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Fandom Superheros and Villains

A few rounds pierced her body before she turned her skin back into scales. “Insolent fools!” She growled and walked forward and grabbed Munin and brought her between them. “Now cease your attack Hugin” she orderd
-Hugin continued firing at Cinder and even at Munin. Munin however even began punching the woman as the bullets from Hugin's weaponry peirced into her back-
-Hugin continued firing at Cinder and even at Munin. Munin however even began punching the woman as the bullets from Hugin's weaponry peirced into her back-

Munin’s futile attacks did nothing against Cinders scales, she changed hands and was now holding Munin by the throat before Cinder walked up to Hugin, while enduring the weapon fire which of course just bounced off her skin, grabbed her by the throat as well “guess it’s time to take you two in, and see what happens”
Vickie stood there stunned, her cheeks slowly turning red “wh…what are you doing?!” She asked as she pushed against him, but her strength was nonexistent

After 10 minutes she comes back with a menu “are you ready sir Oz?” She asked

“Yeah, there are some of us that know how she feels” Jenny replied “hey you know that was mostly due to N.M.E.” Rebecca responded
" Hoping that the you I got to know is still in there." He said still hugging her. "I'm sorry"

"Sure" he took the menu.

"I know. This never has happened before. We use to remember everything" marina spoke.
Munin’s futile attacks did nothing against Cinders scales, she changed hands and was now holding Munin by the throat before Cinder walked up to Hugin, while enduring the weapon fire which of course just bounced off her skin, grabbed her by the throat as well “guess it’s time to take you two in, and see what happens”
-the 2 looked at each other and nodded. suddenly they flew into the air with her. the 2 then both threw a punch towards her throat in order to push her off
"Tell me where your at. I'll be there" she said
Nikolai: "the Sahara! We might need some kind og energy weapon to break past doc's shi-" -an explosion was heard on the other side of the line- "BACK BLAST CLEAR SUKA! IT"S CALLED BACK BLAST FOR A REASON!....Soory about that Miss Natasha but yes my soldiers and I are still in the Sahara"
" Hoping that the you I got to know is still in there." He said still hugging her. "I'm sorry"

"Sure" he took the menu.

"I know. This never has happened before. We use to remember everything" marina spoke.

“No! This is illogical, how can you hope to defeat my Ai with petty human emotions!?” Vickie protested, her face still flush with embarrassment as vickie still tried to push away but continued to fail. “Your almost there Alex, I can tell the Ai is failing, just a little more!” Lily confirmed as she tended to Allyson

“So you didn’t want to bring Fate today?” Wisp asked

“Well maybe this witch doctor might shed some light” Rebecca replied
Loren went to the local public bathroom to get in uniform. He slips on what seems to be an military uniform spray-painted black, a black helmet, and some googles and mask to hide his face. When Loren walked into the bathroom, only Mortal walked out.
Police cars with sirens blasting drove pass the area, heading toward the bank.
-the 2 looked at each other and nodded. suddenly they flew into the air with her. the 2 then both threw a punch towards her throat in order to push her off

Nikolai: "the Sahara! We might need some kind og energy weapon to break past doc's shi-" -an explosion was heard on the other side of the line- "BACK BLAST CLEAR SUKA! IT"S CALLED BACK BLAST FOR A REASON!....Soory about that Miss Natasha but yes my soldiers and I are still in the Sahara"

Their hands cracked against Cinders scales “honestly I thought you two would’ve learned from this bout, nothing can pierce my scales!” She growled as wings sprouted from her back and she headed towards Edgewood
Their hands cracked against Cinders scales “honestly I thought you two would’ve learned from this bout, nothing can pierce my scales!” She growled as wings sprouted from her back and she headed towards Edgewood
Hugin: "Sister Munin this is quite embarrassing...would our higher ups disassemble us if we do this?"

Munin: "Only one way to find out sister..."

-their bodies sudden flew apart and flew through the air. Their bodies shifted around and formed into aircraft both traveling downwards-

Hugin and Munin.jpg
“No! This is illogical, how can you hope to defeat my Ai with petty human emotions!?” Vickie protested, her face still flush with embarrassment as vickie still tried to push away but continued to fail. “Your almost there Alex, I can tell the Ai is failing, just a little more!” Lily confirmed as she tended to Allyson

“So you didn’t want to bring Fate today?” Wisp asked

“Well maybe this witch doctor might shed some light” Rebecca replied
Allyson sat against the wall. "I'll be Okay Lily." Alex smiled. "Because your human Vickie and your emotions prove it."

"Shes busy." He answered. "Wisp.. I'm gonna be real with you. None of this is real."

"Maybe" livia said. "Let's go."
-the 2 looked at each other and nodded. suddenly they flew into the air with her. the 2 then both threw a punch towards her throat in order to push her off

Nikolai: "the Sahara! We might need some kind og energy weapon to break past doc's shi-" -an explosion was heard on the other side of the line- "BACK BLAST CLEAR SUKA! IT"S CALLED BACK BLAST FOR A REASON!....Soory about that Miss Natasha but yes my soldiers and I are still in the Sahara"
"The Sahara got it. I'll be there soon" she hung up.
Hugin: "Sister Munin this is quite embarrassing...would our higher ups disassemble us if we do this?"

Munin: "Only one way to find out sister..."

-their bodies sudden flew apart and flew through the air. Their bodies shifted around and formed into aircraft both traveling downwards-

View attachment 1079906

Cinder sighed “just like children” she stopped both the jets in mid air with magic and flew down to their level “is there anything else you two would like to try before finally giving up?” She asked
Allyson sat against the wall. "I'll be Okay Lily." Alex smiled. "Because your human Vickie and your emotions prove it."

"Shes busy." He answered. "Wisp.. I'm gonna be real with you. None of this is real."

"Maybe" livia said. "Let's go."

“No, I’m the AI, the human you know is gone, you’ll never get her back, no matter what you do to me” she protested, her pushing back had nearly stopped as she just stared into his eyes

“What do you mean?” She asked with confusion

The three of them nodded and they all went to find the witch doctor (so I’m guessing at this point she looks what? 4 months along?)
Police cars with sirens blasting drove pass the area, heading toward the bank.
Loren (Mortal) took note of the sirens and slowly made his way to the bank. It is a possibility that the police had the situation already taken care of but Mortal is gonna investigate it anyway. He has been doing this gig for around two weeks and haven't stopped a crime or solved a case yet. Apparently, trying to stop a crime before anyone else is really difficult. Mortal looked up towards the starless sky with the moon shining down on him. He's been seeing the moon a lot more recently, usually the moon is blocked by clouds the entire night as far as he remembered.

Mortal takes a deep breath before continuing his trek towards the bank, trying not to be seen.
“No, I’m the AI, the human you know is gone, you’ll never get her back, no matter what you do to me” she protested, her pushing back had nearly stopped as she just stared into his eyes

“What do you mean?” She asked with confusion

The three of them nodded and they all went to find the witch doctor (so I’m guessing at this point she looks what? 4 months along?)
"You really think I believe that." Alex chuckled. "The human mind is a powerful thing. I know your in there Vickie."

"Well I'm currently on the moon with Fate and a few other heroes. We were searching the base and I found you." He said.

(Probably) livia knew the way to Kala's store. Kala was setting some potions on a shelf. She smiled. "Its been awhile. Pleasure to see you all. "
Loren (Mortal) took note of the sirens and slowly made his way to the bank. It is a possibility that the police had the situation already taken care of but Mortal is gonna investigate it anyway. He has been doing this gig for around two weeks and haven't stopped a crime or solved a case yet. Apparently, trying to stop a crime before anyone else is really difficult. Mortal looked up towards the starless sky with the moon shining down on him. He's been seeing the moon a lot more recently, usually the moon is blocked by clouds the entire night as far as he remembered.

Mortal takes a deep breath before continuing his trek towards the bank, trying not to be seen.
The police didnt notice, they were too busy talking about the situation. A group of gun men were holding the tellers and some citizens hostage.
Eddie woke up, having died countless times as a result of the mad experiments, currently he was strapped to a table, wires were strapped to his body and a robotic arm held a syringe full of a bubbling red liquid.

Smiler stood in the observation area, he was surrounded by switches and controls; he was disappointed none of his tests had any results on his adversary but this next one held more promise.
"You really think I believe that." Alex chuckled. "The human mind is a powerful thing. I know your in there Vickie."

"Well I'm currently on the moon with Fate and a few other heroes. We were searching the base and I found you." He said.

(Probably) livia knew the way to Kala's store. Kala was setting some potions on a shelf. She smiled. "Its been awhile. Pleasure to see you all. "

Alex could see into her through her eyes, he could see that the AI was holding on, trying to stay in control but failing. Vickie leaned in closer while still staring into his eyes.

“What?” Was all she could say

“Kala” James nodded
The police didnt notice, they were too busy talking about the situation. A group of gun men were holding the tellers and some citizens hostage.
Mortal assessed the situation at hand. He know better than to try to fight multiple armed criminals, at least at once. He sneaks around to the back entrance of the bank.
Cinder sighed “just like children” she stopped both the jets in mid air with magic and flew down to their level “is there anything else you two would like to try before finally giving up?” She asked
H and M: "You could let us go and allow us to resume our slaughter? it is quite fun" -the 2 spoke in unison-
"The Sahara got it. I'll be there soon" she hung up.
Nikolai: "Please hurry I think I saw him readying a weapon of some kind...."
H and M: "You could let us go and allow us to resume our slaughter? it is quite fun" -the 2 spoke in unison-

Nikolai: "Please hurry I think I saw him readying a weapon of some kind...."

“That won’t even remotely work, but let’s get you to the hero league, I’m sure Diane would like to see you two in cages” she chuckled

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