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Fantasy Supernatual Academy

What are YOU?

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AJ was hesitant, but joined him through the portal. The vast canyon looked as if it contained different biomes. It was quite peaceful and humble, looking over the edge of the cliff. Abel said it was where he died. "It's...magnificent." While looking over the ledge, she wondered is Pris was still in the forest, or where Laurence had gone. Or if Alister was alright wherever he went. "Breath-taking."
Abel loved seeing this watching over the many things and being able to see things change over time, He pointed to one area and when he pointed to it a flock of birds flew out of the snowy trees. "There's where i lived" He said. Abel thought about the day he was killed and didn't feel anger or anything close to it but he felt forgiveness and compassion. They just stood there in silence watching the canyon.
Her gaze shifted to the snow-coated trees. Lovely place to die, she thought. She was so content watching, as it was her favorite hobby. Her keen sight could see everything.
Abel felt happy, happier then he was in a long time after all not a lot of people like talking to death "So want to see what I really look like?" he turned to AJ asking if she wanted to see his soul. The skeleton he was in was the remainder of his body which he preferred to use compared to walking around in his soul, It was more dangerous to walk around in your soul and he frankly felt that his soul didn't look like how he was even though it was his.
She smirked a bit; she honestly did want to see him around her age. A boy that didn't have wings or horns, someone that resembled herself. She smirked. "Why not?" It would be fun seeing Abel without a skull for a head.
The skeletal corpse dropped to the ground raveling Abel's true soul standing behind it, His soul was huge taller the the skeleton by a foot or two, It was solid red from the feet to the halo on his head on he didn't have a mouth and his eyes where as bright as the sun. It was like watching a star exploding over and over again in Abel's eyes, He didn't have wings. In his hands was a scythe that was taller then him and the blade was running black from the years it had been alive with Abel. A wide Line in the shape of a smile cut across Abel's soul right where his mouth should be representing a smile then it opened speaking to AJ "How I look?"
She blinked as his body fell on the ground. AJ sucked in a breath through her teeth as the soul rose, much taller and different than his skeletal body. AJ thought it represented his disposition better. She snickered at his comment and crossed her arms, shifting her weight onto her right hip. "Wowww." She stated somewhat sarcastically and honestly. "You look great. I think it suits you well." She drew in a short breath before raising an eyebrow. "And damn, you're tall." AJ stood on her toes to take in his face, much different than the last.
Abel smiled "Its easier to meet new people in the skeleton, and i think it better represents me" He spoke towards AJ laughing in the end a little bit. After a couple seconds of awkward silence Abel asked "So tell me more about yourself" trying to keep the conversation alive.
"Agreed." It did better represent his nature. A few, long silenced seconds passed. Abel asked about herself, seeing it was fair she should tell him about her ruthless powers as he had shown his soul. "About me? Only seems fair I guess." She adjusted her bow before beginning. "My powers don't seem all that bad when I talk about them, but...They really are. I can control the mind. Small things, like movement, words, and emotions. Those are not too bad, unless used for...torture. I can control memories. I can change them, manipulate them, erase them, use them against the-Er-Victim. I think the worse is planting a memory in the persons brain, making them believe its real and using it for torture. Hah, that was a lot." She adjuster her booted feet so they faced inwards.
Abel's skeleton slowly started to gain back life and stood up straight meeting AJ's eye line. "That can be used in a good way you know" he was thinking about her power like if someone has a very bad memory she can make it better, "Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts." Abel said feeling happy "Your power isn't the only one to have downsides, but in my experiences if there is a bad there is also a good, you just need to find your good."
"Well I haven't found the good yet. Hopefully I plan to." The steam-punk goggles on her forehead ached. She pulled them off and held them in her hand while her bloody hair spilled over. She rubbed her tired eyes since she hadn't slept since the day before Alisters death. That was almost over a week ago. It was good she had gone so long without sleep, but also bad, which meant she would have to sleep at some point. She ran a hand through her hair. "Anything you like to do? Got any hobbies?" She wasn't quite sure.

((OOC: I will be right back in 30 minutes! :3 ))
Abel laughed at the question but he couldn't smile, so he sarcastically said "besides kidnapping beautiful girls i just met, no" when he thought about the question he had alot of hobbies to many to count almost.
She responded with another sarcastic smirk and a, "Mmhmm..." She waited a moment, being sure to take one last look across the area. "What now?" She wasn't trying to sound like a persistent prat. She turned, facing the edge of the cliff and glancing over at Abel.
Abel followed her gaze off the cliff edge, "Go for it now. The future is promised to no one." He said. After looking off into the distance for a second he looked back over at AJ and noticed she was glancing towards him, He laughed then said "Can i help you?"
"Nah, just looking at you." She pressed her lips into a fine line before rustling her bloody hair. "I best be going. I have-Er-Business, yeah, to take care of." AJ was bad at lying. She needed to sleep, for she hadn't in almost a week and she felt like she would topple over and pass out any moment. Just lying down for even a few hours, no matter how terrifying it would be, it would be over and she would not have to sleep for another week.
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]Tang heard Silith's lovely voice and shook himself out of his daydreaming thoughts. "coming~' He called walling into the kitchen to sit at the table. His stomach growled its approval of the food, which caused tang's cheeks to tint pink.

Silith giggled as she set a large plate stacked with food in front of him hen smiled
Abel opened another portal and walked through it "You coming busy-bee" he said walking through the portal which lead back to the lake.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Silith giggled as she set a large plate stacked with food in front of him hen smiled

Tang tried to laugh off his embarrassment his stomach had caused. "hehe, srry. haven't eaten all day and your cooking smells great." He smiled.
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]Tang tried to laugh off his embarrassment his stomach had caused. "hehe, srry. haven't eaten all day and your cooking smells great." He smiled.

"I havent cooked that much." She said happily not knowing her food would taste absolutely horrible once he took a bite
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I havent cooked that much." She said happily not knowing her food would taste absolutely horrible once he took a bite

Tang smiled as he took a bite of the food. Tang's sense of taste was twisted from his time being imprisoned by the sect and was only feed the weirdest tasting of slop. "... this is pretty good." He smiled, taking another bite. It was better the that crap the sect had fed him.
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]Tang smiled as he took a bite of the food. Tang's sense of taste was twisted from his time being imprisoned by the sect and was only feed the weirdest tasting of slop. "... this is pretty good." He smiled, taking another bite. It was better the that crap the sect had fed him.

"Really?!?" She asked happily as she smiled brightly
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Really?!?" She asked happily as she smiled brightly

"really, really." He repeated chuckling at Silith's happiness.
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]"really, really." He repeated chuckling at Silith's happiness.

She smiled brightly then immediately went to go make more food for him
She snickered and mimicked his footsteps through the portal. She gave a soft sigh when they arrived at the other end, the lake appearing in front of them. AJ started back to the Academy, abruptly turning to give a short wave to Abel, before twisting back and breaking into a jog. She placed a foot on the side of the Castle and began her ascent along the side of it before reaching the top; jumping and sprinting across the rooftops and climbing through her dorm window to her room.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She smiled brightly then immediately went to go make more food for him

Tang smiled in anticipation for more of Silith's food. He had no idea if anyone else had eaten her food they would have called it anything but good.

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