasta.

"Weren't they the weird ones in the alley?" Thinks Hiro. He decides he doesn't care even if they were and goes back to his meal.


HP: 100__

ST: 86__

SG: 97__

LVL: 1__

XP: 23/100__

Kita Shiro @Krillin

LOCATION: Restaurant- Floor 1 :: Town of Beginnings

Hana winked when Kita called her little sis, actually liking the sound of it.

She followed after Kita, smiling at the compliment. "
Yeah? This is some cute armor you got your hands on." She looks at the new armor Kita had gotten, having not have gotten a good look at it before. "Hey, I like those colors on the armor you're wearing. It looks great on you, too!" With that, Hana puffed her cheeks out once again. A habit she had now when looking at Kita.

Hana followed Kita step for step, sitting by her in the restaurant and giving a slight gulp at the feeling in her throat. She had forgotten about it and it kind of went away, but it came back again as soon as she remembered. She decided she'd pass on eating, unless if it was something sweet and cold like ice cream, and get some ice water.
"So do you see anything good? I'll probably get crab with cake for desert!" Says Kita. Kita had a massive sweet tooth. She was like a small child when it came to sweets. Cake was one of the many things she loved. "Oh hey I was meaning to ask you, what is that little thing you do with your cheeks? It happens every now and then when we talk." Says Kita. She wanted to ask a real question like why she always acted nervous around men, even before tonight. But she decided it was not the right time.
Kojima wipes the sweat from his brow. He stabs his blade straight into an oxen's heart. He laughs. "Finally!"


Quest Step Complete. 250 col and 250 XP rewarded.

New Quest Step.

Defeat the floor 2 boss.

"What? Quest step?" The message disappears and Kojima navigates to his Quest Log.

"King of the Ox. Step II- Defeat the floor 2 boss."

"Well I guess I have to grind some more." At the moment Kojima was level 7. His stats had been raised and he had 1750 health. But Heosphorus, was still weak, and he had lost his wolf cloak.

Kojima found himself in a small village in the heart of floor 2. There were many shops filling up the tiny area and Kojima looked everywhere for the best blacksmith, and/or an armory. He found a decent place and he dropped off Heosphorus, and searched for some armor. He found a place selling a steel chestpiece, leggings, boots, and instead of a helm, it had a red hood, made of a soft, flimsy material. It made him 2 inches taller and 2000 col poorer.

He came by and picked up the dawn-bringer, checking it's new stats. They were a major improvement.

Name: Taiga

Health: 60/100

XP: 56/100

Location: Town of Beginnings

Taiga faceplanted into the wall, she was beat. At least she just completed a quest and earned a bit. Her face was red as she walked over to a fountain. She sat down holding "Survivor" in her hands. She had been saving up for a while, though it was about time to spend.

She got up and walked over to a market. She ordered a sandwich and waited.


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The sun was disappearing as Kojima browsed around town some more until he realized that all the food on floor 2 sucked. He shrugged and teleported back to floor 1. He searched around town until he found himself by a placing selling assorted sandwiches, he stared up at the sign as he walked, checking to see if there was anything he wanted. Finally, he noticed the option "Grilled Cheese." He hadn't had one of those in forever. He decided to by one, but just as he looked down he bumped into someone, "Oh, sorry!"​

@Bella Bloomet​
Taiga almost fell backward onto a table before holding herself up. She had dropped the salmon sandwhich. She watched as it disappeared, she clenched her fist." Why you..." Raising her fist for a punch she stopped and sighed, she wasn't feelin it. She just stood in line with an evil and disappointed face.

Kojima stepped back, "I will buy you another one, I swear!" Kojima bows, and then standing back up he orders a grilled cheese and a salmon sandwich.

He got both and handed one, the salmon, to the girl, he bowed down and apologized again. He then sat down and started eating his sandwich silently, looking down. Sometimes he felt lonely, and he usually thrived off of companionship, even though he usually messed things up.

Taiga looked at the salmon sandwhich before looking around. All the other tables were taken.. She looked over to see the boy who had bought her the sandwhich. She wlaked over and sat down quietly.

She was opening her mouth to say somthing though the words didn't come out.

@lb All Alone

Kojima looks up to see the girl sitting across from him, "Huh, Oh... uh hi. I'm Kojima." He makes a weak smile, "Sorry about your sandwich." He looks down at his hands, holding half of his grilled cheese. Although Kojima was easy-going, around most new people he was very akward and quiet.

"Don't worry, I'm Taiga. Did I scare you with my punch?" She asked taking tiny bites of the sandwhich. She looked over at him leaning holding her sword at her side.



HP: 100__

ST: 86__

SG: 97__

LVL: 1__

XP: 23/100__

Kita Shiro @Krillin

LOCATION: Restaurant- Floor 1 :: Town of Beginnings

Hana glanced up at Kita, blue eyes sparkling in the lighting of the restaurant. She gave a faint smile, lowering her eyes again at the menu for another moment before setting the item down and looking back at Kita, her hands settling down into her lap, fingers folded through each other gently like a weaved sweater. "What do you mean?" Hana had asked, her voice coated with sugar and pronouncing her last word in a cheeky manner. "Like this?" Hana had asked, unfolding her soft fingers from each other and bringing them to her chubby cheeks, eyes flashing with amusement as she presented the puffing Kita had spoken of, her ears turning a little pinkish from the soft pressure she put into the action, before she stopped and gave a soft, toned chuckle to herself. "I don't know really, when I did that around my godmother, she always told me my mother would do that when she was jealous or admiring something." Hana said, giving another chuckle to the thought of her mother- or at least the image she had of the woman- puffing her cheeks out in admiration of something.

The stinging in her throat dying down once again, Hana suddenly realized what the feeling reminded her of. When it first happened, she thought she might just be throwing up, but soon after the hidden gagging she did with no results, Hana found she wasn't throwing up. It reminded her of one day she was sitting alone, playing with her phone. A sudden burning sensation in her had dumbfounded her and she rushed to the sink to drink cold water from the facet. When Hope had come home, Hana had asked her what it might have been. Hope had described to her how a heartburn felt, and Hana had realized that was what it was. Now, the sensation in her throat reminded her just of that, but the length of time that it was lasting made her consious of the feeling suddenly, swiping her hand over to her throat again and giving a harsh, choking swallow.

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