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Fandom Sword Art Online

Did this just waste your time?

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  • No, I don't have a life, so there is no time to waste

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HP: 100/100

COMPANION: Kaosu Gana (@Foxtails)

LOCATION: 2nd Floor

A hum of acknowledgment mixed with the warm miscellaneous air of the sun-dry plains, managed to escape past Seiji’s ivory-soft lips.

Seiji, upon entering SAO hadn’t said much throughout their small adventure, the occasional remote command of ‘
let’s move on’ or ‘don’t fall behind’, usually fell into his usual discord of vocabulary. But it wasn’t because of any immobilizing ultimatum or significant climatic event, on the contrary, the meaningless brawls, the savage acts of mayhem, and the narcissistic tyrannical attempts fueled his uncharacteristic turmoil.

The first night spent on the first floor was pragmatic, to say the least. The simple thought of their imprisonment beneath a virtual world seemed unfathomable, but that thought in itself was enough to take his servant beneath his wing and hound him away from pestering nubs.

—”We should establish by an inn somewhere soon.” Seiji commented nonchalantly, his eyes falling towards the far distant village-scape of a nearby town. “We’ll settle for the night and take route come the morning.”



HP: 100__

ST: 96__

SG: 99__

LVL: 1__

XP: 23/100__

Kita Shiro @Ib All Alone

Rokoru Akaike @Ib All Alone

LOCATION: Somewhere- Town on floor 1

Hana gave a playful frown to Kita. "I've already told you, there's no way I can lead a guild!" Hana squeaked, giving an exaggerated sigh as well. She didn't know what was up with Kita and all of the things she told her, Hana didn't hate it, but she didn't completely like it either.

She hadn't noticed when Kojima had messaged someone, but did notice when she heard more footsteps approaching the crowd. She had suddenly felt under the weather, a tight feeling in her throat made her cover her mouth for a moment before Hana had choked it back and looked back at the new male. He didn't look like the kind that would, although his voice sounded all to familiar to just ignore. She also hated how he had winked at her and grinned. It made her twitch.

I-" Hana tried to speak, but once again she had to try and choke something back down in her throat. It burned this time, her eyes watering up. She covered her mouth once again before she tried standing up, suddenly realizing how much of a mistake that was and sitting back down again. She gave a slight nudge at Kita, shaking her head, hand still hovering over her mouth. "I don't feel to hot all the sudden." She mumbled, eyes still watered up and blurring her vision some more. She leaned on Kita's leg, closing her eyes tightly.
"Oh, is something wrong?" Rokoru touches her thigh, "Is it me? I don't mean to scare you, I do have an outrageous personality." Rokoru gives her small smile. He sheathes his katana, as he stands back up. "Well I do hope you feel better." He turns to Kojima, "Is that all Kojima?"

Kojima looks to the girl and pleads with his eyes for her to say something, anything about the man.
"You see are a sick piece of garbage. If we weren't in a safe zone I would end you. Immediately." Says Kita angered. She knew it was him. But she couldn't do anything about it.


HP: 100/100

COMPANION: Seiji Miyamura (@Nai )

LOCATION: 2nd Floor

While the idea of settling for the night was comforting, there was an uncanniness to it, for the idea of; sleeping, bathing and even eating had become sour. You could sleep as much as you’d like, but, you'd still be exhausted. You could bathe and try to wash away everything, but, the water never felt right against your skin and eating always left an unsatisfied hunger.

Yet, the time spent alone with Seiji was more than enough to convince Kaosu to consent. And even though they were always alone, it almost felt as if Seiji only now, had asked to spend time with him.

Kaosu forfeited his cor, without being asked; but, not because Seiji didn’t have any, he just felt that Seiji shouldn’t have to pay for the rooming. —Seiji’s cor was
his, and he should be able to spend it on neat stuff, like armor or weapons.

He still smiled when he thought back on their first meeting, at the blacksmith, when Seiji had replaced one of his Katana’s and lent Kaosu the old one. And that was his excuse for staying. That the Katana was just a loan, and he would need to give it back. Which was more than enough to convince Seiji from forcing him to leave. “200 should be enough to get us something comfortable.”

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HP: 100__

ST: 94__

SG: 98__

LVL: 1__

XP: 23/100__

Kita Shiro @Ib All Alone

Rokoru Akaike @Ib All Alone

LOCATION: Somewhere- Town on floor 1

Hana's head whipped around towards his touch on her thigh and she gave a hiss in displeasure. She was certain now, his voice was hideously familiar. She looked at Kojima, breathing a little heavy, before looking back at him.

It was you, wasn't it?" Hana growled, voice sharp and her blue eyes hollow. That was all she needed to say before she suddenly got the feeling back in her throat, bending over and gasping slightly at the pained feeling. She always hated it when she felt pain, not because it hurt, but because of the sounds that escaped her mouth when she did. Her breathing was heavy, trying to cool down the harsh feeling with sharp inhales of the air. She kept swallowing something down, not wanting to embarrass herself in front of so many people anyway.
Kira gives him a look of disgust and anger. She knew she couldn't do anything. Thats what made her more mad than anything. More than she could comprehend.

Hiro just got back from buying from the second floor. He went back to the first floor, because he had a two day rental for a room there. He had one more night then he would start sleeping on the next floor. he had fought in the raid. He walked towards his inn and sees two girls, one half naked, and three guys in a dark alley. "Well seems like a party." Says Hiro disturbed. He sat and watched from the end of the alley. Then he shakes his head and continues to walk.
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Rokoru smiles, "Someone found there voice didn't they?" He giggles, "This is great. Everyone here together! And Kojima," Rokoru says as Kojima pulls out his sword. "That won't work here, now will it."

"You piece of shit. You wanted to kill me all along didn't you? That's why you joined my party." Speaking of which, Kojima kicks him out quickly. "I wish I could kill you right here and now."

"You kicked me from the party? Who said I even attacked her! I was out running errands!" Rokoru pulls out his katana. "See. I got a new katana." He turns and winks at the girl. "And you. Your name is Hana right? How are you! But before you answer." He turned to the other girl. "Could you please stop interrupting, I have only been nice, this entire time."
Hiro hears the people from before yelling at each other. he walks back in that direction to see him pull out a katana. "I could get involved or I could not do that. he looks pretty intense. No scary just like an annoying intense." Thinks Hiro debating at the end of the alley. "Hey um I have no reason to be here but isn't this a no killing zone?" He asks.

"Yes, But I will kill you! Wait who are you?" Asks Kita

"Hiro." He replies with a calm tone.


HP: 100/100

COMPANION: Kaosu Gana (@Foxtails)

LOCATION: 2nd Floor

After a moment’s walk in brisk silence, the sun settling far out into the distance, Seiji responded, “Keep it,” He muttered, the pace towards the small village short and languid. It’d been awhile since they’d managed to encounter anyone in particular interests, but that wasn’t to say he wasn’t satisfied with his current companion. On the contrary, Kaosu had provided odd simple pleasures, their relationship outside in the real world was nothing more of a master and servant. Undoubtedly, a topic worth disconcerting, considering their predicament.


“You should keep it for yourself and use it to level yourself up, considering how everything has started to take course, we might as well join a guild at some point,” He paused, his eyes falling onto the orange tinted feathered grass that swayed beneath soft rustling winds, “or, we can settle down until someone beats the game for us.” He played the last comment with a yawn and a lazy stretch of his arms.

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HP: 100/100

COMPANION: Seiji Miyamura (@Nai )

LOCATION: 2nd Floor

Kaosu lowered his head, at the rejection, and simply stashed his Cor away, struggling to keep up the pace as he fell behind his master. “.. I don’t want them to beat the game, and I don’t want to level up. Maybe.. Just maybe, if I don’t level up other people will see that, and they’ll know that they don’t have to level up either, Seiji. And then we can stay here, right? Together?”

How desperate he sounded. But, he was. “We can make our own guild, and.. —We can represent the players who don’t wanna leave. Who
shouldn’t have to leave.” He suggested, and couldn’t help but to speak lowly, as if the words were taboo, or rather, selfish.

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HP: 100/100

COMPANION: Kaosu Gana (@Foxtails)

LOCATION: 2nd Floor

The man halted in his steps, before turning towards Kaosu. This was the first time since the beginning of their journey that Seiji had proper acknowledged Kaosu with a definite stare. The air around them hushed for what seemed to be an eternity, the cascading orange already dwindling past the horizon and the stars peeking oh-so-subtly out through dark-mourning skies.

Seiji practically scoffed, what an incredulous idea, he wanted to say but nothing left his parted lips. Instead, he eyed the boy’s white tinted locks of orange, which hugged adoringly around his small round face—

—Seiji tsked.

How did such a simple request from such a young boy, ever manage to voice itself, and more importantly in front of his own mas- No, they weren’t anything in-game, merely players with no roles but the ones they built for themselves.

Kaosu was trying to run away from his destined fate of serving, while Seiji was trying to run away from the responsibilities of his own father. He sounded just as pathetic as the boy in front of him.

“If you truly believe that remaining in this game is what’s for the best, then so be it. I’m not going to stop your mentally,”
I’m no better. “But … You’re not wrong to think that,” He slowed, his eyes now falling from his face before settling onto his small stature. How old was this boy? He’d traveled with him since they had first started this game, and it had just occurred to him, how this might sound to someone so young, so weak.

“—Let’s stay together, Kaosu.”

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HP: 100__

ST: 95__

SG: 99__

LVL: 1__

XP: 23/100__

Kita Shiro @Ib All Alone

Rokoru Akaike @Ib All Alone

LOCATION: Somewhere- Town on floor 1

Hana growled at the white-haired male the moment he turned and winked at her. She hated how he did that. It made her feel uncomfortable, it made her feel threatened, it made her feel disgusted.

Everything about this guy disgusted her. Her hair, being the only cover over the front of her torn clothes, glimmered a silver-y color in the harsh sunlight. The heat emitting from the humid winds made Hana narrow her eyes. It didn't make her feel anymore better, that was for sure. In a quick moment, Hana had slid down her finger and opened her menu, looking through her items to see if she had any spare armor to wear, or at least something to cover her up. She hated her situation, all of these guys around her while she was half-naked. That was a repulsive introduction towards all of these people who just kept joining into the conversation.

Hana kept to her spot on the ground, closing her menu. Before she exited the floating screen, however, she did take note of her stamina and strength slowly decreasing as the time passed by. That only put her on more edge. If- in any circumstance- those two things were to get dangerously low she'd be at a major disadvantage. Anyone could overpower her while those two stats were dropping.

Swallowing- once again- the burning feeling in her throat, Hana brought her hand back up to hold at her neck, eyes still fuzzy from the tears. She couldn't help it, something was definitely wrong with her. She couldn't figure out what though. Through her head, words and memories kept coming up, like the first time she was told it was her fault for her mother's death. Her mother- Ayane Hornset- had died from blood loss after giving birth to Hana. After that day it had been up to Hana's father to take care of the little girl, but the man was sick and crazy. He had just abused his child instead. Hana went to school with bruises, and her teachers kept asking how she received them, they pressured her to tell them what was happening to her, but because Hana already felt guilty enough for "murdering" her mother- the one her father loved- she never told them what was going on with her. They found out after interrogating her, she had let it slip through her lips. The moment she did her father had been taken away, put into prison.

After that, Hana had gone to live with her godmother, a close friend of her mother. Her godmother- Hope Callback- was a sweet woman, raising Hana the proper way and making sure to protect her godchild like her own. Hope couldn't have kids herself, so she enjoyed taking care of Hana. But, one thing Hana couldn't stand about her was how Hope always complimented her and told her how beautiful she was. In honesty, Hana had hated her looks from day one. She looked like the spitting image of her mother, not getting any genetics from her father's side of the family. You could say that Hana's mother was perfect in every way, shape or form. Hana never met the woman, but she had always heard stories from her father and Hope. When she was younger, she wanted to grow up and be like her mother, but now that Hana thought about it, she didn't really want to anymore.

Hana shook away the thoughts and pulled herself back into the real world- or into the game, should she say- looking around at all the people. She had been told her mother was quite sociable, unlike Hana herself. She looked at all of the people around her, Kita, Kojima, Kasai, Hiro, even Roroku. Her focus, however, stayed on Roroku. She stared at him, expression blank and eyes without emotion. Inside of her, she had mixed feelings about him. She suddenly wondered what sort of situation he came from, how similar would he be to her? How similar would any of them be to her?
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Rokoru looks into Hana's eyes and he sees her life story unfold from them. He has looked into his own reflection for to long to not know the look in someones eye. He remembered Samantha who had sexually abused him. Who had called him worthless. Who used him. He thought of all the kids at school who would beat him half to death, as the teachers and his parents turned a blind eye. No one cared about him. He had thought. Rokoru thought SAO was an escape. It balanced out his mental stability and kept him sane. But being trapped in the game turned him into a maniac. And he had suppressed those thoughts. A tear slides down Rokoru and he loosens his grip on his katana. He continues to stare into Hana's eyes as his vision blurs from the accumulation of tears in his eyes.


HP: 100/100

COMPANION: Seiji Miyamura (@Nai )

LOCATION: 2nd Floor

The boy’s soft lips stretched into a weak smile, one that didn’t quite reach his dark eyes; a forced expression, which was more than enough to be considered a lie. He was happy, happy that Seiji wanted to stay together too. Yet, something felt wrong. —Maybe even selfish had been the wrong word, and he should've thought of all this as opportunistic.

He was in a world, completely separate from his own, where he had no obligation to serve. Yet, he found himself, once again, attending to someone’s whims. Someone who until now, hadn’t even shown a spark of interest in having servant. Maybe he was simply meant to serve, as if it gave some sort of purpose to his sad, meaningless life.

And now that he knew that was what he was meant for, he promised he’d do everything he could in-order to make sure Seiji was happy. “I’d like that, master,” Kaosu had said for the first time, in hopes that he wouldn’t reject such a term.



HP: 100/100

COMPANION: Kaosu Gana (@Foxtails)

LOCATION: 2nd Floor

The next words died on Seiji’s lips, so it that how the boy saw him? A mere master? “You’re a hypocrite,” He blanched, before picking up his pace towards the village, “You speak of wanting to stay here, to live a live that is separate from your own, because you’re scared of the life outside the game.” He frowned, whipping around with the same speed he started his stride. The sun had by now disappeared, and the dark hum of the night howled it’s awakening, “Why not stray away from the titles and become someone you’d be willing to call your own?”

And yet, why couldn’t he take his own advice?

Seiji was about done with this conversation, his brows set into a tightly knitted knots, before letting out a long exasperated sigh and raking back light colored locks. His voice pitching in octaves, before addressing Kasou in a much softer tone, “Why not believe in yourself? Rather than believing in those who won’t always be able too.”



HP: 100__

ST: 93__

SG: 98__

LVL: 1__

XP: 23/100__

Kita Shiro @Ib All Alone

Rokoru Akaike @Ib All Alone

LOCATION: Somewhere- Town on floor 1

Hana noticed the tears running down the male's cheek and she blinked, suddenly surprised at the change of his mood. She blinked again, promptly fluttering her eyes for a moment to get out the weird feelings she had. Her throat still ached, tongue painfully dry.

Hana suddenly tried standing up again, failing and landing on her knees. She gave a growl to how weak she was getting, her stamina at ninety-three. It wasn't good. She knew from previous games that at something lower then fifty or so she'd suddenly get dizzy and tired. That was how games like this worked after all, trying to match up to the real world as much as they could.

Hana erased all of her memories from her mind, deciding she shouldn't be thinking about such things in a time like this. Her blue orbs went over everyone around her again before she stood up, making her way to a wall and using it as support. She opened up her menu once more, swiping through her items. She knew she wouldn't find anything, but she decided it wouldn't be bad to check anyways. Still, no new jackets had magically appeared into her inventory like she'd secretly hoped. With a heavy sigh, Hana touched her throat again. She didn't know what was going on, what the sensation was. In fact, now that she thought back to some things, she remembered the announcement from yesterday about the launch of S.A.O. Akihiko Kiyaba had gotten up front and told people that they were trapped until the game was beaten, and that if anyone removed the nerve gear, the players would be screwed. Hana thought about it. How were their bodies getting nutrition, then? She wondered if they had been moved at all, how they would be living in the real world without being able to get the proper needs. She wasn't sure if she wanted to get back to that world, or if she was fine with the way things were.

Hana had decided that the real world was a cruel place and that video games were much better, although now that something that would have happened in the real world anyways happened to her in-game, Hana felt weak. She felt that there was no escape from the torture of the two different worlds, and that she'd always be harassed, she'd always feel as weak as she was, she'd always be surviving off of others, no matter what she did and where she went. The thoughts made her depressed again, a feeling she felt often. The only things she had ever really found herself good at were her singing, dancing, and giving people something good to look at. But, she could never get a career doing any of those things because doing them made her feel insecure about herself. She never felt like she could be her when people were always looking at what she looked like on the outside. This was how her personality had warped into the shy, frail girl she was today.

Hana had an arm strapped over her breasts. Although her ashy-blond hair was able to cover most of her front-torso, she still felt like she was standing nude in front of all of these people. The feeling pecked at her horribly, and she only really had one person to blame it on: the white-haired guy who had attacked her before. Although, it seemed everyone was ganging up on him now because Hana was so certain it was him who had done it. Of course, deep in her she felt it wrong to have accused him of it when there wasn't any real proof.

Hana gave a gentle sigh for what she was about to do, closing her menu once more and walking in between Kojima and the white-haired guy, giving the six-foot tall man a serious look. "
Wait, we can't just jump to accusations. All I know is his voice sounds familiar and that he has white hair, it doesn't mean he did it." Hana let out a shaky sigh, "He was there for the raid-gathering, wasn't he? I might recognize his voice from there and have just compared it to the one from before, I'm an air-head like that anyways." Hana gave the white-haired male a cool look before looking back up to the taller man. "And, he just has white hair. Lots of people might have similar hair colors, like me or you. It doesn't mean it was him, okay?" Hana flinched a little bit, suddenly realizing just how short she really was to these guys. She almost had to look right up to the sky just to see their faces. "Besides, does he really seem like the type of guy to do this?" She indicated to herself with a graceful hand motion, her arm still covering over her breasts. She hated putting the spot-light on herself like she was, but she couldn't help it. She honestly felt like he wasn't the type to do such a thing. He seemed to sweet to do that, despite his previous behavior.
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HP: 100/100

COMPANION: Seiji Miyamura (@Nai )

LOCATION: 2nd Floor

Rubbing closed fists at his droopy eyes, Kaosu weakly responded, “There are those who are meant to lead, and those who are to follow.” And while it did poorly to answer his master’s question, it was surely enough to give insight on Kaosu’s views. He -really- did believe that people were born into their place, that he could never be anymore than he was. Attempting to stray from that ‘hierarchy’ was surely unethical. —And while he knew that there was more, in life, he just didn’t want it. Someone who couldn't dream, had no idea what it felt like to be tired.

“I’m ready to sleep, Seiji,” he spoke up, almost shyly, still tempted to offer his Cor for a second time.

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HP: 100/100

COMPANION: Kaosu Gana (@Foxtails)

LOCATION: 2nd Floor

His lips pursed at the words that left Kaosu’s wretched-written face. This wouldn’t be the first time he’s spoken his mind so freely without consequence rounding the corner and biting him in the ass. Yet, he swallowed his concerns and clasped Kaosu’s hand, “It’s a matter of what perspective you’re willing to open your eyes to,” He muttered, the grip on the boy’s hand tightening in reassurance.

“Let’s book an inn,” He finished.



HP: 100/100

COMPANION: Seiji Miyamura (@Nai )

LOCATION: 2nd Floor

At the grab of his hand, the boy’s cheeks stained with a light pink blush that left him feeling vulnerable, “Even though we haven't slept on the second floor yet, and there is probably more unique options, I’d really like to book a room at the cathedral.”

And while neither of them were admittedly religious, the thought of sleeping at the Cathedral was warming, as many of the younger players, who Kaosu had come to know in the starting-city, tended to stay in an identical one, on the first floor, with the NPCs. “And I bet we can sleep together, they probably have king-size beds!” He chimed happily, for the first time in awhile, lightly swinging his master’s hand.
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HP: 100/100

COMPANION: Kaosu Gana (@Foxtails)

LOCATION: 2nd Floor

Sometime between catching sight of the boy’s tinted cheeks and their clasped hands growing warm between their small space, Seiji, had found himself staring, not particularly sure at
what first. But, it wasn’t until their entwined hands gathered all the warmth from Seiji’s body, and the color from his face unexpectedly drained.

What is he doing? This was a child, and from what he’s gathered; a masochist, no less.

Removing his hand from the boy’s grip was damaging enough, considering how their relationship had suddenly taken an unexpected turn. Instead, Seiji, opted to keeping his hand clasped loosely around the boy’s small hand, his head facing away and allowing small hints of scarlet decorate his cheeks and ears.

What has he gotten himself into…

Upon arriving at the village entrance, it wasn’t a surprise how many of the shops were still up and bustling. This was an installment to the game, the nightlife addition, where sleep wasn’t exactly necessary to the players, but some did it anyway. It’s what felt normal, one would say, and while that may be the case, many of the players were adolescents with their youths still at their peaks.

Seiji, on the other hand, didn’t understand the reason to stay up, it wasn’t as if they could do anything particularly fun, the NPC’s were just like in the daytime, if not a little more spunker to lighten to mood of the dreary dark. But the soft warm glows of the flickering candles and parading soft music echoing across the second level dome, provided a simple air of solace.

Almost as if the creator wasn’t already a bastard for adding that sense of teenage dysthymia, Seiji practically rubbed away at throbbing headache, once they managed to arrive at the cathedral. There wasn’t anything particularly enthusiastic about the place, but aside from the town being a center safe zone, the cathedral was the ultimate safe-zone. No one could intrude into your living space, not even through high raised specialized abilities.

“A room for two,” Seiji ordered, upon arriving into the service hall, his dark eyes flickering to catch sight of a fidgeting Kaosu behind him.

“150 Cors,” the NPC, who for this specific cathedral was an older woman of faith, said raspily with an open hand.

After paying the woman, and handing him the keys to their suite, Seiji turned towards Kaosu, almost mechanically, and dropped the keys into his hands, “Go nuts.”

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HP: 100/100

COMPANION: Seiji Miyamura (@Nai )

LOCATION: 2nd Floor

The room inside of the church was much more homely than expected, with architecture that contrasted the mountainous theme of the second floor. It was almost identical to that of the one they boarded in on first floor, with the exception of some provided commonalities, such as free refreshments and snacks.

With the abundance of new places to stay, and a halved population, they were the only ones staying at the cathedral. And honestly, that didn’t come as much of a surprise, considering how unwelcoming the old-lady who lived here was. Yet, her less than friendly nature didn’t seem to phase Kaosu, as he was already in the bedroom, with his face buried into the soft texture of the pillow. And for once, he only thought of himself, with both keys in his hand and Seiji yet to come up the room, still chatting with the old-woman who had more time than she knew.

It was ironic, how a low-grade living space in SAO was vastly greater than anything he’d ever stayed in.

Well, that wasn’t entirely true, he did recall once sleeping with one of the masters, in the real world, buried underneath a multitude of blankets. But, he couldn’t quite seem to put a face to the character, or recall how it had even came to be.

A room for two.

He repeated to himself warmly. He was sharing a room, with someone-else, and that someone ‘
wanted to stay together’. What more could he ask for?
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HP: 100/100

COMPANION: Kaosu Gana (@Foxtails)

LOCATION: 2nd Floor

After receiving an earful of a supposed Martial Art’s quest, with a vague directional of where to find the quest NPC, who has undoubtedly decided to take refuge in a hut near the summit of an exceptionally high mountain at the southern edge of the second floor. Seiji marks the directions downs with an irritated sigh, before climbing the stairs to their shared chambers, only to pause when the handle to their room doesn’t open.

Seiji tsks, “



HP: 100/100

COMPANION: Seiji Miyamura (@Nai )

LOCATION: 2nd Floor

Despite being so ecstatic about having a room for two, Kaosu had already forgotten about the second person who he was to share it with. And while he never heard Seiji call his name, since all doors in rented-living quarters are soundproof, he did have an uncanny intuition that had him slowly get up and creak the door open to glance outside.

“.. Opps.” he apologized weakly, opening the door for his master and standing aside. “I messed up the bed.” He added with embarrassment.
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HP: 100/100

COMPANION: Kaosu Gana (@Foxtails)

LOCATION: 2nd Floor

“Noted,” Seiji hummed, after entering the room and letting another wave of realization hit, “There’s one bed,” He said aloud, stating the obvious, “Why is there...—” He stopped, before waving a hand of dismissal and raking back his light-colored locks with a exasperated sigh, “Nevermind,”.

He figured at this point, questioning anything would just aggravate the gods and himself. Enlightening his menu screen, he was quick to scroll throughout his customization options, before stripping himself of his armor and falling unceremoniously back against the cushions of the king-sized comforter.

Could this day get any worse?

He groaned helplessly into the white plaster sheets, before managing to disappearing beneath them in one pull.


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