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Fantasy Supernatual Academy

What are YOU?

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  • Centaur

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  • Shape shifter

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  • fairy

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  • chimera

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  • troll

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  • faun

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"I'll take your word for it." She examined him from head to toe, taking in his appearance. AJ gave him a humorous look at his last remark of his comment. "Right..." She could sense Laurence behind her. AJ would have asked him to tag along, but wasn't sure if Laurence would want him, since he didn't really know him. Or because he was a mess and probably needed to get cleaned up. She pushed her reading glasses up her nose with a knuckle and set off farther into the woods next to Laurence. She knew Abel could handle himself. If he needed anything than he would follow her.

@Otakubeats @CainMcknight
iiCupcakeCraver said:

"I'll take your word for it." She examined him from head to toe, taking in his appearance. AJ gave him a humorous look at his last remark of his comment. "Right..." She could sense Laurence behind her. AJ would have asked him to tag along, but wasn't sure if Laurence would want him, since he didn't really know him. Or because he was a mess and probably needed to get cleaned up. She pushed her reading glasses up her nose with a knuckle and set off farther into the woods next to Laurence. She knew Abel could handle himself. If he needed anything than he would follow her.

@Otakubeats @CainMcknight
The dark forest would suddenly light up as we reached the clearing, the pond sparkling with water and magic. Laurence sat down against a tree, skipping rocks.

Emily put a hand on Smokes shoulder and this seemed to calm him down. 'If you did it, it wouldn't mean anything. Just know that I won't rest until your fathers head is on a stake.' This thought had a more bitter taste to it. 'And not just his either. Him and Hecates...'

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Otakubeats said:
The dark forest would suddenly light up as we reached the clearing, the pond sparkling with water and magic. Laurence sat down against a tree, skipping rocks.

Her eyes went a bit wide at the sight before her, very odd. She hadn't seen the forest like this. She followed Laurence and settled herself near-ish him, surrounded by lavender Hydrangeas and Anthuriums. The flowers and colors were the opposite of her rough and mischievous personality and her pale skin seemed to look brighter, give a sort of glow. She watched the lake, the trees, the blades of grass, everything. Everything intensively. Her keen sight was fun to use when she watched things. AJ drew her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them while watching Laurence skip rocks.
After Abel had cleaned himself off he needed to get more clothes since his trench coat and hat was torn to shreds, He left for the store to steal some clothes. After a minute of strolling through the store Abel found a black three piece suit with a fedora, He stole the clothes and opened a portal back to the forest where he had last seen AJ and Laurence his clothes still ragged and torn while carrying the stolen three piece suit. He took off his ragged trench coat and cleaned off the rest of his skeleton then put on his three piece suit, and grabbed his old watch wrapping it around his wrist Abel set the fedora on his head leaning it on one side to cover his crack and started walking towards where AJ and Laurence went. A Clearing opened up and Abel saw Laurence skipping rocks and AJ sitting under a tree Abel opened up a portal to the top of the tree where AJ was and started walking down the trunk of the tree his shiny black shoes remaining on the side of the tree. He kept walking on the side of the tree until he got to a branch and he shifted his weight holding his hat on his head so he was standing upside down on the bottom of the tree branch like a bat. He looked up to AJ "I have so many different personalities in me and I still feel lonely." He said looking up to AJ while staying on the underside of the branch above her.
CainMcknight said:
After Abel had cleaned himself off he needed to get more clothes since his trench coat and hat was torn to shreds, He left for the store to steal some clothes. After a minute of strolling through the store Abel found a black three piece suit with a fedora, He stole the clothes and opened a portal back to the forest where he had last seen AJ and Laurence his clothes still ragged and torn while carrying the stolen three piece suit. He took off his ragged trench coat and cleaned off the rest of his skeleton then put on his three piece suit, and grabbed his old watch wrapping it around his wrist Abel set the fedora on his head leaning it on one side to cover his crack and started walking towards where AJ and Laurence went. A Clearing opened up and Abel saw Laurence skipping rocks and AJ sitting under a tree Abel opened up a portal to the top of the tree where AJ was and started walking down the trunk of the tree his shiny black shoes remaining on the side of the tree. He kept walking on the side of the tree until he got to a branch and he shifted his weight holding his hat on his head so he was standing upside down on the bottom of the tree branch like a bat. He looked up to AJ "I have so many different personalities in me and I still feel lonely." He said looking up to AJ while staying on the underside of the branch above her.
Startled, Laurence jumped tripping into the water like a dork. "AH! COLD!" He spit out the water, shaking his head like a goof.

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Abel looked the other way while staying on the bottom of the tree limb he jumped down landing gracefully as not to mess up his newly stolen clothes and walked over to the lake where Laurence had fallen in. As he got closer to the edge the water rippled away from Abel and some of the water started to freeze from being to cold, He got to the edge of the water and held out his skeleton hand "I believe that if you'll just stand up and go, life will open up for you." Abel said waiting for Laurence to take his skeleton hand to help him up.

Piercing cold shot through the back of her head, realizing it was just thoughts and someone was around. Judging from the unnatural cold, it was Abel. She looked up to meet eye to eye with him, then looking back across the lake to see Laurence in it. She didn't help him, but snickered and covered her mouth with a hand. AJ watched Abel offer a hand to Laurence, she still chortled in the back. She stood slowly and started to the river bank where the two were.

@Otakubeats @CainMcknight
John had been sitting alone in the cafeteria, staring at all of the students, analyzing them. He was accompanied by two of his "Knight" bodyguard robots, who stood watch over him. He suddenly coughed, and adjusted his gasmask, cursing silently. "It never fits..." He pulled out several scraps of metal, and began to fiddle with them, making several designs, and frustrated, took them apart.

Abel helped Laurence up and then turned to AJ "Like my new clothes, stole them myself." he said laughing waiting for a

Shinn-Ninadaa sat half rocked back in her seat at the table. Her coffee cup half full of some odd purple hued liquid. She sighed wondering to her self how she was going to pull off her latest plan. If only she could find someone to help her.
John was still working on the metal scrap, growing more, and more frustrated, before tossing a spare part, a small battery pack, unknowingly towards a student nearby... He took no notice, focused on his work, beginning to draw schematics on a napkin. @Silvercat
Arty said:
John was still working on the metal scrap, growing more, and more frustrated, before tossing a spare part, a small battery pack, unknowingly towards a student nearby... He took no notice, focused on his work, beginning to draw schematics on a napkin. @Silvercat
Shinn felt something small and hard hit her in the back of the head "Ow son of a...what was that!?" She said, her eyes flashed a strange purple and the faint tone of a growl was in her voice. She looked down and picked up the battery pack and looked at the direction from where she thought it had come. She gritted her teeth a bit in irritation seeing that it had been a human who had disturbed her afternoon coffee break.
Silvercat said:
Shinn felt something small and hard hit her in the back of the head "Ow son of a...what was that!?" She said, her eyes flashed a strange purple and the faint tone of a growl was in her voice. She looked down and picked up the battery pack and looked at the direction from where she thought it had come. She gritted her teeth a bit in irritation seeing that it had been a human who had disturbed her afternoon coffee break.
"Sorry!" John merely stated, still focused in his work. Eventually, he got up, and started to pack his backback, looking away. His first day, and he already fucked up... (Sorry the post is short...)
Arty said:
"Sorry!" John merely stated, still focused in his work. Eventually, he got up, and started to pack his backback, looking away. His first day, and he already fucked up... (Sorry the post is short...)
(Oh thats ok :D )

Shinn glared at him her stair making it feel like she was glaring straight through john. She tossed the battery pack onto the table. "You need to pay more attention to where your tossing your junk"
Silvercat said:
(Oh thats ok :D )
Shinn glared at him her stair making it feel like she was glaring straight through john. She tossed the battery pack onto the table. "You need to pay more attention to where your tossing your junk"
He gave a nervous smile, and adjusted his gasmask. "I-I didn't mean to do that!" He looked down, and scratched the back of his head. "At least it's nice to know there is another human here... These abnormals... Ugh..." (Oh, yeah, he hates anything but humans.)
Arty said:
He gave a nervous smile, and adjusted his gasmask. "I-I didn't mean to do that!" He looked down, and scratched the back of his head. "At least it's nice to know there is another human here... These abnormals... Ugh..." (Oh, yeah, he hates anything but humans.)
(Thats ok :) Shinn hates both humans and supernatural species)

Shinn raised her eyebrow in a disapproving glare

"Abnormals? I think you had best learn who you are talking to before you go calling someone abnormal" SHe said harshly before turning back to go back to her table.
Silvercat said:
(Thats ok :) Shinn hates both humans and supernatural species)
Shinn raised her eyebrow in a disapproving glare

"Abnormals? I think you had best learn who you are talking to before you go calling someone abnormal" SHe said harshly before turning back to go back to her table.
"You look human... Who am I talking to anyways, a sassy child?" John had said jokingly, and began to walk away, laughing a little bit. "Just perfect... I already hate this school..." The "Knights" began to follow John, however, very slowly. "Goddamn things... they don't move as fast as they should..."
Arty said:
"You look human... Who am I talking to anyways, a sassy child?" John had said jokingly, and began to walk away, laughing a little bit. "Just perfect... I already hate this school..." The "Knights" began to follow John, however, very slowly. "Goddamn things... they don't move as fast as they should..."
"W-What! A CHILD!!! You insulting little!!!" She sputtered in frustration at johns remark. In a fit of frustration she threw her coffee at one of the Knights the cup shattering on it getting coffee on it.
Silvercat said:
"W-What! A CHILD!!! You insulting little!!!" She sputtered in frustration at johns remark. In a fit of frustration she threw her coffee at one of the Knights the cup shattering on it getting coffee on it.
"Thus you proved my point!" He turned around again, with a grin. This could be fun... He walked to her table, and sat down, smiling. "What makes you so pissed off?" The Knights followed closely behind, one of them still dripping. "Aren't you all supposed to be... Better than humans? Self control and all?" (Oh, he is very ballsy...)
Arty said:
"Thus you proved my point!" He turned around again, with a grin. This could be fun... He walked to her table, and sat down, smiling. "What makes you so pissed off?" The Knights followed closely behind, one of them still dripping. "Aren't you all supposed to be... Better than humans? Self control and all?" (Oh, he is very ballsy...)
(I like him already :D )

"Yes they claim to be like that" She said sitting back down in her chair and rocking back in it. The look on her face was obvious that she was not amused by this mortals snarky ness or courage.

"I preffer to think my self above even these petty retches" she said with a cold tone.
Silvercat said:
(I like him already :D )
"Yes they claim to be like that" She said sitting back down in her chair and rocking back in it. The look on her face was obvious that she was not amused by this mortals snarky ness or courage.

"I preffer to think my self above even these petty retches" she said with a cold tone.
John laughed, and was abruptly interrupted by his coughing. He eventually regained his composure, and sighed. "What makes you think you're better eh? Your looks?" He laughed once more, and signaled the Knights to power off. "Trying to act cool huh... Like you shouldn't waste your time on someone like me... That's hysterical..."
Arty said:
John laughed, and was abruptly interrupted by his coughing. He eventually regained his composure, and sighed. "What makes you think you're better eh? Your looks?" He laughed once more, and signaled the Knights to power off. "Trying to act cool huh... Like you shouldn't waste your time on someone like me... That's hysterical..."
Shinn smirked "Heh...wouldn't you like to know why, ah but you'll never know" She said with a wicked smirk.

The expression on her face showed little concern for the fact that John had just had been coughing badly (
if thats right) more she seemed a little amused by it.

"What are you implying wasting my time? I never waste my time"
Silvercat said:
Shinn smirked "Heh...wouldn't you like to know why, ah but you'll never know" She said with a wicked smirk.
The expression on her face showed little concern for the fact that John had just had been coughing badly (
if thats right) more she seemed a little amused by it.

"What are you implying wasting my time? I never waste my time"
"I won't know hmm? You just gave me a new challenge... Let's see how 'secretive' you can be." He smiled, before standing up and stretching. "Well, I should go. Classes. And all. You know." He activated his Knights again, and began to walk away. "Someone new to toy with now... Perfect."
Arty said:
"I won't know hmm? You just gave me a new challenge... Let's see how 'secretive' you can be." He smiled, before standing up and stretching. "Well, I should go. Classes. And all. You know." He activated his Knights again, and began to walk away. "Someone new to toy with now... Perfect."
Shinn smirked

"Trust me they wouldn't be secrets you would want to know my little mortal" She said in a slight mocking tone. She sat up and went to get another cup of coffee before heading to her own classes.

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