Supernatural [TV] RP

Necromancer's Cave

Castiel glanced at the object, and was just about to comment on it when he was struck by a powerful blast that knocked him back onto the cave wall. He was nearly unconscious.

Their assailant could see that the two were planning something and she was not having it. She smiled, mirthlessly at the Seraph, look at him, he was weak, useless. She then tore her eyes to the other little angel, "What are you thinking little feathered freak, that you could defeat me?" she yelled, her aura expanding, to show the highest extent of her abilities. She stepped forwards, the pulsations of her power making shadows dance about her sharp angular features. Her pallid skin looked purplish in the auras, now crinkling into unstable-esque bolts.

"If I were you, I'd turn tail and fly, fly away, before you loose yourself a pretty little meat dress." She gave a final warning, before extending her long bony hand, a collection of black, electrified energies morphed into a bowling-ball size. She was getting ready to hurl at the still standing angel. She smiled, the violet light making her features look more sinister.

This was so over.

Pair O' Dice motel

After the girl had informed him that she was done setting up the candles and preparing what she could of her part in summoning the demon, Cole glanced at her warily. "You should stand back, and grab that bottle of Holy Water. Though I don't really know if you'd like to take part in the interrogation bit." He told her, already he had the leather book in hand, ready to chant the summons in order to manifest a demon. This could get dangerous and tricky. God, where are those angels when you need 'em?


|OOC| Yes, I would love to portray Dean, you be Sam then! XD//
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Ziara smirked. "I'd love to take part in that." was all she would say as she grabbed the holy water and opened it to check how much was in there. She knew her way around interrogating demons. She actually had a small part of her that enjoyed doing that when she had the chance.


((Alrighty then! Whenever you want to start with them, just let me know ^u^))
Pair O' Dice motel

Cole nodded at the feisty girl, but he wasn't sure if she would really enjoy this after he started. Nonetheless, he turned his attention back to the situation at hand, bringing the book up, he repeated the mantra in his head a few times, going on from memory on how to say each word correctly, not doing so would be disastrous. And the summoning began. Pretty soon a man appeared, he was dressed in a nice formal suit and the look in his eyes told them that he'd been expecting this. Standing in the centre of the room, his dark, soulless hues divided from the hunter to the girl and a sense of recognition momentarily showed on his expression before it was replaced by a level of distance.

But Cole had noticed that, so the two had encountered each other before huh? This could get interesting. He glanced at the girl trying to read her expression, she just looked genuinely surprised. He then glared at the culprit, who now smiled at them as if glad to see them after soo long. "Don't tell me the Winchester's have hired little junior hunters-in-diapers to help on a case." He quipped, his smile mirthless and expecting.

"The Winchesters?" Cole asked, he found himself glancing at Ziara for further explanation.

Necromancer's Cave

Castiel could sense the presense of a demon, he knew then and there that he had to warn the Winchesters. Standing, finding some small bit of strength, he disapperead and reappeared in the general space the hunters were. He came to view behind Dean whom was busy with, well, eating a pie at a restaurant that was lacking in people.

Sal's Diner, Town

"Whoa Cas, how many times have I told you to stay outta my ass!" Dean said, nearly jumping up in his chair, his brother Sam was looking up something on his laptop. Another case that could connect to the one they were dealing with hopefully.

Pair O' Dice motel

"This is serious, come with me both of you." Cas said without another word, he reached out and touched both the brothers and instantly zapped away. They would all appear outside a motel, Cas instructed them to go to the hunter there in room 122 and help him. Then he was gone.

Dean glanced at Sam utterly surprised, then collecting his wits he said, "Thanks for explaining everything Cas, really helpful." He only had a few weapons on him, his Impala was deserted back all the way across town. He turned to Sam as he reached for his gun, the one meant for cases involving demons. "Come on, let's go." He turned to head inside the hotel.
Ziara was not as surprised on how the demon knew of the Winchesters. She had heard of them before, but never knew them on a personal level. If she saw them, though, she may know them.She wondered why the demon assumed they were with them. Did it seem like a case they would take?

"Winchesters? I can say the name sounds familiar, but I don't know them." She explained, glancing over to Cole. "As for the next statement, the Winchesters don't have anything to do with this case, I can assure you. At least, I believe they don't have anything to do with it." She added in, looking at the demon before them.

Sam sighed. Cas never seemed to explain anything. He looked towards his brother who was leading into the hotel room.

"Yeah, lets go." He agreed as he followed his elder brother into the hotel. He kept one hand on his gun in his inner-lower pocket of his jacket. This was a case involving demons, and there is a large chance it will be hostile. He kept his eyes on the doors they had passed. As they got to room 122, he looked to Dean.

"Ready?" He asked simply. 
((just a filler:

Sam and Dean kinda know who Ziara is. Although it's only by name. Ziara saw them drive by before she went into the forest and was suspicious that they were hunters. Ambriel went to go see who they were for her (with out her consent xD ) and Ambriel told them about Ziara's curiosity. That's basically it though :3))
Pair O' Dice motel

Dean nodded firmly at his younger brother, then they both would turn toward the closed door and bust it down Winchester style, guns aimed out before them, eyes searching wildly. Dean's hazel irises scanned his surroundings before he stepped in, he glanced at Sam to make sure he had his back before crossing further through the threshold.

"ZIARA!" He shouted, but his eyes found a girl and a young man. And a demon who was all smiles at their unwelcome intrusion.

He gestured the boys with a deep grin, "Welcome to the foray Winchesters, care to join us?"

Dean's lips pressed, his mind running as he spotted the book, the tell-tale sign of a demon trap beneath the old carpet, and a bunch of hunter-like objects guns, knives etc. What were these kids thinking?"

"Ah, they're the Winchesters?" Cole managed to whisper to Ziara, he snapped the book shut to reveal a pistol he's brandished as if on instinct at the hunter's crashing in. This could ruin the kid's plans if they decided to intervene.

"Put the gun down!" Dean commanded, his voice a baritone of warning and serious threat if the unwise hunter-wannabe didn't comply.

"You first." Cole quipped, his steely gaze unflinching as he moved himself in front of Ziara to be her shield.

Furrowing his brows, the experienced hunter attempted another tactic, "What's with the demon pal? Speak fast or I will shoot you."

Cole really doubted that, but he would answer, "I don't think you'll be doing so, Winchester. I'm helping her and you're really screwing things up for me. Why don't you play nice and get lost?"

Dean clenched his jaw, did this kid have any idea what he was doing? The danger he was not only putting himself in, but of the girl he so called wanted to protect?

"Why yes, mommy and daddy are talking," the demon added.

Dean glanced at the man, "You shut your pie hole!"

"Maybe you could help us, you're hunters." said Cole suddenly.

Now Dean was interested, he glared at the kid through narrow eyes, how did he know?

"Takes one to know one," Cole read his mind, he still held up though.

Dean noticed the Holy water in the other teen's grasp, he assumed she was Ziara. Understanding flooded him, but he still wasn't gung-ho for whatever crap they were trying to obtain from this demon. He tapped his back foot twice so that Sam could make his move.

Cole caught that movement, "Don't!" He yelled.

"Listen buddy, we're taking over from here. Whatever you're trying to accomplish ain't happening. Now lower the gun!" Cole glared at the hunter, maybe he could take their word on it.

The demon decided to meddle a bit and made the lights go out. Oops!
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Sam followed his brother in. He noticed everyone was at gunpoint.

"Just lower your gun, we have a demon in here. If someone is going to shed blood, it'll be the demons." Sam said, rationalizing. He'd rather not meddle with the two amateur hunters when there is a demon flickering lights.


"We can handle this just fine. We're not "new kids on the 'block'" Ziara exclaimed. At least to her concern she wasn't as new, seeing as how she had been hunting since she graduated high school. When she gave the two men a second look, she recognized them. "It's the guys from the Impala!"She thought to herself.She gave a tap on Cole's shoulder to let him know she won't need protecting.

"Anyways, I think the guys are right, we have a demon in here and the whole point of this is not killing them. Lets put all of our guns down." Ziara said, hoping to rationalize.


Sam already had his gun slightly lowered, but not all the way, in case something were to happen. He looked towards his brother to see if he is agreeing to not aim at Cole. He knew Dean could get a little...hasty at things like this, so he wanted to make sure he is actually going to do what he suggested. He glanced towards the demon. He looked fairly impatient.

"And besides, if we continue this, that demon over there could start something." Sam said, cocking his head slightly to point at the demon.
Dean grit his teeth, but as of now, he could see in the boy that he really didn't want to shoot anything either. But the hunter wouldn't play it safe, what if that kid was a demon? A possible threat? He could feel Sam's gaze, and heard him clearly, but this wasn't up for debate.

"Alright," Dean said after a beat, "this doesn't have to involve guns, just to be clear," he stared sharply at the youth, "you put yours down, I'll do the same."

Cole lowered his to the floor, and left it there a foot from him.

Dean mimicked him.

But now they really couldn't see anything, Dean searched for a flashlight and was nearly shocked out of his wits to see the demon advancing toward him. Apparently the bastard had no problem seeing in light. Shit, was the last thing he through before being shoved across the room, crashing into the wall. The demon wanted to make a run for it,l but was caught in the trap. He could no longer make his escape.

"Why the hell am I not surprised?" The demon muttered defeated as he realized his situation and quit trying to push at the force that bound him to the marked spot.

"Now we can get to business," Cole said through clenched teeth, he reached in his pocket for his lighter and searched for his partner, "You ready?" He asked, referring to the holy water. She would be very well apart of the torture regiment if she will.

Dean gathered his bearings and was soon back up on his feet, he accessed the current situation, thanks to him the demon was caught. Well what a relief. Now they had to get rid of it. But the kid was more interested in interrogations, Dean aimed the beam of his flashlight at Sam, giving him a what-the-hell look.

Cole turned to the demon, "Now that you're here I want you to tell me what's going on!"

The demon settled his soulless eyes to the young boy, "I want your soul, but we can't have everything we want in life can we?"

"Wrong answer!" Cole tapped his companion for her to spray the ass-hole with its contents.

"Sam, what do you say we do, let the kid have his fun, or take over? I don't see this ending well for either of them." Dean drawled, apparently not as shaken as most people would be. They were originally sent here by the crazy nerd angel to ice the demon, but would it be right to interfere? What if the kid was working on something? Could it be a coincidence that he was working on a case? Was this one a hunter? He honestly wouldn't be surprised if he was, the boy looked almost professional.

When Ziara had eyes on the demon, a smirk appeared on her face. It was time to put a little pain on this demon. She sprayed the demon with the holy water and watched him cringe in pain as the water burned him. She absolutely adored to see a demon in pain. She looked towards Cole to see his move. She disregarded Sam and Dean for the moment since they were talking amongst themselves.


Sam watched the two hunters. "Well, if they have a demon here, and by the set up, it seems they know what they are doing." He said as he looked towards his brother. "Although, why would Cas send us here if there are already hunters here?" Sam asked Dean in a more quieter tone. If there were hunters who seem to know what they are doing, then there isn't really a need for them, is there?

((Sorry, short post DX))
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⌠WTF? Why didn't RPNATION notify me of your post?! I had to actually "check-in" and found that you DID post! This is unbelievable! I'm so filing a complaint to this site's maintenance people, they're doing a f—d up job here! Their Notify Me's only pop up whenever the heck it feels like it. Not reliable in the slightest! >_<# ⌡

Dean gives his brother an are-you-kidding-me stare. Seriously? He frowns and shakes his head, perceptibly disagreeing with him and entirely at unease with this whole ordeal. He just knew deep within his gut that things were going to get bad. Sooner than later. What he was more concerned with, was why the kid was working on this with a girl who didn't look hunter material in his eyes? It just wasn't right. Where the heck were there parents? "Actually Sam, I think we should take over, this kid is looking for a death wish." He started to advance toward the boy when Cole put up a hand to stop him, "Actually I was wondering if you guys could actually help, we've been attacked by a bunch of," Cole blinks as he searches for the right word, but not finding one, he goes with, "Monsters for a while, some of them looked like were-wolves on crack, we think the demons are up to something and we were planning on getting this one to spill the beans."

Dean nods as he takes this in, so the boy wasn't just dumb, he was completely bonkers! But as he mulled over it, the hunter could see he had a point. But why demons? They usually didn't pair up with what was it, were-wolves? To get the job done. But if he thought this would work, then maybe it would. Or maybe they were wasting their time. Again.
I know you said to send it over inbox but my computer's slow and won't let me:P

Name: Mallary Ranee Brooks

Nickname: Mal

Age: 25




Wears clothes like the clothes in the picture, with jean shorts.Tattoo:
across her shoulders. Also has leather bracelets around her right wrist, and a ring on her left thumb and pointer finger.

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Occupation: Hunter

Likes: Really likes photography, and little kids.

Dislikes: Her family and people that underestimate her


Personality: She's extremely sassy and sarcastic, and won't let anyone get in her way. She could be seen as the stereotypical "hot chick" when you see her, and has that exact persona. She's a total flirt, and is basically the female equal of Dean. When it comes to the stereotypes of a girls' squeemishes, she doesn't have any of them, being almost more of a boy than a girl. She is somewhat arrogant, and a jokester, and will poke and prod. Mal is an amazing interrogator and is ruthless and knows no mercy.

History: When she was young, her mother and father abused and raped her, leaving her scarred, and scared. She remembers it like it was yesterday. She later found out that they were Demons, and at the mere age of 15, she had taught herself enough to take them out and send them back to where she came. She taught herself everything and has been living on her own, hunting, since then. Mallary has heard everything about the Winchester brothers and pines to meet them.

Abilities: She's just a normal human, but specializes in hand-to-hand combat and can take a grown man down in a matter of seconds. She's extremely skilled with guns, but lacks at everything with a blade.

One thing, though. I'm not that great at keeping up with large group roleplays, so for me to keep up, I'd like it if it was like, if we still waited for the next person to answer? Like if I put a reply, then someone else, then someone else, then me again, then someone else #1 and then #2 you know? If not, then I'll try my hardest! Also I have a roleplay I'd like someone to do with me, but no one RP's enough to respond. Message me if you want the plot!(: 
Also, if you need me to, I know this show forwards and backwards; I can fill in the other characters (i.e., Lucifer, Castiel, Bobby, etc.)Lemme know!(: Also, you forgot Jo and her Mom(:
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(Sorry that I haven't been on in a long time, I've been really busy lately.)

Vincent bid his time in the room just above their's. He was completely obvious to the activities taking place downstairs. He did this up until Alistair scratched at the door eagerly, needing to go on his daily walk. Vincent sat up and swung his legs over the bed side, going to fetch his leash. The demon watched the large dog squirmed in excitement when the leash was in his view. Alistair looked so unbelievably pathetic, so ignorant, and Vincent idly mused over the fact that he was clearly above the mortal creature. He kneeled down, grabbing his collar and yanking him towards himself. He hooked the leash onto the "D" Ring attached to the collar. Once he stood and opened the door, Alistair sprinted out of the motel room, his large, comically sized paws thudding through-out the halls as Vincent was dragged go the stairs and into the main lobby.

(Sorry that it's short too.)
((Thanks for joining! I added your character on the first page where the plot is and the other characters and what not :) ))

"They aren't like normal demons or werewolves either..." Ziara pitched in. "Pretty much, nothing really hurts them, at least to my knowledge so far." She added, slightly looking towards the books she was reading earlier. She studied the way Dean presented his expression. "If you could give us a hand on this, it would be greatly appreciated. Although, if you don't, it is understandable." She said, politely.

Sam looked at the two. He thought those two were completely crazy for taking on such a hard hunt. "Where did you even discover this...demon werewolf?" Sam thought it would be best to at least get as much knowledge of these monsters that the two hunters knew.
Megasourusrex said:
Okay, I thought since we're almost to the point of RPing, I should say how I want this to go down. When your typing a response, please don't reply to a person, just type it out as a seperate thing. Yeah, I know you'll have to refresh the page to see if anyone posted a response and not get any notifications, but this keeps things organized and what not so...yeah. Thanks you two for joining :3 (Now all we need is Dean and we can start!)
((I'm not quite sure I understand this, and can I just jump in? Is there a way you'd like me to jump in?(: And would you like me to fill in the filler characters?))
((omg, why doesn't RPnation notify me that you posted DX

Go ahead and jump in! I'll explain.

Okay, so there is a "reply" button to everyone's post. Don't click that one and put your RP post in. Only reply to the thread. This way everything is neat and there are not any quoting and such. Basically how everything is now :>. So just go ahead and jump in ^^))
Dean stared at Cole and Ziara, asking them both,"You've said you've tried everything to shoot it, what methods you attempted exactly?"

Cole rubbed the back of his neck with his hand as he thought back to when he had nearly crossed paths with the beast. Honestly, he'd never retaliated, more or less he helped Ziara escape from their attacks. He shook his head, "It's Ziara who's encountered them, I've just heard of this myself, it's why I summoned demon number one to see if I could get some insight on this shit."

"I'm not gonna leave two kids to deal with a freakin' demon." Dean muttered to the girl pointedly. He nodded at her explanation, so it wasn't a were wolf or a demon spawn, so what the hell was it? She thought nothing could hurt it, wrong! There is a weakness to every living creature, they just haven't looked hard enough, or used enough weapons. Not that he expected them to have an entire arsenal of such.

He glanced at Sam as he asked his question, "Dude, they're not demonic were-wolves, they resemble wolves, they could be shifters...?" He shrugged.

"Alright, here's what we'll do, we are going to take care of your pal here and you two, leave. Now. This doesn't concern you. Got it?" He ordered them, shooting them both his best scary glare.

Cole frowned at the guy, just who did he think he was? Busting in her and throwing them out? The hell? He shook his head, stubborn as he was, "What no, this is my catch, I call the shots!"

"Not now you don't kid, I suggest you leave unless you want to get hurt." Dean intoned, not liking this situation one bit.
Ziara wondered why Dean threw the word "kid" around so much. Ziara wasn't sure of Cole's age, but she was sure that she was twenty-four. In her standards, that's not a kid. But, she shrugged it off. It wasn't much of a big deal for the current scene.

Sam shrugged along with Dean. "That could make sense..." He stated. He looked towards the other two. "You should let us handle this demon over there. It could make things easier, seeing we also have to deal with...were-demons, I guess you could call it." He suggested, slightly glancing over at the demon.

"True enough, but Cole is right, you can't just kick us out of here!" Ziara said, backing Cole up. For one thing, they were paying for this room, and secondly, they took precautions before even bringing a demon here. Why did this "expert" hunter underestimate them like that. Of course the situation is dangerous, but isn't every hunt dangerous? Even the two hunters standing before them don't even know anything more about the wolf-like creatures Cole and Ziara were hunting!

"This is probably why Cas sent us over here, Dean. These two probably can't handle this." Sam muttered towards Dean.

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