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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Jei sighs and nods. "When I was a kid, my father used to beat me and my mother. It went on for years. I always wondered why my mother didn't try to leave him. She would just smile at me and tell me everything will be okay. But, she was wrong. A few months ago...he killed her. That was when my ability went out of control. That's why my ability is a curse. If I can't control my emotions, I can't control it."
"I'm sorry you have to go through that. Yeah I've seen similar things when emotions are tied to people's powers. " he looked at her. "I'm not going to tell you it will get better, hell it might be worse but my family can't there for you if you want. We're not perfect either. We are assassins...well former assassins now. My sister and cousin decided to end the business. Deals were made with the heroes and we get a second chance. "
Eden rubbed her eyes as she looked at Jackson "Like me how?" She asked

Meanwhile at the entrance to Avengers tower, a car pulled up. One of Makoto's thugs opened the back door and helped Makoto into a wheelchair. He then put a blanket over Makoto's legs and approached the front door.
"I have powers kind of like yours." He said.

It was unlocked. A gaurd showed them to the evlevator.
"I'm sorry you have to go through that. Yeah I've seen similar things when emotions are tied to people's powers. " he looked at her. "I'm not going to tell you it will get better, hell it might be worse but my family can't there for you if you want. We're not perfect either. We are assassins...well former assassins now. My sister and cousin decided to end the business. Deals were made with the heroes and we get a second chance. "
Jei finally looks at him. She sniffles and wipes her eyes. "Thank you, Eric. I really appreciate how kind you and your family have been to me and being perfect is overrated. Your family is perfect in my eyes."
"You have nanomachines too?" Eden asked

Makoto was wheeled over to the elevator. He took out his phone and sent a text. The thug looked at the guard "Is there gun policy in Avengers tower?"
"Not on the higher floors. We're going to the top." He said. "It'd be a bad idea to try anything in the heart of avenger's HQ." He said

Jackson held out his hand transformed it into metal. "I do. Mine can do all kinds of things besides transform me." He let his nanites come out swirling in the air as a inky swirly self containted whirlpool
Jei finally looks at him. She sniffles and wipes her eyes. "Thank you, Eric. I really appreciate how kind you and your family have been to me and being perfect is overrated. Your family is perfect in my eyes."
Eric laughed. "Still wanna eat pizza, other option is we could go get icecream?"
"Not on the higher floors. We're going to the top." He said. "It'd be a bad idea to try anything in the heart of avenger's HQ." He said

Jackson held out his hand transformed it into metal. "I do. Mine can do all kinds of things besides transform me." He let his nanites come out swirling in the air as a inky swirly self containted whirlpool
"Pretty sure a gun won't be effective her Desmond." Makoto said "I didn't even bother coming here armed." They entered the elevator and stopped halfway. James then entered the elevator "So you found her huh?" Makoto nodded "So Jackson. I heard about the explosion and such." James smirked "Experimental medicine that resulted in death. A tale as old as time."

Eden held out her hand ad her nails turned into solid gold. "Mine can only transform."
"Pretty sure a gun won't be effective her Desmond." Makoto said "I didn't even bother coming here armed." They entered the elevator and stopped halfway. James then entered the elevator "So you found her huh?" Makoto nodded "So Jackson. I heard about the explosion and such." James smirked "Experimental medicine that resulted in death. A tale as old as time."

Eden held out her hand ad her nails turned into solid gold. "Mine can only transform."
Jackson looked at James. "I was 15. It was seven years ago. I'm... Well its not something you really get over. But I'm ok with it.' he turned his attention hack to her. "That's really cool Eden." He said. "Hey. You think you and I can be friends?" He held out his hand for a high five
Jackson looked at James. "I was 15. It was seven years ago. I'm... Well its not something you really get over. But I'm ok with it.' he turned his attention hack to her. "That's really cool Eden." He said. "Hey. You think you and I can be friends?" He held out his hand for a high five
James, Makoto and the thug shrieked in horror as they were still in the elevator and just witnessed Jackson teleport behind them "AAAAAAAAAAAH!" They all said (They weren't at the top floor yet. Elevator stopped halfway up to pick up James.)

Eden gave Jackson a light high five "Where is that guy who saved me?"
James, Makoto and the thug shrieked in horror as they were still in the elevator and just witnessed Jackson teleport behind them "AAAAAAAAAAAH!" They all said (They weren't at the top floor yet. Elevator stopped halfway up to pick up James.)

Eden gave Jackson a light high five "Where is that guy who saved me?"
(Oops forget that then)

"I'm sure he's on his way." Jackson said.
(Oops forget that then)

"I'm sure he's on his way." Jackson said.
The door opened and Makoto was wheeled in with James "Wheelchair?" Cap said "Of course. Makoto has a healing factor but it's slow. Regrowing an arm takes him a week or two without meds to accelerate the process." James said walking behind Makoto. Eden smiled at Jackson and Makoto
(I'm not sure if this is still open, but I'll leave this here anyway jic!)

Hero or villain or neutral
Georgie Mayz
Code name:
Sweet Mirage (or Mirage)

(no drawing atp, so description is all I have)

A tall, tan-skin overweight crossdresser with long, messy locks of black hair that obscure the eyes, and an always-present lopsided grin on his face.
He wears a long black dress that drags along the ground, a pair of black elbow-length gloves, and a bright pink boa around his shoulders.

Hallucination (illusions) - Mirage can cast life-like illusions with his pink psychic smoke. He relies on cigarettes to focus his powers.
Mirage can manipulate how he and reality around him is perceived almost flawlessly, a feat he's achieved with years of frequently making himself hallucinate.

Mental disruption or unconsciousness - His illusions can be broken if his mental concentration is disrupted or he's rendered unconscious.
Cigarette Dependency - Mirage relies on cigarettes to focus his powers. Without his cigarettes, his abilities are nullified.
Overexertion - Excessive use of or extremely prolonged illusions are physically taxing, causing him nosebleeds, intense headaches, and even temporary brain damage.

Born Georgie Mayz, Mirage was once a street urchin who had dreams of being a star. Given his unfortunate station in life, such a thing would remain just that - a dream.
But after being exposed to chemical waste disposed from a superhero entertainment company, he developed the ability to cast horrific illusions on and around him.
With years of practice, he has finely attuned his powers, adopting the alias of "Sweet Mirage".

Now, as a man, Mirage is ready to achieve his dreams of stardom.
No matter the price.
(It is but there's a link on the first post yo the CS thread post it there and delete this one)
The door opened and Makoto was wheeled in with James "Wheelchair?" Cap said "Of course. Makoto has a healing factor but it's slow. Regrowing an arm takes him a week or two without meds to accelerate the process." James said walking behind Makoto. Eden smiled at Jackson and Makoto
Jackson stood up and looked them. "Makoto. I've heard about you from some friends. I'm going to start out the gate by saying this." He held out his hand. "Nice to meet you. No matter how this vote turns out I'm sure either one of us will do our best to take good care of her." His smile was genuine. Whatever he had or hadn't heard about Makoto didn't seem to matter to him. It was clear Jackson was the type to believe the best in others
Jackson stood up and looked them. "Makoto. I've heard about you from some friends. I'm going to start out the gate by saying this." He held out his hand. "Nice to meet you. No matter how this vote turns out I'm sure either one of us will do our best to take good care of her." His smile was genuine. Whatever he had or hadn't heard about Makoto didn't seem to matter to him. It was clear Jackson was the type to believe the best in others
Makoto held out his hand slowly. His grip was rather weak. Makoto looked up at Jackson "I'm sure both of us will make sure she is taken care of." Makoto looked at Eden and exhaled. He then took off his mask without inhaling and James poured a weird green liquid into Makoto's mouth. Makoto swallowed and after a few seconds he began breathing again. "So... shall we begin?" He then smiled. His teeth were razor sharp and his cheeks were marked from wearing the mask "I assume you all want to hear Jackson's defense and my defense or you want to jump straight into the voting?"
Makoto held out his hand slowly. His grip was rather weak. Makoto looked up at Jackson "I'm sure both of us will make sure she is taken care of." Makoto looked at Eden and exhaled. He then took off his mask without inhaling and James poured a weird green liquid into Makoto's mouth. Makoto swallowed and after a few seconds he began breathing again. "So... shall we begin?" He then smiled. His teeth were razor sharp and his cheeks were marked from wearing the mask "I assume you all want to hear Jackson's defense and my defense or you want to jump straight into the voting?"
"I don't have one." Jackson said. "I want the kids safe, healthy and happy. I promise to do my best on all those fronts. Either way as long as I can meet her to help her control her abilities I'm good."
"I don't have one." Jackson said. "I want the kids safe, healthy and happy. I promise to do my best on all those fronts. Either way as long as I can meet her to help her control her abilities I'm good."
Makoto looked at Tony and the others "Well my defense is this. I was made in a lab. The very man who made me is James Coppernicus. Eden herself was made as well. I know what it's like to live a life where your destiny is determined. Where you feel you have no choice in life. That's why I'm trying to advocate for myself. I know what I do, but I believe people should have the choice to hold a gun or not. War is not a place for a child."
Makoto looked at Tony and the others "Well my defense is this. I was made in a lab. The very man who made me is James Coppernicus. Eden herself was made as well. I know what it's like to live a life where your destiny is determined. Where you feel you have no choice in life. That's why I'm trying to advocate for myself. I know what I do, but I believe people should have the choice to hold a gun or not. War is not a place for a child."
Tony looked at Jackson almost pleading for him to come up with a better defense than what he gave. Jackson arched an eyebrow. "Извините, er sorry." He said having to force his nanites to reset his language back to english. "Sorry Tony, but I know what I stand for. I can promise that I won't make a criminal or a hero of her unless she chooses too but sounds like Makoto is in that same boat. You want me to use the not-a-criminal defense, but I don't think it matters of Makoto's a mobster if he treats her well." Jackson said.

"If Mr. Lake is not going to offer up any more defense. Perhapse... May I speak on his behalf?" Vision asked.
Tony looked at Jackson almost pleading for him to come up with a better defense than what he gave. Jackson arched an eyebrow. "Извините, er sorry." He said having to force his nanites to reset his language back to english. "Sorry Tony, but I know what I stand for. I can promise that I won't make a criminal or a hero of her unless she chooses too but sounds like Makoto is in that same boat. You want me to use the not-a-criminal defense, but I don't think it matters of Makoto's a mobster if he treats her well." Jackson said.

"If Mr. Lake is not going to offer up any more defense. Perhapse... May I speak on his behalf?" Vision asked.
Makoto nodded "Please do. I understand the whole criminal argument, however I work outside the reaches of government, which gives me the perk of independence. In doing so, my men all over the world and private workers are doing their best to remove any potential mentions of Eden as a bioweapon. My connection with the Russian government also allows us to grant her a false identity. In a week, she'll have a birth certificate, passport, and even death certificates for family members that never existed or knew her." He looked at Vision "But all arguments are necessary for a proper democracy."
Eric nods. "Then ice cream it is." He starts walking.
Jei follows alongside him and studies his face silently. She smiles softly, slowly slipping her hand into his. Maybe she didn't need to change herself. Maybe she just needed to change her scenery.
Makoto nodded "Please do. I understand the whole criminal argument, however I work outside the reaches of government, which gives me the perk of independence. In doing so, my men all over the world and private workers are doing their best to remove any potential mentions of Eden as a bioweapon. My connection with the Russian government also allows us to grant her a false identity. In a week, she'll have a birth certificate, passport, and even death certificates for family members that never existed or knew her." He looked at Vision "But all arguments are necessary for a proper democracy."
"Jackson, though not altered at birth, has undergone his own experimental changes, and those changes have been both manipulated and exploited. While he may lack the same resources to shield her knowledge from discovery as you possess, it is beyond question that he holds the raw power necessary to protect her, should unsavory forces seek her out. Moreover, Mr. Lake remains notably unaffiliated with the entanglements of either the heroic or criminal realms that those present here find themselves immersed in. While he has collaborated with the Avengers and the Hero League in the past, he has since relinquished his Hero League membership and declined offers of affiliation from both the Justice League and the Avengers. It is conceivable, then, that under his care, she would face the least likelihood of becoming embroiled in either world." Vision said. "I appreciate the weight of this decision and the merits of both parties, but I believe that Jackson is logically and morally the best option for her.

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