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Fandom Superheros and Villains

The shield agent ran a background check and sent it to Peter. It was a bio weapon made by an independent mob boss. The lab in Alaska was blown up and the scientists were killed. The weapon was a human mutated with parts of Doomsday's DNA.
"Great because Doomsday wasn't a pain in the butt the first time." Peter contacted the Hero League. "Dana, is my Blue Ring still safe?" Musicnotes Musicnotes
"Great because Doomsday wasn't a pain in the butt the first time." Peter contacted the Hero League. "Dana, is my Blue Ring still safe?" Musicnotes Musicnotes
"The others were easy but this guy... is something else. How many times did you fail to kill him in the danger room Makoto?" "27" Makoto shrugged "Then we really need to find a way to destroy this guy. So far the cyanide mixture has been keeping him sleeping but it isn't easy hiding barrels of cyanide from the government or the heroes. Acid doesn't work easily and freezing him achieved nothing." James sighed "Why is everyone so hell bent on making the ultimate life form?"
"The others were easy but this guy... is something else. How many times did you fail to kill him in the danger room Makoto?" "27" Makoto shrugged "Then we really need to find a way to destroy this guy. So far the cyanide mixture has been keeping him sleeping but it isn't easy hiding barrels of cyanide from the government or the heroes. Acid doesn't work easily and freezing him achieved nothing." James sighed "Why is everyone so hell bent on making the ultimate life form?"
Peter sent out message to fury. Until a permanent solution to this thing was foind this particular lab and operations had to be left alone.
"Wonder if they sell root beer here." Tyson said unseriously.
Hunter laughed."I dont think so." She walked in. At the counter was a being made entirely of rags. He had buttons for eyes. "Hi Stitches" the ragman waved. The room had several shelves full of herbs and other ingredients, pre made potions had their own section. There was a few magic books in one of the corners.
Hunter laughed."I dont think so." She walked in. At the counter was a being made entirely of rags. He had buttons for eyes. "Hi Stitches" the ragman waved. The room had several shelves full of herbs and other ingredients, pre made potions had their own section. There was a few magic books in one of the corners.
Tyson ventures through the store. "Whoa....cool."
On the wall there was also list of prices for things like blessings or enchantments. Hunter smiled. "Yeah it is. Maddy told me about this place. A friend of hers runs it. She is some kind of witch doctor /retired hero. "
"A witch doctor? That's interesting." Tyson said curiously. "I might have to try out some of this stuff."
Peter sent out message to fury. Until a permanent solution to this thing was foind this particular lab and operations had to be left alone.
"So have we tried liquid kryptonite?" Makoto asked "we don't have enough... that's where you come in." James replied and turned to Makoto. Makoto stood up as he adjusted his mask "No way,a good old fashioned robbery?" James nodded "Yay! I'll grab Sasha and her siblings! Who is the target?"
"So have we tried liquid kryptonite?" Makoto asked "we don't have enough... that's where you come in." James replied and turned to Makoto. Makoto stood up as he adjusted his mask "No way,a good old fashioned robbery?" James nodded "Yay! I'll grab Sasha and her siblings! Who is the target?"
Peter kept listening. He couldn't let anyone get hurt
Peter kept listening. He couldn't let anyone get hurt
"Mob boss in the Balkans. It's rumored he is using kryptonite to run experiments for the Chinese." James handed Makoto a file "details in the file. Uncle Sam says no survivors." Makoto cheered "WOOHOO! OVERTIME!" "Plane flight is tonight. Business class as usual." James then handed Makoto a red vial.
"A witch doctor? That's interesting." Tyson said curiously. "I might have to try out some of this stuff."
"If you're looking for something specific just ask Stitches" she said pointing to the rag man. "Is Kala and her shadow out? " stitches took out a chalk board and wrote "in a meeting "
"Mob boss in the Balkans. It's rumored he is using kryptonite to run experiments for the Chinese." James handed Makoto a file "details in the file. Uncle Sam says no survivors." Makoto cheered "WOOHOO! OVERTIME!" "Plane flight is tonight. Business class as usual." James then handed Makoto a red vial.
He sent this to Fury. "What does he mean Uncle Sam?"
"Possibly CIA or FBI. Sometimes the state wants to believe they operate free of SHIELD and we occasionally have to remind them who is boss. Guess the president needs a spanking."
Peter nodded. "Right so what's the plan? We let them go through with their heist and kill the thing or do we get the Kryptonite ourselves."
Peter nodded. "Right so what's the plan? We let them go through with their heist and kill the thing or do we get the Kryptonite ourselves."
"How comfortable are you with people dying?" Fury asked

James brought out a weird military looking suit "one more thing Makoto, Chameleon is ready." The suit then turned invisible "kinda looks like Snake's in Metal Gear Solid 1." Makoto said "It has built in thermal padding to keep you from dying of frostbite, and is even waterproof for swimming. However being cold blooded you can only last up to 5 minutes before you go unconscious. Your gear will be delivered on site."
"How comfortable are you with people dying?" Fury asked

James brought out a weird military looking suit "one more thing Makoto, Chameleon is ready." The suit then turned invisible "kinda looks like Snake's in Metal Gear Solid 1." Makoto said "It has built in thermal padding to keep you from dying of frostbite, and is even waterproof for swimming. However being cold blooded you can only last up to 5 minutes before you go unconscious. Your gear will be delivered on site."
"Uh not super." Peter said as he watched. "Hey they've got chameleon tech." He said. "Looks like their planning to sneak in and kill everyone."

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