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Fantasy Supernatual Academy

What are YOU?

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AJ had crawled out of her Dorm at some point during the day. She had been meaning to take a look at the new students this year, but hadn't really gotten around to it. She wandered the halls with a pair of bulky combat boots on and a can of Silly String. She would shake it up here and there and casually spray some person down the hall; she was never caught. She had gotten so good at pissing people off, it felt normal. AJ slithered around a corner and tossed the half empty can in the trash before marching out of the castle-like building and onto the grounds.

She felt uncomfortable wandering the school sometimes. Hell, she always felt uncomfortable. But the one thing that really stood out was that she was obviously not like the rest. Most of the kids who were at the Academy had all these dramatic changes to them. Horns, wings, feathers, hooves, paws, and so many more. She looked normal. Well, she wasn't
normal, but she did look human, which put her off a bit. A lot of things put her off a bit, and maybe not a bit.

AJ plopped down beneath an Ebony Tree and took out her small sketch book wrapped in a leather binding. She rather liked using quills to draw, but had a long wooden pencil today. Sketching. She made quick stroke of her pencil and would glance up every now and then to see if anyone was near. She couldn't see anyone, obviously. Her extreme sight was keen. If someone was coming she would see them. She would hear their thoughts. It got annoying sometimes, and it could be quite embarrassing sometimes, having to always listen to thoughts. It could be overwhelming in the halls, but she got used to it. At least it was easy to tell if someone was lying.
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I watched the girl with the red hair through the window. "They seem rather normal... But i suppose i do too..." I think inwardly, too shy to go near them @iiCupcakeCraver
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Ivy was smiling at her when she sat down beside her, she kept her hands in her lap as she gave a small grin to the sky. "It's a pleasure to meet you Lilah, I'm not so new here, I'm a junior here actually" she said leaning on the wall "I've been here for three years"

Lilah looked at her, a surprised look on her face. "How could someone handle 3 years here? There's too many jerks to dodge" Lilah laughed. "I've been here for a week, I guess I'm used to the bullies by now, my werewolf side usually scares them away" she sighed.

"It really just depends on your attitude here, the bullies don't get to you here unless you have a depressing aura, I avoided them all by being annoying and cheerful, they kept away from me after that and I haven't seen them since my first year here, and all it took was a day, that is my advice to you" she said nodding her head and clenching her fist and raising it up in the air "Fighting!" she said triumphantly and she tried to stifle a laugh, the scene was a bit odd and humorous

I open the window an let out an extremely high-pitch whistle, inaudible to any humans, suddenly a white-feathered hawk lands beside me and i watch as it preens it's s feathers, petting it with a delicate finger
AJ had heard a sharp whistle, but it wasn't to bad. The rest of the people around her pinched their ears shut, she just glanced over to see a girl in a window with a white hawk on her arm. Strange creature, but not as strange as other things she had seen. She realized the girl was actually quite far away, so she could see her quite well but could not reach out to her thoughts. She slumped against the Ebony as she watched the glittery girl stroke the bird.

She had finished her drawing, and she had to admit, it did look quite good. She never had practice, it was more of a natural talent. Her head turned to glance at a couple fiercely making out against her tree. She made a loud gagging noise just before she left so they knew she was there. AJ stood underneath another large tree and stuck a hand up to a branch. She pulled herself up and sat on the tree, admiring the pencil sketch.

AJ's sketch can be found

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I notice the girl moving and try to catch her attention by goving her a small wave, i gently nudge my let hawk and it flies off to somewhere unknown. "Probably away to catch some mice" i tell myself as i climb through the window, closing it behind me.
AJ blinked at the girl and nodded her head a bit. The bird had flown nearly past her ear and up into the sky. The luminous girl turned and shut the window, leaving AJ back in the woods again. AJ shoved her things in the leather satchel and started to climb the tree until she was at the topmost branch. She lifted her hand to the crisp air and sighed. Some students were flying around. AJ grumbled and shrunk her hand back down. She wouldn't mind if she slapped someone on accident, but she had already had enough detentions and did not need salt into the wound.


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I begin making my way towards the red-haired girl, driven by no particualr reason. "Why are you doing this? This is a bad idea! You don't know them or anything! Why are you going to them! They are busy!" I ignore all the alarm bells going off in my head, determined to meet someone and be the first one to talk for once, rather than the one that slinks in the background. I slowly make my way towards the tree, every know and them glancing back towards the window i came from

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AJ peered down at the girl strutting right towards her. She was going off on something AJ couldn't quite hear and climbing right up the tree. AJ hadn't talked to anyone in a long time and wasn't completely sure how to handle this. "I-Er," was all she could manage to get out. The girl was climbing at quite a great speed. AJ took in a sharp breath. "What do you want?" She began, her tone firm and coated with ice.


"I-i... C-came t-to say h-hello...". I stutter. "Dammit priscilla! Why are you doing this! She probably doesn't care! Head away while you can with your emotions in-tact!", i ignore the bells once more. "M-my name is priscilla, w-what's y-yours?"
AJ hugged her arms around herself, the air had shifted creating a cooling breeze. "Er-Hey?" Generally, AJ was awkward and anti-social and insecure, but around her, the girl was way more awkward than she herself was. "Priscilla, eh? I'm Adrianna-Juliette...It's really long and I...I just like to go by AJ." She slunk her arms off of herself and let them hang down. The girl had radiant skin, hair, eyes...Everything. AJ felt like a rat compared to the gorgeous girl. She took a slow blink at the girl. She did have some body modifications, where AJ still felt human. AJ adjusted her satchel strap and furrowed her brow.


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"Oh, n-nice to m-meet you AJ... Y-you have very pretty eyes..." I mumble, captivated."see? This isn't so bad is it now? She is nice, i have nothing to be afraid of" i tell myself. I seem to relax a bit "wonderful w-weather we are having i-isnt it? It's a b-bit too warm for me though..."
AJ glanced up, she had climbed so high that students were passing by just over them. Most were flying low, one boy in particular soaring rather high up. She made an "OK" sign to him as he blew past. She turned back to the girl. "Warm?" It was not warm at all. It was breezy and at a normal temperature. "Er-Mk I guess." AJ looked up, still jealous of the body morphs. Did this girl think she was weird for having no wings or horns? Who would like AJ anyways.. AJ looked back at the girl. "Thanks by the way. You have very-er-nice...Skin. And Hair. And Clothes." AJ looked at her own clothes, smudged with dirt and grease. The cargo pants and combat boots made her feel to dirty for Priscilla. She was a monter with a human body.

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"I always thought wings we cool..." I mumble, looking towards the boy that flew past. "o-oh, thanks, s-so! How are you today?" I ask "idiot! You are so boring sometimes scilly, try and I don't know... Be fun for once!" I think into myself. "Anything you want to do?" Looking at you, happy that i have someone to talk to.
"Anything you want to do?" The girl said with a rather pleasant voice. AJ thought of a few things quickly, her wide eyes widening even more. "OOoo, like slap people in the face as the soar down?" She sounded excited and reached up to clock the nose of a girl flying very close to their tree. AJ took another glance at the girl. "Er-Never mind. Maybe something else?" She finished with a slight laugh. "We could...I dunno. What do you think? I'm up for anything." She didn't want to suggest anymore, her ways of fun were things that others did not enjoy as much as she did.


"I umm... Don't know... Want to talk..?" I suggest, hopefully not sounding creepy "oh my god! You are just BENT on annoying her aren't you! Well just so you know, she is just acting nice! She really wants you to leave her alone, remember their notepad? She was probably doing something!" I seem a little dis-heartened after thinking this but try not to show it. "A-am i b-bothering you...?" I ask quietly
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Priscilla's thoughts were clear and sharp. She could hear them easily. With a wink, AJ stated as clear as rain, "Nah, the notepad was nothing. Just some sketches. Oh, and also, you aren't annoying me. Its nice to have someone to talk to." AJ gave a mischievous smile. "You aren't bothering me." AJ trusted her. Though she rarely ever talked about her abilities, she was open about the thoughts and keen sight part of her powers. The rest was to touchy. The rest of her powers were rarely used. AJ took out her leather sketchbook. "This right here," she pointed at a rough picture of a few roses and violets, "Are roses and violets, roses are red and violets are blue." She muttered the nursery rhyme. She turned the page. "This is just some plans for a piece of art. I'm thinking of a smokey background and dark words over the top. Its going to be some sort of poster I think. I'm not sure...Just ideas." AJ flipped pages and showed them to Priscilla.


"You are a wonderful artist! Also... I-if i may ask.. How d-did you know..?" "OMG OMG OMG SHE CAN READ MY THO-she's so readi- i like flowers, flowers are cool, they are pretty". "I feel so awkward now... D-did you read all of that..?" I blush a little
AJ nodded, blushing slightly. "Don't worry, its normal. See that guy down there?" She pointed down to the boy around her age down below. "He is thinking about how he is going to pass his flying class. He says that he has a D right now." She gave a small chuckle, slightly embarrassed. "There is more to my powers. Keen sight and...Other things." She froze up, not wanting to talk about it any more. "Thanks for the complement on the flowers by the way." AJ sat straightened up and tried to focus on the kids cascading above her.


"That must come in pretty useful sometimes, i am a normal, average human... With ice powers cause of some boring mountain thing", "god, i was scared, nothing like being stuck under ice for... What.. A week? Two weeks? It felt like and hour at the time but that doesn't matter, only thing that matters is that i caused an avalanche, killing my entire village.."
AJ listened intently while watching the leaves. Watching the wood. Watching everything. It was a habit, of course. "Ice...Yeah. That's pretty cool. Though I would lose my mind if I was trapped under a pile of ice and snow." She faced Priscilla once again. "...Killed my entire village." She said. AJ had only killed one person, but that was when she was 8. And it was her. Priscilla didn't mean to do it. AJ didn't mean to either but it was her. AJ shuddered. "You mind if you-erm-show me? I just, I've seen ice powers, but each are different." AJ hooked her legs onto the branch of the tree and hung upside down. "Go on. Tell me!"



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