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Fandom Sword Art Online: Heroes of Order

Something Cool

Last FartBender
You have logged in to Sword Art Online. An action that put your life on the line. But you were smart, playing with friends was a thing you usually did. 3 other friends to be exact. You have carved your name into game forums everywhere, but do you stand a chance of a place both paradise and hell to all gamers? Are the Heroes of Order up for this challenge? The odds are against all of you, but are you willing to race to the top, or die trying? Welcome to Sword Art Online.

First Day. Summer 2022

You are one of the lucky gamers who bought the copy of SAO and played at the shop, and since SAO was played in a mega server, you found your friends quite easily. You were awestruck at the beauty of this virtual world, and wanted to start your journey as soon as possible. You and your team decide either to go buy some equipment, or go kill boars in the Fields of Kobalds.
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The party had came to a small crossroads, the two options both had good rewards, the shop could give them better equipment to further there travels but killing the boars would get them nearer to leveling up. Plus it was boars, what easier target than the lowest level of monsters? He felt like they should maybe go slay the boars as who knew the respawn rates of the enemys? Plus the starting gear they had began with wasn't that bad he felt. He turned to the party, all people he had met online in various other games, they was all pretty experienced and good gamers "So guys, which way should we go? I'm thinking we go kill the boars, because the starting gear isn't that bad plus if we gather more money right now, we can skip the worst gear!" He said calmly as he awaited for the rest of there responses.
Celeste looked around at the other players before pausing to think. Buying better gear would help them beat more powerful enemies than the boar but getting more money to buy even better gear did make sense. Besides, they could beat more enemies in a party like this. "I think killing the boars would be an excellent idea."
Kára looked up from her seat at her fellow party members and said " I agree, we don't know when monster respawn but the shop will always be there." She stood up and inspected her starter sword and gave it a practice swing testing weight. "Lets get going" she said starting down the path.
Well since the three of them had already voted to go fight the boars, it wouldn't really matter what the other two said as they would be out voted instantly. He looked as Kára swung her sword, starting swords always sucked, but that was really the whole meaning to "Starter" He sighed, as he set after her, looking behind himself to see if the other two was coming "Come on you guys, you don't want to get left behind do you?" He said a little cheekily.
Udo smiled and laughed at Narzuan. "I'm coming, I'm coming!. You know I'm not the fastest guy around. After all I'm just trying to take it all in. This place is really amazing!" He jogged towards the rest of the group to catch up. "What a crazy place." Udo thought to himself. This is everything I've always dreamed of! Udo pulled out his starter sword and looked at it with amusement. "I'm going to have to find something bigger than this soon!"
She was practicing with her own sword and studying it. She blinked and refocused her attention. She wasn't gonna get left behind. "Of course not. I'm coming." She stuck her tongue out as she attempted to catch up with them.
He smirked they may have not known eachother in real life but he felt it was safe to assume that they was his best friends. As they traveled towards the Fields of Kobalds he could not but help admire the graphics that surrounded him, if he wasn't any wiser he would have thought this was real life. But as they reached the fields he began to get his game face on.
Silently following his fellow party members towards the boar-plenty fields, Reyst walked. Unsurprisingly, his 'normal' walk was faster than the usual speed. This eventually led him to reach the fields before the others did.

Upon arriving at the fields, he saw lots of boars and players - some in combat, and some in observation. Looking at how the boars and the players fought against each other, he started to analyze them. He looked at how the move, how they react, their weak points - thing that would pay off once in combat or interaction with such creatures. Drawing his sword from his inventory, he prepared himself for his first fight in SAO.
There are many boar and wolves prowling around the luscious field, and there are even plants used for cooking! Would you like to attack the boars, or harvest some plants?
Narzuan looked at the group once again, as Reyst approached he shook his head, he shouldn't have left them behind incase he encountered enemies, and gained more Exp. As the whole point of the group was that they would face everything the first time with eachother. But now faced with another choice; no brainer. "I'm still standing by my, kill the boars, as for the collecting ingredients, you can do that when the rest of us are on a break or are not online!" He didn't know why he was asking the questions, but no one else had taken the role of leader so far, and it was needed if they was going to level fast.
"I agree with Narzuan." Udo said as he looked at the boars. "I don't think these things will cause too much of a problem and it will be a good idea for us to get some combat experience in. I'd like to get as situated with this world as I can, and soon!" During character creation, Udo was going for a tank type character, someone who could protect the group with good damage and resistance. He was pretty sure he had the most damage in the team right now, but his HP was a little lacking. He was also the slowest, but he didn't mind. "Gives me more time to take in the world" he thought to himself.
"I agree. Collecting ingredients can wait. Cooking and other similar skills can be improved upon later. Improving our fighting skills would be the smart choice right now." She nodded, her eyes scanning the boars in front of them. "And the boars should be easy enough, once we learn more about them."

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