Supernatural [TV] RP

"No no it's-" Ziara started, but she had already been brought inside the car. As she sat in the car next to a complete stranger, she began to zone out a bit, ranting to herself on how she couldn't succeed in her hunt. She jumped slightly when the young man next to her began to talk. "I-I'm alright."Ziara said with a faint smile. Although, she was half lying. She was still trying to recover from almost dying back there. "Thank you for giving me a ride..." Ziara thanked quietly. She began to think about Ambriel, she is probably worried that she can't find her.

"Ambriel, I am in a mustang with a man, I'm sorry I left..." She prayed in her head, hoping it would reach her.
"Ambriel, lost your charge again." It was an observation, Cas made, seeing the other seat herself, giving the impression that she had given up. Not like her. His attention shifted toward the west, before snapping back to hers, "We're dealing with a crafty Necromancer, she's already managed to assess who she's up against. I assume she's planning her next strike. We must deal with her immediately." His strange way of inviting her to join him on a hunt. If she was willing enough.

"No problem, I wouldn't have ever left you back there like that." The guilt would eat at me forever. Cole thought, then slowing his speed, he was now wondering where she was headed. "I'm headed west, I know you were headed toward survival lane, but now that you're still kickin' where's the safest place I can take you? Parents, boyfriend?" He felt a little silly, but his tone and expression gave off a more serious nature. Whoever or whatever was after her might know where she lived, so he changed the question quickly, "What was chasing you?"
Ambriel stood, determination shining in her blue eyes. "Crafty, huh..?" She said, a smile on her face. "Then I suppose we should find her before she has time to go through with her next strike." Bri said. Suddenly she paused, hearing Ziara. She breathed a small sigh of relief. She hadn't lost all contact with her charge. That was good.
"You can drop me off at a motel...if it isn't too much trouble." Ziara said politely. "As for what was chasing me...."Ziara began. She chuckled quietly. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." She responded. She couldn't tell someone who was "normal" like him. For one, he might drop her off at some asylum, and second, it could put him in danger.
"Are you sure you'll be alright there? What about-" He hooked a thumb over his shoulder referring to the incident back there, his guts told him it would be best not to let her go so soon. Or was it because she reminded him so much of someone he couldn't protect? Which in itself brought back bad memories, he did his best to suppress those haunting thoughts, less he wanted to break the level surface he has kept in control all these years. Entering the city he would soon pull his dark ride on the curb, the motel, called Pair-O'Dice a few feet away. At her comment he snorted, "Try me." He egged her on, too curious to let it go, and at her crypticism, even more so.

"Well," he began, cutting the engine," we're here." 

[QUOTE="Helena Sky]Ambriel stood, determination shining in her blue eyes. "Crafty, huh..?" She said, a smile on her face. "Then I suppose we should find her before she has time to go through with her next strike." *Ambriel said. Suddenly she paused, hearing Ziara. She breathed a small sigh of relief. She hadn't lost all contact with her charge. That was good.

Castiel tweaked an approving smile, then reached out and touched her shoulder, transporting her with himself away. Only to appear in a dark place. Looking around, catching the moist smell of earth and unpleasant stench of rotting flesh, plut the critters hanging upside down above the tunnel, Cas knew he was somewhere in a cave.

"How dare you enter my dwelling without being invited!" A booming voice cried out, sending sharp pulses of energies toward the two celestial intruders.

Castiel pushed the young angel aside, shielding her with his body on reflex, taking most of the damage. He asked her in a quite whisper, "Where's your blade?" He winced from the surprisingly painful blast, that felt as if he'd been scalded, and his healing didn't seem to work. He'd noticed that as soon as he had appeared within the orifice of the cave, his powers were weakening. Enochian Sigils? That Necromancer must have prepared herself, anticipating his visit.

"I don't think we'll be able to enter, which means we'll have to draw her out somehow..." He thought aloud, trying to think, though it was getting difficult. His mind was spinning, and his back hurt so much. Worse than being in Purgatory he thought ironically.
Ziara chuckled. "Well, if you want to hear it..." She began. "To put it simply: demon." She said glancing over. "Well....thank you very much for the ride here, I greatly appreciate it." She said with a friendly smile. She never really experienced a simple act of kindness from another person in a long time. It was nice to know there was still nice people out there in the world.
Bri reached down and pulled her blade out from the side of one of her heeled boots. "Right here..." She said softly. She gripped it tightly in her hand as she tried to think of ways to draw her out. So far, she had nothing. She looked up at Castiel. "Are you alright..?" She couldn't help but ask.
For a second he thought he heard her say "demon" and he mentally did a double-take on that. Was she serious? The look in her eyes proved it, and the thought of that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end, when was the last time he had encountered those? No, he wouldn't think of that, not now! Gritting his teeth, he did his best not to go back there, pushing it all in the back burner of his mind. Chuckling humorlessly, "So you believe in monsters..." he noted, before looking at her again, his expression held an emotion she wouldn't be able to recognize, though from what she would take away from being raw pain, a flash of it, then it was gone. His eyes hardening, almost distant, his source of strength. "You seem to take it so easily, like they're something you deal with on a daily basis. Don't tell me you're a hunter extraordinaire..."  
Castiel frowned at her, though it would come across as a grimace, "That's not important Ambiel, we need to first get rid of her." He grunted, moving slightly to allow her space. He too grasped his angel sword, and despite his dimming focus managed to focus his attention at the slithering-like form inching towards them.

"I've always wondered what it would be like to go one on one with angels, though I expected more." The Necromancer said, her voice echoing off the walls, louder and grating at the ears. She used this situation to her absolute advantage, sending more energy bombs at them.

Cas pressed Ambriel to the wall, the flares of the attack missed them by a hare. Then he took the angel's hand and instructed her to get on the other side of the wall opposite them, he had a plan.

"Quit hiding, come out and face us, or are you intimidated?" Castiel called out to her, beckoning her with a jibe. "Only cowards attack from the dark!"
"Thats exactly what I am." Ziara said, looking towards Cole with seriousness. "Have been for a long time." She added. She paused for a moment and giggled lightly. "You're probably going to want to send me to some asylum right?" Ziara always kept the hunter thing to herself. She knew no one would like a huntress such as herself walking around. As far as the normal human race concerned, demons, lore, and monsters didn't exist. 
(Off to bed! see you tomorrow!)
"Nah, I've heard of hunters, my father's best friend was one of them," Cole began as he got out of the car, then shut the door. Rounding to the other side to get hers open, "until he got killed on the job." He took her hand to help her out before shutting that door too, making it a point he squeezed her fingers a little before releasing it. Then he turned to head toward the motel entrance, "I'm leaving you alone if a demon's after you, they don't give up until you're dead. What you should do now is get off the grid and not attract any attention to yourself." He suggested, knowing a thing or two about a hunter's miserable life, so he understood her situation at least.
"Oh, I see." Ziara said, accepting Cole's help getting out of the car. After hearing Cole's advice, she nodded in agreement. "That would be a good idea. I'll just lay low a bit...maybe study up on what the creature actually is." She said with a sigh. She would have to do hours of research...again. She then realized that she had never introduce herself. "Oh, pardon my manners, I didn't introduce myself!" She said with a smile. "My name is Ziara." She introduced with a smile. She should at least let someone who helped her out know who she is at least, even if they may never cross paths again, but just in case, it's good to have the other person know. 
"Cole." Was his response as he reached the double glass doors for her and opened it to allow her through first, then he walked in after her and they reached the concierge at the front desk whom greeted the pair with a warm and welcoming smile. He took care of the rest and pretty soon they were both on the eight floor, within the double-room suit. Handing her the card to the room, he looked around, it was pretty decently decorated, though it did lack the five-star quality rooms he was used to, but it didn't matter. This was a motel after all, not a Hilton. Reaching the windows, he glanced outside warily, no one much around, then he drew the curtains.

"Do you have any hex bags on you?" He asked, remembering the point that demons could possess anyone, he turned to her and reached the telephone sitting on the night stand. He picking it up and hid it beneath the bed, "Don't make unnecessary calls to anyone, and don't order room service." Once again he felt himself acting like the big brother he once was, and had to remind himself that Ziara wasn't
her and he took a breath. Directing his gaze to her, "I didn't see you bring anything, where do you plan to do your research?" Now he was concerned.
"No, I don't have any hex bags." Ziara made a simple response. She studied on how Cole was checking things. She noticed he was acting protective. Kind of like a big brother she never had. She listened to the orders he was giving her, and she nodded. Upon hearing his question, she pulled out a bag where the strap was hidden beneath her vest and the pouch was about book size. "I borrowed books before this whole thing started." She responded with a smile. All her stuff was in her car...which was by the woods she was recently in. She would have to go back for it another time when she is in the clear.
"Books," repeated Cole, his hazel eyes flickering toward the bag she had hidden under her vest, well at least she had something, and they were very reliable -then he remembered he had a tablet, if they could connect to an open network here, it just might be possible. "You read, I got an iPad and a few things in my car I could get, and make this place as demon-proof as I can. Don't open the door for anyone, no matter who they say they are." He gave her a serious look, then made his way to the door and silently slipped out, closing it behind him. He had a second card so knocking wouldn't be expected from him.

When he passed the entrance hall, he noticed the concierge desk was abandoned, bathroom break? He continued outside to the parking lot, where he would find his parked car, he went to the trunk and reached in for a black duffle bag which contained his life's essentials. He was basically living in his car most of the time, never truly staying in one place at a time, a true traveller. Shutting the trunk he turned to head back into the hotel and soon enough he was back in the room, settling the bag on the edge of the bed and unzipping it to reveal its contents: clothes, a leather bound journal, salt, something wrapped in cloth, two hex bags, and his iPad. Reaching for it, he took it out and turned it on, "What have you figured out so far? Are there more than one after you? And why? What did you do?" Not that he was accusing her of having done anything but it could be the slightest thing, anything she may have taken or done, that would attract them like moths to a flame. He wanted to understand why she was of interest in their eyes, it would help if she told him her story. While the device searched for any available net works, he set it down on the bed, and moved on to get this place as safe as he could make it. Gathering the hex bags he went about putting them in the corners of the room, then before once again checking outside, feeling like a paranoid freak, but choosing to be safe than sorry.
"Well, what I can conclude is these dogs do not go off on their own." Ziara said as she opened the book and slipped out a piece of paper that contained notes. "They go after humans obviously, they eat human bones, and they are your average dog...only bigger." Ziara added. "These dogs are...controlled, I could tell. Although, I am not sure of who or what has control over them, but my best guess is someone who can conjure up a demonic dog." Ziara added, hinting her guess of necromancy. "They do not react to any human weapons, even if the bullets are filled with salt." She added, scanning down her list. "And they only attack if they catch the scent of a human near by." She finished. She slipped the piece of paper back into the book. "I know there are many more out there...but they are not after me unless they could sniff me out in the woods." She said as she sat down in a chair by a small table. She thought about what happened in the woods. If it wasn't for the angel coming to her and helping her get away...she would be dead by now. And if Cole hadn't been driving by, the dog might have caught her in the streets. That was the most help she had gotten in a very long time.
"So then someone's pulling the strings, this could be either a random attack, or they could be searching for something? Something important." He moved from the windows, making sure the panels were drawn and he reached for his iPad, looking in, he could see that there was an open network available, Starbucks_Guest, and that it was unlocked. "I'll research what I can about them, in my head I was thinking Hell Hounds, but you could see them, so it can't be that..." He muttered as he fingered on the retina touch screen through options and accessed the internet, signed in and Googled about the creatures. After several minutes he was lead to a link about Necromancers, but ignored it, not thinking it would be them, why would it be?

Opening a new tab he entered the town's website and went directly for the latest reported news. This town has been afflicted by the wolfen attacks for quite some time now. A few weeks ago, the first strike was a little after midnight, a few campers were in the woods and they were found dead the next morning, mutilated by what could be guessed wild wolves. It's till under investigation, as many bodies have been torn apart each at random times, and on different days.

"I remember a saying, once is an accident. Twice is a coincidence. Three times is a pattern. Well I say we're dealing with someone who is using the attacks as a distraction, while going underground in search of something?” He was at a loss, just throwing assumptions around, and then he remembered something and lifted his gaze from the glow of the screen to look at Ziara, "What were you doing in the forest if it was a danger-zone?"
Ziara looked up to Cole when he asked a question. "I was hunting the thing that chased me." Ziara put simply. "Although, from what I knew at the time, i thought it was an average demon, so I came a little unprepared, which was a dumb thing to do seeing how long I've been doing this now." Ziara chuckled. "I had caught the dog after a meal...I guess it was still hungry." She added. She pictured the wolfen perfectly. Jet black like the night, glowing red eyes that seemed to just stare right into your soul, fangs covered in blood with bones hanging out of it's mouth. It was an exact definition of what a nightmare should be. "I'm glad I was able to get out of there alive." Ziara chuckled.

She opened her book and began to scan the pages for any additional information she could get. But most of it was things she already knew, or something that she doesn't need. She really wanted a coffee at this point, but she knew Cole would not let her leave the room. She went into her pocket and pulled out a pack of gum and put a piece in her mouth. "This'll have to do."She thought to herself.
"But shouldn't you have known what is was before going after it? I mean it'd be silly and a waste of precious time for you to start shooting at it with bullets and rock salt ...Isn't that just for ghosts by the way? Playing a mortal guessing game on how to kill the enemy, when you should have known first hand what would kill it, just one hit and be done with it." He shook his head, seeing her mistake that would have costed her life, "So how did you escape? From what I can tell these monstrous wolves are large, and super fast. Must have been some divine intervention that saved you back there." A knot formed in the back of his neck and with one hand he rubbed at the ache, the other held the iPad down slightly, as sat on the edge of the bed. He eyed her with a cool glint in his eyes, irked at her indifference on such a serious matter as her safety. If he'd known her better he would have scolded her for being so stupidly reckless, but he bit his tongue, "...and you went by yourself?" Now that's just suicide, not an expert in her field was she? The thought made a semi-amused and yet tired smirk tilt the edges of his lips, she reminded him of her again. Her expressions, the way she carried herself, and her method of distracting herself with the use of gum, traits his sister had. Ziara was of decent build and height for a huntress, and yet so small and vulnerable at the same time, someone that needed a bodyguard to protect.

Would this be his fate? Was the journey he was travelling through meant to lead him here in this motel room with this girl who needed all the help she could get to survive? Was he even prepared for what he could already see would be more than he could bargain for? No need to think about it. Hell yes! He was tired of wondering like a lost soul with no purpose and no motive to keep treading on, it was funny to think that in a sense he was desperate for something to keep him afloat, before he drowned. Again.
Ziara chuckled. "Thats what you call 'a hunter with out her coffee.'" Her chuckling quickly stopped. "Well, an angel saved me." She said simply. "I'm glad because I usually like hunting alone...and this was no solo-hunt." She added. "You see, I have a guardian angel who is supposed to protect me, but we got separated not too long ago some other angel came by and saved my ass from being torn up." She noticed Cole looking at her. She quickly brushed that fact off. Is it just a coincidence that she happened to run into someone who knows all about this stuff and pretty much is a hunter? Although, it wasn't so bad meeting him. To her, this may be a good thing. She was always the type to shut herself off from other people, even when she was in school. This might be a good change for her. Maybe she didn't have to be alone all the time.
He rolled his eyes, "More like a dead hunter. You shouldn't rush in blindly on cases, especially these weird ones, without a plan, without knowing what you're dealing with and how you'll go about handling it if things get crazy... And did you just say angel? Whoa, I've heard of them... But never seen one..." he looked away, his gaze settling on the vintage television in the center of the room. So here he was, conversing a case with a perfect stranger, crazy enough to risk her life for a cause most people would take for granted. He didn't know whether to feel grateful or troubled. At the moment, Ziara offered little to know help, who the heck trained her? Must have been a loony, doing such a bodged up job like that, this was stuff she was supposed to know and she already broke the first rule of hunting, never reveal your identity. He could have been a demon incognito and she would have never seen him coming --but he wasn't so. But still, she had to be more careful jeez, "Well I say you thank god that other angel swooped in for the save, or you would have been wolf lunch." Speaking of, he was getting hungry, all this stress and his non-stop driving had prevented him from eating much. He was about to suggest they go out for something, but then remembered they were hiding. Not cool. But he wouldn't complain, it was never in his nature to especially on such trivial things when a life was at stake. He would have to wait it out, and mean time keep in touch with what was going on outside. "Do you have a way to... Contact you uh, angel guardian?" He felt strange talking about this, but it was something he had to get used to, stow his crap and work, a friend used to say. This was business and not to be handled so easily.
"I know...usually I over look everything, but that time I heard a scream and all I could think about was the dog and I just rushed in..."Ziara said. "In fact, I have been more reckless today than I ever have my whole life." She chuckled. "Talking to you and revealing myself was another reckless mistake..."She added in. She had never been that reckless before...since her grandmother was not around long enough to train her, she had to train herself, so she always over looked everything. But today was different...maybe because she met her guardian, she was able to ease up a bit? Obviously to her, that is a mistake she'll never make again. She should make sure she wouldn't really need her angel as much. If she was alone right now, she would probably slap herself. She went back to reality when Cole asked about the angel. "I do, I pray to her...although, we just met today, and when I prayed...well..I guess there is some connection problems going on." She responded. She was a little worried about Ambriel. Was she okay? Ziara felt herself began to stress over her...even though she just met her today. The fact that it was her fault for having lost each other made Ziara a but more guilty. She felt like today was just one huge mistake. She wished she could just go to sleep and have a fresh start. Unfortunately life was not that easy. She glanced over to Cole. She was a bit surprised that he actually hung around this long.
Bri nodded her head and darted over to the other wall. A smile broke across her face as she realized what Castiel was doing. "For someone who seemed so ready to face us, you sure aren't behaving as such now!" She called, her blade at the ready and her eyes trained on the motion farther in the cave.
(Just letting you guys know, the RP will be a bit slow this week from lack of RPers. It will go back to being active soon :) )
(Could I join in, this looks so fun! I have an OC I would like to roleplay, but should I post the information here or just jump in?)

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