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Fandom Sword Art Online

David focused and his eyes gleamed slightly. He may have not been the best at detection, but he increased it over the while to atleast boost its range abit. Thats when he saw them. 3 players. Laying in the wheat below... They were waiting for them. It wasn't even that long into the game and people were already PKing. EVEN after all the jazz from the first day..... this is crazy. He got up and ran back to the group. But he only found the red head and queen. "Hey, we have an issue.... there seems to be 3 players waiting for us up ahead when we get into the fields." he said with a very quiet voice. Their might be more around that he hasnt seen yet...
"Sit down... Dont you worry about them right now." She said with no emotion. It was like she had expected them to be there. "I had already known about them before you had left to go and scout a head... I have already planned for them." She said as she closed her eyes and let the fires warmth consume her. Its warmth was comferting. "I will take care of it." She said both sounding and looking scary.

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