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Fantasy Supernatual Academy

What are YOU?

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  • chimera

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  • troll

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"W-what d-do you want to see... I can summon and control ice and to some extent, water... That's about it." I mumble, embarassed
"Quit being embarrassed you bloody twat!" She snarled at her with humor. "There is a puddle over there, I bet I have some ice in the water canteen I have here in my satchel." She paused a moment. "Sorry, didn't mean to push you over edge. You don't have to if you don't want to." AJ was slightly afraid Pris would ask to see hers if she made her use her ice powers.


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"O-okay then..." I point my hand toward the water and freeze it, then lift it out of the ground over to us before melting it again at the base of the tree "s-see? Anyone with water can do that..."
"Well I think its great." AJ pronounced. It was less like a complement and more like an order, though she did mean it as a complement. "Welp, what now?" She hoisted herself back up onto the branch, a bit light headed. She hadn't had an actual conversation with someone for a long while. AJ was normally left in the shadows and forgotten. She stuffed the sketchbook away and climbed up on a higher branch. It was late afternoon, she could tell by where the sun was at in the sky.


"What dorm number are you? I am number 310 so if we meet up sometimes... T-that i-is if y-you want to! Of course, you d-dont have to..." I say somewhat quietly
Room Number? Ai, 419. I would love to meet up since now that I have a..." Friend. AJ crouched down on the thick branch and gave a hard look at Pris, before looking back down at the ground. They were quite high up in the tree. AJ jumped off, hitting the ground with a thud and tuck-and-rolling a ways. "Woo, what a rush. That was fun." AJ stretched her back out while looking at Pris in the tree.


Yum222 said:
By then, Sera had finally warmed up to a more regular temperature, though still cold for humans. She nodded at Rim's answer, smiling. She had no idea what she was thinking, Sera just thought Rim was being shy. "Alrighty, I guess we should deal with the most urgent need...fitting underwear. I do believe that was the fourth floor...ahah, there's the elevator! Come on~", Sera told Rim, dragging her to the elevator by the hand. She pressed the 'up' button and waited for it to arrive.
@Shiro kurogane
Rim never had perverted thoughts before. So she blamed Sera's.... skill. For awakening such thoughts. Although, they weren't bad since they all involved Sera.... Rim really hoped the thoughts would do away at some point. All throughout this train of thought. Her face was bright red. "okay, lead the way~" Sera's tone was starting to rub off on Rim. She happily followed Sera's to the elevator. However, Rim realized that when they reached their first destination. She wouldn't be able to keep hold of Sera's hand.... Rim felt a small pang of loneliness at the thought.

Sera noticed Rim's face still being red. "You sure you're okay? You look like you might have a fever or something. Or is it something else..?", she said to Rim, giving her a peck to her forehead. The elevator arrived and opened, and they walked in. She pressed the number 4 on the wall and waited till the doors closed. They were the only two people in the elevator. Sera felt slightly self-conscious of the fact. No one would know if they decided to make out in this temporary privacy...she shook her head, banishing the thought. 'Act normal, Sera...wait, would this be considered..a date..?', she thought to herself, her cheeks getting slightly rosy.

@Shiro kurogane
Yum222 said:
Sera noticed Rim's face still being red. "You sure you're okay? You look like you might have a fever or something. Or is it something else..?", she said to Rim, giving her a peck to her forehead. The elevator arrived and opened, and they walked in. She pressed the number 4 on the wall and waited till the doors closed. They were the only two people in the elevator. Sera felt slightly self-conscious of the fact. No one would know if they decided to make out in this temporary privacy...she shook her head, banishing the thought. 'Act normal, Sera...wait, would this be considered..a date..?', she thought to herself, her cheeks getting slightly rosy.
@Shiro kurogane
"ah..." Rim didn't know how to answer Sera's question. So she just went quiet and tried to make her blush go away. Sera kissing her head calmed her down slightly, but fueled her crazy thoughts. Being alone in the elevator make Rim hyper-aware of Sera's presence beside her. Their hands were still intertwined but Rim was paralyzed in self-consciousness.

Aaron decided to go to the horror category to see if there were any legends and other creepy books that may entertain him, he did find a few Stephen King books, so he decided to get one and read it. The minutes have passed by and he had seemed to take interest of the book, as he was reading he heard the sounds of a door closing and commented "Wow this area really seems creepy to me, well i hope it stays that way". He then hears the voice of a scared and girl and sprinting in the hallway, he then comments "I wonder if she has seen a ghost or something, well this place keeps on getting interesting."
All too soon, the elevator opened up to the fourth floor, and the red-faced couple stepped out. Something seemed different to Sera since the last time she came here. There was a sitting area at the elevator and stairs exits, with several employees working as some sort of guards. A few guys were sitting there, then she finally saw it: There was a sign saying Girls Only. "Huh. I guess that's nice...I wonder what made them change it..", she asked out loud.

@Shiro kurogane
AJ was wandering the halls again, only a few students were really in the school. She took a sharp turn to the left and started down a long corridor leading to a green house. She took out a small spritz bottle and poured a light purple liquid into it; the substance was quite thick. Her hand swept over the handle of the bottle and began spraying the plants, all of them instantly dying. The green house was now filled with crusty, dead plants and the air filled with a sticky, black fog. Anyone who came in here would get a lung-full of air tar. Won't kill the victim, but it will taste awful. AJ gave a small chortle and started back out to the halls filled with winged and horned students. She felt small with no body features to make her look powerful. Some kids could change into their beastly forms with horns and wings, but she had no forms. She always had the same body.
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Yum222 said:
All too soon, the elevator opened up to the fourth floor, and the red-faced couple stepped out. Something seemed different to Sera since the last time she came here. There was a sitting area at the elevator and stairs exits, with several employees working as some sort of guards. A few guys were sitting there, then she finally saw it: There was a sign saying Girls Only. "Huh. I guess that's nice...I wonder what made them change it..", she asked out loud.
@Shiro kurogane
Rim looked around after stepping off the elevator. She'd not been here before so she didn't understand when Sera said something about them changing it. Rim tried to hide herself behind Sera after seeing the amount of people around. "changed? it wasn't girls only before?" She finally asked to take her mind off the number of people around.

AJ took long strides down the hall, somehow ending up in the Library at one point. She had taken up a book into her arms and settled in a navy coloured bean bag. She wasn't really reading, she had never learned to read anyways, so she focused her attention to the pictures. She was an extremely skilled artist and always carried her leather sketchbook with her wherever she went. She set the children's book down brought up her sketchbook from her satchel. Her hand fumbled through the book bag again, bringing up a set of crappy water colours. "Ach...Whatever, these will do." She grumbled at the bad water colours and took out a fuzzy brush. She filled in her roses and violets she had drawn a few days before with dark colours; blacks, greys, and silvers. It did look quite good, even with the water colours that preschoolers use. She shoved the slightly damp water colour palette and sketchbook away and relaxed in the Library bean bag.
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]"do you want to go see your room?" Tang asked after giving Silith a few minutes to read the paper.

She nodded to him as she read the paper happily
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She nodded to him as she read the paper happily

Taking Silith's hand, Tang lead her back across the courtyard and back to the girl's dorms. "so whats your room number, love?" Yes he'd just said that and was now blushing a bit because of it.
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]Taking Silith's hand, Tang lead her back across the courtyard and back to the girl's dorms. "so whats your room number, love?" Yes he'd just said that and was now blushing a bit because of it.

She blushed blood red and stammered. "I-I-it's u-uhhh 9-91-3-34" she stammered to him
I call my hawk down to me again as i sit in the tree, giggling. "You did it! You spoke to someone! Good start!". I run my hands down the hawks feathers and petting it a bit before climbing down the tree again. "How did she do that anyway? We are a good 3 meters up..."
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She blushed blood red and stammered. "I-I-it's u-uhhh 9-91-3-34" she stammered to him

"o-okay, lets go see your room." There went the usual stuttering that only Silith could make him do. Though, Silith's cute embarrassment did nothing to help his blush since it deepened after he'd stared at her face a moment.
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]"o-okay, lets go see your room." There went the usual stuttering that only Silith could make him do. Though, Silith's cute embarrassment did nothing to help his blush since it deepened after he'd stared at her face a moment.

She nodded and silently walked with him to her room
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She nodded and silently walked with him to her room

Tang lead Silith through the dormitory until they reached a room with a larger doorway than normal for silith. He opened the door for her to reveal the even bigger room.
Ala is just sleeping next to a tree. He knows that some person who's apparently a marshmallow has to give him a dorm. He's dreaming about a soldier preparing to launch an EMP device. Well, that's for a different role-play so there won't be much detail on that dream.
Rori took the broken camera pieces out of her pocket and held them up, "that's a good point, and a hella useful little trick." She gave Nix and exaggerated wink but tossed the pieces behind her. "I wonder if I could do that... hm," she glanced at her kettle to make sure it was still working.


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