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Fantasy Supernatual Academy

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Nate got out a vehicle that came on land and stared at the academy,"Wow. So beautiful" Nate said. He was finally here. At the place he wanted to be,but at that moment his eyes were tearing up and as if in unison both his stomach and his head started pounding endlessly, 'Anxiety',Nate thought knowing he was nervous.So many new people waiting to be met,so many new experiences waiting to be experienced,'This is gonna be one crazy ride', Nate thought walking into the school, his head and stomach pounding even harder like there's a fight inside his body.
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After AJ had run back to the academy and started running up the actual castle Abel turned back facing the lake. Abel walked closer to the water and the water in response tried to move away causing small ripples to run in the opposite direction. Abel knelt down by the lake and touched his hand to the water, when his hand touched the water it started to freeze around where his hand was causing small ice particles to branch outward.
She woke with a jolt. AJ was not tired anymore, but also drawing in sharp breaths from the awful time sleeping. At least she could go another week before having to hit the hay again. She sulked to the bathroom, realizing her room was trashed. Sleep walking. Her hands clapped against her face cupped with cold water. A green beanie was pulled over the top of her head as she sat down on the bed and toyed with a radio, eventually getting it to work as smooth Allman Brothers spilled out crackly.

(( Be back after school ends, about 3 hours! ))
As Smoke walked into the classroom he looked back to make sure that the emerald herald was following me. She was noticeably shakey and she was looking around nervously. Smoke grabbed her hand and led her to a seat and sat her down. He sat next to her and helped her take notes.

(Anyone who wants to join can I'm just trying to get started)

Heiko Beck

(OOC: Sorry for the late response just moved into a new place and got everything set up - yey adult life stuffs)

Heiko finally found his dorm. It was meant for two but only he was there. He dropped his duffle bag on top of his bed and proceeded to take off his shirt - examining the tattoos of koi the encircled his arm all the was up to his back.

He didn't know the kid, never said a word to him, only got to look at him as he laid sick and dying on the floor. Yet as soon as that boy died everyone fled, and only he left - standing there till his cigarette crumbled to ash. Heiko put a kettle on top of the stove, and starred. It shouldn't bother him. It wasn't his fault. Wasn't his fault. Wasn't his fault. Wasn't his fault.

But damn if this kind of thing didn't always manage to find it's way too him. Just another body on the road. The kettle began to sing. Heiko made himself a cup of Earl Grey. He opened his window, over looking the cobbled streets outside, and framed himself within it. He looked out over everything, smoked his tobacco, drank his tea. "The beginning of a bad year." He whispered.
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Abel stood up and started walking back towards the school pulling his hat down to cover as much of his skull as it could. As he was walking the grass flowers and leafs where moving in the opposite direction as if a strong wind came moving them out of Abel's way, The grass Abel did step one was turned to a dry brown color and the grass was dying in his foot prints. After walking for a while he got back to the school and walking around the campus looking for his dorm room.
Beads of sweat ran down her face and dripped on her crisscrossed legs. AJ groped around to find a pill bottle placed on her nightstand as she took a Xanax and braced her arms behind herself. The drug didn't help all that well and she resorted to ripping the ceiling window above her and pacing around the room most of the day, and when she wasn't freaking out, she was back on her bed and eating junk food furiously. Something she did when she was upset. AJ hadn't came out, except once when kids outside her dorm were talking and the thoughts were crowding her mind, so she had to go out and stubbornly shoo them away. She was calmer when it came to night, but her hands still trembled a bit. She sat in the window sill and watched the stars for a while, before laying her head against the side of the large window and drawing a blanket around herself as she watched like that the whole night. She quite liked blankets, covered her disgusting marks and tattoos.
iiCupcakeCraver said:
Beads of sweat ran down her face and dripped on her crisscrossed legs. AJ groped around to find a pill bottle placed on her nightstand as she took a Xanax and braced her arms behind herself. The drug didn't help all that well and she resorted to ripping the ceiling window above her and pacing around the room most of the day, and when she wasn't freaking out, she was back on her bed and eating junk food furiously. Something she did when she was upset. AJ hadn't came out, except once when kids outside her dorm were talking and the thoughts were crowding her mind, so she had to go out and stubbornly shoo them away. She was calmer when it came to night, but her hands still trembled a bit. She sat in the window sill and watched the stars for a while, before laying her head against the side of the large window and drawing a blanket around herself as she watched like that the whole night. She quite liked blankets, covered her disgusting marks and tattoos.
Laurence flew past her window, a feather landing on the window sill before changing from it's coal black to a pure white. Oddly enough the feather seemed to glow a bit.
Otakubeats said:
Laurence flew past her window, a feather landing on the window sill before changing from it's coal black to a pure white. Oddly enough the feather seemed to glow a bit.

She gave a hard blink at the glowing feather before gently poking it with one of her pale forefingers. She could make out that it was Laurence, even though she hadn't seen him for a couple days. She drew that blanket around herself closer and breathed a warm breath against the cold air of night.

Heiko Beck

Heiko looked out across the vast dark space of the night and saw another resting on their window - the one who had been watching him and Laurence when they were looking for the nurse. He hadn't exchanged names with her, or that girl lying next to the soon-to-be-dead boy.

She looked cold. The fire in Heiko's body kept him warm.

He watched as Laurence flew past her window - that boy was going through a lot at the moment, losing a friend like that.

Heiko had a sip of tea and wondered if he'd make it through all of the turmoil alright.
Abel was running through the forest weaving in and out between trees and vines "Fudge Fudge Fudge Fudge..." He was saying still running through the woods until he broke the edge of the forest seeing the school. Abel made a sigh of relief he laughed for a second after making it to safety, he then calmly straightened out his clothes and fixed his hat back on his head and walked to the edge of the school, then he started climbing it making sure his grip on the next brick was sure before he raised himself up to the next. After climbing up eventually he got to the roof of the building when he did Abel sat down on the edge of the building and kicked his legs off letting them hang over the edge.
Godjunpa said:

Heiko Beck

Heiko looked out across the vast dark space of the night and saw another resting on their window - the one who had been watching him and Laurence when they were looking for the nurse. He hadn't exchanged names with her, or that girl lying next to the soon-to-be-dead boy.

She looked cold. The fire in Heiko's body kept him warm.

He watched as Laurence flew past her window - that boy was going through a lot at the moment, losing a friend like that.

Heiko had a sip of tea and wondered if he'd make it through all of the turmoil alright.

She could hear the smooth and heated thoughts of someone near her, but they were not familiar. She met the eyes of the boy that had been with Priscilla and Laurence. She did not recognize a name, only a face, and she wasn't going to go using her powers in search for a name. She made vow to never use them. AJ pulled the dark green beanie farther down over her ears as she adjusted it and shifted her gaze back to her feet strewn across the window sill; her back pressed harder against the edge of the empty-glassed window frame. She took a sip of Amstel and set the bottle on the floor inside of the dorm room.
Abel started walking across the roof trying to be quite but he failed at that making thumping noises as he walked across the roof until he slid on piece of ice on accident and landed on the roof with a big thud.
Cold, piercing thoughts stabbed into her mind. She stood in the window sill and peaked over the edge of the roof, meeting Abel. She climbed onto the roof and held onto the blanket with one hand as she helped him up to his feet with the other.

Heiko Beck

As Heiko went in to take a sip of his tea there was a large thud that came from above. It didn't shake him but it certainly gave him a shiver. He almost spilled his tea. Almost.

Heiko peeked his head out of the window and shouted, "Hey you alright up there? Nobody else dying? I don't really need that right now!"

He took a drag of his cigarette - normally he'd come up with some zinger but he was feeling pretty burnt out.

"Two things I never get," Heiko thought, "�Enough peace to think, and enough time breathe." @iiCupcakeCraver @CainMcknight
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Abel laughed and thanked AJ for the help up and leaned his face over the window reviling his skull towards the person calling from below "Whats wrong with death" Abel shouted back down. Abel laughed then looked over at AJ and noticed something was wrong "Whoa, You okay?" he said slightly concerned for his new friends health "Need a Kidnapping" He said laughing while looking towards AJ.
She watched him say something down below to the man she had seen earlier. "I'm fine, just a dream." She was sort of fine, just a bit shaken up from earlier. She looked around the dark sky for any signs for Laurence, but she hadn't seen anything. In her palm was the pristine feather, glowing brighter than any of the stars in the night. @CainMcknight @Godjunpa @Otakubeats
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"well...Tell me about the dream" Abel said interested in the dream then he saw the glowing feather and was confused about it, he didn't want to touch the flower since he might kill it but he stared at a distance still wanting to know whats wrong with his friend.

Heiko Beck

"The guy sucks at parties! I don't invite him anymore!" Heiko rebutted. He left his perch on the window seal and poured himself another cup. As he took a sip he began to hear talks of dreams - sometimes he hated his heightened hearing. To give their conversation a little more privacy he put on some headphones.

Anytime I need to see your face,

I just close my eyes

And I am taken to a place where

your crystal mind and

Magenta feelings take up shelter

in the base of my spine

Sweet like a chic-a-cherry cola

Heiko took a sip of tea and tried to make a plan for the next day. He felt cooped up. A run may clear his head and help decide his next course of action.
She felt the boy's thoughts slip back away a bit; he had probably gone inside. "It's nothing. Whenever I sleep, the dreams come, I'm getting more and more used to them. At least I won't have to sleep for another week." She wasn't sure if talking about the dream would help. She gave a small thumbs-up. The dreams would always come, no matter how hard she would try to run away from them. She wasn't 'used' to them, but she was getting better at calming down.
iiCupcakeCraver said:
She felt the boy's thoughts slip back away a bit; he had probably gone inside. "It's nothing. Whenever I sleep, the dreams come, I'm getting more and more used to them. At least I won't have to sleep for another week." She wasn't sure if talking about the dream would help. She gave a small thumbs-up. The dreams would always come, no matter how hard she would try to run away from them. She wasn't 'used' to them, but she was getting better at calming down.
A sudden pained thought radiated from the forest, coming from a familiar person. Laurence.

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Abel thought for a second "Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live, Never be afraid to sit a while and think." He said Calmly "You gotta trust your guardian angel eventually" Abel said while still trying to figure out what her dreams where. Then he realized Aj said that she wouldn't be sleeping for a week "You should sleep every night, you know that?"

Heiko Beck

Heiko left the dorm building, only wearing an old pair of jeans - he didn't like to ruin his nice clothes when he went out for his runs. He started by walking slowly towards the forest. As he picked up speed his form began to change. His legs became like that of lion as he ran faster and faster, until he got on all fours and transformed fully into his Chimera state. Snake-for-a-tail and all. His footsteps left a trail of fire behind him and his growl shook the air around him

"Always feels good being able to cut loose," he thought.

@Otakubeats probably heading in you general direction- Maybe?)
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She ignored Abel's poetic sayings and looked away from him. He said that she should be getting more sleep at night. "Of course I know that you ignorant prat." AJ cast him a cold stare as she stiffened her back straight. She could hear his thoughts loud and clear, that he wanted to know the terrors, but she just wouldn't give in one telling him.
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Abel felt offended being called ignorant after all Abel had lived longer then any other he witnessed the wars and horrors of the world, saw his own death and had to carry countless others into the after life. "Whats wrong" Abel said in a calming voice trying to not antagonize AJ any farther while at the same time thinking back to when he was killed Abel was stabbed in his side from his brother and fell to the ground bleeding out in pain until the cold grips of being the first human to die.

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