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Fandom Sword Art Online

Sky listened to him and looked around the party. She watched his dramatic display and then he asked about her coming back to his place. Her face turned a deep red, almost matching her hair. "I-Uh"she started. "I am going to get a drink and then I can probably get a room" she stammered, waving the bartender to get a drink, and fast.
"Alright see ya and hey if ya need me you know what to do"he said to her seeing her blush a deep red and giggled a bit.While walking he decided he might try to level up tomorrow.Arriving at the inn he walked to his room spinning his keys on his finger.Walking inside his room he quickly undressed and layed in his bed"Well that was a exciting day"he said before passing out.
Oras was silent, silent as the grave. He was sitting in a bar, his hood up, covering his face, making it look like a shadow. In his right hand, he constantly flicked a golden coin, listening to the activity in the bar, a drink in front of him on the table in front of him. He leaned back in his chair, still flicking the coin. Slightly intrigued, Oras looked up looking as the girl ordered another drink. He could tell she was nervous and he chuckled to himself, shaking his head slightly.

Sky clutched the young fire wolf to her chest as if letting it go would somehow break the connection she made. She grabbed the drink and took her headgear off. Gently, she placed the wolf pup down on the counter. It yipped and wagged it's tail. The flames licked at the counter but didn't burn. It looked over at a hooded figure and bolted to him. "Wait!" she called, trying to grab the small wolf but he was already in front of the stranger. @Baconhands
Oras looked at the small fire wolf in front of him and grinned slightly, he was unfazed on honestly found the small creature rather cute. He stopped flipping the coin in his right hand and raised his left hand in front of the wolf's face non-threateningly. He smiled slightly, his voice kind, "Hey there. Who are you? Where's your owner?" He knew who its owner was and he glanced over at the girl that had shouted 'Wait'.

Sky watched the hooded figure interact with the small fire wolf. The wolf's flames swelled and decreased excitedly as he hopped around in front of the man. Sky clutched her wine, nervously looking at him. "I am sorry..." she muttered, frantically motioning the creature to come back. "He doesn't know many commands yet..." she muttered.
Oras smiled to himself and moved his hand into the flames to see if he would take damage, "It's not a problem, he hasn't killed me yet." He looked over at her as she motioned for the creature to come back, "Not many Beast masters in the game, it's strange. I applaud you for taming this creature... unless you started with it. In that case, cool pet!" He kept his hood up, looking at her.

Sky watched the small wolf dance around the bar. "I trained him today...on accident actually. Was going for the father but.." she sighed, taking a large sip of wine. "Thanks" she said, stopping herself from talking about the adult fire wolf. "well...welcome to your new life, may I take your order" she began to mock to the air. She swung her glass around like a drunk would and shook her head. "I can't believe we are stuck here..." she said, staring out the window to the dark outside world.
(Which also reminds me, how far into the game is this? @Shawna )

Oras nodded with a slight grin, "Stuck in a fantasy video game? I don't mind this at all." He shrugged, "Are you drunk already?" He chuckled to himself slightly as he stood and moved over to her side, standing next to her, "Mind if I take a seat next to you?" @FlawlezFalcon
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Apple was furiously pacing back and fourth outside in the town, refusing to accept the fact that all the players were stuck in the game. 'This can't be. Trying this out was a mistake.' she thought. Since Sword Art Online was her first game, her impression about gaming in general dropped significantly. She had her studies to immensely worry about, her title as the 'Student Council President' was in danger. Of course, she couldn't imagine her grades slipping down to anything other than an A+. School was extremely important to her. 'Why did I do this?! I should've listened to Mother...' Slightly confused about what to do, she kept on with angrily walking to and fro, hoping to escape soon.
Sky laughed and set her cup down "No...I am not drunk...yet" she chuckled. She patted the seat near her "I figured this is the first night in game permanently, she had forever to level up and battle. She put her cat ear like head gear on and touched them. Someone was outside pacing, she watched the girl disappear and reappear in the window.
FlawlezFalcon said:
Sky laughed and set her cup down "No...I am not drunk...yet" she chuckled. She patted the seat near her "I figured this is the first night in game permanently, she had forever to level up and battle. She put her cat ear like head gear on and touched them. Someone was outside pacing, she watched the girl disappear and reappear in the window.
Oras sat down on the seat next to her, putting the cup in front of him. Seeing that she was distracted, he looked out of the window too. He chuckled to himself, "She hasn't come to terms with it at all has she?" He turned back and extended a hand to the girl next to her, "My name's Oras."
Waking up from his sleep he jumped up and clapped his hands."Time to level up"he exclaimed and then started changing into his armor.Ready to go he left the inn and started walking towards the field.While walking he decided to see if the man was still at the bar.Looking through the window he saw that the man was on the table passed out."Partied to hard did ya"he laughed to himself then dodged a red headed girl walking back and foward"Uhhhh excuse me but you dont seem to be relaxed"he said looking at her back and foward talking too herself.
Apple blinked, stopped in her tracks, then glanced back at the crimson-haired male. "Hm? You don't say. Now please, leave me be." she said in a cold and serious tone, looking unamused as she proceeded to pace around once more, sighing. It was going to be hopeless for her, it would be plausible that Apple wouldn't survive in such a world, where she was at the very bottom; a novice. Still, she refused help from others, despite her current state. How stubborn she was.
"Yea I actually do say"he said in a regular tone completely forgetting about the rudeness the girl showed him."And if your gonna keep walking back and foward dont do it in front of the window you look stupid"he said a pointing to the people that were staring at her"Do it were nobody will see you"he shrugged.
She rolled her eyes, sitting down on the grass, away from the rocky-tiled pathway and across from the bar. Ignoring the boy, Apple sulked, pulling out the game menu to stare at the buttons, still hoping for the log-out button to appear. She was planning in her mind to hunt down some monsters later on to level up, after all, she wanted to abscond from the game just as much as the next person. For now, that was her ultimate desire, so she could return to her studies.
"Thats better now you don't look stupid"he said randomly patting her head but didn't notice."Well know im gonna just leave you too do what you need to do"he stopped patting her head and started walking back towards the field while waving at her.Arriving at the forest area he walked a bit deeper when he saw higher level monsters he started battling them.
Apple was offended at him saying that she looked "stupid", although it was probably true. She was startled and bewildered at how he suddenly patted her head without much of a reason, but she decided not to question it as he was already off to defeat the endless amount of monsters in SAO. 'Such an odd kid he is..' she thought. Apple soon stood after several minutes passed, heading towards the fields to complete the level-appropriate quests. There was no time to waste, after all. Her game-plan was simple: play until exhaustion transpired, take a short break, then repeat.
As he scratched his head and felt his hair run through his fingers, he sighed. "This is my new life until people can beat the game eh?....." He chuckled to himself. He wanted an escape, and he got one. He felt the sword in his hand and spun it. "Awesome." He saw a boar and threw a rock at it. as it charged him, he got ready. Sword glowing, he raced by it, cutting a long slash through its side and watched as it burst into pixels. "Thats me if i dont be careful." he walked back to the town after that and looked around. So many people were still here, refusing to accept the fact they were stuck. He even saw a few waggling their hands still trying to find the logout button. On his way in he passed by a long haired red head. "hey, did you find any decent places to take a break here yet? i kinda just headed immediately for the XP before it was gone." he asked while putting on a friendly smile.
After a while a announcement came across Rin's screen."Forest boss spawning in get ready"Rin smiled and pulled out his other best sword"Break times over"Rin said smiling.Ready he saw a giant skeleton monster coming at him and then jumped at him.Dodging the attack"Too slow"Rin said slicing the side of the monster and did a good amount of damage.The monster came at Rin with a sword art Rin ran at the monster and slid under the monster slicing it almost in half.Reacting quicker than Rin thought the monster knocked Rin back Rin got up touched his new scar on his stomach and said"Im pissed now".Rin charged at the monster doing a sword art the monster doing the same thing then they clashed which caused a bunch of sparks to fly.Now both testing eachother strength Rin won the clash and finished the monster off with a powerful strike from his swords.Tired he walked to the tree he was laying under and relaxed then"Level up"popped up in his face and decided to wait for his health to regenarate.
By the time Apple reached the nearest field appropriate for her level and skill, she began to attack mercilessly. She was a newbie in gaming, so her stats weren't all that great (especially the areas regarding damage and defense), her technique wasn't perfect, neither was her armor, but she was trying her best. The scarlet-haired female launched herself into the air, swinging her heavy claymore and descending at a mob of monsters, impaling the ground forcefully. The combinations she added onto the slashes afterwards were average, a few hits here and there. She was having a little trouble with even the normal, non-boss enemies, as their counters ate away at her HP, but it was manageable overall. 'If even several of these are able to tire me out so quickly, it'd take quite a long time to return to the real world. I must continue, no matter what.' She kept the message circulating in her mind, as the self-encouragement repeated itself over and over again within.
Baconhands said:
Oras sat down on the seat next to her, putting the cup in front of him. Seeing that she was distracted, he looked out of the window too. He chuckled to himself, "She hasn't come to terms with it at all has she?" He turned back and extended a hand to the girl next to her, "My name's Oras."
"Sky" she said, lifting her glass a bit and taking a drink. "Me and little one are going to retire for the night " she.smiled. "see you in the field! "

(Sry gtg)
FlawlezFalcon said:
"Sky" she said, lifting her glass a bit and taking a drink. "Me and little one are going to retire for the night " she.smiled. "see you in the field! "
(Sry gtg)
Oras smiled, "Nice to meet you Sky." He stood and looked at the innkeeper, walking over and interacting with the NPC. After a brief, slightly infuriating, conversation, Oras had rented a room for the night. He would go and farm experience tomorrow, pick up some traits and and possibly a skill like skinning. He retired to the room he had rented with a slight sigh, albeit grinning slightly as he started to get PMd by his friends, who were also in the game. He shook his head at some of the messages, they were taking this very well, extremely well. He led down and slept after a few minutes.
Rin now with his health full he got up to fight some more monsters.While walking back he saw the red head from earlier"Hey its strawberry shortcake"he said laughing hopefully she didn't hear him.Now on the otherside from where the red head girl is he continued to attack monsters and try to level up.Leveling up one more time he decided to check on the girl and went back where he first saw her.Arriving he sees her fighting some monsters"Kinda sloppy"he said seeing how she moved her sword but it was impressive for a beginner.Rin decided to just fight some monsters then check on strawberry shortcake for a quick schedule.
Realizing he was ignored he sighed and scratched his head. "Damnit...." He walked around the town a bit and came across a bar. "Sweet, bars are nice. drinks are better." He walked into the bar and looked around. Pretty empty. Damn. Some human interaction would be pretty nice right about now. 'Maybe i picked the wrong time... maybe everyones out training or leveling... damnit' he went and sat at a table to just rest for a bit.

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