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Fandom Sword Art Online


Welcome to Sword Art Online.

Recognize the world of swords, fight til' the death, and choice? Here it is!

I'm a big fan of SAO myself, and I'd like to interact with other fans myself.

Here for the RP? Visit the OOC section for directions~ Thank you! <3
Sky sat at her desk, staring at the headgear she had recently purchased. She had been saving up for months to buy one, now it was her's. Sky ran a hand gently over the shiny white helmet, a smile flickering across her face. Gently, she untied the bow that held her red hair up and she slipped the headgear on. The screen came to life in full 360 degree motion. Instructions flickered on and off the screen as she entered her information. Touch here...touch there....weight...height...blah blah blah. She just wanted to play!! It felt like hours before the sword art online logo danced in front of her. She squealed happily as she was immersed into the game. She played solo, instantly pulling away from the other players. It was slow going, but she knew she needed to get leveled and get a new set of armor besides the beginner clothes. She stayed on the outskirts of town until she had enough money to get a cloak. She checked her inventory as she headed back into the town. "Hmm.."she muttered, noticing all her materials. "Maybe I should try crafting" she nodded. She headed towards the blacksmithing station and began to experiment with her large supply of materials...

((wanted to get an intro before we got sucked in. My next post will jump forward where she has increased her armor skill and looks more like the photo I posted))
Rin is in a inn he got not to long ago changing into his new midnight cloak.Not ready to set off yet he bought some potions and some food.While shopping he got a message from his friend Jon it said"Rin meet me at the waterfall in the forest get here fast".Wondering what Jon found he put on his cloak to cover himself since this could be a trap Jon never messages people but ignoring that he set off to the waterfall.

Arriving there he could out his friends name"Jon"no response he did it again nothing until 4 people jumped out of the bushes.Rin being fast jumped out of the way to see the four men crash into each other"Easy"Rin mumbled.Then pulled out his sword and listened for mumbling or more which he did untieing his friend he tied up the group and looted them and left them.

(Decided to make an intro where hes already inside next one will be when he finds out there stuck and stuck some of the armor in the picture)
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Sky looked at her sword she crafted, grinning from ear to ear. She had gotten really good at crafting it seemed. She watched her experience bar go up another level as she finished the sword. "Yes!" She squealed, dancing around her work station. As she set out to try at the fire wolf again. As she began to walk, she realized she needed to check on something IRL. With a wave of her hand, she looked at the menu. Something looked...wrong. the log out button was...gone! Sky panicked, looking around as the sky turned red and a loud bell began to ring. Within seconds she was teleported to the begining square. People began to appear, one by one. Sky pulled off her armor, not wanting people to see her unique head gear, arm gear, and leg gear.
Checking out the loot these guys had made Rin dance but felt pity since they were easy to fight.Putting on his new armor he started walking back to the town.While Rin was walking back to town he encountered a few monsters and had we enough materials to make sword which was way better than his sword.When Rin got to town he sold all his beginner armor"Glad thats done"he said relieved.Then Rin went to go check out the blacksmith at the Inn then realized he had to go eat dinner.Pulling up the menu Rin saw that the log off button didnt work.Not really freaking out he tried again then sky turned red and a loud bell was ringing then he was teleported to the begining square.Wondering whats going on he decides to find his friend Jon and starts walking through the crowd.

Sky looked at the crowd of panicked individuals. Whispers escalated into screaming at a rapid pace. People started to group up, leaning on those they played with for support. Sky stood alone, hugging herself as she began to hyperventilate. The sky flickered as the GameMaster filled the air above them. As he spoke about how they could never leave, Sky collapsed to the floor. She stared at the ground below her. It all suddenly felt...real. Everything...was so real....Tears flooded her eyes for a second before she looked around. People were screaming, fleeing the scene as he vanished. She just sat there, staring at the ground and feeling the dirt between her fingers. She had no time to feel sorry for herself...Now was the time to train the beast...now was the time to move. Despite how many times she said this, she couldn't move. She was tired and hungry.

Finding his friend the GameMaster appeared and people went from confused to terrified.Now the people around were screaming and some were freaking out.Impressed how this happened he started to wonder"If we die in the game we die in real life too"still listening people started making groups.Being more of a lone person Rin didnt join any.Jon knowing his friend didnt ask and joined a different group.Soon people started rushing out and then he saw a girl hyperventilating.Since she about to get stampede over Rin quickly picked her up and asked"You ok"with a worried tone in his voice.Looking at the girl she was probably tired and hungry so he started walking towards the Inn he rented.
Sky was staring at her fingers when suddenly she was off the ground. She heard a voice and looked up in a panic to see someone pulling her off the ground. She looked around wildly as he walked. People were crying, running, yelling...it was complete chaos. "I-I can walk" she said, forcing her way onto the ground. She looked at him, confused. His armored hinted that he was more than a beginner. He seemed to know where he was going. "Thanks..." she muttered, moving to avoid a running man.
"No problem just nextime you hyperventilate make sure your not in front of stampede"he said looking at the girl"A beginner...probably"he thought to himself."You look exhasted you can rest at my Inn I have to go do something anyway"he said making sure nobody ran her over.Seeing the Inn he pointed to it"Theres my place for right now"he mumbled the last part to himself.Arriving now in front of the Inn he opened the door for the girl and sayed with a british ascent"Come on in my lady"closing the door and pulling out his keys and unlocking the door.Opening his door to reveal a not to fancy and clean room"Well here we are"he said starting to put his new armor away and midnight cloak on"Well get comfertable rest and here"he sent her a friend request"If your gonna leave tell me cause I might come back with something special"he said laughing a bit then left.
Sky followed him into the inn, noticing that he seemed to have a bit of humor. She chuckled at his forced accent and walked in to see a bare but tidy room. A friend request flickered in front of her. She gently lifted a finger and clicked "Accept" revealing his name as Rin. "Thank you, Rin. I am sorry for the trouble" she said quietly, looking at his gear as he added the cloak. She kept her gear hidden in her inventory still, making it seem like she was new. It wasn't that she wanted to lie, she just didn't know who to trust. She looked over his weapons "Dual wield?" she asked, more to herself than him.
"Bingo"he said"And dont thank me I would've helped even if you weren't pretty"he said with a devilish grin."You new"he asked looking at her outfit"Or just pretending to be"looking at her with one eyebrow up"If you are its ok you can trust me though you might not believe me".Anyway message me or tell me when I come back"he said waving then zooming out the door"To the blacksmith"he said sarcasticly and marching out the Inn.
Sky turned 5 shades of red at his comment, almost matching her hair. "Oh-hah-I" she said, coughing a bit to make herself calm down. Luckily, he didn't let her answer his question before marching out like a goofy warlord. "Oh my" she said to herself, sitting down on the bed that sat in the corner of the room. Exhaustion was deep now, but she was so nervous to sleep that it almost overpowered it. "I can...just take a quick nap" she muttered to herself. Her hand flicked open the inventory and she pulled out her head gear. She leaned against the wall as she sat in the bed, slowly polishing it. For some reason, this relaxed her. "I will tame the fire wolf when I wake...I will" she muttered to herself. She slowly drifted off to sleep, clutching her headgear.
Whistling it looked like the markets were crowded today walking by a fruit market he stole an apple without anybody noticing.Seeing the blacksmith store he walked a bit faster then at the weapons shop he found out there was a new weapon and it was kinda cheap.Being kinda of a wealthy person he decides to come back later.Arriving at the blacksmith he entered through the door which made a bell sound but no one answered"I hope they would mind me just using a few things.Walking into the back he saw the crafting table and started making what seems is a sword.Not being a blacksmith made it even harder to make the sword but he managed it.Approving his sword he heard a bell ring and knew he had to leave so he got his things and jumped out of the window.Thankfully the window wasnt high up and Rin was able to escape without a problem and walked to the weapons market and luckily the weapon was still there with some armor that matches it.Walking back towards the house he messaged Sky"Im coming back".
Sky woke with a start. A message scrolled across her vision. Her eyes were blurry from her nap. At first, she didn't remember she was in game still. After awhile, she remember the previous events. As her vision unblurred, she saw the message from Rin saying he was returning. She sat up and stretched. Her head gear bouncing off her lap and sliding under the bed. "Crap" she muttered, leaning down to try to pull it out. She laid on the ground and slid a bit under the bed, attempting to reach the headgear but couldn't quite get it.
Whistling while walking towards the Inn he wondered if Sky got the message"Probably not"he thought to himself.Arriving at the Inn he greeted the people inside and started walking towards his room.Walking inside he sees Sky struggling to get something under the bed"Nice view"Rin thought at the back of his mind.After mentally slapping himself Rin walked up to the bed and picked it up without struggle"Need some help"he said having a wide smirk on his face.
Sky scrambled under the bed as it was lifted, grabbing the head gear and tossing it into inventory. "Thanks..." she blushed. "I-i need to go" she stuttered heading for the door quickly. She had to get out and fight. ..at least attempt the training again.
"Be careful"he said with the grin still on his face"And remeber your always welcomed to come visit"he said waving a bit"Silly girl"he thought to himself laughing it would be a shame to not have a friend like that.
Sky headed put to the field, popping on armor one piece at a time. Arms....legs..weapons...head gear...all accounted for. She stated at the field, trying to focus on her work ahead rather than her first friend. "He was just being nice.. " she reassured herself. She started walking to the fire wolf den. Today is the day, she thought. She approached with the enchanter flute from her inventory in her hand and a sword in the other.
Seeing Sky leave he tried on all of the new armor he got and realised he had the whole outfit.A bit astonished he did a little celebration"Hey I kinda look good in this"he said standing sideways then front and back.Rin decided to walk to the bar and was also wearing his armor.
Sky crouched down, running through the cave to keep in the shadows. The fire wolf was curled in a small ball in the middle of the cave. It's flames were low, meaning he was sleeping. She sheathed her weapon and began to play the beautiful melody from the beast trainer flute. This was her 10th visit to the fire wolf. Instantly, the flames bursted upward on the wolf. He stood with his head high, glaring at Sky. He lunged, catching her off guard and she hit the wall. She pulled her weapon out and began to fight the wolf, trying her hardest not to kill it. Apparently, his health was lower than she expected. Her sword pierced the fire wolf and suddenly he burst into small pixels. "NO!" she screamed, trying to grab at the pixels that floated upwards. "No..." she sobbed, throwing her sword on the ground in frustration. Her experience bar boosted and bumped her to the next level, but she didn't care. She had been trying so hard..."Meep!" came a small voice. She turned to look and behind her was a small baby fire wolf. It's tail wagged happily at her as it approached. "A...baby...?" she said through her tears. The small fire wolf jumped around her feet. Sky knelt and the small wolf leaned against her in affection. "I..I did it...I DID IT!!" she cheered, grabbing the wolf in a tight hug. Its flames danced around her arms as she held it and it licked her face.

Arriving at the bar Rin waved at everybody in the bar and only got a few back.Sitting down at a table where a man challenges him to a game.Founding out the game is he has to find out which cup the ball was in.Putting the small ball in the middle he started slow then really fast.Rin is good at keeping his mind on one thing then the man stopped it was the middle the man pulled up the cup it was there."Your good with your eyes kid the first to get me"the man said a bit astonished on how Rin figured out where the ball is"Well kid since you win theres a free drink on me"the man nodded at Rin."Thanks"Rin said giving a nod back at the man"What do you want kid"the man looked at the bartender"Just anything I guess"Rin said.The man smiled"Good choice my friend"he called the bartender over and whispered something to him a few minutes later the bartender came over with two drinks and then the man said"Every drink from here on out is on me"at that everybody cheered and instant party happened.
Sky was talking to the small wolf excitedly as she headed into town. She clutched the fire wolf to her chest and cooed to it, feeling on top of the world. As she walked into town, she realized that she had full armor on still. She headed straight into the bar where everyone seemed to be having a party. Aurora looked around wide eyed, confused at first what was happening.
"Yea chug chug chug"everybody was cheering seeing the man who started this all trying to drink a whole gallon of beer.Rin cheering to stopped when he saw Sky and waved at her and walked over"Hey you came to party too"then noticed the small fire wolf in her hands"Awwww who is this little guy"patting the wolfs head hoping it wont bite him.
Sky saw Rin and gave a baffled look towards him. She shook her head He seems like that type she thought to herself. He waved her over and she nervously stepped forward, hugging the small fire wolf. As Rin tried to pet it, the wolf's flames surged up a little, but didn't burn him. "What is going on?" she asked, stepping over a spilt beer.
"Well I met this guy and he just started a party"paying full attention on Sky now"Well im done partying today so onwards to my inn"he said putting one leg on a chair and pointing outside the door.Starting to walked towards the inn he stopped and went back to Sky and asked"You gonna stay by yourself or are you coming along with me"doing a devilish grin.

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