Sweci Academy, a School for the Nearly Normal. [Inactive]

Emilia saw Desini and Airen and got up to follow, but stopped. Maybe they didn't want her around. She turned back normal amd watched them go into the garden. Her hair began to look more grey than green.
Airen placed his chin on top of Desini's head, the sibling both examining Mary. Naturally being the one to talk who talks to most, Airen spoke for them both.

"Hey, you're a beauty, aren't you?" he said with a wide grin. Desini nodded, agreeing with her brother.

Cespar's face turned a brighter red as he heard Mari. The only one who'd ever console him after having an argument with Airen was Desini, but having a different person do it was completely different. In a way, it was soothing.
Maris eyes dropped. She felt for him. In a way, after her parents figured out what she was, Marilie lost their praise and became more of a slightly disliked pet. She couldn't imagine how it felt to be looked down on or viewed as an instrument of power. She didn't see Cespars blush. Smiling again, she wondered off a little to see the orchard.
(Cerilie.... :P )

Mary's eyebrows knitted together, she got enough of this from the Headmaster and at points never found it as a compliment. And Ozoiya knew this and bit his lower lip anxiously afraid she'd scare them, she was a scary person if you got on her bad side. But instead of what he feared she merely plastered on a smile, her pink eyes sparkling,

"Thank you, now is this all of your first years." She hadn't noticed Marilie wander off.
Emilia whimpered a little bit and curled up. Her ears were still drooped down. After a few minutes she got up and went into the garden, just to look around. She wandered into the garden and looked around. Her colors brightened up. It was pretty there. There were plants she never even knew existed!
The sibling looked at each other for a moment, then back at Mary and Oz, simply nodding to whatever was said. In all honesty, Airen thought she seemed a bit intimidating to talk to.

"Ah.... But of course, you're number one, Yume! No one could be prettier than you," Airen said, pulling Desini further into his arms. She simply continued staring at Mary and Oz, looking between the cute, innocent side and the beautiful, mature side.


Quickly looking back at his master and Airen, Cespar decided to follow Mari. He decided that he wouldn't be gone long, just enough to see what she was doing.
Marilie decided she wanted to experiment, maybe find a water source. It was nice to be around others but it becomes overwhelming quickly. One or two people was easy.

She came across a small stream after walking for a while. She sat beside it and put her hand in, making her hand turn to water on her command and seem to disappear. She heard foot steps behind her, but thought nothing of it.
Emilia sat down under a tree and messed with her hair. She heard them talking, but was starting to believe that she wasn't wanted around. So, she stayed where she was.
Ozoiya twiddled his thumbs as he waited for Mary to spark up a conversation that he may take part in. As if answering his plead she looked down at him,

"That reminds me, Ozoiya..." Her voice became stern her shoulders tensing,

"I found small holes in the leaves of my rhododendron bush, and I saw you chasing after butterfly's yesterday in the green house, did you let them in here like I told you not to?" She rose a menacing brow, as Ozoiyas knees began to shake.

"You did didn't you..." She murmured, then grabbed his ear tugging it softly.

"You little punk, I'm going to tell Millennium when he's back." She whispered mischievously,

"No," He pleaded, "they where so pretty and they shouldn't eat the food their given but what their meant to so I brought them out. I'm sorry don't tell Millennium!" He pleaded like a child, which caused Mary to smile.

"I'm just joking kid, though I'm angry you went against what I said I won't tell the grouch." Mary spoke, before looking to the others,

"Anyways I have a Satyr boy to attend to, still doesn't believe me when I say he's a satyr." She stated before waving farewell.
Emilia's hair and fur on her tail and ears went back to a greyish color. She looked at her tail and frowned. That wasn't good. She got up and started looking for something to cheer herself up.
Cespar crouched down behind a tree, poking his head out of the side just enough to see. Whatever she was doing fascinated him, which led to him watching more attentively. However, from the distance he was at, he couldn't see very well. Boldly, he stood up from behind the tree and walked towards her, not bothering to hide at all. His face a still red as he shoved his hands into his pockets. "Y-Yo....." he said shyly.


Airen watched with an odd smile on his face. It seemed as if he was correct about her being intimidating. The two watched Mary leave before turning back to Oz. Desini felt sad for Oz because he was being scolded and seemed as if he was actually a child. For a moment, he seemed even more adorable than usual. being locked up in a house with only her brother and her creatures, she'd never seen many things as cute as Oz was. It took all of her will to refrain from hugging him like Airen hugged her.
"ahhhh" That was a good nap i hope i did not miss something important. Time to do what i come here for knowledge and library has Tons of that.

also these days who visits the library
Emilia started sniffling again, and this time tears started dripping out of her eyes. She quickly wiped them away and looked around. She spotted an apple tree. Food always made hwr feel better. It was a miracle that she wasn't overweight yet. She went up to the tree and got herself an apple. Sitting down, she began nibbling on the apple, still sniffling.
Ozoiya rubbed the tip of his ear, but quickly waved when Mary looked over her shoulder back at them before entering the school. When she disappeared he let out a sigh,

"She's so scary..." He whined, looking up at the others. Before looking at the rhododendrons which where rather close to them. He search as high as he could look and only spotted a single hole,

"How does she find this stuff..." He questioned himself before looking at Airen and Desini,

"Um do you want a tour? We can check out the green house or something." He smiled, returning back to his happy self.
Marilie heard the voice and flinched forward, losing balance and slipping into the water. Within that instant, her hair went fully blue and she looked back up. "Hehe.. whoops." She grinned, observing Cespar. "Watcha doing all the way over here?" She asked. He and her sweet roommate seemed too close to leave each other for a minute.
(Can Emilia jump into a group or something? I hate having to rp with myself.)

Emilia continued to eat the apple. Maybe it was because she wasn't as attractive as the others. Maybe it was the way she spoke. Things she couldn't fix. Maybe those were the reasons she couldn't make friends. Probably because she was too shy, not as outgoing as the others.
For the first time, Desini eagerly nodded with out her brother's consent. Most of the time, she did everything with Airen or he did things for her. It was much like gaining her own independence from the moment she entered this school. Not wanting to leave his sister alone and wanting to see more, he nodded as well.

"Sure, Oz. You're the boss."


"I..... was just wandering around, that's all! I wasn't following you or anything...." Cespar said, attempting to seem uninteresting in what she was doing. However, he stole glances at her now blue hair
Marilie felt the glances and became embarrassed, face turning light pink. "Yeah yeah... not a ginger anymore..." She said, slowly sinking further into the creek. Wait, no! Why was she acting shy? Sure he caught her off guard and is acting funny, but Marilie is a flexible person! She scolded herself and turned up her energetic personality a notch. "Oh sure... You didn't follow me?" She sang, leaning forward despite her hidden embarrassment.
Ozoiya clapped his hands together, and looked around.

"Well of course this is the flower section of the garden," He then motioned with both arms to the open area in front of them, the sizes and colors all varying, small snake like vines crawling up the trunks of trees.

"It ranges from normal everyday Asters to Oleanders! Ya, the smell can come off a little strong especially the Corpse Flowers, those are on the other side of the garden don't smell those." He pointed to to a rather large flower with what looked like a yellow tinted rod the had a rounded tip inside of purple peddles his face contorted imagining his own experience with the flower. He felt like a small tour guide,

"Then on the other side of the green house is the food supply, for the school all the fruits and stuff. Don't eat any of it Mary will eat you alive." He warned before continuing,

"Is there anything you really want to look at before we go to the green house, which in my opinion is the second best place here at the Academy." He smiled imagining his favorite.
Cespar crouched down, wrapping his arms around his knees and hugging them to his chest. He pointed at her with his long, sharp fingers. "W-Who would follow an old hag like you? It's just a coincidence! Don't get full of yourself!" Cespar always had a hard time saying what he really wanted to. Whenever he tried, he ended up spilling out insults, which was something he was very used to doing.


Desini took a moment to actually look around at her surroundings. The flowers were beautiful. They must have been taken good care of. Airen let out a chuckle.

"No, no. Let's go to the greenhouse right away," he said, gesturing for Oz to carry on.
Emilia planted the seeds when she was done in an area where they could actually grow. That was a bit better. Now she wasn't hungry, which helped significantly. She had not even noticed that she was hungry, which was weird. Emilia looked around and heard people still talking. Might as well try again. But if they left her to be alone again she wasn't going to try again.

Emilia slowly approached Ozoiya and the siblings, waving a bit. She didn't say anything though, now self-conscious about her voice. It still hurt too. She should probably exercise it, but she didn't want to.
Marilie bit her lip. She hated that insult. Still she put on a smile. "What was that Cesy? After all these years, I think my hearings gone bad! Wait.. who are you?" She joked, trying to seem indifferent but coming off a little less than joyful. She stood up and tried to ring out her clothes. Her signature scarf was soaked but she refused to ever take it off. "Well darn.."
Ozoiya began walking towards the building, looking over his shoulder to make sure the two where following. He was cautious as he stepped down the thin pathway between the rows and rows of flowers. Having forgotten what Mary had told him not to do, he opened the door of the green house. But saw a small amount of movement in his peripheral vision, and motioned Emilia over to join them.

Then entered the green house, in front of them was a large open area the greenery clean and bright in the building. Butterflys and dragonflys flew through the air gracefully, as lone birds sang sweet melodies. Other animals scurrying near they feet,

"The green house is almost a preserve for injured animals, as you can tell from the big size. Nearly anything can live in here until it's healed, but the insects we raise in here before letting them go." He informed the others.
Emilia slowly followed, going back to picking at her tail. She went into the greenhouse and bit back to urge to start chasing the birds and other small animals. It was hard though, and she hopped from foot to foot.

The girl tridd to distract herself instead by watching the insects. Mostly the butterflies. There were a lot of different species there and the colors were gorgeous. Emilia smiled slightly and her hair turned back normal.
Cespar was one to notice when something was off, which was how he became so close to Desini. He had noticed that she sounded a bit odd. Before, she sounded a lot more..... hyper? Excited? Whatever it was, she definitely sounded off. In an attempt to apologize, he awkwardly placed his hand on her head, ruffling her hair gently. "Sorry..... How many times have I apologized to you today? Damn...."


Desini felt as if she had entered a new world. Her eyes sparkled in wonder as she looked from animal to animal. It pleased Airen to see his sister like that, and to thank Oz, he bent down beside him.

"Hey, Oz," he whispered. "You guys got an amazing academy. I'm happy we decided to come here. I mean, just look at how happy she is. Like a child," Airen said with a chuckle, pointing over at Desini who was smiling happily while reaching up towards the singing birds. She looked as if she was a completely different person as she walked into the large area.

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