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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"I can not. " Alexander said. Alex sighs looking at Killian. "I dont know. Allyson and mom say the future changes. It's not always what they think. That vision.. it's so vague. No real idea when or where.."

“Then what do we do about him?” She asked pointing to Alexander
“Then what do we do about him?” She asked pointing to Alexander
"I can leave. I wasnt planning on staying here long." Alexander said. Alex nods. "Your choice I wont make you leave." Alexander put his hands in his pocket as he stood back up. He looked at the two of them, seeing how they were worried about one another, seeing how much they cared and loved one another. Even if they haven't shown the most affection while in front of him Alexander knew. his eyes seemed to have a look of longing as if a part of him wished he had that. "I'll go. I'm just glad to see one of us is finally getting a happy ending. First one I've seen." He starts heading out of the room. Something about how Alexander said that would echo in Killian's mind. Alexs dont get happy endings.
"I can leave. I wasnt planning on staying here long." Alexander said. Alex nods. "Your choice I wont make you leave." Alexander put his hands in his pocket as he stood back up. He looked at the two of them, seeing how they were worried about one another, seeing how much they cared and loved one another. Even if they haven't shown the most affection while in front of him Alexander knew. his eyes seemed to have a look of longing as if a part of him wished he had that. "I'll go. I'm just glad to see one of us is finally getting a happy ending. First one I've seen." He starts heading out of the room. Something about how Alexander said that would echo in Killian's mind. Alexs dont get happy endings.

“Huh?” Killian looked at Alexander as he left than looked back at Alex “did you hear that echo?”
"Who has a Piece of Eden, they exist in my Universe too" LW said as he appeared out of nowhere from his VTOL

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