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Fandom Superheros and Villains

The document read as follows
"Our efforts with the help of the heroes has been highly successful. Order 66 will commence shortly after our victory over the Hatless Army. Once the last of the Hatless have been terminated, we will move on to exterminate all SE sensitive individuals and individuals who have come into contact. The heroes who reside with Dru shall be exterminated and their souls ensnared in the orb so as to prevent further exposure of SE to the world. Deletion of all archives and termination of all members will follow. Makoto Takanuchi and his allies are a top priority, terminate them by any means necessary."
The document then listed plans of how to kill everyone in the family.

A large spike coming out of the arm of an agent from behind her impaled her stomach. "COMMENCE THE ORDER!" The agent shouted "MADDY!" Joey yelled before firing a plasma bolt, cutting the spike
Dash was shocked and actually stopped he then looked at Joey with indignation "why didn't you tell us?! Why did-" but he cut off when he heard Joey shout and saw Maddy get stabbed. Zadock was amazed at how fast they were in combat and he shot spirit fire at the atatcker burning his soul.
Dash was shocked and actually stopped he then looked at Joey with indignation "why didn't you tell us?! Why did-" but he cut off when he heard Joey shout and saw Maddy get stabbed. Zadock was amazed at how fast they were in combat and he shot spirit fire at the atatcker burning his soul.
Joey then tossed Zadock a black orb "Use the orb to trap their souls! Killing them makes them stronger! Kill then trap!" He said as he ran over to Maddy "The magic word is Kemlak!"
"AH!" Maddy screamed out. Her body already worked on trying to heal her. Allyson held up her shield. "It's trap!"
Joey then removed the spike from her body "You should head back home, this fight will be too much for you." He said as he held her, keeping her from harm.
Dash was shocked and actually stopped he then looked at Joey with indignation "why didn't you tell us?! Why did-" but he cut off when he heard Joey shout and saw Maddy get stabbed. Zadock was amazed at how fast they were in combat and he shot spirit fire at the atatcker burning his soul.
Joey then tossed Zadock a black orb "Use the orb to trap their souls! Killing them makes them stronger! Kill then trap!" He said as he ran over to Maddy "The magic word is Kemlak!"

Joey then removed the spike from her body "You should head back home, this fight will be too much for you." He said as he held her, keeping her from harm.
Kala looked over at Joey as he spoke about trapping the souls. "I have just the thing." She snapped her fingers and a couple bank rag dolls were in her hands. "A little bit of voodoo might help."

Maddy forced her body to heal itself fast. "No Joey. I'm here to fight."
"So when will you turn me back?" She asked

She kept working in her room, working on her newest scheme.

"The more you ask, the longer it will take me to decide, and if you bug me enough ill change you into a bug and squash you" Rebecca replied bluntly

Wisp and Dante remained asleep
Kala looked over at Joey as he spoke about trapping the souls. "I have just the thing." She snapped her fingers and a couple bank rag dolls were in her hands. "A little bit of voodoo might help."

Maddy forced her body to heal itself fast. "No Joey. I'm here to fight."
"That'll wo-" A whip then wrapped around his neck and pulled him away from the group "HOLD NOTHING BACK!"
Joey then tossed Zadock a black orb "Use the orb to trap their souls! Killing them makes them stronger! Kill then trap!" He said as he ran over to Maddy "The magic word is Kemlak!"

Joey then removed the spike from her body "You should head back home, this fight will be too much for you." He said as he held her, keeping her from harm.
"That'll wo-" A whip then wrapped around his neck and pulled him away from the group "HOLD NOTHING BACK!"
Zadock caught the ball and said "Kill!" He blasted 3 troops with decaying energy causing their bodies to start to fail "Kemlak." He trapped their souls and he moved closer to Kala "between the two of us we should hold them back long enough."
"No you will not." She said and punched the agent.
She took the punch and just cracked her knuckles "I was hoping for a punch worth getting." She then punched Maddy in the face, breaking her nose. "What will give in first? Your healing abilities or my energy?"
Zadock caught the ball and said "Kill!" He blasted 3 troops with decaying energy causing their bodies to start to fail "Kemlak." He trapped their souls and he moved closer to Kala "between the two of us we should hold them back long enough."
Five more agents appeared. One was a speedster that tried to flank Zadock from the left. The other four charged at them with blades at the ready.
Zadock caught the ball and said "Kill!" He blasted 3 troops with decaying energy causing their bodies to start to fail "Kemlak." He trapped their souls and he moved closer to Kala "between the two of us we should hold them back long enough."
She took the punch and just cracked her knuckles "I was hoping for a punch worth getting." She then punched Maddy in the face, breaking her nose. "What will give in first? Your healing abilities or my energy?"

Five more agents appeared. One was a speedster that tried to flank Zadock from the left. The other four charged at them with blades at the ready.
Kala looked at Zadock and nodded. "Yep." She muttered a spell as she made her blank dolls float so her hands would be free. Her shadow went over to the four charging them and tried to take thier knives.

Allyson held her shield up to protect herself with one hand while her other hand held a blaster.

Maddy's eyes turned to her wolf eyes. "You really don't want to mess with a wolf you know." She didn't change but her eyes stayed yellow as she growled. She drawed up from her spirit energy to power her next punch, hitting the agent on the right side of her face.
She took the punch and just cracked her knuckles "I was hoping for a punch worth getting." She then punched Maddy in the face, breaking her nose. "What will give in first? Your healing abilities or my energy?"

Five more agents appeared. One was a speedster that tried to flank Zadock from the left. The other four charged at them with blades at the ready.
Kala looked at Zadock and nodded. "Yep." She muttered a spell as she made her blank dolls float so her hands would be free. Her shadow went over to the four charging them and tried to take thier knives.

Allyson held her shield up to protect herself with one hand while her other hand held a blaster.

Maddy's eyes turned to her wolf eyes. "You really don't want to mess with a wolf you know." She didn't change but her eyes stayed yellow as she growled. She drawed up from her spirit energy to power her next punch, hitting the agent on the right side of her face.
Zadock could faintly see the speedster but he didn't need to worry too much because dash was there fighting with the speedster.

Zadock frowned and began launching potent blasts of magic at the attackers aiming to cripple them and make them easier to finish off. One or two got close enough to Zadock that he pulled don't his sword and began to fight them.
Kala looked at Zadock and nodded. "Yep." She muttered a spell as she made her blank dolls float so her hands would be free. Her shadow went over to the four charging them and tried to take thier knives.

Allyson held her shield up to protect herself with one hand while her other hand held a blaster.

Maddy's eyes turned to her wolf eyes. "You really don't want to mess with a wolf you know." She didn't change but her eyes stayed yellow as she growled. She drawed up from her spirit energy to power her next punch, hitting the agent on the right side of her face.
Their blades disappeared into thin air and reappeared in their hands, they kept charging

Agents one by one fell as they fired back with guns to take down Allyson's shield

With one clear punch, Maddy had broken the agent's face. Teeth came out of her mouth covered in blood "You... bitch." Suddenly a cigarette pack slid across the floor in front of Maddy. There was a note that said "Smoke me!-Love, Joey" From the shadows where Joey was pulled, a green smoke began to fill the room.

Zadock could faintly see the speedster but he didn't need to worry too much because dash was there fighting with the speedster.

Zadock frowned and began launching potent blasts of magic at the attackers aiming to cripple them and make them easier to finish off. One or two got close enough to Zadock that he pulled don't his sword and began to fight them.
The speedster began trading blows with Dash

The attackers fought with their blades as more agents tried to strike from behind. Some threw debris of the headquarters while others used firearms.
Zadock could faintly see the speedster but he didn't need to worry too much because dash was there fighting with the speedster.

Zadock frowned and began launching potent blasts of magic at the attackers aiming to cripple them and make them easier to finish off. One or two got close enough to Zadock that he pulled don't his sword and began to fight them.

Their blades disappeared into thin air and reappeared in their hands, they kept charging

Agents one by one fell as they fired back with guns to take down Allyson's shield

With one clear punch, Maddy had broken the agent's face. Teeth came out of her mouth covered in blood "You... bitch." Suddenly a cigarette pack slid across the floor in front of Maddy. There was a note that said "Smoke me!-Love, Joey" From the shadows where Joey was pulled, a green smoke began to fill the room.

The speedster began trading blows with Dash

The attackers fought with their blades as more agents tried to strike from behind. Some threw debris of the headquarters while others used firearms.
Kala begun trapping the souls when she noticed the smoke. "Green smoke?"

"You need something stronger to take this down!" Allyson shouted holding up her shield.

Maddy reached down and picked up the pack, the note made her think of Alice in Wonderland with the bottle that said drink me. "Joey I dont carry a lighter I don't smoke."
Their blades disappeared into thin air and reappeared in their hands, they kept charging

Agents one by one fell as they fired back with guns to take down Allyson's shield

With one clear punch, Maddy had broken the agent's face. Teeth came out of her mouth covered in blood "You... bitch." Suddenly a cigarette pack slid across the floor in front of Maddy. There was a note that said "Smoke me!-Love, Joey" From the shadows where Joey was pulled, a green smoke began to fill the room.

The speedster began trading blows with Dash

The attackers fought with their blades as more agents tried to strike from behind. Some threw debris of the headquarters while others used firearms.
Undead began to join the fight covering the few openings Zadock was leaving. He was constantly taking in souls and used his blades to push back his nearest attackers before summoning 24 toned men with shields swords and spears. The Spartoi were elite fighters who had been long dead on most Earth's but Zadock had found some pieces of them to make these zombies. The Spartoi moved as a single entity attacking and defending with ease pressing the agents back.

Dash smiled as he attached and dodged, it had been so long since he had fought someone near his speed and this guy was good. They were running all over the room running on almost every surface constantly in motion.

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