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Fantasy Supernatual Academy

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Smoke was napping when he heard shouting. His knight armor was so comfy though! 'UGGHHH I don't wanna get up but I need to see what's making all that ruckus...' He thought as he got up and stretched. He walked over to the guy and waved hi to him.

"Hi. Im Josh...the new kid." He said and put out his hand for a handshake. "Sorry about making all the noise earlier...I've never really been to a school before. I've been on the run for a long time." He began sadly and perked up. "Anyway, is there a practicing ground or something?"
Johnny walked out of the car that dropped him off, dragging his duffel bag behind him. After waving goodbye to the unresponsive zombie driver (who proceed to hit the curb a few times before leaving the driveway) he scanned the school grounds. Some other students had just arrived, and he picked one out due to his feline ears and tail, which he figured were unique enough. Smiling, he sprinted straight toward him with unnatural speed, stopping inches away from bumping into him. Johnny towered over the diminutive Neko that he looked down at, still grinning. Sticking out his arm in introduction Johnny said,

"Hiya! Name's Julius, Julius Patch, but my friends call my Johnny. Whats your name?"

The knight shook his hand and took him to the woods and pointed to it. As if to say 'This is where I train'. He walked in and checked to make sure you were following
Nate was surprised when someone ran up to him even he didn't know the guy. He knew this because he heard this person running with his ears,"Oh. IIIIIII'mmmmm Nate. Nice to meet you." Nate said this pretty questionably. He kind of didn't want to shoo Johnny off because he didn't ant to be mean,but Nate felt awkward. Too awkward for him. @Sullivanity
Sensing Nate's discomfort with his introduction, Johnny took one large step back after shaking his hand.

"Sorry, I tend to get a little.... carried away with things. Since were both new students, why don't we walk over to the dorm rooms?"
Josh was suddenly pulled along by the mysterious knight. This school was already weird enough. The knight pointed to the woods and Josh turned to the knight. "Thanks." Josh said. "Anyway. I didnt catch your name. What was it?" He asked before marching off towards the woods.

When he entered the woods he saw archery stations, dummies to practice on, and many other things. He smirked to himself and pulled his sword out of his sheath. It was a wonderful blade. It used to belong to a king named Arthur. He was a good king. The blade was called Excalibur. It had a black hilt and golden blade. It had a strong white aura that he could bend to his will. He channeled the swords aura and his aura at the same time creating a semi-blinding white light around him. He slashed at the nearest dummy, millions of things going through his head at once. Such as where to strike next, how to strike in the most painful way possible, and how to strike with the least amount of carnage as possible. As soon as he was done practicing on that dummy he simultaneously took out his bow and put Excalibur back into its sheath at the same time. He shot the dummy in the head with an arrow and smirked once again but quickly put on a straight face remembering someone was with him. "Sorry about that...I tend to get carried away when I fight with a sword and bow." He said, his face turning a little bit red.

AJ saw the two go into the woods as she tended to Laurence. Idiots. They are going to get themselves killed; dangers and beasts lurked around every corner. The thoughts of the two brushed her mind, one of them a bit warmer than the others. "Shit." She whispered. "I'll be right back, Laur." She shrugged her trench coat off, as it was morning and much warmer and started her way back into the woods. She forgot to fetch the feather. AJ broke into a leap-like sprint as she jumped off of rocks and fallen trees. She felt exposed without the jacket to cover her marked and tattooed body, wearing a loose tank top. AJ's mind was keeping track of where the two were so she made sure to avoid going in their path at all time. She kept her bow at her side, loaded with three arrows, so she could hit thrice in one shot. Though she would never kill, another vow she had made when she was young. Just wound.

Coming to the clearing, she slowed her roll and picked up the incredibly white feather and tucked in in her dark, ripped, skinny jean's pockets. Eventually making her way back, she caught a glimpse of the two near the dummies. The dummies were not very far in the wood, so they would not have to worry about the lurkings. AJ arrived back with Laurence at the boundaries of the woods.
"Now, what was it you said that could help you?" @Otakubeats

(( Gtg boo's. Catch ya on the flip side. <Or in a few hours> ))
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Sullivanity said:
Sensing Nate's discomfort with his introduction, Johnny took one large step back after shaking his hand.
"Sorry, I tend to get a little.... carried away with things. Since were both new students, why don't we walk over to the dorm rooms?"
"Sure,but it's okay. I'm just not used to extravercial activities" Nate said shooting a huge nerd word out there. Then Nate started walking and talking at the same time,"So,what's your power" he asked
"Oh me?" Johnny grins, and brings his palms close together. A small spark of electricity jumps around them, and after a few seconds Johnny shakes his hands and puts them back in his pockets. "So, what do you do you? And what does 'extra-whatever mean anyway?"
ChronosCoded said:
Josh was suddenly pulled along by the mysterious knight. This school was already weird enough. The knight pointed to the woods and Josh turned to the knight. "Thanks." Josh said. "Anyway. I didnt catch your name. What was it?" He asked before marching off towards the woods.
When he entered the woods he saw archery stations, dummies to practice on, and many other things. He smirked to himself and pulled his sword out of his sheath. It was a wonderful blade. It used to belong to a king named Arthur. He was a good king. The blade was called Excalibur. It had a black hilt and golden blade. It had a strong white aura that he could bend to his will. He channeled the swords aura and his aura at the same time creating a semi-blinding white light around him. He slashed at the nearest dummy, millions of things going through his head at once. Such as where to strike next, how to strike in the most painful way possible, and how to strike with the least amount of carnage as possible. As soon as he was done practicing on that dummy he simultaneously took out his bow and put Excalibur back into its sheath at the same time. He shot the dummy in the head with an arrow and smirked once again but quickly put on a straight face remembering someone was with him. "Sorry about that...I tend to get carried away when I fight with a sword and bow." He said, his face turning a little bit red.
Smoke smiled and pulled out his sword. The bastard sword. The blade was beautifully crafted but was heavy as all hell. Smoke could weild two at once with ease though he preferred to use one so he could use a shield as well. His name was engraved on the hilt. He pointed to himself then the hilt. He pulled out a shield and got in a ready position. 'Lets duel' he thought.
He smiled. The man wanted to duel. "So be it, then!" He said in a mocking manner. He threw down Excalibur and picked up a steel sword saying, "Ill go easy on you." He manipulated his aura to speed behind the nearest tree and wait for the knight to find him, surprising him. When the knight would find him he would slash at the knights knee-caps and then try disarming him while simultaneously running away. That was his strategy, confuse the enemy until disoriented and go in for the strike. If the knight was in less heavy armor he would've went for a different strategy but this one seemed like it'd work.
Smoke was slightly surprised but nothing he hadn't seen before. He ran up to the tree matching your speed and cut straight through it using his sword. 'Better use Excalibur kid or you won't live...' Smoke thought.
Sullivanity said:
"Oh me?" Johnny grins, and brings his palms close together. A small spark of electricity jumps around them, and after a few seconds Johnny shakes his hands and puts them back in his pockets. "So, what do you do you? And what does 'extra-whatever mean anyway?"
"Extavert.Social people. I was saying I'm not much of a social person." Nate said,"Also,my powers are elemental. I am able to control elements in any way,shape,or form which is handy sometimes." Nate said lighting his hand on fire and putting it out with a water ball.Then making a gust of wind with a sway of his hand, forming a rock sculpture of Johnny,and did the same thing as Johnny with electricity,"I can do more,but I don't want to sound over the top" Nate said.
"If I can use Excalibur at a master level I can use a steel sword at a master level!" He yelled as he slashed at the mans knee's. "And Im still going easy on you, if I dont you'll be dead and I'd rather not kill a new sparing partner." He smiled as he slashed at the mans sword-hand. Eh, it wouldnt hurt to change strategy a bit. He manipulated his aura once more and sped around the man while hitting him in the back of the head and running away again, hopefully to a spot the man didnt see.
iiCupcakeCraver said:

AJ saw the two go into the woods as she tended to Laurence. Idiots. They are going to get themselves killed; dangers and beasts lurked around every corner. The thoughts of the two brushed her mind, one of them a bit warmer than the others. "Shit." She whispered. "I'll be right back, Laur." She shrugged her trench coat off, as it was morning and much warmer and started her way back into the woods. She forgot to fetch the feather. AJ broke into a leap-like sprint as she jumped off of rocks and fallen trees. She felt exposed without the jacket to cover her marked and tattooed body, wearing a loose tank top. AJ's mind was keeping track of where the two were so she made sure to avoid going in their path at all time. She kept her bow at her side, loaded with three arrows, so she could hit thrice in one shot. Though she would never kill, another vow she had made when she was young. Just wound.

Coming to the clearing, she slowed her roll and picked up the incredibly white feather and tucked in in her dark, ripped, skinny jean's pockets. Eventually making her way back, she caught a glimpse of the two near the dummies. The dummies were not very far in the wood, so they would not have to worry about the lurkings. AJ arrived back with Laurence at the boundaries of the woods.
"Now, what was it you said that could help you?" @Otakubeats

(( Gtg boo's. Catch ya on the flip side. <Or in a few hours> ))
"A light user. Since my mortal soul is the one infected it would help more than a dark magic user."
"Well that's pretty cool. But don't go thinking your better at me at using lightning." Johnny said, chuckling. As the walked up the stairs to the dorms, he rummaged through his pocket and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper and checks for his dorm room. "Let's see... I'm in dorm {insert dorm number here}. What about you?"

Smoke blocked the first and last one however the second one caught him by surprise. He charged at you and went straight through your hiding spot crushing it. Smoke brought the bastard sword down on your head. 'Block dammit...' He thought worried of him hurting you. This brought back a memory.

"Help me!" The little girl screamed as the hallow picked her up and drew his knife. Smoke was in Majura when he heard her. He was only eight at the time but still could wield a sword better than most. It was surprising he could even pick a sword up! Smoke picked up his fathers sword, his only memory of his father, and rushed the hallow. The blade went straight through the poor bastard and the monster coughed up blood. The little dropped to the ground and hugged Smoke. "Th-Thank you. I'll forever be in your debt." She said. 7 years later he and that girl were here.
Nate kind of chuckled at the joke Johnny made about using lighting.He was probably right anyways. Nate saw the paper and took out a stationary paper with a beautiful outlining on it,"Wow.I have dorm 205 too.Cool" Nate said. He always wondered what it would be like to share a place with someone he wasn't related to. It was a new experience and Nate really was interested in what that was like. @Sullivanity
He blocked the hit and noticed the man blocked his first two hits. "You're good! I think I'll go hard on you now!" He said happily and went into strategy mode. He thought back to strategy school and remembered. He analyzed the mans fighting style. He was fairly good at blocking arm, leg, and head strikes but back strikes were almost impossible for him. He slashed at the mans leg again and jumped behind him, hitting him in spots on the back that would paralyze a normal person. He channeled the swords aura and blasted the man with cold, usually agonizing waves of energy. "Sorry!" Josh yelled as he ran away. As he ran away he thought of changing strategy once more and running up a tree instead of behind one. He did.
He blocked all strikes but fell down at the agonizing waves of energy. He quickly got back up a tad dizzy. 'He's good. I might actually have trouble with him' He thought. Smoke smiled at the comment and thought 'I guess I'll have to try now.' He climbed up after you and threw a witch bomb up towards you.

Smoke wasn't his name originally, his name was Elch. He was four when it happened. He was walking home from his mothers shop and saw the man. He looked friendly and they talked a bit. The man asked "Where is your home, child?" Elch not knowing the intentions of the man said "I live with my mama and papa down there" he said as he pointed at the manor his father has. That night Elch woke up to the smell of smoke. He walked into the main hall to see his mother and father dead on the floor. The man from earlier standing above them. Elch screamed and ran away from the manor. He ran and ran until he came upon a bonfire. The fire wasn't lit but a rusty sword stuck out of it. As he touched the sword gingerly the flame appeared out of nowhere! The child felt safe here as if nothing could hurt him. He realized what killed his parents, no not the man. Himself and his tongue. He swore to never speak another word until he got revenge for his parents.
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Josh was waiting for the man to run below the tree and then a bomb appeared in front of him. "Great." He thought and the bomb exploded in his face. He quickly got up and realized he was at least ten yards away from his spot in the tree. "Come on, at least try hitting me with your sword." He yelled at the man, sprinting toward him and trying to hit him in the gut. "Give up yet?" The man asked as he slashed as fast as lightning at the knights hand, and then at his chest, and then at his head. He would most likely have to start looking through this guys mind to throw him off, which is what he did. He couldnt make up clear memories but he caught glimpses of them. He laughed. "I can see the a memory of you saving a girl..who is she? Do I know her? Ohh look at this..your name is Smoke? But it used to be something different." Josh smiled. "Hello, Elch. You know where I got your original name from?" He began and finished in a sad tone, "The memory of your parents dying." He really hoped that this wouldnt affect anything between the two, he was only doing it because he wanted to use it to an advantage. "Give up?" He asked for a final time.

"I..Erm-Sorry. I don't really know very many people, only you and Abel and Pris. I'm not sure if Pris is one, but I don't think Abel is a light user. I only have the jar of light when I cured Alister, only one dose is left. I would have to inject it using a needle, but even then I'm not sure the light would help." She felt a bit bashful. AJ had never volunteered in making friends her whole life. She preferred to mold into the background and hide. At times, like this, she would love to use her abilities, but she couldn't. Wouldn't.

iiCupcakeCraver said:

"I..Erm-Sorry. I don't really know very many people, only you and Abel and Pris. I'm not sure if Pris is one, but I don't think Abel is a light user. I only have the jar of light when I cured Alister, only one dose is left. I would have to inject it using a needle, but even then I'm not sure the light would help." She felt a bit bashful. AJ had never volunteered in making friends her whole life. She preferred to mold into the background and hide. At times, like this, she would love to use her abilities, but she couldn't. Wouldn't.

"Use your ability." He'd give her a calm look, telling her it was alright.
Abel was still stuck on the roof, he didn't know how to climb down and got to the edge were AJ ran off and looked down "Jiminy Crickets that's a long drop" Abel was about to walk away and find another way down but slip and fell off the roof landing with a thud kicking dirt and rocks into the air from the fall the ground was cracked from where he landed. "Ughhh" Abel let out a silent grunt of pain and lifted his head up, Around were his eyes would be his skull had a crack Abel at the time not knowing it was there. He laid on the ground in defeat.

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