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Futuristic =Survivors=

I slide down on the wall and sigh. "Too many..." I whisper quietly as I look back. But then, a select few, about 18 footers and 2 razors, moving away from the pack and in my direction. "Hm... Now I just wait.." I said under my breath.
Archer walked down the hall, her eyes glowing and her back straight. Any robot she happened to pass would kneel before her.
As the robots pass by slowly I think to myself. "Hm... What would Archer do.." I say quietly and then jump over the wall, pulling both of my Katana and slicing through both of the Razors heads.
(Lol, that's totally what she would do.)

Archer walked into the main tech room and was scanned. "Identified, Captain J Archer, proceed Captain. Last entry made, three months, two weeks, one day, five hours, ten minutes and twenty nine seconds ago," a voice echoed. Archer sighed. "Hello to you too, B.E.T.T.Y, sleep well while I was gone?" She replied. "I am well, and according to calibrations, so are you, Captain," the robotic voice responded.
I land and spin quickly towards the footers. Flying towards them and striking each of them, one after another, in the head. Striking clean through until only two remained. (Haha. With a gun of course. xD )
Archer nodded and inserted a chip. "Calibrate," she ordered. "Calibrating.." B.E.T.T.Y. replied.
I moved towards them quickly and severed them in half before turning to look at the large building up ahead. "Archer?.." I whisper under my breath before slowly sheathing my Katana and moving towards the building quickly but quietly.
"Calibration complete. Status, deceased." Archer smirked. "Come again?" She replied. "Cal-n c-lete. S-tus de-ea.." Most words were cut and jagged, and then the computer went silent.
As I reach an older building I quickly jump to the top of it and examine the building. "Hm... It doesn't look that fortified but... Looks are deciving..." I say as I look at my right arm.
Archer smiled and removed the chip, putting it into her arm, but making sure that it didn't come in contact with any of her systems. That would be a shame. She walked over to the desk and leaned over, her face expressionless as she started typing in codes that would slowly start to shut down the systems.
I decide to move closer to the building, soon noticing the hole in the side. "Why is?..." I sigh and move towards it, climbing buildings on the way.
Archer shut down one of the main systems and was electrocuted. She stumbled back but caught herself.
As I start to see some of the lights in the building I look puzzled. "What?..." I whisper under my breath before quickly running up the side of the building and grabbing onto the ledge where the glass is broken. As I pull myself in I unsheathe a Katana and start to look around.
"Alert, alert. Intruder detected in wing ABH," B.E.T.T.Y. called out. Archer narrowed her eyes and shut off all light in the building, showering it in darkness. She grabbed neon light sticks and put them in her leg. The liquid inside was no threat. She went out into the halls and climbed up, moving using the ceiling like a lizard, or a spider.
I notIce all of the light drop out and smile. "Hmm.. What a warm welcome.." I whisper as I move swiftly through the darkness.
Archer kept silent and as she heard silent footsteps, she turned on her infrared vision. He was right beside her. She opened her leg silently and dropped the liquid in the tube on him, making him glow up like fireworks. She then dropped down. She landed over him, standing while he fell down on his back.
I look up at you, not being able to see much but noticing the movement. "Shit.." I propel myself backwards and then crouch. Listening for any noise, waiting for any smell. Any thing to help.
Archer narrowed her eyes and climbed up to the ceiling. She eyed him closely. "Intruder, Gamma O3." She echoed, tilting her head. She scanned him. "Target unidentified," she echoed.
I look up in your direction quickly and lunge towards you. Missing barely and falling to the ground before running away quickly. Attempting to hide my presence. "How can she see in here?.. I don't want to waste power just to see..." I bite my lip as I utter the last words and keep running.
Archer tilted her head and followed him closely, quiet and undetectable. She continued to crawl up in the ceiling, looking down at him with her infrared view. She took another tube, this one filled with colors of neon. She tipped it over so he was covered in it, making his entire body glow. He was now like a Christmas tree in the dark. She turned of her infrared vision and saw him as she would out in the sun, clearly.
I look at all of th stuff on me and look back before diving off to the left. Crashing through the glass and falling down through the sky. Looking up towards the window.
Archer stands proud and tall in the broken window, her hair flowing behind her like waves. The sun shone down on her armor, and then she was gone, in the blink of an eye.
I see you before you disappear and fall in shock. "Archer?..." I say quietly before flipping myself over and impacting into the ground. The building I land on cracks slightly but seems sturdy enough to stay on for a while. As I look to my right I realize that the commotion had brought a few footers and a cruncher into my direction. "Crap.." I sigh and crouch as I ready my Katana.
(Remember, even Archer has a hard time fending of a cruncher. For him, it'd be near impossible.)

Archer sat with her back against the wall, beside the broken window. She played a song in her head, See You Again - Wiz Khalifa, and she closed her eyes.
(You beat me to the funny part. He was gonna get his ass kicked. xD But nvm.) I watch as they pass by me slowly and move towards the building where we were fighting.

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