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Fantasy Supernatual Academy

What are YOU?

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He didn't bother blocking any of them, he did however counter attack by slicing at the mans wrist. He thought of a strategy then put it into action quicker than you could read.

Smoke walked through the misty door to see the last giant in all its glory. He was ten no nine. He bobbed and weaved through the giants attacks but still died over and over. Until his fifth try he walked out successful. He ran back to the emerald herald and they celebrated. The emerald herald was the girl he saved.

"No. It's fine. I can go around asking people without...invading in on them using...abilities." Her face had contorted from worry about Laurence to a blank, frozen look. She got up from her place and pulled the coat back over as she headed into the building to search for light users. A boy was practicing powers using a particularly bright flame while the others clapped with smiles on their faces. Light user, she guessed. The boy seemed to have channeled the pleasant fire into a small bottle of drink. While none were looking, she grabbed with bottle and arrived back at Laurence and gave him a stiff order to down it.

iiCupcakeCraver said:

"No. It's fine. I can go around asking people without...invading in on them using...abilities." Her face had contorted from worry about Laurence to a blank, frozen look. She got up from her place and pulled the coat back over as she headed into the building to search for light users. A boy was practicing powers using a particularly bright flame while the others clapped with smiles on their faces. Light user, she guessed. The boy seemed to have channeled the pleasant fire into a small bottle of drink. While none were looking, she grabbed with bottle and arrived back at Laurence and gave him a stiff order to down it.

He'd do it, and pass out from exhaustion afterwards. Luckily it seemed to have helped, as some color returned to his skin.
Abel rolled over off of his face and propped himself up and said in a grunting pain filled voice "Yep, Gravity still works" Abel reached up to fix his hat and felt the crack on his right temple in his skull and laughed "over 7000 years of no cracks and gravity done me in" he laughed at it while feeling the crack.
"Ok, let's see then...203...204... Ah! Here it is: dorm 205!" Johnny unlocked the door and walked in, and immediately ran and jumped on the the bed closest to the window. He then quickly began to set up a device that looked like a car battery connected to a helmet from an electric chair.

"I'm gonna go run around the grounds at 5:30 tommorrow morning, gotta make sure rigor mortis doesn't set in. Would you like me to wake you up?"


While he was asleep, she had managed to somehow drag him to his dorm and prop him up on the bed so he could rest. She paced his room most of the time and would stare out the window. At some point she had gone down to the halls to mess with people, but was normally witing for him to wake up. AJ sipped on a bottle of water and 'read' a book (Really just looked at the pictures, since she can't read).


Nothing was really going on much, so AJ wandered outside and climbed over the rooftops to meet a cracked-skull Abel. She leaped off the roof and landed hard on her thick boots. She held an arm out to help him up.
"What happened? Did you fall off the roof? It's not that high, you know." She laughed and pulled her beanie off while stuffing it in her trench coat pocket. "Sorry I was gone for quite some time." @CainMcknight
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Abel took her hand and lifted himself up onto his feet then looked up at the roof and back at AJ while saying "Me fall,... Nah i was um...Testing gravity yeah random gravity check" Abel said stuttering to find a proper excuse, he noticed AJ was laughing at him and he felt a little embarrassed. He didn't notice she was gone for a long time but AJ said she was "Its cool I don't have a concept of time, thats something humans made up" He said laughing trying to move past the fact he fell off the roof while at the same time feeling the crack in his skull which made him feel embarrassed.
"I knew something was very wrong," Charlotte explained to her counselor somewhat nonchalantly, "the moment I found myself on a street in upstate New York. We have New York in Somnum, but -- I know you're investigating it."

The session went well. She left the office feeling slightly satisfied and walked off lazily.

"Right. Gravity check. Gotcha." She tipped her head towards the window. "Just been helping out Laurence. He's a mess, but he'll turn out alright." She realized the children's book was still in her hand. AJ snapped the book shut and tossed it back in the window. She looked down at Abel again. "Are you alright?" She wasn't entirely sure if he was hurt or alright, though he seemed to be okay.

@Otakubeats @CainMcknight
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Abel watched her throw the children's book into a window and was slightly confused by it but quickly brushed off the subject. AJ then asked if Abel was alright he looked at her and wanted to smile but he couldn't so instead he said "No i'm Abel" He said snickering then lightly poked AJ shoulder in a playful tone he said "You could have told me how to get off the roof you know, i kinda fell-I mean my gravity check ended in a face-plant"

"I could've told you how to get off a roof? No need to. You jump and land. Should be pretty straight forward and simple, but I guess not." She gave a rare smile and gestured towards the woods. "Peculiar place. Dangerous if you're stupid." Her gaze shifted towards the front of the forest, loaded with dummies. "Though that place, over there, can be quite useful for practice." She shoved her hands in her pockets.

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Since most of Abel's combat was out running the enemy and attacking with a series of weak attacks slowly wearing down the opponent the practice area he normally goes to was a giant desert bowl that he could run around in. "Well you want to practice?" he asked maybe this could help AJ with her dreams and to control or learn more about her ability.
Smoke swung his sword at your side and while you were distracted he punched you in the gut. He then jumped back and crushed a white rock in his hand which healed him. After that was done he realized how you knew about the emerald herald. He filled his mind of all of his sorrow and despair and like a disease it spread onto you. You could hear all of your loved ones screaming and pleading for your help.

Hesitant of leaving Laurence alone, she agreed. He would be fine. He would call her if he needed anything. "Sure, lemme go get my stuff." She came back without the coat and her bow and throwing knives. AJ looked back at Abel while she jogged across the grounds and a little ways into the forest. She stood on a rock and hovered over the small clearing filled with dummies, targets, and spare weapons laying around. A few targets were hung in the trees as well. She adjusted her muscle tank and twirled the knife around her fingers. Though she would never kill, a promise, it was good to get out and practice. For safety. Or hunting.

Abel curiously followed her to the clearing and sat next to the small rock He looked up at her twirling her knife then looked at some of the dummies. "Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus." He said rocking his head back and forth to the tune of happy days he was humming in his head. "This is the training grounds? Kinda...small don't you think?"

She rolled her eyes at Abel's poetic crows and paused at spinning the blade. "Look around; we are the only two here. If more people came at a time, there would be a bigger space...Don't you think?" She copied the last words Abel had said and simpered. AJ eyed a target in the trees and threw the knife, almost hitting the center. Knives were her specialty, though her bow came in close second. She threw another, this time hitting the center of the target.

He stabbed his sword at Josh and Josh blocked it. Smoke then punched him in the gut, which he tried to block but couldnt. Josh studied Smokes behavior and noticed he crushed a white rock in his hand to heal himself. He again thought back to strategy school. His teacher showing them the latest study subject, emotion and magical powers. His teacher explaining that emotions and power can be used against someone. "Every magical power has an opposite that can override that same power." He always said. Josh went back to the basics and thought of the opposite of white, which was obviously black. He tried remembering a spell that could replace an item with another item. No such luck. And then he remembered a spell that could change somethings color. "Fahin fen kreh ahrk tolaak wah fahin do choosing" He yelled as he pointed to the crushed rock in the mans hand, turning it black. He'd hoped that'd do the trick but it was very unlikely that it would. Smoke then filled his memories with all kinds of bad memories. "What are you doing that for? You're just hurting your emotional establishment" He said and laughed. "It was a good idea, though" He continued, trying to think of another strategy. The man would probably expect another back hit. Josh thought. Thats where his strategy was. He jumped high into the air and landed behind Smoke, tapping him on the shoulder. He then jumped back over as he was turning around and kicked him in the back. After he did that Josh dove below Shadow's legs and grabbed one of his feet, trying to flip him over.
Abel watched her throw the knife dead center he felt impressed by AJ training, Abel was about to say something when someone stepped out from behind a tree close to them. The person was wearing cargo pants with a red hoodie and was carrying a sickle he walked up to Abel and spoke calmly "Someone Ask For You Akbel" Abel then turned towards AJ "Want to come on a soul call with me?"

She breathed out after releasing the knife. "Only if it's safe." She wasn't quite sure what a 'soul call' was, but she was about to find out. She ran quickly and jumped up to a branch and climbed the tree to remove the knives from the target nailed to a nearby branch. She jumped down and stalked towards Abel. "Ready to go when you are, Captain."

Abel laughed "Its like when someone dies and has questions the reaper cant answer, they call the captain in" He said emphasizing the word captain, He had never been called captain before. "Lead the way" Abel said to the reaper a portal opened up and when the three walked to it the scene was a hospital room in the bed was an old man with his child a women and her husband with his grand kids at the bed side. In a chair towards the back of the room was the old mans soul sitting in the chair looking towards his family as they where crying. "He can answer your questions" the reaper told the soul while pointing towards Abel, then the reaper moved on to the next soul knowing that Abel would deal with this one. The old man had sadness in his eyes looking upon his family "Whats the meaning to all this?" the man slowly and sadly asked while looking at his crying family. Abel knelt down by the old man and put a hand on his shoulder "The meaning of life differs from man to man, from day to day and from hour to hour. What matters, therefore, is not the meaning of life in general but rather the specific meaning of a person's life at a given moment." Abel said to the man hoping to console him on his death.
Alex floated slowly through the halls, ignored or unnoticed by most of those around him. He had been cooped up for a while before deciding he needed to get out and be social. Of course his version of being social mostly consisted of eavesdropping and rarely mumbling things to the people around him. Finally he pushed himself to say something to someone he passed. "Hi..." he muttered as he passed by Charlotte.

*Dragging a hug suit case behind her Lilly looked around the school yard.

"hmmm where to go where to go" she muttered to her self, one of her fox like ears twitching with irritation.

It had already been three days sense her parents had sent her out to the academy, two days on plains having to wear skirts and hats to hide her tail and ears from humans, and then another day of riding trains from station to station and then wandering around until she found the academy.

"Sigh...I hope this is worth it" she thought to her self.

AJ watched in the corner. She felt a bad for the elderly man. His soul was so young and healthy from the man in the bed, though it did look like he had a great life. She was so amazed by Abel, how he could turn from a normal boy to a wise man of words. It really was incredible. AJ stood next to the eldest grandchild and watched the person. It seemed like she was invisible to the weeping family, like Abel, like the Reaper, like the Soul. She cocked her head at the girl, a grandchild, only a couple years younger than her and locked eye contact with her, but she was staring into her. Through her. It was strange, but also oddly calming. She paced the medical room. She knew it was a hospital, but she had never seen or been in one. Her own village had doctors who lived in the same cottages and homes like the rest of the towns people. Her mother was taken to one of the medics in her village to see if she was still alive, but she wasn't. Dead. Because of her. She tore away from her thoughts and watched the dead man. His skin was leathery with a grey-ish tint to it. His eyes were glossed over and staring straight ahead. He had probably died of old age. It was the best way to go, surrounded by family and beautifully slipping away from the awful thing that is life.

After Abel talked to the man for a couple more minutes he had accepted his death and was ready to move on, Abel opened the portal and sent him on his way then turned to AJ happy "well thoughts? comments?" he said asking AJ hoping to get her input on the events. "This is my day job" Abel said looking around at the grieving family then he opened a portal back to the training grounds "Lets leave the family to grieve"
ChronosCoded said:
He stabbed his sword at Josh and Josh blocked it. Smoke then punched him in the gut, which he tried to block but couldnt. Josh studied Smokes behavior and noticed he crushed a white rock in his hand to heal himself. He again thought back to strategy school. His teacher showing them the latest study subject, emotion and magical powers. His teacher explaining that emotions and power can be used against someone. "Every magical power has an opposite that can override that same power." He always said. Josh went back to the basics and thought of the opposite of white, which was obviously black. He tried remembering a spell that could replace an item with another item. No such luck. And then he remembered a spell that could change somethings color. "Fahin fen kreh ahrk tolaak wah fahin do choosing" He yelled as he pointed to the crushed rock in the mans hand, turning it black. He'd hoped that'd do the trick but it was very unlikely that it would. Smoke then filled his memories with all kinds of bad memories. "What are you doing that for? You're just hurting your emotional establishment" He said and laughed. "It was a good idea, though" He continued, trying to think of another strategy. The man would probably expect another back hit. Josh thought. Thats where his strategy was. He jumped high into the air and landed behind Smoke, tapping him on the shoulder. He then jumped back over as he was turning around and kicked him in the back. After he did that Josh dove below Shadow's legs and grabbed one of his feet, trying to flip him over.
Smoke noticed the change and smiled. A black life gem means a black soul which heals more. Smoke pulled out a second sword identical to the first one and managed to block all of your attacks. However he fell for the flipping trick but before he fell he caught you with the silver toe on his boot and flung you into a tree. You sail straight through it and land on another one.
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