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Fantasy Supernatual Academy

What are YOU?

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The man appeared in front of her, a skull for a face, hollow black eyes, and a trench coat. His expression was blank as she had noticed before he spoke, "Death's always there." She folded her her arms and looked him straight in his bottomless eyes before giving a sort of smirk. "Of course he is." She strode by him, brushing his coated shoulder before proceeding down the hall where Alister had went.

She stood at the border of the woods, knowing she wouldn't be much help. She knew she could probably take down the wolves, but her powers were terrifying to herself and others, so she had vowed to herself to never use them. She waited before realizing Alister wasn't coming back and ran into the woods. Sure enough, his body, or what was left of it, was laying face down and ripped apart. The wolves were gone. She hadn't known Alister all that well, but it was shocking enough.

Word had spread about the death of Alister. Laurence and Priscilla had obviously been completely effected by it. Laurence hadn't been around for a week and so had Pris. She wasn't worried, she knew they would both come back at some point. That was a lie. She was completely worried. She really did want to fight, but she just couldn't bring herself to it. AJ was scared of
herself. While the two were gone, she spent everyday at the lake doing her favorite hobby. Watching. She would watch across the lake all day and night, catching peoples thoughts as they past by. Her keen sight could see everything. The keen sight and the ability to always hear others thoughts were not her actual powers, they were just side effects that came with her powers. Her terrible, horrifying powers. She hadn't slept all week, which was good. She stayed in the same spot against the tree watching the lake. Waiting for her friends to return and watching.
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When the girl spoke he thought about the words, she was right Abel is the ugly truth of earth the thing that comes for everyone in the end. As she brushed his coat shoulder a cold spot ran down his spine she knew the boy that had died in the woods, The soul was already gone picked up by a reaper he looked down the hall towards the girl and she was leaving into the woods something was bothering her. He followed after the girl not hiding his presence he eventually caught up to her and saw the body, Abel knew nothing he could say would help AJ deal with this so he didn't.
iiCupcakeCraver said:
The man appeared in front of her, a skull for a face, hollow black eyes, and a trench coat. His expression was blank as she had noticed before he spoke, "Death's always there." She folded her her arms and looked him straight in his bottomless eyes before giving a sort of smirk. "Of course he is." She strode by him, brushing his coated shoulder before proceeding down the hall where Alister had went.
She stood at the border of the woods, knowing she wouldn't be much help. She knew she could probably take down the wolves, but her powers were terrifying to herself and others, so she had vowed to herself to never use them. She waited before realizing Alister wasn't coming back and ran into the woods. Sure enough, his body, or what was left of it, was laying face down and ripped apart. The wolves were gone. She hadn't known Alister all that well, but it was shocking enough.

Word had spread about the death of Alister. Laurence and Priscilla had obviously been completely effected by it. Laurence hadn't been around for a week and so had Pris. She wasn't worried, she knew they would both come back at some point. That was a lie. She was completely worried. She really did want to fight, but she just couldn't bring herself to it. AJ was scared of
herself. While the two were gone, she spent everyday at the lake doing her favorite hobby. Watching. She would watch across the lake all day and night, catching peoples thoughts as they past by. Her keen sight could see everything. The keen sight and the ability to always hear others thoughts were not her actual powers, they were just side effects that came with her powers. Her terrible, horrifying powers. She hadn't slept all week, which was good. She stayed in the same spot against the tree watching the lake. Waiting for her friends to return and watching.
Familiar thoughts would fill her mind as Laurence sat in a tree nearby, practicing to relieve his stress. [media]

She was still at the lake, still watching. She remembered the boy had followed her when she had found Alisters body. AJ had sensed his blank and cool thoughts. She wondered where he was, and if he was still around.

AJ figured it was time to stop moping around and waiting for the two to get back. She gathered her things and started back to the Academy, back to her dorm, back to her room covered in posters. Posters and drawings and random objects. AJ changed into a leather jacket and worn, ripped skinny jeans with a few bangles. Her outfits tended to hide her meaningful tattoos. She kept her multiple piercings in. She took her bow and throwing knives from the trunk and raced down to the edge of the forest, being careful not to go in. AJ needed to relieve the stress about how Laurence and Pris and Alister were all gone. She loaded her bow with three arrows and shot, each landing perfectly in the bullseye of the drawn-on target on the tree on the edge of the woods. She practiced for a few hours, each time her shots getting more fierce and precise. She took her knives out; one of her better skills. She threw each one, all six landing in the center of six trees. AJ threw one hard into the ground with anger. She couldn't stand the waiting and know that she could do nothing to help.
iiCupcakeCraver said:
She was still at the lake, still watching. She remembered the boy had followed her when she had found Alisters body. AJ had sensed his blank and cool thoughts. She wondered where he was, and if he was still around.
AJ figured it was time to stop moping around and waiting for the two to get back. She gathered her things and started back to the Academy, back to her dorm, back to her room covered in posters. Posters and drawings and random objects. AJ changed into a leather jacket and worn, ripped skinny jeans with a few bangles. Her outfits tended to hide her meaningful tattoos. She kept her multiple piercings in. She took her bow and throwing knives from the trunk and raced down to the edge of the forest, being careful not to go in. AJ needed to relieve the stress about how Laurence and Pris and Alister were all gone. She loaded her bow with three arrows and shot, each landing perfectly in the bullseye of the drawn-on target on the tree on the edge of the woods. She practiced for a few hours, each time her shots getting more fierce and precise. She took her knives out; one of her better skills. She threw each one, all six landing in the center of six trees. AJ threw one hard into the ground with anger. She couldn't stand the waiting and know that she could do nothing to help.
Laurence appeared behind AJ, offering her one of the knives she'd thrown. "hey.."
Her eyes were filled with anger as she was startled by the presence behind her. She pulled the knife from the ground and spun on her toes, about to throw it. It was Laurence offering one of her black-handled throwing knives. She was about to shove him, push him over, hell, even punch the kid. But she didn't. She knew he was upset about Alister. She was always angry when she was upset. Never sad. She was furious with Alister, with Laurence for running off, for Pris running off too. She took the knife and slung the bow and quiver of arrows around her body. She pushed past him and started back to the lake. How could he disappear and turn right back up? Her knuckles turned white as she gripped the handle of the knife and stood over the lake.
After the girl seeing her friends death Abel wanted to keep an eye on her check in and answer any questions if she had them, He could tell that AJ could pick up on his cold emptiness even when most races couldn't when Abel was invisible so he stayed invisible but kept a distance away from her hoping not to get picked up by the sense. Abel watched her enraged by the death a normal response, he was about to show up and offer help but someone else tried, it appeared to make her angry causing her to go back to the lake.

Abel figured it was his turn to intervene and see if he could try and help her or answer a question about death. He didn't know her or the man who died but Abel felt sorrow for all things living, so he made himself visible and walked up to her. As Abel got closer to the lake the water tried to recede away from him causing little ripples on the surface and he stopped next to AJ "Our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them."
AJ flicked her eyes in the direction of the mans thoughts as he approached her. "Our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them." She nodded, he was right, but she was still furious. Was that supposed to make her feel better? She wasn't sure. She grit her teeth together, trying hard to not burst out with anger and spill why she was mad. AJ hadn't talked to anyone all week and decided it probably would be healthy for her if she did. "Whats your name?" Her words were coated in a thick layer of ice.
Abel could detect her anger and he would expect it so, Loosing a friend can weigh on someone. When she had asked him of his name he felt happy for getting her to talk will help the sorrow, Even if Abel couldn't show his emotions his soul was happy "My name? I am Abel" he spoke calmly hoping in some way knowing his name would help the girl even if it was just a little bit "And your?" Abel asked hoping to get her to tell more then just her name.
Her rigid body relaxed a bit even though she was still mad at everyone. "I'm Adrianna-Juliette...I just go by AJ for short." She shoved the knives away in the quiver of arrows.
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After Abel heard her name he was glad for her getting to talk to people again, his next goal in mind was to try and figure out why she was angry at everyone. "Death isn't that bad, its living that's the pain" Abel said this hoping to help her in some way but to also get AJ to talk and open up more on the subject matter.
"Yeah, I know..I didn't know Alister all that well anyways. I'm just mad at Laurence and Priscilla who some how think they can just run off and leave me alone. They both are always in the woods, trying to hunt down this wolf that killed Alister, while I'm stuck here since I can't help because of-" She quit rambling on and caught herself before she let her secrets slip.
Laurence had been a bit confused, when AJ was mad at him. He had been making a small grave for Alister in the woods, a sort of tie to this school, since he was buried at his home originally.
Abel listened to the words stretched out before him, when she stopped rambling on why she couldn't help this struck a curios chord with him so he politely asked "Because...?"
It was always hard to tell anyone about her powers. "Because my powers are to dangerous. I'm horrified by myself. Others find my abilities dangerous. Terrible." She pulled her leather jacket sleeve up, exposing her left forearm. A symbol was carved into her arm, not a tattoo like the rest of her marks. It was clearly made by a needle ripped across her arm hastily. "The towns people-" She paused and bit her lip. "They made this. I found out about my powers when I killed my mum. My father hated me, the retched people were afraid of me. The night before I found the Academy, a man attacked me. He made this symbol in me using a syringe needle. It means mad, insane, dangerous." She pulled the sleeve back down. "I'm scared of myself. I want to hunt the wolf down but if someone saw me using my powers I would be the same girl who everyone was afraid of. I don't know why I'm telling you this." She brushed the back of her hand over her wet, hazel eyes. "I want to get revenge on the wolf like Laurence and Pris, but I can't bring myself to it. I guess that's why I'm mad. Since they can fight but I can't."
Abel listened to her story his skull couldn't move to show expression but he felt sad for her, that she had to endure all of it "If it's any consolation my brother killed me" in Abel's eyes it seemed that the girl had to come to terms with her powers before she could function with them so he adjusted himself so he could look straight into the girls eyes. "The eyes are the windows to the soul" he spoke just loud enough so she could hear while starring into her eyes not really knowing what he was looking for, hopefully a way to help her.
"Your brother, eh? Heh, That must have been fun..." The boy shifted so that they were looking each other straight in the eye. AJ shoved her fists into her pockets of the leather jacket. "The eyes are the windows to the soul." His voice was calming and understanding, and just the perfect lowness to it. She gave a small smile. "You do have a way of words." She shifted her feet. "You are good. Thanks." She broke eye contact and looked down at her feet. She took out a pale hand and spun the knife around. She felt better, calmer. She looked over towards the woods, noticing the grave. So that's where Laurence had went. He still had gone without her, and so had Priscilla to hunt the wolf down, but that seemed to not matter at the moment.
Abel wanted to smile but he couldn't considering his lack of anything but bones, "Well living for as long as I have, you get to know a few poets" He could tell that AJ had calmed down a little bit. Abel was glad he could help AJ a little bit even if it didn't matter much, "So wanna see something that calms me down?"
Even though Abel could not respond facially, she could hear his thoughts, reading that he wanted to smile back. "Wish I knew how to even read poetry. Never learned to read actually." She gave a small laugh at herself, given that she didn't even know how to read. Perhaps that is why she had taken up the skill of art. Abel suggested if she would like to see something calming, so she agreed with, "Sure."
I wandered out of my room, constantly rubbing at the large claw-scar running down my back, staring at the floor as i walked. My icy winds simply pushing everyone out of my way, not maliciously, more like a gentle nudge out of the way
When she had agreed Abel was joyous he opened a portal and stepped through motioning for AJ to follow, When they stepped out of the other side of the portal they where standing on the top of a cliff looking down into a giant canyon. They where standing high above watching down on the canyon looking down you could see the snowy peaks of the mountains as well as the deepest forest, the canyon was so large in size it had many different areas inside of it. There where patches of snow, forest, rivers, lakes, and a desert all in the vast canyon. "This is where I died" Abel said looking out on the vast oasis of memories and thoughts.
(not entirely done yet so and Alister's father is just to explain the story) Alister's father walks up to her " you were his friend correct?, "he wanted me to give you this" he holds out a snowflake neckless

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FrostRaven said:
(not entirely done yet so and Alister's father is just to explain the story) Alister's father walks up to the three " you were his friends correct?" he looks at priscilla "he wanted me to give you this" he holds out a snowflake neckless
@iiCupcakeCraver @Trust @Otakubeats
(We're seperated at the moment, I'd go for Priscilla first doe.)

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