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Fandom Sword Art Online

Apple was unaware of the boy's presence nearby, she only minded her own business, not bothering to glance around at the surrounding players. In all honesty, she didn't care, at least for now. Her mindset was solely focused on beating the game alone, devoid of consideration to work as a team with some others, which was a foolish choice for a beginner. She stood and leaned against a tree nearby to rest for a minute, waiting for the monsters closest to her to respawn. The midnight skies were indeed, pitch black by now, but the stars supplied and enhanced them with a dazzling illumination. She briefly looked up through the cracks and empty spaces of the branches and leaves, just to admire the setting and how beautiful it was, but she quickly shook her head, deciding not to stray away from her main goal. Sightseeing was not on her to-do list, after all.
While watching the girl fight she came over to the tree he was in.Quickly rushing to the otherside of the tree he dropped down which wasnt that loud but loud enough and he hope she wouldn't hear it.Now sneaking away a group of evil giant bulls came over to attack him.Going faster he tried to get far away from the tree so she wouldn't notice him.Getting not to far he had no choice but to fight now and sliced the first two bulls which pushed them back.Using a sword art to kill the others he sliced the first two he attacked in half which finished them off.Now knowing his cover was blown he just sat down and started getting comfy and relax on the grass.
Apple heard him from the beginning, therefore she was attentive all the way, from the point he plopped down on the other side of the tree trunk, to when he obliterated the bulls and sat on the grassy field comfortably. There was no doubt, his ability to battle was overwhelming, compared to Apple who could only do so little. 'It's that swordsman from before...' she thought. Again, not considering that they could actually be allies somehow in the slightest, she shrugged, remaining in her spot. She gripped onto the hilt of her claymore, preparing for her next rush to destroy the monsters for the quest.
Not feeling like sitting in silence he decided to say something"Yo strawberry shortcake hows it going"trying to sound regular.Still not making eye to eye contact with her he choose the worse way to start this conversation.After mentally punching himself he calmed down and started to relax again.
'Did he just...' Apple blinked, questioning him calling her "Strawberry Shortcake" in her mind. At the same time, she was utterly confused at why he'd begin speaking to her in the first place, and in such a casual tone at that, as if they were... comrades. She barely knew him, except for that one encounter outside of the bar. Even more bewilderment filled, she began to respond. "Strawberry Shortcake?" she queried. "I'd prefer if you called me by my in-game name, Sir. And, if I may ask, why are you inquiring in the first place?"
There was a bull standing right behind Rin, which let out a very loud and very ferocious scream. It was right behind him, and it was ready to attack. In a matter of seconds it raised its hand above its head, ready to strike the man dead. But before that could happen an axe head had cut through its upper neck and went down to its armpit. The beast broke into a million pieces as it disintegrated. Behind the beast stood a tall girl in dark grey armour. In her hands, a war axe. The look on her face, emotionless, and a little cold. Her eyes almost soulless. She didn't say a word. Every move she made had force and power behind it. She didn't seem afraid. She looked scary. She just moved onto the next one, then the next one, then the next one, till they were all dead.

After they were all dead and the boy and girl, along with the girl in dark grey armour were left, the girl smiled. She looked towards the woods. These bull creature like things were small. No problem for her, but the mother of these creatures that's another story all together. Kigome was going to have to be smart with everything she did from that point on. She looked back towards the boy and girl. "Did I stumble upon two star crossed lovers, and save them, hmmm?" She asked loud enough for them to hear. "Hmmmm, or maybe two companions set on beating the game?" She asked again.

The boy was strong looking, a little rough, but strong. The girl looked powerful, unguided, but powerful. "I could use a couple people like you... Care to hear me out?" She said with a devilish grin.
"Your in game name no nicknames"he said not even bother to see what her name is"Also I....cutting himself off when he saw another person.Seeing the other girl he heard her question"Star crossed lovers no companions no were just two people who hangout in a odd way"he said then hearing her other question he answered with a simple"Sure"said then walked up too her and whispered"Im not so sure about scarlet though shes not a people person"he looked back at the other girl at the tree."She can be nice but shes a bit stubborn"he whispered again then went to lay down back in the grass but now looking at the girl who was not so on the friendly side with him.
Apple glanced at the swordswoman with her crimson-red eyes, processing her first statement. "'Star-crossed lovers'? I'm afraid you're wrong. We're not even companions, if I may say. Perhaps you were correct about the saving part, however. You have my thanks. As for your other statement, yes, my desire is to complete this game, though I might be able to predict that the boy over here," she pointed at him. "has the same goal as well. Utter and deliver your message, I'm all ears, for now." Apple looked at the IGNs of the boy and the girl. Rin and Kigome. Certainly, Kigome piqued her interest, so she was willing to stay for the speech. She remained leaning against the tree trunk, averting her gaze and attention to the two of them, mainly focusing on Kigome.
Oras woke after some time, in the room at the inn. It was strange sleeping in game, but he didn't mind it. He stood and stretched after a minute and went downstairs, he wasn't hungry so he immediately went outside, and proceeded down a road, looking for NPCs to kill and farm. He'd get out of this game soon, he knew it, but he wanted to have a bit of fun before he did.

Sky woke from her sleep and stretched, feeling refreshed. Her stomach growling. She touched it lightly and her and her wolf headed from the inn. Some NPC vendors were out and about. She purchased a small thing of meat and a sweet roll. Gently, she fed the young wolf and munched on her sweet roll as they headed to the field. Sky ran through the town, laughing as the fire wolf chased her.

They made it to the field and she inhaled the air. "Ready?" she asked the wolf. She unsheathed her weapon and looked for what trouble they could find.
D woke up and looked around, realizing he fell asleep at the table. He decided he would just walk out. He got up and scurried to the exit and left. There was an odd sight to be held out here. A girl running with a fire fox out the gates. Hm. Bubbly people are weird, but a beast tamer would be pretty sweet to have in a party. Its like two for the price of one. Especially a fir- 'she's getting away you idgit! stop with the tactical monologue and go!' he thought to himself. So he ran. He ran out the gate before anyone elses eye was caught by the flickering flames. He ran up and stopped beside her. "Hi there!"
Sky had her sword drawn and was prepared to target a pig before she was stopped. Out of habit, she swung her sword around quickly and placed the tip of it not to far from him. Her eyes narrowed at him before she realized he was a player. "Oh I am so sorry!" she proclaimed, lowering her sword immediately. "You frightened me" she gave a nervous laugh, trying to let him know she wasn't a threat.
Oras looked aside, seeing the girl he had talked to the other day. Is she drunk, still from last night? He thought to himself. He sighed and walked slowly over to them after turning in some junk items for gold. He saw someone else approach her and wondered in his head, A friend perhaps?


David jumped. "WOAH!" he heard her exclamation and sighed laughing to himself. "oh no worries!" He breathed out a sigh of relief. Two on one isnt a favorable match up. "Cute pup" He smiled looking at the fire fox. "Shes very beautiful! not a lot of beast tamers in this world." He bent down and smiled at it. "Gotta name for it yet?" He thought to himself quickly. "Oh yeah, and your name. not sure if me asking this is weird or anything. Seeing as i just appeared behind you and you had a sword to my face. im sorry. i tend to think out loud. My most recurring quality. and im rambling. ill stop." 'Damn you and your brain' he thought.
Kigome smirked. "Well first introductions are in order. My name is Kigome, but please call me the dark queen, or queen for short. As for meeting you both, it is my pleasure..." She sheathed her war axe. "Now these beasts that attacked you, these bulls. They, are nothing more than an upgraded slime from any other game, and just like any other game there is a head slime or mother bull in this case..." She leaned up against a tree. "I know because I have seen it. The only thing is, it's too strong for me alone, but a party would have no problem taking it out." She got off the tree and walked over to apple. "So do you wanna be stronger, and level up?" She said as she held out her hand for a and shake. "Care to join me?"
Apple pondered on her question, she wasn't exactly too great with teamwork, but she was willing to try. Even in real life, at school, she always kept her studies to herself. During group projects, she would often trail off and do whatever needed, alone. 'A boss of the enemies; a leader. Yes, that makes sense...' she continued to think about the offer of forming a party. 'I suppose that this would only be the right thing to do, to complete this game as soon as possible.' Promptly, Apple shook Kigome's extended hand. "I'll accept. My name is Apple; and likewise, I am looking forward to working with you, Dark Queen." The swordswoman was an interesting being, it was rare for Apple to participate in activities involving groups of people, but perhaps, in Sword Art Online, that would change, given the circumstances.
She smirked. "Then we shall set out in a bit..." She turned towards the closest town. "But even with the three of us we won't really stand a chance against her.... We need to get a couple more people to join us." She thought. She brushed some dust off of her dark grey armour. "We should head back to town and stock up on gear." She said in true gamer passion. This wasn't her first rodeo and she knew what everyone was going to need. She looked back, with an expressionless face. "You coming?"
"Affirmative." Apple cracked a small, teeny smile before following the Queen back to the town. She was attempting to be as open-minded as she could, with the entire party concept. As they ambled, she opened the menu, scrolling through the interface to check the amount of currency she had, mentally setting up a budget of how many of certain items to purchase beforehand. Of course, she didn't want to be broke, so she had to save a bit for a later time. Minus the fact that they were trapped inside the game, Apple's opinion of SAO slightly increased.
Rentition said:
David jumped. "WOAH!" he heard her exclamation and sighed laughing to himself. "oh no worries!" He breathed out a sigh of relief. Two on one isnt a favorable match up. "Cute pup" He smiled looking at the fire fox. "Shes very beautiful! not a lot of beast tamers in this world." He bent down and smiled at it. "Gotta name for it yet?" He thought to himself quickly. "Oh yeah, and your name. not sure if me asking this is weird or anything. Seeing as i just appeared behind you and you had a sword to my face. im sorry. i tend to think out loud. My most recurring quality. and im rambling. ill stop." 'Damn you and your brain' he thought.
"It's a he" she beamed, hugging herself with pride. "I tamed him.yesterday! But no...I don't have a name for him" she muttered. She tilted her head and held out a hand "I am sky!" She said. "You?" He had a bit of of a goofy charm to.him. almost like an awkward but nice charm. As she held her hand to shake, she saw Oras nearby. She waved excitedly towards him.
He smiled and shook her hand with a bit of excitement. New people are always cool to meet. "im David. Friends call me Dave or D. Nice to meet you." He oddly sped through the sentence then noticed her waving to another player. a cool looking guy though he couldn't see his face as it was covered by a hood. "OOh.... ominous." He chuckled to himself at his own joke
"Too the town"Rin exclaimed and pointing a finger towards the town.Following the Queen of Gamevil he thought to himself"This mother bull isn't a problem if shes just a giant bull thats maybe a bit smarter".Rin was really a guy who liked making friends but he was a also a guy that would work alone but he could make a exception once.
On their way back to town they passed a field with a few other people in it. "We're gonna need some help with these beasts...." She noticed a fox with them "... And a beast tamer would make a great addition." She said as she made her way into the field. "My my. What a beautiful fox... I've never seen one this beautiful." She said with no emotion in her voice. "A beast tamer is a good thing to have on a team... Oh where are my manners. My name is... Well just call me queen...You're probably wondering why I am here... Well I have a job that I have enlisted the help of these two associates... but the job I have is a lot harder with less people. Five, with a beast tamer would make it easier... So what do you say... Want a chance to test out your fox, and grow stronger, maybe even level up?" She said intriguingly.
David looked at the new stranger. 'Queen? yeah like thats gunna happen.' He thought to himself. And why was she talking like he wasnt there? just to Sky. Psh. He inhaled then exhaled. Calming his nerves. She was dangerous looking. The armor was a darker shade than most peoples. Must be a warrior class. Might use swords, but there was something more dangerous about her. The way she spoke. Her tone. It was... gone. There was only her voice. Almost soulless. So what else? think. think..... Her eyes! they were cold. She was being friendly. But there was definitely something off about this person... "Well hello to you too!" He put on his best smile and waved.
With Apple trailing behind the Queen, she glanced around and analyzed the people in the vicinity. By now, her claymore was sheathed, since it was a bother lugging it around with her hand. Of course, she didn't forget her manners, she greeted with an almost inaudible, stern "Hello."; it almost sounded like a mumble or mutter, though. Apple didn't exactly care about the fire-fox, which seemed to have piqued the interest of Kigome, however, she simply stood there, waiting for the encounter to be done.
Walking beside Kigome he noticed her talking to someone.Looking to see who it is he saw a small fox on fire."Sky"he blurted outoud and saw the redish pink headed girl again."How are you doin"he said waving at her and saw the other guy and waved at him"Hey my names Rin wasup"expression changing to cool guy.Noticing Apple be a bit shy sounding he pulled her over in front of the two"Dont be shy now introduce were they can at least hear you"he said standing beside Apple with his arm around her.

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