Supernatural [TV] RP

((Yay, alright I can make an entrance then..!!))

Ambriel had received her assignment. She was to guard a hunter named Ziara. She sighed softly to herself, swiping a strand of black hair out of her eyes. In the future she would have to remember to find a vessel with shorter hair. This was kind of ridiculous. Closing her blue eyes, she left heaven. When she opened them again she was in a hotel room. She glanced around uncertainly. Was she in the right place..? "Ziara..?" She said tentatively, taking a step towards the girl.
Ziara stopped writing and looked over. Puzzlement took over her face. "Yeah....thats me." Ziara said cautiously as she stood up. "Do you need something?" She asked. What she should be asking is how she got in, but at this point she was used to random pop ups of friendly creatures.
"I am Ambriel. I am an angel of the lord and I have been assigned to guard and look after you. As of this moment, I don't know why, but I am here on my orders none the less." She said in a hushed tone, a serious look on her pale face. She didn't really interact with humans much, so she wasn't sure how different from angels they were. She decided she'd tread carefully none the less.
"Oh..."Ziara said simply. She wondered why God would send an angel for her. She was about to go on another dangerous hunt...maybe she needs protection. "Well...thank you!" Ziara said smiling, along with a nod. Maybe she might have a little more fun since there will be someone to talk to time to time.

She sat down back in her seat. "Is there a certain time you'll be here...or are you just here until you have orders to leave?" Ziara asked curiously.

Dean pointed his weapon at the lady. She wore a long white gown, pitch black hair. But something was odd about her, she had water at her feet. Her clothes were sombing wet andher hair was clung to her body. Her pail white skin was an unnerving sensation to Dean. "Hey Lady." He called out. Slowly the figure turned. Her front was scary, her eye's were cloudy as if she was drowned. The women held out her hand's as she opened her mouth, water drooled over her hin. But before his eye's, her image flashed and buzzed before dissapearing in mid air. Dean allowed his weapon to go down, as she dissapered in midair. "Dammit..." He mumbled, turning back to the stairs.


Sam clicked his notepad shut as he walked towards the crime scene. About the same time that he was about to enter, his brother appeared, unhappy. "Whats up?" Sam mumbled, as Dean shook his head. "Later." He pronouced. Dean and Sam walked to the Chevy, as they both slipped into their sides. Before anybody could say something they pulled off. On they're way down the street, Sam noticed two girls talking. He shook off the suspicion, and turned to his brother . "What happen?"
Ambriel shrugged. "I'll be around. If I'm not with you, you can pray and I'll hear you." She said softly as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other in a nervous manner. She wasn't sure exactly what she should be doing right now. Ziara didn't seem like she was in any immediate danger at the moment. She sighed. This was going to be confusing.
Ziara smiled slightly. "Well, you came just in time actually." She said simply. "I'll be going on a hunt soon that may be a bit dangerous going on. I'm going to need someone to back me up a bit." She added on. She looked out the window and noticed the '67 Impala again. 'Do they live here too?' she wondered. She shrugged it off. "Although, I'm not really doing if you want to go sit...or do whatever, you can." She said. She didn't want to just have her sit there and wait for her to get hurt. Angels get bored right?
Giving her a small nod, Ambriel moved to one of the beds and sat. She stared blankly at the wall across from her, unsure of what to do. She didn't really have anywhere else to be. This was he only assignment for the moment. So she supposed that she'd sit. She was unaware of the fact that she looked kind of like a statue just sitting there, unmoving.
Ziara looked back to her books, but she couldn't stop glancing at the beautiful black car sitting out. 'Why do I get a weird feeling that the car does not belong to normal people.' She thought to herself. She glanced back to Ambriel. "Would you like to take a walk or something, it'll be a lot more fun than sitting there." Ziara said, standing up. She could use a walk as well, all she has been doing for most of the day has been studying and investigating.
She shrugged. "I suppose." She said quietly, gracefully climbing back to her feet. It had taken some time, but she had finally grown used to moving around in this vessel. She had to be proficient at it before she was allowed to be around humans. She followed Ziara's gaze outside to the black car. Is there something off about it? Or is she just admiring it? Ambriel thought, tilting her head slightly.
"Alright, sweet!" Ziara smiled as she led to the door and opened it and held it open for Ambriel. She noticed the way she tilted her head in thought. "Is something wrong?" She asked curiously.

(gah....short post is short. sorry OTL)
Ambriel shook her head. "No.. Nothing is wrong." She said softly, walking out the door before pausing to wait for Ziara. "I was simply noting the way you were looking at that car. That is all." She said, looking at her with mild curiosity. "Is there something off about it..?" She inquired, tilting her head again.

As Dean explained whathe encountered with who he belived to be the water Woman, he slowly parked near a Library. Dean flicked off the car's, placing the key's in his jean jacket. Over his brown sirt. His usial outfit, As he exited Sam followed. They walked into the Library. Approaching the Receptionist's desk, Dean decided to allow Sam to do all the talking. Isnce he had a way with words.


Sam smiled at the Blonde haired, blue eyed lady behind the des. She was quite friendly as he could tell. "How Can I Help you two?" She asked, in a maternal, but sweet voice. "Hello Ma'am, I'm Jerold, this is my Brother Herold. And we are Reporter's for the local newspaper. We neec a few Article's about the Water Woman." He responded, in a friendly tone. "Ah Yeas, This Way Sir." She announced walking off. "Herold andJerold?" Dean questioned in an mocking tone. "It was the first thing that came to mind!" Sam argued back.
"Oh." Ziara chuckled softly as she walked beside Ambriel. "You could say that, I just think the boys sitting inside it are not average people...and the car is really nice." Ziara said, smiling. She was pretty good at knowing who was off, who was normal, who liked certain things, who seemed to not like certain things just by looking at them. With her time to be a closet nerd, she had to develop that skill to see who would actually talk to her. She noticed they drove off to go somewhere. 'Oh well.' She thought.
"I could find out." Ambriel said, looking over at the car. "Give me a moment." Before Ziara could get another word in, Ambriel disappeared. A moment later she reappeared in the behind the two boys. She wasn't aware that it wasn't something that normal people did.
"Hey wa-" Ziara started, but Ambriel was already gone. She chuckled quietly. "Well, at least I'll find out if I'm right." She said as she sat down on a bench waiting. "She seems nice." Ziara said to herself. 'An angel of the lord, huh?' She thought to herself.

The Librarian handed him A Pile of Old New's article's and book's about the ancint Water Woman. Turning to his brother, he noticed a girl watching them. Sam handed some book's to Dean as they walked to an isolated table into the back of the room. Sitting catiously, Sam began flipping through the Article's. "Hmm...." Sam mumbled, Reading between the fine print. The Newspaper's were old, they had yellowed and crisped over the years. Delicatly, Sam held one.


Dean followed his brother to the table, watching him Go through the array of article's. Being not his thing, Dean retreved his phone and began to search her on the internet. Quickly glancing up, Dean noticed Sam gently look behind him. Dean looked back to see a Girl. He smiled at Sam. "Who's that?" He asked, a smirk appeared on his face. "No clue..." Sa replied, reading thrugh the article. "Whatever, Den pronounced skimming his phone.
Ambriel moved closer to the two. "If you don't mind me asking, who are you guys?" She inquired, moving to settle herself in a chair next to them. "Ziara noted that the two of you didn't seem average so I was coming to check." She said.
Ziara continued to wait patiently at the bench, wondering where the three of them are. She looked around at other people and made up her own little game. Look at them and try and guess what they are into. She looked at a group of girls. "cheerleaders...or maybe even te popular girls." She said to herself. She looked over to a business man. "Fishing?" She questioned herself. She continued to guess other people's hobbies as she waited.

Before his brother could respond, Dean gave a flattering smile at the unknown mistress. "I'm Herold, this is My Brother Jerold. We work for the town's newspaper." He convaded, showing her the articles. "We're doing a segment on the Allusive Water Woman." Dean replied. Sam nodded along with him, Sam knew his brother was good in short positions or Tight squeezes. Figurativly that is.
Ambriel couldn't help but to smile back. "I know that's not true." She said as she looked at the two of them, the smile still on her face. "I'm Ambriel and I know that you are lying to me." She raised an eyebrow at the two of them. "Now, are you ready to tell me the truth...?"

Although he wasn't looking at the pair, he ouldn't resist to smile. Nobody had ever turned down Dean as being called a liar. This made Sam glanced to Dean with a Smirk. Dean glared at his brother before turning to the younge lady. "But it is The Truth." Dean persauded, showing her the articles. "Why would I Lie? We have the article's and the proof. Now unless were doing something illegal, I Do not believe we-ve done harm." 

Although he wasn't looking at the pair, he ouldn't resist to smile. Nobody had ever turned down Dean as being called a liar. This made Sam glanced to Dean with a Smirk. Dean glared at his brother before turning to the younge lady. "But it is The Truth." Dean persauded, showing her the articles. "Why would I Lie? We have the article's and the proof. Now unless were doing something illegal, I Do not believe we-ve done harm."
"I do not know why you would lie, but I know that you are." Ambriel said, glancing at him again. "I also do not know if you've done any harm or if you are doing anything illegal. All I know is that Ziara inquired as to whether you two were normal and you are persistant in lying to me."
Ziara tapped her fingers on her lap in a beat she is making up in her head as she waits. "I guess the boys might be giving her a heard time if it takes this long." Ziara thought aloud. Although, she continued to wait patiently.

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