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Fandom Superheros and Villains

(Alright. I got an idea.) In another part of the city not to far from the hero league. There was a very large red skinned frog with several eyes, hoping around, a pair of legs could be seen hanging from its mouth. Apollo was there in a blue and black hero league uniform with a name badge on a lanyard. Being in the hero league was a recent change for him. He used his powers to make a bow and started shooting arrows, but it looked like he wasnt trying to kill the beast.
Rage appeared form a portal "That's an unusually large amphibian." He looked at the legs to see if it was human "Are creatures of this size normal in this part of the world?"
Rage appeared form a portal "That's an unusually large amphibian." He looked at the legs to see if it was human "Are creatures of this size normal in this part of the world?"
"Yeah long story short. Guy bought this thing as a pet. It grew and is trying to eat him." He looked at Rage. "Hmm arnt you Makoto?"
"It's a suggestion." She responded

Makoto fired upon the shield, hoping the bullets would penetrate. "Well seems like things are about to get interesting." Sasha flung several trash cans at the clone with her mind "It feels weird. As if we are at the end of someone's arc." "let's hope we're not the disposable extras." Makoto chuckled as he reloaded.
The bullets pierced through the shield, but then he throws the shield at them.
"Hmm always full of surprises Eris." Hunter smiled. She sees the one come at her with the gauntlets. She sends out three shots, aiming for its head, stomach and then knee.
He dodges the head shot, but the stomach one hits him while he barely blocks the one aimed at his knee. Then, he uses his other arm to smash the ground.
Peter jumps in the way taking the hit

Peter fires webbing at the outline. Or would have. But his webshooters werte empty. "Damn it."
Peter feels a knife go through his chest, but no blood comes out. When Eris turns and sees this, she phases through Peter and punches The Coelacanth, knocking him to the floor.

Eris fires a ball of darkness that The Coelacanth slices up with his sword. He then fires a light beam that Eris blocks with her pike.
Peter feels a knife go through his chest, but no blood comes out. When Eris turns and sees this, she phases through Peter and punches The Coelacanth, knocking him to the floor.

Eris fires a ball of darkness that The Coelacanth slices up with his sword. He then fires a light beam that Eris blocks with her pike.
Peter clapss his chest. He starts feeling sick. "What's going obn?" He asks. (This would be a good time to mortally wound him)
"Really? You sure I can do this? That sounds pretty hard." She said. (Dude this is perfect for something I was going to plan)
"We'll start simple." He said. "I've managed to procure the corpses of some civil war soldiers. For now we're going to ju8st show you how to commune with who they used to be. Now important thing to remember with this spell is that they only gain the abiluity of speech, and they only know what they knew in life. You aren't pulling their soul back to their bodies just waking up the physical mind."
"Yeah long story short. Guy bought this thing as a pet. It grew and is trying to eat him." He looked at Rage. "Hmm arnt you Makoto?"
"I'm from a different universe actually." He then opened a portal to inside the frog's mouth. He looked through to see the guy currently being eaten "Hello friend, are you alright?"

The bullets pierced through the shield, but then he throws the shield at them.
Sasha was a bit busy rewiring the black lights to the power cables nearby. Makoto ran forward and jumped over the shield before firing off multiple shots into the guy.
"We'll start simple." He said. "I've managed to procure the corpses of some civil war soldiers. For now we're going to ju8st show you how to commune with who they used to be. Now important thing to remember with this spell is that they only gain the abiluity of speech, and they only know what they knew in life. You aren't pulling their soul back to their bodies just waking up the physical mind."
"so just waking up the mind got it. " she said as she got out a notebook and pen from her bag and started taking notes. "So what if they dont have body? This wont work for that right?"
"I'm from a different universe actually." He then opened a portal to inside the frog's mouth. He looked through to see the guy currently being eaten "Hello friend, are you alright?"

Sasha was a bit busy rewiring the black lights to the power cables nearby. Makoto ran forward and jumped over the shield before firing off multiple shots into the guy.
"Get me out of here!" The guy said. He looked to be a teenager. Apollo used his arrows to help hold the large frog in place. The arrows producing something like a rope once they hit the ground. "Hmm makes sense. I'm called Apollo mostly. "
"so just waking up the mind got it. " she said as she got out a notebook and pen from her bag and started taking notes. "So what if they dont have body? This wont work for that right?"
"Correct. Without at least an intact head this particular spell is useless."
"Get me out of here!" The guy said. He looked to be a teenager. Apollo used his arrows to help hold the large frog in place. The arrows producing something like a rope once they hit the ground. "Hmm makes sense. I'm called Apollo mostly. "
"I'm Makoto Takanuchi, but my hero name in my old world is Rage of Infinity." He then reached through and grabbed the teenager, pulling him through the portal.
Peter clapss his chest. He starts feeling sick. "What's going obn?" He asks. (This would be a good time to mortally wound him)
"A Dreamworld special. One of its best weapons. No blood, no witnesses. However, unlike my blade that drains your energy, my knife drains your life until there's nothing left. It was meant for Eris so that taking her would be easier, but instead you got in the way....and now you'll suffer the con-" The Coelacanth is interrupted by Eris shooting a dark lightning bolt at him. Her eyes turn completely black as she continuously strikes him until he finally has enough of it and lets out a yell, knocking her and Peter back while also powering up his clones.
"I'm from a different universe actually." He then opened a portal to inside the frog's mouth. He looked through to see the guy currently being eaten "Hello friend, are you alright?"

Sasha was a bit busy rewiring the black lights to the power cables nearby. Makoto ran forward and jumped over the shield before firing off multiple shots into the guy.
The shots go through the clone and he stops until The Coelacanth's shout rejuvenates him. He glows green as his shield bounces off a wall and splits in two on the way back, one heading towards Sasha while the other goes towards Makoto.
The shots go through the clone and he stops until The Coelacanth's shout rejuvenates him. He glows green as his shield bounces off a wall and splits in two on the way back, one heading towards Sasha while the other goes towards Makoto.
Upon getting within a foot of Sasha, the shield is hit with a heavy telekinetic blast that sends it flying into the air. "Almost done rewiring." Makoto fired upon the clone again as he dodges the shield only to be cut on his arm by it "GAH!"
"A Dreamworld special. One of its best weapons. No blood, no witnesses. However, unlike my blade that drains your energy, my knife drains your life until there's nothing left. It was meant for Eris so that taking her would be easier, but instead you got in the way....and now you'll suffer the con-" The Coelacanth is interrupted by Eris shooting a dark lightning bolt at him. Her eyes turn completely black as she continuously strikes him until he finally has enough of it and lets out a yell, knocking her and Peter back while also powering up his clones.
Peter's vision blurred. He heared a voice in his head. "Sleep child. This is not the end. When you awake you will be stronger. Greater. The Spider inside you is ready to come forth completely." The voice ushered Peter deep into unconsciousness. Musicnotes Musicnotes
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Upon getting within a foot of Sasha, the shield is hit with a heavy telekinetic blast that sends it flying into the air. "Almost done rewiring." Makoto fired upon the clone again as he dodges the shield only to be cut on his arm by it "GAH!"
(Rage should recognize thit being an alright thing for Peter. Say his had been through this and came out the other side with his organic webs and stingers)
Upon getting within a foot of Sasha, the shield is hit with a heavy telekinetic blast that sends it flying into the air. "Almost done rewiring." Makoto fired upon the clone again as he dodges the shield only to be cut on his arm by it "GAH!"
The shields fade out and another one spawns in front of the clone which he immediately throws at Makoto.
Peter's vision blurred. He heared a voice in his head. "Sleep child. This is not the end. When you awake you will be stronger. Greater. The Spider inside you is ready to come forth completely." The voice ushered Peter deep into unconsciousness
Eris and The Coelacanth take turns exchanging shots with each other. While Eris was more precise with her strikes, The Coelacanth's wider arsenal gives him the advantage as he has more abilities to use.
"I'm Makoto Takanuchi, but my hero name in my old world is Rage of Infinity." He then reached through and grabbed the teenager, pulling him through the portal.
"Good to meet you." He nods. The teenager tried running away as soon as he was free from the frog. "Last time I get my friends to help me buy a pet " apollo turned tossing a light disc. It hit the teen, making a bubble around him. "Sorry but we will still need to talk to you."
The Coelacanth's shout powers the clone up, causing it and the gauntlets to glow red. It shrugs off the bullets and throws a punch at the air. A second later, the force from the punch reaches Hunter's face.

Peter's vision blurred. He heared a voice in his head. "Sleep child. This is not the end. When you awake you will be stronger. Greater. The Spider inside you is ready to come forth completely." The voice ushered Peter deep into unconsciousness. Musicnotes Musicnotes
Hunter got hit in the face and sent back. She heard the sound of a crack. "Ah."

Maddy had moved herself to watch the fight. "No.. I need to help them." She still held her hand on the part of her chest where she was stabbed. It still hurt like hell. She went for the door to go back outside.
Hunter got hit in the face and sent back. She heard the sound of a crack. "Ah."

Maddy had moved herself to watch the fight. "No.. I need to help them." She still held her hand on the part of her chest where she was stabbed. It still hurt like hell. She went for the door to go back outside.
Peter was on thr ground. Unconcious.
Hunter got hit in the face and sent back. She heard the sound of a crack. "Ah."

Maddy had moved herself to watch the fight. "No.. I need to help them." She still held her hand on the part of her chest where she was stabbed. It still hurt like hell. She went for the door to go back outside.
"Looks like you have a choice to make, my dear descendant. You can either keep fighting me as your friends die, or you can protect them, knowing that you won't stand a chance against me." The Coelacanth said.

"Shut up!" Eris yelled as she knocked him back. Then, she looked at the clone that was attacking Hunter and marked it with the same outline of darkness that she marked the original with.

This time, when the clone threw a punch at Hunter, she could see that it was just an illusion and the clone was actually running directly at her, attempting to strike. Meanwhile, Eris had also used her powers to strengthen Hunter's bow and arrows.

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