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Fandom Sword Art Online

Apple's cheeks slightly, very, very slightly, flushed. "And what do you think you're doing, placing your arm there? Let go." she glared at him for several seconds before redirecting her attention to the new group of people. "Furthermore, my name is Apple. That's all there is to it, no? Happy now?" She didn't understand Rin's behaviour, his upbeat disposition, his ability to be so casual in awkward situations, all of it. It was all so perplexing and baffling to her. 'This boy... Sigh, how odd he was.' she thought.
Kigome looked over at the boy who said hello. She smiled at him. It was a little warmer then she had liked but she was rude to him and slightly ignored him. "Oh where are my manners. I am so sorry I forgot about you, my in game name is dark queen, but please call me queen." She said offering her hand out for a shake. "Another swordsman, could be useful. He seems strong and capable. its more than I can say about the other guy that's hanging off of Apple." She thought.
He took her hand and shook it. "Hi david. Good to meet you too." She changed and gave him a warm smile. He felt more comfortable, but he still felt slightly put off by her. "So whats this about becoming stronger?" He asked her while looking at the other two. "Hi there to you two as well. David, as im sure you just heard. And it seems like you two have already met?" He chuckles and looks between Sky and Rin.
"Acutally yea"he said responding to David and ignores Apple."Its a long story and when I mean long its like 3 chapters of a book long"With a amused grin on his face.Finally letting go of Apple he focused his attention on his menu where he got a message from his friend.After reading the message he responded back then started playing with a throwing knife and threw it at the tree hitting it every time"Dont mind me"he said before throwing a knife.
She smirked. "There is a mother bull... The mother bull. Whose strength is twenty times stronger than her offspring... Who ever can beat her will level up... I've seen parties go after her, and get destroyed, but none of them had a beast tamer. I've heard tales that a strong team with a beast tamer could beat her which is...." She looked at the beast tamer. "...Why I've taken a liking in you.... So I want you to come with me and my team... I want the both of you. A beast tamer, and a swordsman." She said. "And a more comparable one at that." She thought. "So, is it yes or no? I need to know now." She said.


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David looked the queen up and down once more. Racking his brain on her. But as he was doing it, he realized the girl beside her. 'Apple.' Shy, but when she talked it was stern and quite scary actually. A swordswoman, strong willed and intelligent more than likely. She looked like she had an athletic build slightly to her as well. Then there is the guy. Fun loving, charismatic, he his quite the character. 'Puns at a time like this? think dude.' He probably has a more fast paced, 'Takem quickly' attitude than David. Anyways, back to the question at hand. '......yes or no? I need to know now.' Her words echoed a bit in his mind. He looked at Sky. "How bout it beast tamer? i know we kinda just met, but wanna join a party to take down something huge?"
Strolling down a path Alex looks over his notes of previous battles, and the souls he knows have been lost. He stops for a moment muttering "So sind wir immer guten Mutes . Wir wissen, dass , während wir zu Hause im Körper sind wir vom Herrn , denn wir wandeln im Glauben und nicht im Schauen . Ja, wir sind guten Mutes , und wir würden nicht vom Körper weg und zu Hause bei dem Herrn sein." After a while of more walking he plants his Claymore in the ground and rests under a tree.
(( Don't know. I'm just kind-of waiting for the others so we can proceed on to the boss raid fight. Pretty sure Apple can't really do much atm, so.. ^^;; ))
((Finally get accepted to an RP I'm interested in and it dies ;-; What is life without others to fanboy/girl with? I hope it gets back up soon.))
David looks around the 'Queen' and sees a large, white knight paladin sorta guy. Wouldnt want to be on the recieving end of him. Scary looking. "Hey, theres another guy. Scary paladin type. Looks european. German i think. He may also wanna level up and stuff. Why dont we go ask him?, also, sure. Ill join your little raid on a mommy bull." He smiled a bit cocky and stretched. "Welp, lets get to it."

Kigome looked over towards the guy. Her eyes were still cold and a little distant. She looked back at the animal tamer. "If you are going to join us then I say you go to the town..." She turned towards apple. "Apple, come with me." She said as she moved towards the gentleman in white. She looked past him at the leftovers of a battle. "Destructive, but is he a mindless brute?" She mumbled to herself. "Want a true test of strength?" She asked with a hint of bite in her voice.
Damvid looked at the tamer. "Hey, i keep an eye on this 'Queen'. but here," He opens his menu and sends a friends request. "Heres my number and i will see you later! i promise!" He winks a cheeky wink and jogs off to catch up with Queen. He arrived just in time to catch her question. 'So, she wants to challenge him to test his ability?... no the battle carnage over there would be enough. Maybe to just let off some steam? She isnt the type to do something without purpose. To test his brains in a battle? Most likely, but why not challenge me as well then? Hate not being able to read her right. Ugh. How annoying....' He analysed to himself.
Apple nodded, trailing after the Queen. She admired her brave and blunt disposition, it was nice to get straight to the point, without any sugarcoats. She looked at the knight dressed in pure white, remaining silent near Kigome. 'Everybody here... seems rather interesting, I suppose. All of the players seem to have their own unique trait, their unique style of performing quests, their unique style of combat. My opinion on games have been changing, little by little. It is, in its own sense, fascinating.' Soon, she listened to the conversation between Kigome and the man, unsure of how it would end. Hopefully, the knight was willing to join them, as the more players they had in their party, the better, as much as Apple hated to admit. The Mother Bull sounded difficult to defeat without a large group for the boss raid. Again, she wasn't too used to teamwork, but it was exciting to try.
Alex looked up to Kigome from his seated position and stood up, "Would that be you Mein Fräulein? I would not want to cause any unnecessary suffering in this Hell we live in, but if a test of my blade is what you truly seek I will oblige." Hauling his great-sword onto his shoulder Alex approached Kigome and bowed slightly. "What are the terms of this duel, Mein Fräulein?"
"Oh I am not your opponent Monsieur, oh no, I know my limit." She laughed. "No, I am after a beast, maybe even the doungen on this floor... I'm looking for the mother bull, kilasius." She said bluntly. "Come with us, in our party to fight this beast and move to the next level." She said as the wind kicked up. She didn't flinch, she didn't move, she didn't even bat an eyelash. "So Monsieur, will you join us?" She said as she stared into his eyes with her cold, almost emotionless and dead eyes.
(Why didnt I get any alerts I dont know but ONWARD WITH THE RP)

Rin now tired he sat down and saw Kiagome walk over to another person.Seeing her talk to him he decided to introduce himself later went up under a tree and rest.Almost falling asleep Rin sees himself getting attacked by some bulls again"Really"he yelled now getting up and ready to fight.Irritated he decapitated the first bull when it attacked him then one bull came from behind him and locked his arms so he cant fight.Another charging at him getting ready to stab him he jumped up and dropkicked the bull that was charging while that bull stabbed the one holding Rin.Rin kicked the bull hard he saw teeth come out and evaporate in front of him landing back on the ground the two bulls evaporated while he went back to the tree.
Nodding his head Alex responds, "As you wish, God be with you Fräulein, and to your kinsmen. I'll fight for you, lead the way." A slight smile, maybe a little forced. "It would be my pleasure." he finished pleasantly.
"Good." Was all she said. She smiled, and this one wasn't forced, or even fake. This one was real. "Then let this be heard from far and wide, a party of brave young adventurers sets off. Our goal is to finish this game, and to wake up and see our families again... Let us stand up and not quiver when we are faced with adversity.... My brothers and sister what lays ahead is dangerous, but you will not going to see me shiver, or shake... For I have you at my side, and watching my back." She said warmly. It was a weird emotion that she had.

She looked at every companion she had and gave them a warm smile. She then turns and faces the way to the cave. It was going to take some time to get there, a few hours by her guess, maybe even the whole day. "By tonight we will have kilasus, the mother bull's head." She said as she started to walk towards casicdaiuma, the bull's home.

The time passed by quickly. They did pass some pretty places. They saw a beautiful lake. The water was perfectly calm, and the mountain in the background made it an even better view, along with their journey they also saw a field of golden wheat. They also saw a pond that would be good to go fishing on.

They were maybe four miles out, but they had been walking all day. Kigome was tired. She sat down on a rock and drank some water from the container of water she had in her inventory. "I am sorry my brothers and sisters, but I am tired. I ask that we make camp for today." She said bluntly.
Apple wasn't expecting for the Queen to smile in such a warm, friendly manner, it was bewildering, but nice to see. She was prepared for the journey to slay the Mother Bull, so she trailed along the path, with everybody else, in a calm, orderly fashion.

As they passed by the localities suitable for sightseeing, Apple couldn't help but to be amazed. She definitely wouldn't have expected for the graphics of the game to be such high quality, it was just as exquisite as tourist attractions in real life, if not, even better. Unfortunately, as much as she desired to visit a few of these beautiful places deep inside, she planned to keep murdering monsters over and over, until the game was completed. There was no time for touring breaks in her schedule.

Several hours later, when Kigome had announced to take a rest, Apple had no problem with it. She wanted to kill the boss as much as the next person, but admittedly, she was just as tired as the Queen. Again, it was great that their leader was a straightforward person. "Affirmative." she replied.
Alexander walked a ways away from the group heading for the pond, since being silent the whole walk he hadn't really gotten to know anyone. once he reached the pond he went through his motions with his blade. He hoped this boss would put up a fight, something to take his mind from the blood on his hands. Although done in Gods name it didn't help that he still killed others, but they had too killed innocents. Mulling over this he slammed his sword into a tree and sat beside it.
David walked with the group, firmly keeping to the back so he could see everyone besides the big paladin. But he wasn't worried about him. A religious man, trapped within a game. 'Something tells me hes more sane than all of us.' D thought to himself. He decided to fall back a bit farther when they got to the pond and David couldn't blame him. These people weren't the most chatty bunch. David noticed the queen stopped and smiled to himself a bit as she admitted to being tired. "Ima go scout ahead, see if there is anything wrong, any enemies, stuff like that." He left without waiting for an answer. Being alone was never the best, but he didn't trust people within the party enough to watch his back. He found a small cliff over looking a rather wide range of wheat feilds. 'An ambush for anything could be waiting. We cant see the bed, we would be exposed from all sides.... But cutting around it would be time consuming and extensive....." He sat on the cliff, making sure he was hidden atleast a little bit, and cupped his hands to think of a strategy.
The dark queen took an axe out of her inventory and cut some wood from one of the trees nearby. She set up a fire and lit it. That would keep them warm throughout the night. She set the axe against another tree and leaned up against it. She looked at Apple. "Looks like we're the only two here, till the others get back here." She said. "Come over her, lean up against this tree and get warm by the fire." She said as she watched the fire dance from side to side. "Are you afraid?" She asked bluntly.
Apple watched the Queen set up the fire with amazement. She shook her head. "Oh no, I'm not afraid." The girl headed to Kigome's specified location, then got comfortable near the fire, but not too close. She could feel the warmth from the inferno's heat, it felt relaxing after a long day of traveling. It was usually quite cold during the night, so it was a good thing to have the fire to keep them warm. Apple glanced around, averting her gaze here and there, attempting to see if she could spot where the others went off to. Luckily, they weren't too far away, so she was able to find several of them. Soon, she looked at the Queen, and gave her a small smile. "Thank you for setting up the fire." she said. Camaraderie wasn't such a bad thing, after all.

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