Supernatural [TV] RP


Dean placed his hand on his gun that was in his back pocket. This wasn't going to end very well, he though glancing to his brother. Sam did the same, He placed his right hand on the barearm before turning to the girl "Of Course, We're normal. We're Human after all..!" Sam prescribed, he didn't know who this girl was. Or what in fact. Hunter or Creature, by the way she qustion she could be either ome.
Ambriel rolled her eyes. "I know that you are human. I can tell that much." She said. "Now, are you going to tell me the truth, or am I going to have to get it myself?" She inquired, noting the way both of them moved of their back pockets. They must have some kind of weapon. She sighed. She was going to have to tell them what she was. "I mean you no harm. I am an angel of the lord."

Dean smiled, in a relaxing motion. Although still suspicious he kept his hand on his weapon. "An Angel huh?" He had suspected something not right about this girl. "Well than, I'm Dean. My Younger Brother Sammy." Dean smirked to him. "It's Sam.." Sam growled at him. Sam glared at his brother. "Sam Whinchester nice to meet you!" He smiled holding a hand out to her. "We're hunters."
Ambriel smiled. "I figured as much." She said, shaking the hand that was offered to her. "I am Ambriel and Ziara is currently waiting on me to return with information about you two. Would you like to accaompany me back to her..? She's a hunter as well."

((Hey, I've gotta run for a bit. I should be back later though =3))
Ziara yawned as she pulled out her phone and played one of those bad demo games that is on there. Although when her trial game play numbers ran out, she sat there back at square one once again.

(I have to go as well for an hour or so I'll be back soon!) 
(back :3) 
(damn, the RP stopped for the day </3
(Hey everyone, I'm online :3)

Sam looked at his brother, "Um, Actually We have a case here in town." He replied, giving a sorrow filled smile. "The Ancient Water Woman has Stricked Again, Apparently." He informed her. Sam picked up a few of the article's and neatly pulled them in a pile. They were going to need the for the night. "IfZiara need's us, tell her to find my brother's car. It surely stick's out." He gave Dean a playful smile, before glancing back to the Angel.
Ambriel nodded. "Actually, the car is what led her to question you two." She said with a small smile. Interacting with people was proving to be easier than she had originally thought it would be. It kind of helped when you were a walking lie detector, but she didn't really need to think about that. She would rather just assume that most people would be this easy to interact with.
Ziara stood up and began to walk around a bit to stretch her legs out. "I hope everything is alright." She thought to herself. She watched the cars go by on the street, then looked to a group of people walking and enjoying life. She smiled, "I'm glad these people don't have my life...or any hunter's life for that matter." She thought to herself as she waited. She then heard a distant growl, followed by a woman screaming. "It's back...I hope she wont mind leaving for a bit." Ziara thought as she got up and ran as fast as her legs could carry her towards the sound. 
(I may not be able to RP a whole lot this week, my spring break ends so school starts again tomorrow ;_ ;)
Can I please, please portray Cass! I love that nerd angel lol!
Of course! 
(I'm just going to repost this because I bumped the shit out of this thread xD )

Ziara stood up and began to walk around a bit to stretch her legs out. "I hope everything is alright." She thought to herself. She watched the cars go by on the street, then looked to a group of people walking and enjoying life. She smiled, "I'm glad these people don't have my life...or any hunter's life for that matter." She thought to herself as she waited. She then heard a distant growl, followed by a woman screaming. "It's back...I hope she wont mind leaving for a bit." Ziara thought as she got up and ran as fast as her legs could carry her towards the sound.
(Yay..1 the thread, it lives..! ...and with Cas..!))

Ambriel left the guys and showed up just as Ziara ran off. "Ziara. I found that..." She trailed off, realizing that Ziara was no longer there. She looked around, spotting her running in the distance. There must have been some kind of disturbance. Ambriel followed after her, a small sigh passing her lips. So much for things being peaceful.
(im listening to a song that sounds like battle music and its like..perfect for this right now xD )

Ziara listened carefully to the direction of the growling. She stopped in the middle of the forest. She looked around and got down on her knees and took some dirt and studied it carefully. She heard the sound of ripping flesh near by. She hid behind a tree and looked back, seeing a huge black dog with sharp teeth tearing out bones one by one. "Disgusting." She muttered to herself.
The delicate sound of a pair of ruffling feathers came after the deafening screams of innocent pedestrians as they shouted and scrambled like ants on speed away from the threatening source of a the terrifyingly, ugly creature. Walking toward the street, a particular man in a trench coat and looking like he just came out of an entire day stuck at the office glanced up. Piercing blue eyes scanned the scene to immediately spot the giant figure, crashing ground and destroying vehicles beneath its massive paws as it bounded in the opposite direction. Heading to the forest!

Castiel trailed after it, the animal -which by far was the most strangest he had ever seen, disappeared into the labyrinthine wood. He'd enter it quickly, then noticing a young woman in the woods, he hoped for her sake wasn't anywhere near the hell hound look-a-like, he would soon find it again, tearing into what he could assume was a deer? It was in pieces so he couldn't tell. Raising a deductive brow, Cas walked right up to it, and detecting its presence, the animal lifted its head up, canines dripping crimson plasma and pieces of torn flesh.

"Your buffet is over dog."

Reaching out, Cas was just about to place his palm against the creatures skull and end its miserable life, when a sudden explosion caught him off guard, and rocked the earth. Smoke, debrees and dirt whipped about them. The angel rose an arm to shield his eyes from the force of the blast, he dug his shoes into the moist earth, and looked up as everything settled.

A figure appeared, as if it had sensed its pet in danger and swooped in for a rescue, "It was about time I've met someone with real game. Castiel," said the stranger, her lips slicked bright red, her eyes tinged bright gold as she stared directly at him. Her cloaks torn and frayed edges snaked out beneath her, the powerful miasma seeming to escape from her pores like a bad perfume.
Ziara heard an explosion not to far from where she was standing. "Oh, what now?" She thought to herself. Although, she was focused on this one dog...thing. She was not sure what to make of it. She had no time to focus on other things that could just be teenagers lighting off fire crackers or something. She swiftly left the tree and shot the dog. Although it jolted back slightly, it did not die. It turned towards her and made a deep growl. "Shit!" She muttered under her breath. She continued to shoot, although there was no prevail.

"This isn't like the others." She said to herself. She had no holy water on her or anything else, due to underestimating. "Maybe I can lure it out somewhere...."She thought. She turned quickly and began running, knowing it wasn't far behind. "I need a plan!!!" She thought.
Castiel momentarily looked away, his gaze shifting in the direction of where he had came, more specifically where he had seen the girl, no, a huntress. He had heard the rounds of shots, and came to the conclusion that there wasn't just one threat, probably many more. Staring back at the woman, his eyes narrowing at her he said with a deeper, threatening tone, "You won't win, I've dealt with worse than this before." He also realized that there were more hounds scattered about the woods. Never a good thing.

Then he stepped forwards only to be stopped by a flash of brilliant light.

"Think again winged monkey, I've dealt with your kind, I know your tricks!" shouted the cloaked female over the loud and destructive winds that had suddenly whipped around them, and the angel realized a bit too late that she was the one manipulating the air currents --as a distraction. Clever.

He raised an arm, heat gathering in his palm, like a blooming fiery rose, that expanded, before bursting from his hand directly toward the source of her aura.

"Hah, you felt for the bait!"

The proud voice came from behind him, something sharp suddenly penetrated his vessel, the pain shocking his senses for a second, before he reached out and grasped the opponents arm, light flared and another explosion erupted from their clashing energies.
Ziara noticed flashes of lights and loud sounds, causing her to having to shut her ears off a bit. She was starting to lose her focus. "What the hell is going on in this forest?! More demons?!" She thought to herself. She couldn't stop now and check it out, she had a bone-hungry dog on her tail. She continued to run as fast as she possibly could, shooting at the dog a few times, still with no prevail. She saw a cabin up ahead. She smiled as she picked up her speed a bit and ran up to the door. To her luck, it was opened. She ran inside and closed the door, followed by locking it. "That won't hold up, but it'll do for now until I can figure out whats going on!" She thought. "Ambriel....I need you, please come here!" She prayed.
Castiel was getting tired of this game, he was obviously toying with the Necromancer. Shoving her back, he withdrew his angel sword, and in a flash was directly behind her, stabbed her once in the back --only to have her form erupt into blood. Stepping back, the angel caught the wolfen creature that had accompanied her vanish like a mist, leaving behind negative energies pulsing in the air.

"I was duped." He muttered, knowing that the enemy had never really been there herself, she was smart enough to know who she was messing with at least. Not that it would make this situation any easier to solve. Sensing distress, the angel would then teleport away, appearing behind Ziara. The other hound attempting to enter the door.

Placing a hand against the door to offer support, the angel glanced down at her, "I don't think Ambriel can help you right now. I suggest you escape while you can." he offered, pressing into the door, his strength allowing a steady hold against it, though he doubted the wooden structure would endure the force applied by the angel, and the beast trying to tear it apart outside.
Ziara's eyes showed surprise and a bit of confusion seeing a different angel appear. "O-oh....alright."Ziara responded, looking up to Castiel. "Hopefully I can do that successfully, by now that thing has my sent on lock-on." She thought to herself. "Thank you so much!" Ziara said smiling slightly. She would say more, but at this point, she was not focused on proper conversation. She got off the door and ran towards the back door. She glanced back to Castiel, giving one last thankful nod. She opened the back door and walked out, followed by closing it, and sprinting towards civilization. She needed to get out of there fast before anymore showed up. "I knew this was something I should have not taken on alone!" She said aloud to herself as she ran. "Who was he...why couldn't Ambriel respond...?" She thought to herself as she ran through the dense woods.
With the human gone, Castiel could focus entirely on the situation --for the moment. He broke the door open, and when the wolfen creature plunged in, it came straight for the edge of Cas's blade, dispersed with light and crackles of disrupted energies instantly. For a while, everything was calm, there were no more people around that he could detect. Then he turned away and disappeared.

Driving down the road in a vintage black Mustang, a young man had to jam his foot onto the breaks suddenly when a female burst out into the road, skidding the car to the side, he swung the door open and nearly fell out. His hazel eyes wide, searching, "H-hey, what's going on? Trying to get yourself killed?" Cole asked, though more concern in his tone than mock, as he approached the visually shaken girl, looking like a demon was chasing her. "It's okay, relax," he spoke softly, gesturing with his hands the universal sign for peace.
Ziara looked over to the man. She realized that she just ran right in the middle of the road. "!" Ziara said through pants of air. She glanced back at the forest. There was nothing in sight. She looked back at the young man in front of her. "I hope I don't look to terrified." She thought to herself.
Something strange was literally oozing, thick and strong from the woods and the young man was not too lenient toward abandoning this poor girl to deal with whatever frightened her so. He offered her a ride, taking her by the arm and leading her to the passenger of his ride, not caring for her protests if she said any.

Cranking the car into the road again, probably going faster than the speed limit he kept silent until he was sure the distance between them and the unknown threat was larger than a football field. The winding road seemed to stretch for miles, but pretty soon he was pushing through the outskirts of a town. Stealing a glance at his new female passenger, the boy asked, "You alright? Lookin' kinda pale." He was almost worried himself, and half wondered if he should take her to the hospital or something. It wasn't everyday that girls just spring onto your car almost in a frantic mess. His name was Cole Redgrave, there was nothing boyish about his features, he has greenish-brown eyes, strong features like cut marble, and messy dark hair. He wore a grey v-neck shirt, beneath a blue and white plaid unbuttoned shirt, dirty, ripped jeans and old boots.
Ambriel wandered around blindly. For some reason no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't seem to get a lock on Ziara's location. This was disturbing her immensely. She looked around, still finding no sign of her. Well what now? "Some guardian I am.." She mumbled. "Only been on the job for a day and I've already lost track of my hunter." She sighed, finally settling herself down on a bench. She supposed there was nothing she could do until she could find Ziara.

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