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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"No hes a friend. Trust me when I first met him I didnt trust him either." Alex said. Alexander smiled. "Had a vision and thought you needed to see it Alex. Though I didnt see you had a friend? Girlfriend? Here. Hmm that doesnt happen to us often. " Alex chuckled blushing slightly. "Yeah just kind of happened "

Killian just looked at Alexander before grabbing Alex’s arm “yes it just kind of happened, And I’m happy for it” she smiled at Alex but still remained skeptical of Alexander
Instinctively, the mage freezes the water orb. The mage blocks the arrow with an ice wall. Then, he tries to freeze Robby, but Jasmine blocks the attack with her shield, causing it to completely freeze. Robby then takes the frozen shield and chucks it into the ice wall, shattering it.
"This guy is good." Neil said. The now ice orb shattered as Neil moved his hand a bit. The remaining water that didnt freeze went back to him. Hunter got a few more flames arrows ready. She handed a few to Artemis.
Killian just looked at Alexander before grabbing Alex’s arm “yes it just kind of happened, And I’m happy for it” she smiled at Alex but still remained skeptical of Alexander
"That's good. Nice to see one of us happy for once." Alexander smiled. Alex nods. "So how did you know to come here to show me? I know you guys arnt suppose to get visions from other universes" Alexander shrugged as he went back over the couch and sat down. "Just a feeling I guess. Saw you in it for a second and figured you should see it"
"That's good. Nice to see one of us happy for once." Alexander smiled. Alex nods. "So how did you know to come here to show me? I know you guys arnt suppose to get visions from other universes" Alexander shrugged as he went back over the couch and sat down. "Just a feeling I guess. Saw you in it for a second and figured you should see it"

“And what does this vision entail?” Killian asked curiously
"This guy is good." Neil said. The now ice orb shattered as Neil moved his hand a bit. The remaining water that didnt freeze went back to him. Hunter got a few more flames arrows ready. She handed a few to Artemis.
The mage staggers back a bit before sending out more ice shards.
“And what does this vision entail?” Killian asked curiously
Alexander looked at her straight in the eyes. Her vision went white before images started to form and the scene played.

There was what looked like a make shift arena in some sort of warehouse. There was the sounds of people cheering and booing. There was a large man with a smirk on his face as he was fighting Alex. Alex's armor had change to make him appear normal, like how he liked to look around the house and city. He looked angry as he was breathing heavily, wiping some blood from his mouth. He was glaring at someone in the crowd. "Where is she.."

Her vision changed back to white and ended. Alexander's way of sharing visions was different than Allysons. He didnt have to touch them and he didnt seem to have to focus much or zone out to do it.
Alexander looked at her straight in the eyes. Her vision went white before images started to form and the scene played.

There was what looked like a make shift arena in some sort of warehouse. There was the sounds of people cheering and booing. There was a large man with a smirk on his face as he was fighting Alex. Alex's armor had change to make him appear normal, like how he liked to look around the house and city. He looked angry as he was breathing heavily, wiping some blood from his mouth. He was glaring at someone in the crowd. "Where is she.."

Her vision changed back to white and ended. Alexander's way of sharing visions was different than Allysons. He didnt have to touch them and he didnt seem to have to focus much or zone out to do it.

“What was that? What did you do to me!?” Killian asked, clearly disturbed by what she saw
Alex looked at her. "Killy you ok? "

"You wanted to know what was in the vision. I just played it back" Alexander said.

She looked at Alex “I… I don’t know…” she replied looking at him with a concerned expression.

“Could you be any more vague? There was absolutely no details in that vision, are you trying to confuse us?” She asked Alexander
She looked at Alex “I… I don’t know…” she replied looking at him with a concerned expression.

“Could you be any more vague? There was absolutely no details in that vision, are you trying to confuse us?” She asked Alexander
"Look that's what I saw. Visions are not always clear. " Alexander said.

Alex frowned. He placed a hand on her shoulder.

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