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Fantasy Supernatual Academy

What are YOU?

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Saberwolf00 said:
Alex floated slowly through the halls, ignored or unnoticed by most of those around him. He had been cooped up for a while before deciding he needed to get out and be social. Of course his version of being social mostly consisted of eavesdropping and rarely mumbling things to the people around him. Finally he pushed himself to say something to someone he passed. "Hi..." he muttered as he passed by Charlotte.
She was excited to have someone notice her, as she typically was kind of detached from others. Almost grinning, she waved at him. "Hey, how's it going?" She tapped her foot and looked around. Creatures of every kind walked through the halls and didn't pay much attention to each other -- it was sort of amazing. [[sorry for the late reply, I was away.]]
Smoke looked at his new friend curious. 'Hades? Like one of the Greek gods?' He thought. He looked at his bastard sword and furrowed his brow worried.

@iiCupcakeCraver @ChronosCoded
Alex kept on walking; it took him a moment to realize she was talking to him. He wasn't used to someone responding when he talked, probably because he was practically whispering and it was too hard to hear. "O-oh, me? I'm doing well I guess." He took a short pause to think of what to say next. This was the longest conversation he had participated in since he had enrolled, and his social skills weren't quite up to par. "What are you? I mean... What's your name?"

@Ashestoashes ((It's fine))
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Saberwolf00 said:
Alex kept on walking; it took him a moment to realize she was talking to him. He wasn't used to someone responding when he talked, probably because he was practically whispering and it was too hard to hear. "O-oh, me? I'm doing well I guess." He took a short pause to think of what to say next. This was the longest conversation he had participated in since he had enrolled, and his social skills weren't quite up to par. "What are you? I mean... What's your name?"
@Ashestoashes ((It's fine))
Charlotte chuckled. This guy was rather kind. Not abrasive in the slightest. She sighed sweetly and nodded. "I'm not human, but I'm not quite a creature either. I'm from Somnum. My name is Charlotte. What about your name, hm? You seem like the kind of person that would have a great title." She yawned, not out of boredom, but out of her perpetual sleepiness.
Alex was happy that this was going well, but he was also a little worried that he might say something wrong and mess it up. "Somnum? Is that somewhere in Europe?" He wasn't sure where that was; it didn't even sound familiar but the name seemed like it could be European. "I'm Alex, I don't really have a title though. I guess I'm...Alex the Ghost?" He didn't really know what to say anymore, so he would leave asking any further questions to Charlotte.

"Yes, I do." She turned her head to look at Abel. "That's Abel." She grabbed onto the branch and flipped down, landing on the rock. She pulled her beanie back on and went over to take her arrows from the target. AJ made careful steps on the slick ice to retrieve the three arrows. Her hand wrapped around each one and pulled them out harshly before shoving them in her quiver and turning on her toes to face him. "Your name is Jason, is that correct?" Her voice was the same, commandment-like tone. "And you are...You go by Smoke?" She had finally gotten past Jason's murky thoughts. Smoke's were easy to reach. Smoke had a different name, but she could tell he preferred something else. @ChronosCoded @Hisan

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Abel watched the transaction happen and AJ introduce him, Abel pulled his hat down covering his bare skull more trying to hide it and started walking over the ice towards the tree line. He walked for three steps then slipped and fell cracking the ice and sliding over the slick surface. Abel laid there and laughed for a second then pulled his hat over the top of his face hiding his shame and laughter.
"Er...actually my name is Josh." He responded, not knowing how she could've gotten his name wrong, she looked like a mind reader but he guessed that the barrier he put up against other mind readers was still working. Like a charm too.

(Hue, see what I did there?)
Smoke puffed out his chest a little and bowed courteously 'Milady' he thought. If you were to delve any deeper into Smokes you would break down and weep. You would an infection of the brain. A.K.A. don't do it.
"Huh..." She was a bit embarrassed. She never messed up. Obviously he was a mind-reader also, but she was much more. He could throw up the walls; she could tear them down, but she would have to use her real powers, which obviously was never going to happen. She heard the sound of a crack and rushed over to help Abel up. She tipped his hat from his face to keep him from hiding and slowly walked across the ice to both of the boys.

Abel sat up and followed AJ over to the people putting his hat back on his head and lowering it to try and hide his cracked skull and stood next to AJ in the awkward silence.
"Its okay, I have a hard time with breaking down barriers too." He said, trying to make her feel better. "Anyway..er." He began and looked at her again suddenly feeling an odd, mushy feeling in his stomach. "Er...n-nice t-to m-meet you?" He said it as if it were a question rather than a greeting. His cheeks got pink and he put out his hand in greeting instead.

Nate had no idea what Johnny was doing,but dismissed it as he was unpacking,"Sure.Early bird gets to class early" Nate said jokingly. Nate then took out several yarn balls and put them on a shelf inside an unorganized way,"Anyway.When do classes start,or are we in the middle of the day?" Nate asked @Sullivanity
She looked down and shifted her booted feet around the awkward silence. AJ took his hand and shook it in greeting as she noticed the new hue to his facial expression. "So what brings you two out here?" She asked while positioning herself so that she sat on her hip.

Saberwolf00 said:
Alex was happy that this was going well, but he was also a little worried that he might say something wrong and mess it up. "Somnum? Is that somewhere in Europe?" He wasn't sure where that was; it didn't even sound familiar but the name seemed like it could be European. "I'm Alex, I don't really have a title though. I guess I'm...Alex the Ghost?" He didn't really know what to say anymore, so he would leave asking any further questions to Charlotte.
"Well, yes, I noticed you were a ghost." She chuckled and yawned again. "A rather pleasant one at that. Apparitions are very nice." She blinked, awkwardly staring. "Except for the whole being dead thing." She chuckled again, more nervously this time.
Abel watched the two shake hands awkwardly and remained silent watching it go on, It was times like these Abel was glad he couldn't blush or get embarrassed. At the same time he felt sad for Abel couldn't feel anything, he couldn't feel the wind on him or water engulfing his skin all he felt was cold bitter pain throughout his bones.
"Er...w-we were p-practicing with e-eachother...w-we still h-havent decided the winner yet, but I g-guess there wasnt one, it ended in a d-draw." He said, he honestly felt like he was going to throw up now. He hadnt actually dated a girl in a long time. He realized he was still holding her hand and he quickly let go of it, his face getting even more red he sat there in awkward silence. Again.
Smoke walked up to the fellow who had fallen and tried speaking to him in sign language. His armor made a ruckus when doing so. 'Hello I'm Smoke. And you are?' He signed out. He then held out an armored hand.

Abel watched the armored man awkwardly move his hands around then hold out his armored gauntlet, Abel didn't understand so he just shook the hand of the man. As he reached out his trench coat sleeve rolled up his arm reviling his skeletal hand and shook the strangers hand.
Smoke groaned on the inside realizing he doesn't have a way to talk to the bastard. He walked back over to the campfire and sat down. He had an idea. 'Hey Josh can you help me out? Or keep attempting you seem to be getting somewhere!' He said as a little voice in his head laughed.
"Shut up!" He said in his head, his inner voice getting squeakier and higher. "I'll just connect you two mentally. Not enough for him to read your thoughts though, dont worry." He thought quickly as he tried to mentally link the two together, although he didnt bother to see if it worked, he was just focused on the task at hand.
AJ thought that Smoke was actually talking to Abel, but she quickly realized it was a voice from his head that she could quite loudly hear. Josh was actually still grasping her pale hand. He tore away. She was puzzled as to what he was thinking. AJ could tell he was connecting Smoke and Abel, though she could have easily translated for him. She wiped her palms against her jeans and watched with her arms folded. "You could have just translated, you know?" She gave a puzzled look at Josh.

'She's pretty cute. You gotta impress her, save her life or something!' Smoke urged. 'Or take her to dinner and exchange numbers!'
Abel watched the display of awkwardness going out in front of him wanting to laugh but he remained silent, waiting for something to happen watching the two meet and greet.

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