Supernatural [TV] RP

Name: Vincenzo Lupinacci or preferably Vincent, also known as Eliot Dwayne

Age: 150+ Meatsuit’s age: Around 25

Race (Demon, angel, human, etc.): Crossroads demon

Gender: Male

Occupation: Author, stopped serving Hell, kind of like how Gabriel went into hiding from Heaven.

Likes: Sex, literature, money, alcohol, humans, and most television cartoons

Dislikes: Angels, hunters, other demons, Lucifer, God, the Winchester brothers, and romantic comedies

Weapon: His powers

Bio: As a human, Vincent died around when Lincoln became President of the United States, he was in Italy then though, but found American history truly fascinating. He doesn't know how he died; actually he hardly even knows his real name. He calls himself Vincent instead of Vincenzo because of two reasons, Vincenzo sounds awful silly when people yell it out across a room , and the name Vincent doesn't get asked questions like, “Oh, Vincenzo huh? I bet you’re a foreigner, where are you from?” It wasn't because he wouldn't enjoy babbling about his linage, it’s because he simply does not know anything about it. He never had time to do some much needed family tree searching as he was a crossroads demon and was busy with making deals and persuading. He was the type of demon that produced satisfactory results but never putting in the extra effort as he wasn't all the hooked on the whole “humans need to suffer” ordeal like most demons. Instead he found them quite interesting, not appealing, but interesting. They did the most curious and predictable things, like risk their lives to save another. When Lucifer was defeated by two lowly humans he lost faith in Hell’s power and left, or more so escaped. He lives in alone, rarely trusting anyone, and writes books. He lives under his pen name, Eliot Dwayne, and never has shown his face to his readers/fans. Apparently they have found that mysterious and appealing, and it’s helped sell his books. He travels a lot, usually going where there is trouble, to either help him with plots or meet new people to use as characters. When he isn't traveling he lives in an apartment for one with his shepherd mix named Alistair.

Abilities (psychic, demon-like powers,etc.): Possession; Reality Warping, meaning he manipulate reality to make to the wishes of mortals come true, but can’t do this without a soul in exchange; immortality; controls fire to an extent; and can no longer control Hellhounds as he doesn't work for Hell.

The sound of the old grand father clock chiming in the corner of the room jolted Vincent out of a long trance, making him aware that it was 7 o'clock. He had been craning his head over a thick textbook titled Gray's Anatomy for hours now with his elbow on the table to prop up his head, flipping through each page, doing countless hours of research to help his upcoming book seem more realistic. He lifts his head and gazed at it, reading the time then returning to the small bold words on the hardback that described a picture of the spinal cord and the purple animated nerves traveling through it. He leaned back, only now realizing how stiff his back really was upon hearing two or three dull pops. He stretched, looked at the utterly boring words once again that didn't make an ounce of sense to him, then shut it, resting a sliver pen on his black spiral notebook filled with notes in neat crimson ink. He pushed the polyester chair back and stood, Vincent spotted the large dog snoring peacefully beside his feet before he could trip over him, saving him from receiving a wounded stare from his pet, Alistair. Moving around him and around the obstacle course of books he made his way to the kitchen. All around him was books, in heaps and in stacks. They seemed to share the same goal, surround the living room table, which was already smothered in loose papers; unwashed dishes; and yes, more books. Surprisingly, the kitchen was a different story, it was clean, well kept, and all the counters held an appropriate amount of one specific object. The male fetched himself a bowl of bland whole wheat cereal, with a mound of pure white sugar covering the small, square, eatable pieces. He pushed the hill down with a spoon into the rising milk, strolling back into the living room and sitting on the couch that faced an old television. He brushed some papers away to make room, then snatched the remote from a near by pile of manuscripts whose covers were yellowed with age and had a serious lack of design. Vincent skipped over a promising cartoon, finding he had already watched it the previous night. Eventually he landed on a news channel, finger hovering over the next channel button before setting it down. It wasn't unusual for him to tune into news channels, they gave him ideas for new plots, or interviews for character development.
Necromancer's Cave, Krowman's Peak

Castiel noticed the sword, and something flashed in a burst of neurons in his brain --they couldn't attack the Necromancer from close range, so perhaps they could do some damage with that weapon. The angel looked around, trying to grasp at something else, something that the situation could provide to ensure that his plan would work flawlessly. They were in a magically manipulated cave -if it was one at all, and bats and other creatures were lurking in the shadows, also the walls were some how tattooed with Enochian sigils, preventing the celestial figures from entering further, thus protecting the enemy inside. What he wanted to do was somehow acquire an object of some kind that belonged to their assailant, so that when the weapon was thrown at her, it wouldn't miss its target as he suspected she would attempt to evade the hit. "Look around Ambriel, tell me what you see." He provided, this wasn't exactly his job, it was her case that she had accepted to complete with her charge. Castiel would only provide clues on how she would go about accomplishing such. He would only offer his assistance when he realized the problem extended beyond her control. She wanted to be a guardian angel, then she had to prove herself worthy of the title. Also, he'd been hit with a powerful dose of celestial zapping energies that disrupted his own flow of power from working properly.

Pair O' Dice Motel, somewhere in town

Cole smirked at her gently, before his smile faded and a soft frown etched its way on his features, then his eyes scanned the room to return back at her features. "You mean you lost contact with your angel?" He asked, looking a bit bemused, then again this entire ordeal was nothing but a whopping serving of confusion for the average male human. Not to say he didn't believe her, but what could this angel possibly be doing that it would fail to answer back to a distress call? Better have a good reason.

Shaking his head, the young man stood, he was going to protect her he decided, staring down at her with the affirmation of this promise evident in the light in his eyes and the stubborn tilt of his jaw, he asked, "Got any weapons on you?"
"Yep, lost total least on my end." Ziara responded. "Unless Ambriel is busy or something and just can't respond to me at the moment." She added in. Ziara glanced over to Cole at his question. "Just my gun. The rest is in my car that is parked at a motel I was staying at before I met you."Ziara said simply. She remembered about her car. She was glad she, triple locked her car so no one could get into her arsenal. If she wasn't in such a hurry, She'd probably still be at the motel. Although, it was a couple miles away from the forest. When things clear out with these demons, she would have to go back and get her car.

She stood up and stretched slightly. She was glad she had a chance to chill out a little bit.
Pair O' Dice motel

So he would have to provide the weapons for her. Going back to the site would be a very bad move and encountering those monsters were not on Cole's agenda. "Alright so I'll give you everything you'll need to defend yourself from those demons. Do you know how to set a devil's trap?" He asked looking off thoughtfully then he verbalized his thoughts' "I think we should summon a demon and interrogate him. See what he knows."
"Oh...thank you!" Ziara said brightly with a smile. Her face changed to a smirk when hearing his question."Of course I know." She began to glance around the room, looking for the perfect spot to set it up if they decide to go with Cole's plan. "That could work..."She thought aloud.
The news reporter had a creeped out tone to her voice, and Vincent had to turn up the volume to hear her clearly. The field reporter had a slim body, one that wasn't usual to see on any popular news channel, and short cropped blonde hair with orange streaks in it. She explained how earlier there had been findings of multiple teenagers behind the bright eye-catching caution tape behind her. Apparently they had drowned, but any source of a body of water was serval miles from the location they were found. This caused Vincent to shift on the couch uncomfortably, it was a tempting story and defiantly worth the travel to see the mystery being unfolded up close, but with a freak accident like that there was bound to be hunters flocking to that same place. Vincent had a undying hatred towards hunters, him being a demon of course this was a reasonable reaction to one.
Eventually he decided he would go, leaving the television to go pack quickly. He had to leave Boston tonight, things like this didn't just wait for you to make reservations weeks later. He packed lightly, a few clothes, a tooth brush, shaving cream, a razor, and his black spiral notebook, figuring that's all he'd need. He would carry his silver pen in his pocket with a small pad, transferring whatever would be written in it to the notebook. He then called a taxi to come and pick him up a short while later. After Alistair was fed, Vincent had to tackle the large mutt to hook the blue leash to his collar, whenever he spotted the leash he grew rambunctious, sprinting around the tiny apartment, and trying to play tug-o-war with it, anything but do what Vincent was trying to do with it. He pulled the dog, whose butt was wriggling instead of his tail, along his side, making the trek downstairs with both Alistair and the leather suitcase, a difficult challenge. The ride in the taxi was pretty silent after the driver and Vincent exchanged names and Vincent told him the location he wished to travel to. He didn't mind it being that way, his dog was enough company.

That was Monday, and currently Vincent was regretting his decision. Virginia proved to have a lack of personality, or the lack of personalty that he wanted to see. He laid on the cheap mattress, Alistair at his side, licking his scratched paws. He stared at the white, water-stained ceiling. He had to admit bringing his dog was a bad move, all of the hotels and most motels wouldn't have him because of it, so he was forced to stay at a motel that would accept pets. The only problem with that was the fact that this motel was out of the town where the action had happened.
Redgrave smirked at her, she seemed genuinely grateful and of this he was highly appreciative. He would then stand, tell her to give him some time and digging through his duffel for the leather bound journal that was filled with spells and notes pertaining to their particular situation, commenced on the demon trap, already having the tools at hand to make one, then before summoning their demon. This was going to be fun.
As they went through everything they needed, Ziara went through some spells in her head. She had remembered quite a few since she used to have a lot of time on her hands. To help out, she went to the spot that was just perfect and helped set up the trap. She made sure as she set it up, it would be well hidden. Many demons tend to know where they are at, so it was crucial that it was well hidden.
"Throw a carpet over it, I'm about to hail one, you ready?" Redgrave asked with a grim smile as he stepped back and motioned her with his hand to follow his movement. This was going to get a little crazy.
Ziara nodded as she threw the carpet over and placed it nicely so it's well hidden. She stepped aside, prepared for the summoning of the demon.
||I'm still waiting for the person that portrays Ambriel to show up and drop in a post to continue. I didn't want to spread this too much, some people don't like reading a bunch posts. And yet I feel like this particular RP is slowly beginning to keel over. Unless we gather the now converted NPC's that are just there and manipulate them to our choosing, all in the sake of keeping this RP alive. Agreed? //
((Hehe... sorry.. For some reason my alerts weren't telling me anything was going on.. I am so lost right now... but I'll try to get back into the swing of things..))

Ambriel glanced around with apprehension, angel blade still at the ready. She knew there had to be something here that could help them if he was asking her this question. Narrowing her eyes she began a very careful sweep of the area around them. She noted the creatures lurking around them. She had just opened her mouth to begin listing things off when a something glinting silver caught her attention. "What's that..?" She said softly, abandoning her post by the wall and creeping closer to the object.
(I had a feeling it was keeling over too. We should at least check this RP once in a day or in a couple days or something so we're not waiting a week for someone, since some people don't get notifications with this RP)
As Alistair watched the window eagerly, the excitable dog riled up because of the car that had recently parked in the motels parking lot, Vincent removed himself from the bed. The oddest sensation crept throughout him, he couldn't quite place it, but somehow knew he had felt his way before. It was as if he was being called towards something, but the words had not yet escaped his summoner's mouth. He shot a quick glance towards the mirror and was surprised to find his eyes of a rich crimson color, it hadn't been like that for ages. The demon sensed something terrible coming his way but could not prevent it because of his ignorance to what was happening a few rooms away. He pondered the things that could have made him act so strangely, perhaps another demon was among his company. He exhaled, knowing that must have been the cause, of course demons would come here as well as hunters. such stupidity! How did it take him so long to realize this, he lightly punished himself for such behavior by mentally cursing himself. He only had to lay low until his species passed and of course the urge to follow and assist in their wave of destruction would leave him.
(Hey Modesty, if you ever need to play dean and need sam, I'll play sam for you :>) 
Ziara helped set up the herbs, candle placement, and anything else Cole would need her to set up. She double checked to make sure the demon would walk onto the trap. As she finished her part setting up, she looked to Cole. "You ready to summon?" She asked.

(Sorry if it's short...just trying to revive the RP ;v;)
(Hopefully, I'm on almost everyday so if role playing is needed ill be there. I wonder if I should make another character to stir it up a bit more, and thank you!)

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