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Fantasy Supernatual Academy

What are YOU?

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  • Centaur

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  • Shape shifter

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  • chimera

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  • fairy

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  • chimera

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  • troll

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*melts out of shadows in the courtyard*

*looks around*

*sits on bench and opens a book and starts to study*

Katherine pranced her way over to the courtyard and scoped out the place. She saw a girl who she didn't recognize sitting by a bench studying. The young girl decided to say hello, eager to meet someone new. "Hello...what's your name? I'm Katherine...n-nice to meet you." Her arm shook slightly as she waved, a bit nervous.
Onyx jumped and looked around. She saw a young girl standing by her. "O-oh! H-hello. I-I am O-Onyx. Are you new?"

"Yes. I'm new here...I just arrived recently." Katherine had a soft voice, and she made soft purring noises after she finished speaking. She curled her legs together on the bench and laid on it a bit, being impressively flexible.
"Oh. Well, I have only been here a few days, so I only know where my classes, the office, and the dorms are. So if you need anything, I would ask Priscilla."
"I don't know. She has kind of been weird lately. But anyway, welcome!"


"Oh, you're a shape shifter? I am a Vampire Witch. I wish I could shape shift."
Sometime later, Sera and Rim walked out of the bathroom, freshly showered. The red-head was feeling giddy with a new purpose in life: being the best girlfriend for Rim! She went to kiss said girl's cheek, then caught sight of the clock at the same time. Suddenly, her face was the picture-perfect look of 'Oh sh*t'. It was well past the time for her classes. "That...was much longer than thought..", she said out loud, assuming Rim knew what she meant. She blushed as images of the past couple of hours went through her mind.

@Shiro kurogane
"it really was." Rim agreed, then lightly blushed realizing Sera had meant the time. "ah yeah." She said knowing she couldn't take back her slip up. Rim realized she herself had missed out on her classes too. But she couldn't resist giving Sera's blushing face a kiss. Although in all fairness, the images of their.... time alone were still fresh in her mind too. She did however have a new found goal and that involved heavily on not letting go of Sera... forever if Rim could manage it.

Sera smiled at the kiss, returning it. Her stomach then made a loud growl, telling she she was starving. "Are you hungry Rim? I could eat a horse right now...I can try making something you want, if you like. Any favorites?", she asked her, checking the kitchen for any leftover food, and seeing that there wasn't. "Guess I'll have to shop too."

@Shiro kurogane
Rim giggled at hearing Sera stomach growl. She was gonna be modest and tell Sera that she wasn't hungry. But a softer growling noise that that of Sera's signaled that her own stomach was calling her bluff. "yeah... as for favorites. i don't have a favorite food.... because all food is my favorite." Rim answered happily with an almost childish grin. She would have offered to go shopping with Sera. But Rim was having an internal crisis. She wanted to stay near Sera... but that would make her clingy... right? Rim didn't know what to do now. She'd never been together with someone before and didn't know how a normal couple acts.

"No favorites? Guess we'll just have what's on sale. Let's go~" She took Rim's hand and led her out of the dorm room. Holding her hand just seemed..natural, and pleasant. And it was warm. She realized she hadn't really felt cold all day so far. 'I wonder if that's alright..? Ah, whatever, everything's fine if I'm with her..'

@Shiro kurogane
"okay~" Rim didn't hesitate in following Sera after she'd taken Rim's hand. Just being beside Sera still made her heart beat faster. She would blush when the occasional stranger would glance at her and Sera's connected hands. But it also made Rim happy that others saw that Sera was hers. A small smile stayed on her lips as she and Sera went.

Sera was a bit embarrassed as people saw them. Sure, she was very active and outgoing, but things like this were a little out of her comfort zone. She didn't really expect to find the one she loved so...suddenly. She squeezed Rim's hand a bit, then shook her head. "The mall is really close by to the school. This way!~", she said, pulling the Slime girl along out the school gates and onto the streets.

@Shiro kurogane
Rim gave Sera a comforting gentle squeeze of the hand. Judging by how the other girl's grip had tightened slightly. She guessed Sera was a bit shy like she herself is. "i've never been to the mall before..." She confessed, taking a quick look around as they exited the school's gate. Rim felt at home... probably because Sera was with her.

Sera kissed Rim's hand as they walked, crossing a couple busy streets. She ignored a few unwelcome stares from less savory men. She seemed to attract them occasionally, much to her dismay.

The mall was finally in sight, standing with 10 floors and a roof for clients looking for rest and a great view. "Make sure to stay close, people get lost easily their first time here."

@Shiro kurogane
@Shiro kurogane[/URL]
Rim blushed a pinkish hue at Sera kissing her hand. But it quickly faded when she looked up at the massive building called a mall. "whoa... wait, people get lost in there?" She asked. It was the biggest building she's seen so far so Rim could kind of believe it. Noticing the looks Sera was getting from some of the guys that were scattered about made an a feeling she'd not felt before stir in her gut. Rim moved closer to Sera and hugged her arm as they walked. This was the first time she had felt jealousy.

Sera noticed Rim get closer to her, feeling the possessive look she had. "No worries, I'm all yours~ I'd ice any of them if they got clo--"


She noticed a light flash from behind her as they neared the entrance. One of the guys had their phone out, pointing at them. In mere moments, the temperature in the immediate vicinity dropped significantly. Sera's normally brown eyes turned icy-blue and she let go of Rim's hand, not wanting to freeze her hand. "Good job with the flash, idiot, she noticed!", one guy said, laughing at the one with the phone. "Geez, some chilly breeze.."

Sera walked slowly towards the group, leaving shoe-prints of solid ice at every step. She materialized an elegant spear of ice in her right hand, then stabbed it into the ground. The group of guys suddenly had their feet frozen to the ground, immobilizing them. "W-what the hell!? Crap, that's one of the school freaks!" They yelled, but soon shut up as the Snow-woman reached them, fearing for their lives. Sera swiped the phone, froze it, then let break and fall to the ground in millions of frigid shards.

She then turned around to rejoin Rim, her spear dissipating and her eyes returning to normal. She took her hand and walked her into the building. "..let's go..". Her hand was still very cold.

@Shiro kurogane
Yum222 said:
Sera noticed Rim get closer to her, feeling the possessive look she had. "No worries, I'm all yours~ I'd ice any of them if they got clo--"

She noticed a light flash from behind her as they neared the entrance. One of the guys had their phone out, pointing at them. In mere moments, the temperature in the immediate vicinity dropped significantly. Sera's normally brown eyes turned icy-blue and she let go of Rim's hand, not wanting to freeze her hand. "Good job with the flash, idiot, she noticed!", one guy said, laughing at the one with the phone. "Geez, some chilly breeze.."

Sera walked slowly towards the group, leaving shoe-prints of solid ice at every step. She materialized an elegant spear of ice in her right hand, then stabbed it into the ground. The group of guys suddenly had their feet frozen to the ground, immobilizing them. "W-what the hell!? Crap, that's one of the school freaks!" They yelled, but soon shut up as the Snow-woman reached them, fearing for their lives. Sera swiped the phone, froze it, then let break and fall to the ground in millions of frigid shards.

She then turned around to rejoin Rim, her spear dissipating and her eyes returning to normal. She took her hand and walked her into the building. "..let's go..". Her hand was still very cold.

@Shiro kurogane
Rim heard click and was confused until Sera confronted the guys that took the picture. She wanted to teach the jerks a lesson too but figured they'd had enough after going through Sera. Her anger though built up and eventually effected her body by raising its already unusually high temp. But even with her raised temp, Rim still felt Sera's cold hand. "okay." She agreed and Hugged Sera's arm again to warm her. Since Rim knew Sera liked warmth. "you can calm down now. those jerks won't mess with us after that." She said in a soft voice unsure if it was the right thing to say in this situation.

Lilah sat outside, hoping no one would see her. It had been almost a week since she joined this academy, she found no friends in that week but hoped that maybe, just maybe. Someone would find her, and even be her friend. She already had crushes, Jacob was one, but she knew he wouldn't notice some speck on the side of the earth. The other was Jen, but she hadn't really talked to any of the two, she didn't want to is more like it, she wanted to keep to herself so no one could break her heart. Even though she could easily eat them.
Sera was very angry, almost steaming mad from the encounter, ironically. But when Rim held her arm, she let out a sigh, realizing how frigid she let herself get with her powers. She even forgot to wear her gloves, having wielded her spear bare-handed. "S-sorry...I mean, thanks..I just couldn't stand those jerks, taking your picture like you were public property.." Her other hand felt stiff from her body's sudden drop in heat. She was very glad to have Rim keep her at least a bit warmer. She shivered a bit, leaning a bit closer to Rim. "I hope I didn't scare you, I really don't like using my powers...", she said to her in an apologetic voice.

@Shiro kurogane
Ivy was walking around outside with a small smile on her face while she listened to her music, she spotted a girl all alone and she walked up to her. She offered a smile and a small wave to her and she said "Hello, my name is Ivy, would you like some company?" She asked tilting her head just a tiny bit after she asked her question to the mysterious girl. She took her headphones out to mind her manners and be polite


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