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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Guess I'm not the only one who wanted to get away from the city." Stella said to herself.
The Tent was large, for one person, and was made out of a sheet of metal, a symbol graced the front of the tent, as well as an entrance that looked like a faux door
The Tent was large, for one person, and was made out of a sheet of metal, a symbol graced the front of the tent, as well as an entrance that looked like a faux door
Stella tilted her head at the symbol on the tent. She took out a notebook from her bag and sketched the symbol out.
Neil stepped back as the barrier form. He nods hearing Aurora's warning. He makes the water form a barrier around himself. Artemis got an arrow and prepared to shoot at the mage.
Jasmine reinforces Neil's barrier.

Robby starts charging his axe. "Alright. I'm gonna break that barrier, and then the coast will be clear to shoot him down!" He runs at the mage and slams his axe into the barrier, destroying it.
Jasmine reinforces Neil's barrier.

Robby starts charging his axe. "Alright. I'm gonna break that barrier, and then the coast will be clear to shoot him down!" He runs at the mage and slams his axe into the barrier, destroying it.
Hunter nods at Artemis who nods in return. The two sent off thier arrows. Hunter's was a stardust arrow while Artemis had a normal one
“For the time being, yes, but sadly my own memories of them are vanishing as well, so pretty soon I won’t even remember them” she replied
"That is really sad. " Alexander looked down unsure of how he would feel if he would forget his love ones. "I'm going to assume any time you write about them it vanishes as well?"

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