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Fandom Superheros and Villains

alex aimed his cannon arm and shot the invisible clone who on impact turned back to visible. The Golden guard chuckled. "Hmm you girl I have no info on."

“And you never will!” She shouted from below before a steel girder was thrown through the floor, crushing the once invisible clone into the concrete roof above him
“And you never will!” She shouted from below before a steel girder was thrown through the floor, crushing the once invisible clone into the concrete roof above him
"Hmm you sure about that? I have ways to find things out " the golden guard said dodging as Alex tried to shoot him.
"They're gonna go all out for us for the wedding. I'm sure of it." Tyson said in between bites. While they're eating, the Captain and Vice captain can be seen a distance away, carrying Ka'imi with them.
Hunter stopped eating, noticing the captain and vice captain. "That doesnt look good"
“The feeling is mutual pal” she replied and went to hit him in the face with enough force to knock him out
His face gained a metal coating. "Nice try" there was some kind of mist starting to build up around them. Alex looked around hearing footsteps coming thier way. "I guess hes got more clones coming"
His face gained a metal coating. "Nice try" there was some kind of mist starting to build up around them. Alex looked around hearing footsteps coming thier way. "I guess hes got more clones coming"

“Alright, let’s get ready for them” she replied before punching gold mask in the mask hard enough to dent it inward
"We're not sure." He answered. "We were walking through the forest when we came across her like this. Hopefully it isn't too serious."
"Hopefully she is. She seemed okay earlier. " she said thinking a minute. "Maybe it was just the stress from the attack earlier. " Hunter gave a small smile. "Well I'm going to go back to having a meal with my fiance. You guys keep on doing your job." She went back toward the restaurant, her smile changed to a more serious look.
“Alright, let’s get ready for them” she replied before punching gold mask in the mask hard enough to dent it inward
The mask got the dent. Alex turned his heat scanner on as the mist got thicker, blocking thier vision."Killian watch out" he shot at a clone that was about to attack her.
"Hopefully she is. She seemed okay earlier. " she said thinking a minute. "Maybe it was just the stress from the attack earlier. " Hunter gave a small smile. "Well I'm going to go back to having a meal with my fiance. You guys keep on doing your job." She went back toward the restaurant, her smile changed to a more serious look.
"What happened" Tyson asked as he had finished boxing up the food.

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