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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Vickie took the shot and turned around as her body quickly replied the damage “So your back to normal now huh? How pathetic, no matter I’ll have you dead soon too” she replied as she hit Allyson shield one final time smashing it and her into the wall denting it in the process

“I’ll be back to take your food order in a bit” wisp smiled

James sighed
Allyson got pushed back into the wall. "Ow" alex went over to Vickie. "This isnt you. I'm sorry I made you turn back to this. I liked the other you better. I'm sure she is still in there" he hugs her.

Oz nods. "Okay."

"How about we go see the witch doctor? Maybe she might know if the pregnancy is related to Sera and Marina losing thier memories " livia said
Stella just watched silently.
Out stepped several people, a man in torn combat gear, a boy in a black jumpsuit carrying several odd gadgets, a transparent man in a trench coat, and someone wearing a green Deadpool suit.
(Alright I'm think I'm ready, anything I should know before I begin? Like, what time is it right now?)
(Alright I'm think I'm ready, anything I should know before I begin? Like, what time is it right now?)
(Time can vary right now for some people. I could give you a little recap of this world and a couple current events. I just am about to leave for work so I would have to post it later or one of my other friends might post something)
(Time can vary right now for some people. I could give you a little recap of this world and a couple current events. I just am about to leave for work so I would have to post it later or one of my other friends might post something)
Yeah I would really appreciate a recap please.
Allyson got pushed back into the wall. "Ow" alex went over to Vickie. "This isnt you. I'm sorry I made you turn back to this. I liked the other you better. I'm sure she is still in there" he hugs her.

Oz nods. "Okay."

"How about we go see the witch doctor? Maybe she might know if the pregnancy is related to Sera and Marina losing thier memories " livia said

Vickie stood there stunned, her cheeks slowly turning red “wh…what are you doing?!” She asked as she pushed against him, but her strength was nonexistent

After 10 minutes she comes back with a menu “are you ready sir Oz?” She asked

“Yeah, there are some of us that know how she feels” Jenny replied “hey you know that was mostly due to N.M.E.” Rebecca responded
"monster is the term my people gave ourselves. in my world its not a shameful thing to be a monster. it's simply what we are." Hs said. "in the case of your context, i don't believe in monsters, i believe in people and their capacity for food snd evil."

“Yeah, even if their time period is their excuse?” She asked looking at him
Yeah I would really appreciate a recap please.
(Alright so basically the world is pretty much the marvel universe and it has gotten combined with DC. We also have characters from like video games and the like because of like cracks they fell through. The main city is Edgewood Utah and it is home to the hero league.

As of right now we can something going on on the moon, some chaos in Disney World, and that's the main stuff at the moment. If you want help finding a starting point let me know and I can try to come up with something)
(Alright so basically the world is pretty much the marvel universe and it has gotten combined with DC. We also have characters from like video games and the like because of like cracks they fell through. The main city is Edgewood Utah and it is home to the hero league.

As of right now we can something going on on the moon, some chaos in Disney World, and that's the main stuff at the moment. If you want help finding a starting point let me know and I can try to come up with something)

(Well I have a brand new character to use now, lol)
-overhead in New York, 2 figures flew over and landed on the ground. they observed the people around them...and scowled. their hand began to shift into 30mm GAU auto Cannons. the 2 then began their slaughter of the people around them seeming to show no emotion when doing so-
-overhead in New York, 2 figures flew over and landed on the ground. they observed the people around them...and scowled. their hand began to shift into 30mm GAU auto Cannons. the 2 then began their slaughter of the people around them seeming to show no emotion when doing so-

Cinder just happened to be nearby in the museum of natural history, looking at the exhibit for King Arthur and the knights of the round table “if only we could be together my love, I miss you so much” she sighed as her hand fell to her waist and gripped the hilt of the sword that hung there.

Cinder then heard the commotion from outside and ran out to investigate
Cinder just happened to be nearby in the museum of natural history, looking at the exhibit for King Arthur and the knights of the round table “if only we could be together my love, I miss you so much” she sighed as her hand fell to her waist and gripped the hilt of the sword that hung there.

Cinder then heard the commotion from outside and ran out to investigate
Hugin and Munin both stood fired missiles into a armoured truck. Munin went over and began gathering the money as Hugin just kept on with the slaughter-

Munin: "Sister how much was needed for our upgrades again? I would like to have the proclaimed "stealth coating" from our creators"

Hugin: "A few more bags sister....grab a few more" -Hugin slowly squeezed a womans neck breaking it-

Munin: "Hugin why do you still slaughter?"

Hugin: "...It is what humans call..."fun".
Hugin and Munin both stood fired missiles into a armoured truck. Munin went over and began gathering the money as Hugin just kept on with the slaughter-

Munin: "Sister how much was needed for our upgrades again? I would like to have the proclaimed "stealth coating" from our creators"

Hugin: "A few more bags sister....grab a few more" -Hugin slowly squeezed a womans neck breaking it-

Munin: "Hugin why do you still slaughter?"

Hugin: "...It is what humans call..."fun".

Cinder used her magic to constrain the two sisters “I demand you cease your actions” she replied as she held them both in place as she approached the two
Cinder used her magic to constrain the two sisters “I demand you cease your actions” she replied as she held them both in place as she approached the two
Hugin remained in place and seem to struggle to move. he same applied for Munin who was also struglling-

Munin: "We've not time for this creature....." -her back opened up a bit and fires a small missile out towards cinder-
Hugin remained in place and seem to struggle to move. he same applied for Munin who was also struglling-

Munin: "We've not time for this creature....." -her back opened up a bit and fires a small missile out towards cinder-

The missile slowed and soon stopped short of hitting cinder “oh dear, does Odin know what you two have been up to?” She sighed and grabbed the missile “well, whether he knows or not, you two need to be punished” she replied throwing the missile back and it detonating between the two
-Hugin flew back towards the street as Munin flew into the armoured truck...Hugin arose and has part of her amr and face missing revealing...or atleast what was left of biological matter-

Hugin: "Thr-thr-threat detected.....Dragon hybrid...." -she stood up and fired her auto cannon at her as Munin stood up as well
(Ok I'm gonna begin. I think Loren's starting point is in the main city inside his apartment.)

Loren was laying on his bed contemplating something. A couple minutes pass before he finally decided on something. He grabbed a backpack full of clothing before heading out.
-Hugin flew back towards the street as Munin flew into the armoured truck...Hugin arose and has part of her amr and face missing revealing...or atleast what was left of biological matter-

Hugin: "Thr-thr-threat detected.....Dragon hybrid...." -she stood up and fired her auto cannon at her as Munin stood up as well

A few rounds pierced her body before she turned her skin back into scales. “Insolent fools!” She growled and walked forward and grabbed Munin and brought her between them. “Now cease your attack Hugin” she orderd
Loren walks the streets until he found a safe to place to change his clothes.
Hero or villain or neutral: Chaotic Neutral.

name: Amarin Toff (some call him Toff, some call him Rin.)

Code name: Glass Cannon.

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Appearance: Has fluffy and curly brown hair, with a small Y shaped scar under his right eye from when he was young. About 5,9 and has warm hazel eyes.

Powers/abilities: Glass. Basically, he is made of glass. Now, normally this would be weak, but whenever he shatters, his body naturally pulls itself together. From an outside objective, it appears as though a part of his body shatters, and the shards fly, before freezing in mid air and returning back to place. The more extreme the shatter, the longer it takes to reform. (An arm is almost instantaneous, however torso below, he'd probably be in a pile on the floor for at least 15-20 seconds. Normally it would be no inconvenience, but in fast paced combat against an intelligent enemy, it's extremely detrimental. Physical bludgeoning and beatings have no effect making him quite strong when he actually chooses to employ it. It also allows him to hit with greater force, and he can use his unique properties in a lotta creative ways. Shards of himself can't go through objects like wood and steel. He can also absorb glass to increase his body mass temporarily, however doing so is really painful.

Weapons(optional): N/A

Weaknesses: If exposed to extreme heat, he will melt. He can't return into a humanoid form unless someone breaks him after he melts.

He can be broken up into pieces and kept on crates, unable to reform.

He is weak to psychic assaults, and if someone were to shatter his head, he would lose consciousness temporarily while his head reformed.

Backstory(optional): Just a normal dude. Been dumped four times, and his parents divorced when he was 12. He currently runs a nightshift at a local convenience store, yet due to the lack of customers he often ends up sleeping. He jokes, "I get paid to sleep."

Other info(optional): he Lazy 💀
(Sorry if this is the wrong thread I couldn't find the cc-)

Loren went to the local public bathroom to get in uniform. He slips on what seems to be an military uniform spray-painted black, a black helmet, and some googles and mask to hide his face. When Loren walked into the bathroom, only Mortal walked out.

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