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Fantasy SuperNatural High School

(So... What now? .-.)

(Sorry i don't have time to wait for your next message, i am really tired and gotta sleep ^~^ I will be back in a few hours.)
(I'm just gonna do it.)

"Daniel Bodin...let me see...ah! Your room number is 442 and you won't be sharing with anyone. And yes you can, miss. Can you give me your name and current room number please?"
"Ippy flamewrath... My room number is....." She took out a sheet of paper and handed it over. "It's somewhere on there..." Looking much happier, Ippy went over to Daniel, grinning.
"Okay. Just give me a sec...there, done! You are now officially Daniel's room-mate!"

"Thank you, "said Daniel to the receptionist. Turning back to Ippy, he said "Why don't we go see our room now, Ippy?"
Ippy nodded in reply, "You can lead the way... I don't know where to be going!" Grinning as she grabbed his arm into a hug, ready to follow.
They left the main office, and headed up a flight of stairs. Their room is on the 4th floor, so they had a bit of climbing to do. On the way up to their room, Daniel spoke up "We will have your language classes after school, at the end of the week. Is that alright with you?"
"Yeah, that's fine!" Ippy was estatic. She was finally going to learn how to read! She reached to her collar, letting a sight of relief. However, the sigh was cut short as Ippy passed out mid-step, falling back down the stairs.

(gtg sleep, back in a few hours, then gtg for another few hours)
(ok, i gtg in 30 mins anyways)

Daniel was quick to react. He quickly morphed his right arm into a kind of silver fluid that wrapped around Ippy's waist, preventing her from falling. He then morphed his arm back to normal and quickly laid her gently on the floor. He then proceeded to split in two, having Daniel run back over to the office to get some help, while leaving Danielle back there with Ippy to look after her.

(btw Danielle is a bit more caring than Daniel)
Daniel rushed back to the office. "Excuse me, but there's an emergency at our hands." he said, as he entered the room. "Ippy has fainted of an unknown cause, and I would be delighted if someone came over and helped her."

(LuttyNetto, are you gonna take over or no?)
I peek out the corner of my eye then grins listening in, "How interesting..." I get an idea and gets read to walk in, "You know..." I play with my hair and smiles staring at them, "I could help out... I got nothing better to do... So why not?"

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(sorry to be a bother, but its really bugging me... If you're in first person, it's never "gets" it's always "get" as with all other words... It's "she smiles" not "I smiles")

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