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Fandom Superheros and Villains

The girl jumped to another roof top before stopping, she created two skeletons.
Following after the girl Crysta notices that the girl has stopped but beforehand she seems to create to skeletons. Crysta then stops in her tracks coating her body in a transparent crystal armor that could only be seen up close if the light was shining on it and sees what thr girl does next.
Following after the girl Crysta notices that the girl has stopped but beforehand she seems to create to skeletons. Crysta then stops in her tracks coating her body in a transparent crystal armor that could only be seen up close if the light was shining on it and sees what thr girl does next.
"Alright you two go get the stuff on this list while I go see a friend." She smiled handing the two a list before she continued to another roof top. The skeletons made chattering noises to themselves looking over the list.
"Alright you two go get the stuff on this list while I go see a friend." She smiled handing the two a list before she continued to another roof top. The skeletons made chattering noises to themselves looking over the list.
Seeing this Crysta crosses her arms and thinks for a moment, she still wasn't entirely sure if the girl was actually doing anything wrong or just had a creative way of completing her shopping list, but she supposed she could just findout and apologize if she was wrong later. She took note of the direction the girl was going, she could have gone after her but decided that maybe getting the list from the skeletons was more important then she could see what she wanted. "God I hope it's not a grocery list...or should I be hoping it is? Being hero is confusing sometimes" It was bit tricky to attack skeletons they didn't have any vital organs or anything, she aassumed she could probably break them apart, but to be on the safe side she created two crystal needles, about as thick and long as a broom handle but sharp at the ends. She carefully takes aim having the element of surprise and then she fires at them aiming to take their heads off.
Seeing this Crysta crosses her arms and thinks for a moment, she still wasn't entirely sure if the girl was actually doing anything wrong or just had a creative way of completing her shopping list, but she supposed she could just findout and apologize if she was wrong later. She took note of the direction the girl was going, she could have gone after her but decided that maybe getting the list from the skeletons was more important then she could see what she wanted. "God I hope it's not a grocery list...or should I be hoping it is? Being hero is confusing sometimes" It was bit tricky to attack skeletons they didn't have any vital organs or anything, she aassumed she could probably break them apart, but to be on the safe side she created two crystal needles, about as thick and long as a broom handle but sharp at the ends. She carefully takes aim having the element of surprise and then she fires at them aiming to take their heads off.
When the crystal needles hit thier heads, the rest of thier body fell apart. just becoming two piles of bones. The list fell to the ground, it was titled Roxie's todo list. the list went Get a bed for Dante, get gold from secret stash and sell it, need rope, duct tape, and new knives. At the bottom of the list was stuff that was scribbled out and couldnt be read.
"Excuse me? No. I'm not. My name is Johnathan." He said. He pointed his wand at Watcher. "Sorry about this but the muggleworld isn't allowed to know about me. You've seen too much."
Dana laughed a bit. "um everyone knows about muggles and wizards. I use to read the books with my son. " Watcher smiled. "well Johnathan, I'm guessing you're far from home so if you got to do it, do it."
Dana laughed a bit. "um everyone knows about muggles and wizards. I use to read the books with my son. " Watcher smiled. "well Johnathan, I'm guessing you're far from home so if you got to do it, do it."
"Books?" "I'm definitely not in Hogsmead anymore am I?" He asked. "By the way Harry Potter is like 37 years old now. And I just finished my seventh year. House cup won and everything." He said. "Oh well. Guess that's just how it is." He looked at the Watcher. "Well mind telling me what this black stuff is?"
When the crystal needles hit thier heads, the rest of thier body fell apart. just becoming two piles of bones. The list fell to the ground, it was titled Roxie's todo list. the list went Get a bed for Dante, get gold from secret stash and sell it, need rope, duct tape, and new knives. At the bottom of the list was stuff that was scribbled out and couldnt be read.

After the skeletons were down, Crysta took a look at the list and began to scratch her head, unfortunately this list didn't make the girl's intentions anymore clear, some of the items on the to-do list seemed fairly normal, until you got down to the rope, duct tape and knives. Now she could have been looking at this all wrong but she'd watched enough TV to know that those were usually murder kit items. Then again she might have needed new knives for her kitchen. She sighed and used her powers to create crystal contacts over her eyes to create a sort of telescope effect to help her see further, it hadn't been long since the girl set off from the skeletons so she should have still been in sight...hopefully.
"This is gonna be really awkward if this is really just a to-do list"
"Books?" "I'm definitely not in Hogsmead anymore am I?" He asked. "By the way Harry Potter is like 37 years old now. And I just finished my seventh year. House cup won and everything." He said. "Oh well. Guess that's just how it is." He looked at the Watcher. "Well mind telling me what this black stuff is?"
"It is a symbiote. It tried to take me over." He said. Dana smiled. "Really he is 37 now? Hmm interesting. Yeah you're not in Hogsmead. You are right outside of our HQ."
After the skeletons were down, Crysta took a look at the list and began to scratch her head, unfortunately this list didn't make the girl's intentions anymore clear, some of the items on the to-do list seemed fairly normal, until you got down to the rope, duct tape and knives. Now she could have been looking at this all wrong but she'd watched enough TV to know that those were usually murder kit items. Then again she might have needed new knives for her kitchen. She sighed and used her powers to create crystal contacts over her eyes to create a sort of telescope effect to help her see further, it hadn't been long since the girl set off from the skeletons so she should have still been in sight...hopefully. "This is gonna be really awkward if this is really just a to-do list"
The girl was in sight. She jumped down from a roof, landing on a window edge. She tapped the glass before someone opened it and she went inside.
The girl was in sight. She jumped down from a roof, landing on a window edge. She tapped the glass before someone opened it and she went inside.

Crysta followed after the girl jumping from roof to roof until she reached the building where the girl had stopped at the window. She didn't just want to go in a tackle the girl if she hadn't done anything wrong...then again if she hadn't she might be pissed when her Skeletons didn't come back with her stuff. Crysta makes a small crystal mirror and makes it float down in front if the window the girl had just entered, using her crystal telescope contact lenses she looked in the reflection of the mirror to try and see what the girl was doing inside of the building.
Crysta followed after the girl jumping from roof to roof until she reached the building where the girl had stopped at the window. She didn't just want to go in a tackle the girl if she hadn't done anything wrong...then again if she hadn't she might be pissed when her Skeletons didn't come back with her stuff. Crysta makes a small crystal mirror and makes it float down in front if the window the girl had just entered, using her crystal telescope contact lenses she looked in the reflection of the mirror to try and see what the girl was doing inside of the building.
The room was some sort of lab with something like pods on the wall where humans were growing. A man in a lab coat was talking with the girl. "Long time Roxie. What do you want?" Roxie smiled. "Cant I check on a friend. How is your army coming along?" He put his hands in his pocket. "Good. I took a batch of clones out early. They are only kids right now but I'm interested in seeing how thier powers are right now." She nods. "How long till you think the rest will be ready? I may need your help." He shrugged. "Soon hopefully. But you have an army of your own." Roxie rolled her eyes making a skeleton pop out of the ground. "They can be destroyed too easily. I need more muscle for my plans."
The room was some sort of lab with something like pods on the wall where humans were growing. A man in a lab coat was talking with the girl. "Long time Roxie. What do you want?" Roxie smiled. "Cant I check on a friend. How is your army coming along?" He put his hands in his pocket. "Good. I took a batch of clones out early. They are only kids right now but I'm interested in seeing how thier powers are right now." She nods. "How long till you think the rest will be ready? I may need your help." He shrugged. "Soon hopefully. But you have an army of your own." Roxie rolled her eyes making a skeleton pop out of the ground. "They can be destroyed too easily. I need more muscle for my plans."
"Well, I guess that's the upside to investigations, you always get to the bottom of things" Crysta pulls a black ninja mask up over her mouth and nose, her hood still on her head. A lot of things were up for debate today a few things were vague and questionable, but secret lab breeding a secret super powered army seemed anything but. She didn't see any possible way to misunderstand the situation sp she figured it was time to move in. She held her hand out towards the window with the element of surprise on her side using the mirror to see into the room she used her crystal manipulation to push the window into the building, splitting the window into many different pieces to surround the girl and the man inside. She then created a crystal platform to float down in front of the window "Now, I'm almost positive you're up to no good but...so we're clear, this is totally a totally top secret lab making super soldiers to take over the world or something right?"
"Well, I guess that's the upside to investigations, you always get to the bottom of things" Crysta pulls a black ninja mask up over her mouth and nose, her hood still on her head. A lot of things were up for debate today a few things were vague and questionable, but secret lab breeding a secret super powered army seemed anything but. She didn't see any possible way to misunderstand the situation sp she figured it was time to move in. She held her hand out towards the window with the element of surprise on her side using the mirror to see into the room she used her crystal manipulation to push the window into the building, splitting the window into many different pieces to surround the girl and the man inside. She then created a crystal platform to float down in front of the window "Now, I'm almost positive you're up to no good but...so we're clear, this is totally a totally top secret lab making super soldiers to take over the world or something right?"
"I already lost one lab and I just got this in order." The man said. Roxie made several skeletons. "I'm sure you already have a escape route Wolf. I'll have some of my skeletons get your kids." Some of the skeletons ran to the door. Wolf looked at Roxie. "Well you are right about that. Let's deal with this hero."
"I already lost one lab and I just got this in order." The man said. Roxie made several skeletons. "I'm sure you already have a escape route Wolf. I'll have some of my skeletons get your kids." Some of the skeletons ran to the door. Wolf looked at Roxie. "Well you are right about that. Let's deal with this hero."
" Ah, up to no good it is then" Crysta sees the skeletons run to the door, she probably could habe gone after them but the real villains were right in front of her and she was sure if she best them, that would stop the skeletons. Using her powers of crystal manipulation she turned the glass shards that she used to surround them into thick marbles, then bringing her hands together she sent there marbles shooting at them like bebes in the hopes of knocking them out or at least battering them as a distraction so she could come up with something else.
"It is a symbiote. It tried to take me over." He said. Dana smiled. "Really he is 37 now? Hmm interesting. Yeah you're not in Hogsmead. You are right outside of our HQ."
He looked at her. "Okay." He said. "Symbiote. Like from those comic books?" He asked. (In thisn
world the comics don't exist because Marvel heroes already did) "Comics?" Spidey said. "Guess in this world my world is just works of fiction... And vice versa."
" Ah, up to no good it is then" Crysta sees the skeletons run to the door, she probably could habe gone after them but the real villains were right in front of her and she was sure if she best them, that would stop the skeletons. Using her powers of crystal manipulation she turned the glass shards that she used to surround them into thick marbles, then bringing her hands together she sent there marbles shooting at them like bebes in the hopes of knocking them out or at least battering them as a distraction so she could come up with something else.
Roxie was quick making a bone come out of the ground, she held it like a bat and started swinging at the marbles. Wolf just ran toward his computer, getting hit by the marbles and was typing quickly. Roxie turned to Wolf. "So where do you want my skeletons to take the kids?" He turned to her, still typing. "Remember my first lab? Before those heroes destroyed it? I can still make use of the equipment."
He looked at her. "Okay." He said. "Symbiote. Like from those comic books?" He asked. (In thisn
world the comics don't exist because Marvel heroes already did) "Comics?" Spidey said. "Guess in this world my world is just works of fiction... And vice versa."
"Hello Spider-man. Nice to see your still here." Dana said. Watcher smiled. "guess so. We better get the thing inside."
Roxie was quick making a bone come out of the ground, she held it like a bat and started swinging at the marbles. Wolf just ran toward his computer, getting hit by the marbles and was typing quickly. Roxie turned to Wolf. "So where do you want my skeletons to take the kids?" He turned to her, still typing. "Remember my first lab? Before those heroes destroyed it? I can still make use of the equipment."
The marbles didn't seem to be working so she had to come up with something else, thinking quickly she focused her powers on the glass marbles, thinking of a specific pattern, she repeated it over and over again in her mind until the marbles turned into obsidian colored gems and manipulated their shape so they'd be more rough and jagged. She had turned the glass marbles into flint crystals. She squoze her hands together to apply pressure to the gems and quickly made them circle around the two villains. Scraping against each other quickly the crystals made sparks, one after another in succession to heat rhe crystals when the crystals started to emmit electricity, pelting them with glass marbles didn't seem to do much but a good shock should definitely do something.
"Hello Spider-man. Nice to see your still here." Dana said. Watcher smiled. "guess so. We better get the thing inside."
"Hey I have more first hand experience than any of you what the goo does." He said. "I'm sticking around till it's locked up."
The marbles didn't seem to be working so she had to come up with something else, thinking quickly she focused her powers on the glass marbles, thinking of a specific pattern, she repeated it over and over again in her mind until the marbles turned into obsidian colored gems and manipulated their shape so they'd be more rough and jagged. She had turned the glass marbles into flint crystals. She squoze her hands together to apply pressure to the gems and quickly made them circle around the two villains. Scraping against each other quickly the crystals made sparks, one after another in succession to heat rhe crystals when the crystals started to emmit electricity, pelting them with glass marbles didn't seem to do much but a good shock should definitely do something.
Wolf pressed a button on the computer, the pods of the wall detached before they flew off by rockets that were attacked, they blasted through the ceiling. He smiled and saw the sparks. "Got a way out of here Roxie?" Roxie pulled out her phone. "I might."
"Then come on then." Watcher got out of the car. "You coming too Johnathan?"
"Um... Sure." He said. He pointed at his robes and muttered something under his breath. The hufflepuff robes turned into a large yellow trenchcoat. Underneath he wore a solid black T-Shirt and Jeans.
"Um... Sure." He said. He pointed at his robes and muttered something under his breath. The hufflepuff robes turned into a large yellow trenchcoat. Underneath he wore a solid black T-Shirt and Jeans.
Watcher smiled and grabbed the symbiote. He headed inside. "You still have to see the medics Dana." She looked at him. "You got shocked too." He chuckled. "i have on my suit. You don't."
Watcher smiled and grabbed the symbiote. He headed inside. "You still have to see the medics Dana." She looked at him. "You got shocked too." He chuckled. "i have on my suit. You don't."
John pointed his wand at her. "Episkey." Her wonds felt very cold then very hot. And then theu were gone completely.

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