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Fandom Sword Art Online

Did this just waste your time?

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"Hopefully no one will be paying for the hospitals except the man that trapped us in here." Says Hiro. He continues walking until they get into town. He walks in and looks around. He hadn't really eaten anywhere on the second floor. He pulls out a map and looks for nearby shops.
Memori Caste Lala

STATS[] HP|| 80__ :: ST|| 100__ :: SG|| 100__ XP|| 308/400 :: LVL|| 6
Dying alone in a video game with nothing to have lived for. Teenage goals...&quot][IMG]http://data3.whicdn.com/images/67352440/large.png[/IMG][/fieldset][/imagefloat] [CENTER] ¨·… ◇· [FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px]Location:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Open Field [] Floor 2[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=14px]::[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Companion:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Hiro "Wasabi" [] [/FONT][/SIZE][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11342-krillin/ @Krillin[/URL] ·◇ …·¨[/CENTER] "That man, hm?" Memori said, bringing a palm up to his cheek. "Wasn't his name something long and weird like that? It was like... Ah... Ak...? Ba...?" Mori shook his head and shrugged. "I don't know, I forgot his name." He said with a playful tone, having completely forgotten what had happened earlier as well. Memori is pulled along with him to the town, looking around again. The buildings were a lot taller and more colorful then Memori remembered, of course, he never remembered anything so that was no new surprise. People walked around,buying things from different shops. They all looked like strong players, strutting around in their giant suits of armor and showing off their swords to everyone else around with big grins. Memori gave uncertain looks to a lot of the people, folding his lips in awkward directions as to not make a face at any of them. He didn't want to start up any trouble, not when the game itself was so threatening to him anyways.
"Anything you want to buy? Armor, weapons, food, potions?" Asks Hiro. He looked at his col. amount and saw he could buy whatever he wanted but he already had good gear he just needed some potions before the raid. He was level seven but wanted to be at least ten before the boss.
Memori Caste Lala

STATS[] HP|| 81__ :: ST|| 100__ :: SG|| 100__ XP|| 308/400 :: LVL|| 6
Wait, let me think about that and let me get back to you.&quot][IMG]http://data3.whicdn.com/images/67352440/large.png[/IMG][/fieldset][/imagefloat] [CENTER] ¨·… ◇· [FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px]Location:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Open Field [] Floor 2[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=14px]::[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Companion:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Hiro "Wasabi" [] [/FONT][/SIZE][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11342-krillin/ @Krillin[/URL] ·◇ …·¨[/CENTER] Memori looked over at Hiro and brought up his hands, waving them. "T-there is something I'd like, b-but I'm not sure if they have what I'm looking for." Memori said with a sigh. He closed his eyes in a frustrated manner, thinking about it. He wanted a red scarf of sorts, but he didn't need it immediately. The'd be better off saving up their col for something important anyways, like leveling up their weapons and buying healing products and those sorts of things, not on some silly red scarf because it was in one of their fashion sense's.
Eiji Fujita


Nickname ~ Spade

Age ~ 17

Gender ~ Male

Height ~ 6'2

Current Level ~ Level 3

Health ~ 200/300

Party Members ~ Wasabi

Current Actions

After getting Wasabi's approval, Spade opened up his in-game menu and scrolled down to the party tab, clicking it as he did so. In the menu, it marked players names that were in a close proximity to him, however Wasabi was the only one that popped up.

"Sending the invite now!" Spade clicked the invite to party icon, and after that was done, smiled broadly underneath his mask.

"Also, the names Spade.. Now that we're done introducing ourselves, lets go get our low-ranking asses some better equipment.." He his Wasabi lightly on the back as he walked passed him, heading in the direction of the closest weapon stand.

@Bella Bloomet

Spare Thoughts

I'm trapped in a virtual game world. Anything I could possibly want is just within my grasps, well that is if I don't die first..

Although I'm not that scared of death, my family would be in grief if I was to do so, time to get to work I guess..!

*Sidenote: Hm, Wasabi? No way to really describe the guy, he has his own quirks and character. Gotta say, he's growing on me though..


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"Well you won't know unless you look. I bet you can find it." Says Hiro with a wide smile. He let out a sigh and looked at the busy town. he looked to all the merchants who have chosen to play it safe and not fight. Hiro didn't blame them. He almost did the same. But he wanted to go out and meet people. That's all he ever wanted to do. He picked having a social life over a million dollar company. He didn't regret it though. "Take me where you want to go." Says Hiro looking down to Mori.
Memori shook his head before sighing. "I guess. But since you offered, you're going to have to deal with me." Memori gave a devilish grin as he took Hiro's hand into his own, pulling the taller man over to the nearest armor stand he could find, smilinglall the way there. The only thoughts going through his head were on the red scarf, and he barely even noticed the feeling of someone else's hand in his own palms.

Golden eyes filled with a calmed sense, Memori ooened up his menu to check for his col, seeing he had plenty for what he assumed the scarf to cost. Heglanced up at the shopkeeper, who gave Mori a cheesy smile and waved a hand back at the Iitems in his shop. "See anything you like, kid?" The man asked a a husky voice, his eyes looking Mori down as if all he saw was a way for more money to himself. Memori searched around for a moment before shaking his head with a low sigh. "Not here." He said, voice disappointed before he grabbed onto Hiro's arm and oulled him another direction, away from the stand. "This won't be easy." Memori determined, looking at Hiro playfully. "Onto the next one?" He asked, voice hugh and sounding like a mere child's.
Kojima stops Taiga, "It won't hurt him, save your energy." Kojima lets go of Rokoru and he stands up.

Rokoru lets go of Hana and he stands up. "Way to be a cock block Koji! You know, I thought you could be my wingman, it-" Kojima lunges for Rokoru, but Rokoru pivots to the side with ease. "Hey! Koji I'm starting to think we aren't friends. In fact it kind of seems like you hate me! If you really want to battle you could just say so."

Kojima opens up his menu without a word and sends Rokoru a duel invite. It is set to Total-Loss Mode. Rokoru smiles as he accepts and they both get 60s of preparation.

Right when the timer hits zero, Rokoru bolts forward and stabs Kojima in the chest. Kojima clutches his chest and Rokoru goes for another slash.

Kojima swings up Heosphoros, blocking the katana. He shoves his own body forward, slamming into Rokoru. Rokoru gets his katana up as this happens, piercing Kojima in the stomach. Kojima hits his knees to the road, as his health descends.

"Koji! I expected better of you!" Rokoru ends the duel and it comes up as a forfeit. "You did fight well though. Catch you later." He winks to everyone.

Kojima hits the ground, blacking out.

Wasabi accepeted the party invite and grinned. He then looked down at his armor and spear.

Before following after Spade he browsed the weapon stand.

"Do you see anything good Spade?" He asked still browsing.


Taiga looks down in horror clutching Survivor tightly. She dives down to Kojima and looks down at him." You really are a dumb ass!" She mumbles before grabbing his arm. She looks up at Hana," I need to get this idiot to the nearest inn. Can you help me?" Taiga asked her face was red as she looked down.

@Ib All Alone
-i-t-t-0x-x/" data-mentionid="27031" data-ipshover-target="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27031-x- xD -i-t-t-0x-x/\?do\=hovercard" data-ipshover="">@x xD i T T 0X x

Sakura stretched she was getting ready fo farm. Though first she had to make her way out of this alley. She had been shopping for potions, finally she had enough. She checked her menu then clicked friends, it was empty. Suprising, in the real world Sakura had tons of friends. Though in this world she had none, she didn't mind though. Sakura closed the menu and started to make her way out of the dark alley.

Eiji Fujita


Nickname ~ Spade

Age ~ 17

Gender ~ Male

Height ~ 6'2

Current Level ~ Level 3

Health ~ 275/300

Party Members ~ Wasabi

Current Actions

Spade picked up a couple of the traders and tested them on a nearby fencing post. The damage array was good on nearly all the weapons, however they.. they felt off, clunky even.

Howeer, after a few more trial and errors, Spade laid his eyes on the most beautiful set of knives he'd ever seen in an weapon-stand. They were silver in cover, about 6 inches in length, and had a dull hide handle. Curious, Spade picked the set up, and performed a set of light attacks on the dummy, and each time, the blade cut (skillfully) through it like butter.

"How much for these?" Spade juggled around the knives, which seemed to make the shop-keep a tad nervous. "Uh, only a-about 700 Col." A light layer of sweat was on the shopkeepers head now, and his voice was quite shaky, so Spade stopped throwing the knives and set them lightly down on the counter-top.

"I'll take them.." Eiji took out the Col that was due, and threw it on the stands wooden counter, making it land with a light floop, and then picked up the set of daggers.

Spade slid the new set of daggers into their proper holsters before happily waltzing over to Wasabi's position. "You ready to go Wasabi? I found a weapon I like.. quite a bit." Eiji's green eyes seemed to be sparkling in eagerness as he spoke. "I can't wait to try these babies out!"

@Bella Bloomet

Spare Thoughts

I'm trapped in a video game, mm yes!

*Sidenote: Hm, Wasabi? No way to really describe the guy, he has his own quirks and character. Gotta say, he's growing on me though..


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Wasabi now had a new spear, it glinted gold in the sunlight brightly.

He had tested it and figured out it was the love of his life. He had traded is previous spear, it was a good deal.

Wasabi looked down at the knives,"Knives eh? Not bad. And yep ready" He snickered.

Hiro allows himself to be dragged without any resist. Even if he tried he didn't think it would help. he didn't mind being dragged around. its not like he had anything better to do. When they arrive at the store he looks around and sees nothing of his interest. He looks down at Mori. "On to the next one." He replies still in hand with Mori.
Memori Caste Lala

STATS[] HP|| 85__ :: ST|| 100__ :: SG|| 100__ XP|| 308/400 :: LVL|| 6
Wait, let me think about that and let me get back to you.&quot][IMG]http://data3.whicdn.com/images/67352440/large.png[/IMG][/fieldset][/imagefloat] [CENTER] ¨·… ◇· [FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px]Location:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Marketplace [] Floor 2[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=14px]::[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Companion:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Hiro "Wasabi" [] [/FONT][/SIZE][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11342-krillin/ @Krillin[/URL] ·◇ …·¨[/CENTER] Memori grinned, tugging on Hiro's arm as he pulled the tall male to yet another shop. He looked around again, not seeing anything of interest. A scarf caught his eye- but it wasn't the right color. For a moment, Memori let go of Hiro and leaned in, pointing at the scarf as he motioned his talking to the owner of the shop. "Hey, do you have any of those scarves in a different color- like, red, perhaps?" Memori asked, giving a disappointed sigh when the response he received was a gentle, "No."
"He was looking for a scarf?" Hiro thinks. Then he remembers the foxes from earlier. "Here buy that and then you can die it." Says Hiro. He goes into his inventory and sends Mori the red dye he crafted from the foxes. "Sorry thats the only color I have." Says Hiro.

Watashi (Wasabi)


LEVEL|5 STAMINA|460/500 HEALTH|400/500



Wasabi shook his head." Nah I'm fine unless you want too. Plus I really want to try this baby on something else other than dummies."

Wasabi answered testing the blade before sheathing it, he looked at Spade's daggers.' They look like mini spears.' He thought to himself with a chuckle.


Memori Caste Lala

STATS[] HP|| 87__ :: ST|| 100__ :: SG|| 100__ XP|| 308/400 :: LVL|| 6
Wait, let me think about that and let me get back to you.&quot][IMG]http://data3.whicdn.com/images/67352440/large.png[/IMG][/fieldset][/imagefloat] [CENTER] ¨·… ◇· [FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px]Location:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Marketplace [] Floor 2[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=14px]::[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Companion:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Hiro "Wasabi" [] [/FONT][/SIZE][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11342-krillin/ @Krillin[/URL] ·◇ …·¨[/CENTER] Memori glanced over at his companion, eyes widening with a thankful look. "Really, you'd do that?" He asked. Memori accepted the red dye and looked for it in his inventory- finding it quickly and viewing the item. Sure enough, it was perfect. With a smile, Mori turned and bought the scarf from the guy, walking away from the shop for a few moments to go through his inventory, seeking out the scarf and the bit of red dye he had. He took the two items in his hand, combining them in a matter of seconds. The red dye was just enough to color the entire scarf, and upon seeing the item, Memori gave a joyful grin. He equipped it, the scarf wrapping over his shoulders and around his neck with a gentle whoosh of the tails of the scarf before Memori went over and hugged Hiro, obviously happy to have the scarf. "I can't thank you enough." Memori said, taking one of the ends into his fingers and looking at it. It was almost the same as his one in the real world, but it was different. Memori liked the scarf however, just happy to even have one.
"Whatever I can do to help." Says Hiro with a smile. He blushes slightly as the man hugs him. "I take it you like red scarfs." Says Hiro. he hugs him back slightly before taking a step back.

Wasabi grinned before sprinting after him, he could feel the wind blow through his hair." Yes it is, I could live here. Though I would realize everyday that I belong in the real world." He said looking up at the sky before smiling at Spade."Cmon what are we here for?'"

Memori Caste Lala

STATS[] HP|| 87__ :: ST|| 100__ :: SG|| 100__ XP|| 308/400 :: LVL|| 6
Wait, let me think about that and let me get back to you.&quot][IMG]http://data3.whicdn.com/images/67352440/large.png[/IMG][/fieldset][/imagefloat] [CENTER] ¨·… ◇· [FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px]Location:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Marketplace [] Floor 2[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=14px]::[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Companion:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=12px] Hiro "Wasabi" [] [/FONT][/SIZE][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11342-krillin/ @Krillin[/URL] ·◇ …·¨[/CENTER] Memori shrugged, tilting his head off to the side just a little. "I guess you could say that. It's more like, I don't feel comfortable without it." Mori said, giving a glance down at the scarf before tightening it just a little around his thin neck. His golden eyes went back up to look at Hiro before he spoke again, "Well, where would you like to go?" Memori asked, really just wondering if Hiro wanted to drag him anywhere as payback for him dragging Hiro around.
Rei grabbed her bow and pushed off from the oak tree she was leaning against. For a moment she felt a little light headed, from standing up so quickly, but she quickly got over it. She would love to be able to sleep all day, but she knew she had to level up to beat the second boss. She gripped an arrow, and aimed for a boar. It quickly ran across the field, but Rei sucked in a breath, lead her shot, and released. It flew through the boar, cleanly killing it.

"Finally." She walked into town, now having enough col to get a better bow. She walked by a couple, one tall and one in a red scarf. She finally made it to the shop, and purchased the iron bow. She put her old one away, deciding she would keep it for weaker and faster enemies, like a boar.
Hana Aaryon Hornset

STATS[] HP|| 100__ :: ST|| 100__ :: SG|| 100__ XP|| 23/100 :: LVL|| 1[fieldset="Why'd it have to be you?&quot]

¨·… ◇·

Location: Market Place [] Floor 2 :: Companion: Thalia "Tal" [] @Ib All Alone - Taiga "Tiger" @Bella Bloomet

·◇ …·¨​

Hana stared at the taller man's body for a moment, not hearing the words coming from the girl beside him's mouth for a moment before Hana shook herself and turned to head off. She was never good in situations like the one she was in now, but it was an emergency. That's what she kept telling herself. Hana was about to dash off when she forgot whatever the small woman said and freaked out, eyes wide. She had no idea what to do and instead kept where she was, ready to be scolded for being an idiot in such time of need.

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