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Fantasy Supernatual Academy

What are YOU?

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  • Werewolf

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  • Ghost

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  • Angel

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  • Monster

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  • demon

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  • Centaur

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  • human

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  • Shape shifter

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  • mermaid

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  • dragon

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  • unicorn

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  • fairy

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  • chimera

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  • troll

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  • faun

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  • unicorn

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  • fairy

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  • chimera

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  • troll

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  • faun

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Hisan said:
Smoke pulled out a much shorter blade only half the size of the other two. It was in a sheath and he handed it to you.
Lily smiled and her tail wagged happily as she carefully unsheathed the blade looking at it. "It's pretty" she said as she admired the shine of it.
"So we're showing off blades now?" He said with a laugh and pulled out the long shimmering blade known as Excalibur. "This is Excalibur." He said and thought at the same time.
ChronosCoded said:
"So we're showing off blades now?" He said with a laugh and pulled out the long shimmering blade known as Excalibur. "This is Excalibur." He said and thought at the same time.

For Lily this was heaven, though if her parents knew about this they would flip out on her.
She grumbled. "Fine, guess no one's home." She left the door and came down to the green house where a few days ago she had planted the purple spray. AJ almost laughed when she came to the green house; many workers were cleaning out thousands of dead plants. Some kids had gotten sick from the odor and had to go to the hospital. Obviously no one had caught her. She went to her dorm and sat down on the edge of the bed while stuffing some ear buds in and listening to a smooth, baroque pop song and took out her sketchbook to draw.

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iiCupcakeCraver said:
She grumbled. "Fine, guess no one's home." She left the door and came down to the green house where a few days ago she had planted the purple spray. AJ almost laughed when she came to the green house; many workers were cleaning out thousands of dead plants. Some kids had gotten sick from the odor and had to go to the hospital. Obviously no one had caught her. She went to her dorm and sat down on the edge of the bed while stuffing some ear buds in and listening to a smooth, baroque pop song and took out her sketchbook to draw.

Laurence had appeared in the room, leaning against the wall as she drew. 'She's talented.' He mentally slapped himself, and continued to watch her smooth movements with the pencil.
Saberwolf00 said:
He wasn't sure he would be very good at talking about what was going on. He spent a lot of his time reading and figured that the books he was interested in wouldn't exactly be a fascinating topic. Maybe he could be better at playing games though. Well, as long as they didn't require much athleticism. "Hmm... What kind of games do you like?"
@Ashestoashes ((btw, I don't think I'll be on much/at all Saturday, I have family coming in from out of state.))
"I like board games. You know those, right? Monopoly's boring though. Something fast paced." She bounced up and down on her feet. "You seem like a nice guy." She smiled sweetly, looking up and observing him. "I'm glad to be your pal."

[[it's okay!]]

Her brain buzzed that someone was nearby, but she didn't care to look. She finished off the

drawing and quickly ran over it with a thin black marker to ink it in and bold the lines out. AJ examined it and decided she would transfer and run India Ink over it some other day. She tossed the book in the trunk and turned to meet her eyes with Laurence. "Hey, your awake. Thought I heard someone here." She gave a small smile and shut the trunk closed. @Otakubeats
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iiCupcakeCraver said:

Her brain buzzed that someone was nearby, but she didn't care to look. She finished off the

drawing and quickly ran over it with a thin black marker to ink it in and bold the lines out. AJ examined it and decided she would transfer and run India Ink over it some other day. She tossed the book in the trunk and turned to meet her eyes with Laurence. "Hey, your awake. Thought I heard someone here." She gave a small smile and shut the trunk closed. @Otakubeats
"Y-yea. I kinda got bored."

"Nah, it's fine. I hung out with Abel while you were out. We met some kids in the woods, one goes by Josh. He was a bit odd. And the other one was...Smoke I think. I don't think he knows how to talk. Er-Are you sure you are alright? You seem a bit...nervous."

iiCupcakeCraver said:

"Nah, it's fine. I hung out with Abel while you were out. We met some kids in the woods, one goes by Josh. He was a bit odd. And the other one was...Smoke I think. I don't think he knows how to talk. Er-Are you sure you are alright? You seem a bit...nervous."

"Yea I'm fine!" He gave her a grin. "Just sorta bored."

"Mk then..." She squinted her eyes at him, skeptical. "What do you want to do then, I'm game for anything." She let her hair fall over one eye.

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"Yeah, I know them. I don't really know what a fast paced board game would be though." He tried to think of one, but nothing came to mind. In he only had faint memories of playing them back before he died. "I do? I mean thank you. You seem nice as well."

Saberwolf00 said:
"Yeah, I know them. I don't really know what a fast paced board game would be though." He tried to think of one, but nothing came to mind. In he only had faint memories of playing them back before he died. "I do? I mean thank you. You seem nice as well."
"Ever play Sorry? That's one hell of a game, lemme tell you." She laughed, and the laugh sounded rather adorable. "And you too. You seem like the kind of person who I'd get along with."

She jumped as the bell rung. "Gotta go, man. Do you know who you have as a dormmate?"

"Alrighty, and do what?" She opened the window and slid down the side of the roof before jumping off the ledge and landing in a crouched position and jogging back to the woods. She figured Laurence would follow. AJ slowly started into the woods so that Laurence could catch up.

A portal opened up in the woods and Abel flew out of it his clothes all ragged and torn while his skeleton was chard black. He hit a tree causing the tree to split in two and then Abel shot ice out of his hands while closing the portal in order to slow anything trying to cross out of the portal. When it had finally closed the portal there was a frozen demon arm falling into the ground Abel fixed his torn trench coat revealing his skeleton torso and he had lost his hat. He walked over to pick up the demon arm and laughed opening another portal to AJ the portal appearing in front of her, He walked through the portal looking at AJ his skeleton chard black and clothes torn to shreds revealing most of his ribs holding the giant frozen demon arm "High Five?" He said holding the demons hand up.

She almost jumped out of her skin when nonetheless the infamous Abel appeared from a portal in front of her holding a dead demon arm. AJ was uncomfortable around dead things and was petrified of killing and would never kill, another vow. She gave a playful fist bump to the hand and motioned behind her, sensing Laurence was there. "That's Laurence. Laurence, Abel." After introducing each other, she gave a firm voice to Abel. "What...happened?" AJ wasn't worried, just wondering.

@CainMcknight @Otakubeats
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Abel looked upon Laurence he looked like a nice young man, AJ then asked what happened to Abel. He laughed then when he spoke his words were deathly serious and cold "The battlefield is a scene of constant chaos. The winner will be the one who controls that chaos, both his own and the enemies." He said recounting on what was happening in Hell. Normally Hell has order the king rules his knights and his knights rule the order which is the demons that torture all of the souls in Hell, when a soul gets there it is ranked in one of seven groups biased on the sin they committed. When Abel got there the souls where leaking out into different groups the king was killed and the order was cut in half, he had barely made it out of hell alive when the knights started attacking each over. After he had said that he felt bad since he doesn't like to let his angry side show "I'm sorry about my attire iv'e been through a lot recently, you AJ, on the other hand remain a picture of beauty still" He said laughing while ripping off a tattered edge of his trench coat and started to clean off his chard skull as he wiped away the smoke it revealed his shiny white skeleton underneath.
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"So what's your story?" Smoke thinks directing the question towards Josh. Smoke was oddly curious about his new friends.

Josh thought about Smoke's question. "Well, I really dont have one. I was born and now Im here. But I guess if you really must know, Im the son of the god Hades. When I was a few months old Hades stole some of Poseidons power and transferred it into me. I was also born with a rare golden aura and a rare ability to control them." He said and sat there, poker faced
You felt a barage of different emotions pour from Smokes mind. Fear, lust for revenge, and an unbelievable amount of rage. 'Your father is Hades?' The thought was calm but you could feel the negativity.
Josh was a little bit concerned for Smoke, there was a bunch of negativity in his mind for Hades. "Of course, but I dont associate myself with him. He fears me, he thinks I dont know but he sent Poseidon to kill me once in the 1960s while I was in Chile, Poseidon sent an earthquake after me. I almost died. But my father got over himself and likes me now...Poseidon doesnt like me though. And I still dont like my father" Josh thought and smiled, still sensing the negativity in Smokes eyes. "What did my father do to you? Whatever he did I can fix it."
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