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Fandom Sword Art Online

Did this just waste your time?

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Hiro walks over to the man sitting on the rock. "Sorry for taking those kills." Says Hiro trying to suppress his accent shining through. "Nice sword. Nice and big. Just like mine." Says Hiro. "Again sorry for the trouble you." He says.

Kita decides to message Hana. "Where do you want to meet up?" She asks.
Memori Caste Lala

STATS[] HP|| 75__ :: ST|| 100__ :: SG|| 100__ XP|| 308/400 :: LVL|| 6
I forgot, again!&quot][IMG]http://data3.whicdn.com/images/67352440/large.png[/IMG][/fieldset][/imagefloat] [CENTER] ¨·… ◇· [FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px]Location:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Open Field [] Floor 2[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=14px]::[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Companion:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Hiro "Wasabi" [] [/FONT][/SIZE][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11342-krillin/ @Krillin[/URL] ·◇ …·¨[/CENTER] Memori glanced up as the guy from before had approached him, apologizing for taking the kills. Memori smiled gently, shaking his head. "Nah, I need to regenerate my health anyways." Memori said, tilting his head to the side slightly. "You're pretty good though." He complimented, glad that he had someone to talk to. Memori then gave the male a weird look at his next sentence, his haze softening out a little. It was just the way the male worded it that made Memori give him the look. Mori looked at his sword, shrugging. "I guess, I'm actually a beat tamer though. I'm waiting for my egg to hatch." Memeori said, opening the menu again and taking out the egg form his inventory. "I've got hours to wait though, so this sword will just be my substitute weapon until then." Memori spoke softly, his golden eyes on the purple egg almost affectionately before he shook himself a little bit and looked up to the man again.
Eiji Fujita


Nickname ~ Spade

Age ~ 17

Gender ~ Male

Height ~ 6'2

Current Level ~ Level 1

Health ~ Unknown

Current Actions

Eiji started into the plains bio south of the village.

As he neared, he noticed mountaintops floating majestically in the distance, and that weeds were casting longating shadows onto his body.

A while later, Eiji wiped a light layer of sweat off his brow and readjusted his pack before resuming his trek into boar territory, and after a slight struggle, managed to get through the thick layer of grass that was blocking him. Off in the distance, he saw what he was looking for, a herd of boars.

There was about 6 boars total, not too difficult; well that is before he saw their level. "Damn, they're level 2." He growled in anguish, and in anger, threw a knife in their direction, striking one of their young in the neck, toggling immediate aggravation. "Oh shit!" Eiji (like a sensible person) slung his satchel over his shoulder and took off for the nearest tree, clambering up it as soon as he was close enough.

The pigs snarled at his heels as he hung awkwardly, and splinters began to make his hands sore, however, he knew they always eventually lose aggravation.

Lets hope that didn't change.

Spare Thoughts

I'm trapped in a virtual game world. Floating mountains loom in the distance.. and it seems so real. THIS IS THE BEST FUCKING THING EVER!

However, I might die here, and my family would be in grief if I was to do so, time to get to work!


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"A beast tamer? Your the first one I've seen in this game. Sounds like a lot of though." Says Hiro. "But you aren't to bad with a sword. You're actually really good. You seem like the type of person I would fight next to." Says Hiro. He hears himself get a message. "Who would message me?" He wonders. It was Kita.

"Yo have you seen my friend. The one with white hair." She asks.

"She's somewhere in town." He replies.
"Woah, woah! Like you said, I might be innocent. Isn't that right." He winks. The girl he saw with Kojima tries to attack him. He turns to her. He grabs her wrist tightly. He says throuh his teeth. "You wouldn't want to ve my next victim would you?" He adds, "BOO!" And starts laughing at his joke. He releases her, shoving her away, forcefully.

Kojima watches him push Taiga and he sprints towards Rokoru.

"Hey Koji! Didn't I tell you I was bu- Ahhhg!"

Kojima tackles Rokoru, and almost punches him, but he knows he can't. He grabs Rokoru by the collar and starts to dragging him out of town.

"Kkk- OJima!" He says, speaking oddly as his breath is constricted. "Let me go! You ass! What did I do to yo- AHH THE HELL WITH." He grabs Hana's wrist, and pulls her down on top of him. He wraps his arm around her throat and threatens, "Go ahead pull me out. Right when you do I will stab her!"

Kojima grabs Rokoru's arm trying to pry it off, without hurting Hana, but he had an iron grip.

Taiga came up from the twon silently before running up unseen to Rokoru. She raises her fist and punches him deeply in the face. She pushes foward and grabs his hand holding Hana's. She digs her nails into them before sending another punch.

@Ib All Alone
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Memori Caste Lala

STATS[] HP|| 75__ :: ST|| 100__ :: SG|| 100__ XP|| 308/400 :: LVL|| 6
I forgot, again!&quot][IMG]http://data3.whicdn.com/images/67352440/large.png[/IMG][/fieldset][/imagefloat] [CENTER] ¨·… ◇· [FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px]Location:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Open Field [] Floor 2[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=14px]::[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Companion:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Hiro "Wasabi" [] [/FONT][/SIZE][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11342-krillin/ @Krillin[/URL] ·◇ …·¨[/CENTER] Memori stared at the male, his face dusted with a bit of blush. "You think?" He asked, resting his chin on his knees. He stared back at the grass again, his mind in deep thought. He sighed, not sure if he'd believe that. Memori had social problems, so things like teaming up with other people were difficult for him.
Eiji Fujita


Nickname ~ Spade

Age ~ 17

Gender ~ Male

Height ~ 6'2

Current Level ~ Level 3

Health ~ 150/300

Current Actions

Spade quietly started down the trees surface as the boars finally lost aggro and dissolved in the far distance. Once on the ground he clicked his inventory icon, revealing all the stuff he collected over the span of three days. He took a glance at his hunger bar, and clicked the food tab, revealing a loaf of bread, a weird cream sauce, and a sack of water.

He took a few sips of the bottled water before taking out the bread and the sauces jar. He whipped out one of his daggers and used it to cut the loaf in half, afterwards lathering it in the bizarre cream, and finally, ate it all in one go.

Spade then reopened his satchel, and put everything that was leftover back in it.

He then started his way back to the field of pigs.

After returning back to where he had ran from, he felt full of energy, and bounced up and down on his toes while walking towards the herd of piggies. Spade, still far enough not to toggle aggro, then began a series of rapid arm movements.

The movements were of him throwing a set of modified knives, each one hitting boars in one specific spot, the neck. After the attack finished, four boars laid dead at his feet, and his chest was heaving up and down, in a valiant effort to catch a clear breath.

Then, without his knowledge, the boar alpha approached him from behind, and before he could react, rammed him in the ass.

+1 level, +1 level -150hp

(My god I need some interaction here!)

Spare Thoughts

I'm trapped in a virtual game world. Floating mountains loom in the distance.. and it seems so real. THIS IS THE BEST FUCKING THING TO EVER HAPPEN TO ME!

However, I might die here, and my family would be in grief if I was to do so, time to get to work!


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Sakura Yuki



WHERE| Floor 2, Town Alley


Sakura stretched she was getting ready fo farm. Though first she had to make her way out of this alley. She had been shopping for potions, finally she had enough. She checked her menu then clicked friends, it was empty. Suprising, in the real world Sakura had tons of friends. Though in this world she had none, she didn't mind though. Sakura closed the menu and started to make her way out of the dark alley.



HEALTH| 250/500

LEVEL| 5 XP| 430/500

COMPANION| @ShadowWalker254

Watashi slid his spear out of the dead boar before looking behind him. The alpha boar, Watashi smiled. He ran with his spear before throwing it at the alpha boar. It slid into the boar deeply, Watashi then lept from his spot to the spear. He held onto the spear as the Boar went crazy. He saw a guy and sighed," He you get your ass up!"

[QUOTE="Bella Bloomet]


HEALTH| 250/500

LEVEL| 5 XP| 430/500

COMPANION| @ShadowWalker254

Watashi slid his spear out of the dead boar before looking behind him. The alpha boar, Watashi smiled. He ran with his spear before throwing it at the alpha boar. It slid into the boar deeply, Watashi then lept from his spot to the spear. He held onto the spear as the Boar went crazy. He saw a guy and sighed," He you get your ass up!"

Eiji Fujita


Nickname ~ Spade

Age ~ 17

Gender ~ Male

Height ~ 6'2

Current Level ~ Level 3

Health ~ 150/300

Current Actions

Spade glanced at his hp bar as he was getting off the ground, and realized that if the pig hit him any harder, he would've been dead. He picked up his fallen satchel before turning toward his savior, doing a light bow as a way of saying thank-you.

After he finished bowing, Spade noticed the players level, and a thought entered his mind. "Why is a level five in a early starting zone?" He kept this thought to himself ever, and instead rubbed his head.

"Uh, thanks for saving me back there, one more hit and I would've been a goner.." A light layer of blush appeared on his face has he spoke, caused only from pure embarrassment.

Spare Thoughts

I'm trapped in a virtual game world. Floating mountains loom in the distance.. and it seems so real. THIS IS THE BEST FUCKING THING TO EVER HAPPEN TO ME!

However, I might die here, and my family would be in grief if I was to do so, time to get to work!

*Sidenote: Boars, boars fucking hurt.


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LEVEL| 5 XP| 430/500

COMPANION: Eji (Spade) @ShadowWalker254


Watashi hops off the dead boar and checks everything he gets before looking up at the boy.

"No problem, some materials from the alpha boar that is inlcuded in my quest." He answered sheathing his spear.

"My question is what are you doing here?" Watashi asked stretching.

(Quoted the wrong post, haha!)

Eiji Fujita


Nickname ~ Spade

Age ~ 17

Gender ~ Male

Height ~ 6'2

Current Level ~ Level 3

Health ~ 150/300

Current Actions

Spade chuckled at the mans question, and twiddled his dagger between his fingers. "I'm doing whatever everyone is doing, grinding.. We all want to get to the higher floors don't we?" He threw the knife in the air, and caught it effortlessly by the blade.

"Well, to be honest, I really don't care as much as the others about dying, however the thought of never seeing my family again, now that's what drives me.." He threw the knife behind him, cutting the branch off a neighboring tree.

Spade then clambered up off the earthen soil, and dusted off the knees off his pants before starting off in the direction of the beginners town.

"You can come if you wish, however it's up to you."

@Bella Bloomet

Spare Thoughts

I'm trapped in a virtual game world. Floating mountains loom in the distance.. and it seems so real. THIS IS THE BEST FUCKING THING TO EVER HAPPEN TO ME!

However, I might die here, and my family would be in grief if I was to do so, time to get to work!

*Sidenote: Still wondering why this guy is here, however it doesn't really bother me.


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"Well if you ever are looking for a teammate im free. Really the only other person i've met is some random girl who thinks I kill people." Says Hiro with a sigh. He bows to the man with a smile and walks off. He wanted to talk to him more, but didn't know what to say. he decided he would go grab some food before the mobs to respawn.

"Sure I have to use the teleporter in town anyway." Watashi answered walking towards the town. He stopped and picked up the knife Spade had thrown and held it. He continued walking to town before running to Spade's side."Here you forgot the knife."


(-i-t-t-0x-x/" data-mentionid="27031" data-ipshover-target="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27031-x- xD -i-t-t-0x-x/\?do\=hovercard" data-ipshover="">@x xD i T T 0X x Severally sorry for thee late post!)

Tal smiled and nodded. "Sure." She said turning her menu off and approaching the girl. "I need to do some leveling of my own any way. I plan on level 10 before apporching the floor boss." She said with confidence. She turned and pulled her blade out. The light pale blue glinting in the light.
Eiji Fujita


Nickname ~ Spade

Age ~ 17

Gender ~ Male

Height ~ 6'2

Current Level ~ Level 3

Health ~ 150/300

Current Actions

Spade gently took the knife away from the Watashi, and slid it into its empty holster. "Thanks for grabbing it, I almost forgot it!" Eiji had a slight smile on his face as he spoke, although it was obstructed by his facemask.

"Also, do you want to make a party together? I heard it's quite dangerous to be by yourself in SAO."

@Bella Bloomet

Spare Thoughts

I'm trapped in a virtual game world. Floating mountains loom in the distance.. and it seems so real. THIS IS THE BEST FUCKING THING TO EVER HAPPEN TO ME!

However, I might die here, and my family would be in grief if I was to do so, time to get to work!

*Sidenote: Still wondering why this guy is here, however it doesn't really bother me.


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Memori Caste Lala

STATS[] HP|| 76__ :: ST|| 100__ :: SG|| 100__ XP|| 308/400 :: LVL|| 6
Dying alone in a video game with nothing to have lived for. Teenage goals...&quot][IMG]http://data3.whicdn.com/images/67352440/large.png[/IMG][/fieldset][/imagefloat] [CENTER] ¨·… ◇· [FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px]Location:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Open Field [] Floor 2[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=14px]::[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Companion:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Hiro "Wasabi" [] [/FONT][/SIZE][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11342-krillin/ @Krillin[/URL] ·◇ …·¨[/CENTER] Memori looked up, his gold eyes a little wide. "Thinks you- kill people?" Memori had inquired inaudibly, more just mumbling to himself rather then actually talking to the taller male. As the redhead began walking away, Memori itched at a feeling he had in his head. The man was really the only person Mori had talked to in the game, other then a few shopkeepers and a few people like that, but already he was loosing his sense of comfort. All in the time the male was walking away Memori was reminded of the game, forcing himself into a serious state. "Dying alone in a video game with nothing to have lived for." Memori pointed out to himself, raising his head and hitting his forehead with his palm before he shifted to stand up from the rock he had sat upon before, his speed gaining him closer. "Hey, wait!" Memori called, slowing down when he got close enough to the man. "If you aren't to busy now, might I join you?" Mori requested, slipping up just a little bit with his Japanese phrasing for a moment before he caught himself and fixed his phrase mid-sentence. Only someone with a keen sense of hearing would have been able to catch his slip. "I'm a little bored, and your the only person I've spoken to so far, so sorry if I'm being a bother." Memori said, bringing his arm up in embarrassment. "I just don't want to be stuck alone on a rock, I guess." He finished, catching himself babbling on and stopping anymore from parting from his lips. He hated it when he sounded annoying to other people and found he was usually self-conscious. He pursed his lips together in a flustered manner, using the technique to keep his mouth shut and not sputter anymore none-sense into the conversation.
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Hiro hears as the man calls after him. He turns around to meet his gaze. "No i'm not, busy. I was just about to go get some food. I would be honored for you to accompany me." He says with a smile. He continues to listen as he talks. "By the way I don't kill people. Well I did but those guys tried to kill me first. So it was self defense." Says Hiro sounding like he was reassuring himself more than anyone.
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Memori Caste Lala

STATS[] HP|| 77__ :: ST|| 100__ :: SG|| 100__ XP|| 308/400 :: LVL|| 6
Dying alone in a video game with nothing to have lived for. Teenage goals...&quot][IMG]http://data3.whicdn.com/images/67352440/large.png[/IMG][/fieldset][/imagefloat] [CENTER] ¨·… ◇· [FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px]Location:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Open Field [] Floor 2[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=14px]::[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Companion:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Hiro "Wasabi" [] [/FONT][/SIZE][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11342-krillin/ @Krillin[/URL] ·◇ …·¨[/CENTER] Memori grinned and hopped up beside the male, folding his hands behind his back and giving a smile at the path ahead of him. Mori turned his head to stare after hearing the response the male gave, and furrowed his eyebrows in a sort of sympathetic way. "Mm, I believe you. People can be driven to do things they'd never do normally in certain situations." Memori said softly, returning to face his head back in the direction they were walking. Out of no where, Memori found himself trying to pick up on conversation again. "Do you really think if we die here we might actually die in the real world too?" He asked, eyes widening a little at the question. He couldn't remember much about the announcement, but the part about "dying here will kill you there too" and "there's no escape unless you finish all 100 floors of this game I made because I'm a crazy psychopath with no life" parts stung at the side of his brain uncomfortably. He didn't find himself thinking about it a lot, but he really wanted to know how other's viewed their situation. "I mean, I guess I believe it, but I really just wanted to know how other people felt about it. I guess I feel like I might be the only one taking this thing seriously, if I even am. I'm not really sure- I've forgotten most of the two days that have gone by." Memori stuttered on, not realizing he was just flapping his mouth again. "I've got bad memory and I forget a lot of things really fast, it's surprising I've survived the real world as long as I have. I've forgotten my name several times before- which is funny because of how ironic it is. I've also got a tenancy to talk a lot, mostly because I don't really talk to people a lot and I-" He stopped himself and pursed his lips again, glancing up at his companion with an apologetic look. "Sorry." He mumbled with a soft, embarrassed smile.
Hiro looks at Memori. "Yes people will do regrettable things under stress." He listens to Memori talk and when he starts talking about how they die in the real world he stops walking. "Yes, I do believe. I believe I sent two men out of this world forever. I have had to come to terms with that. But I also understand that we won't die. No matter what we will keep going." Hiro says continuing to walk.

Watashi (Wasabi)

XP| 460/500 LEVEL|5

COMPANION| Spade @ShadowWalker254


Watashi's face lit up and looked at Spade." Yes that would be nice. Oh yeh I am Watashi Akasha call me Wasabi." He said as they reached town. He looked around, for some reason he felt safe knowing he's in a safe zone.

Memori Caste Lala

STATS[] HP|| 78__ :: ST|| 100__ :: SG|| 100__ XP|| 308/400 :: LVL|| 6
I need to shut up.&quot][IMG]http://data3.whicdn.com/images/67352440/large.png[/IMG][/fieldset][/imagefloat] [CENTER] ¨·… ◇· [FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px]Location:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Open Field [] Floor 2[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=14px]::[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Companion:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Hiro "Wasabi" [] [/FONT][/SIZE][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11342-krillin/ @Krillin[/URL] ·◇ …·¨[/CENTER] Memori turned his gaze back, staring to the redhead with an awkward look. Memori turned back to look at the ground. When he was first asking the questions he hadn't realized just how serious it was. It made his emotions twist to receive a response like that, and Memori himself had even stopped walking. He didn't start back up his strides again, not even when his acquaintance passed him and continued on. Mori clenched his fist a moment before turning to follow after the tall male and landing himself behind the male. Memori kept his eyes on the ground, pursing his lips again before he decided he'd at least apologize for ruining the mood. "I'm sorry for that, I was just-" He stopped himself and shook his head, not bothering to finish his sentence at all. He felt really guilty. Often times, he considered sewing his mouth shut in the real world so he wouldn't make mistakes like the one he did now, but he never actually tried it, or even attempted at trying it. He always thought he was just joking with himself when he thought like that, but now he really wanted to do it. Either that or lock himself away in a box until the game finally ended and he could leave there. "I'm Memori, by the way. Mori for short." Memori said softly, letting out a long sigh to contrast the strained happy tone he had forced into the words.
"Don't be sorry. We have to make the most out of these sad times. Sorrow never lasts forever." Says Hiro. "My name is Hiro. Nice to meet you Mori. So Mori where are you from? I personally am from France, but live in Japan. Moved there when I was younger. Now i'm probably back in France. At my fathers best hospital." Says Hiro with a sigh.
Memori Caste Lala

STATS[] HP|| 79__ :: ST|| 100__ :: SG|| 100__ XP|| 308/400 :: LVL|| 6
Dying alone in a video game with nothing to have lived for. Teenage goals...&quot][IMG]http://data3.whicdn.com/images/67352440/large.png[/IMG][/fieldset][/imagefloat] [CENTER] ¨·… ◇· [FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px]Location:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Open Field [] Floor 2[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=14px]::[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Companion:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Hiro "Wasabi" [] [/FONT][/SIZE][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11342-krillin/ @Krillin[/URL] ·◇ …·¨[/CENTER] Memori looked up at Hiro, eyes wide again. "Hiro, huh? I'm from Sweden myself, although I live in Japan." Mori said gently, careful about the words he picked. "I'd probably be in some random hospital in Japan still. My mom moved to Sweden and had me there, but her immigration Visa ran out and she had to go back to Japan." Memori avoided mentioning how his father had died a few days before she had to go, not wanting to bring up the subject of death again. "She works as a bartender, so I don't imagine the hospital I'd be at would be very fancy." Memori said, giving a small smile.

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